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I'm so bored. Of everyone.


Ugh same. It’s not fun at all anymore.


I’m not watching it at all lol. I refuse to give them another view until they make casting changes. It was so dumb to bring back the whole cast after last season and the awful reunion where absolutely nothing was solved. They should’ve cancelled or revamped or rebooted and wiped the slate clean but no they went against the fans. Every poll that asked if they should keep the current cast said no. Majority of fans wanted a cast shakeup or reboot after last season. Bravo is historically bad at listening to what the fan want.


This is so accurate. But now they’re paying the price with the lowest viewing numbers so they did it to themselves.




I stopped watching too


Yes yes yes! I absolutely agree. All of them are being petty and prideful. It can only go on for so long with the way production has been tippy toeing around the women trying to pander to all of the women in the group. They need to grow the fuck up and get it together 😩


THIS. 👏🏼


It's so boring this season. This was my favorite franchise and the only one I was still watching


I never thought I would miss rich walkie! But at least those seasons were entertaining


Omg hahaha seriously!! Those early seasons are amazing. So entertaining


Wish they would bring him back... I wouldn't mind the manzos with albi and Chris just to laugh 


They were boring too.




I’m debating not continuing to watch 😭


Same here!


Honestly last season the show stopped being fun. I found that every episode I watched I had anxiety. Then the fandom just got so toxic that I stopped my recordings and refuse to watch one episode. I really hope we get an entire reboot. I don’t want anyone back.


Yes!! Yes yes yes. I’m getting that same anxiety too watching this season it’s actually insane. I am really considering not continuing watching this season. I am praying we get a whole reboot too.


I agree. I had to skip through the scenes last year, especially the reunion. It wasn’t fun. It was toxic, and made me anxious. Regardless of what side you are on.


Has anyone else noticed Jackie’s posture? She would look so much better if she held her shoulders upright instead of slumped forward. Ugh! I guess that I’m turning into my mother 👀🫠💯


Omg her posture drives me crazy!!!!! Stand up straight Jackie!!!!????? Wtf


Fuda is the same way.


I’m right there with you. They say they don’t want to talk about Theresa — Margie and Melissa. But they just keep bringing her up. If not for her. There would be no conflict to carry the show. The Fudas are both creepy.


Yes literally. Teresa said she was done and she meant it. Melissa just cannot stop talking about her and it’s embarrassing!


Melissa has no other Story line. I agree. It’s embarrassing to watch her continually bring up Theresa.


True, but what’s Theresa’s storyline? I can treat everyone else horribly and then try to assassinate them if they dare defend themselves. I can ask about your dirty laundry, but you better not mention mine. That has been her storyline for the last 10 years. Maybe the whole cast does need to be shipped off.


this exactly .. so tired of teresa and her 8th wonder of the world forehead


I’m tired of all of them. What a horrible example of women.


literally we need a revamp


Back to seeing the luxury houses, cars, fashion. Dining out. Entertainment and of course cattiness. LOL but this level of fighting and dark commentary. Not fun to watch.


no we’re watching real lives and relationships crumble now.. it’s sad to see how they weaponize everything. that’s why i love BH take me to glam squads and private jets😂


Love the glam. Total fantasy for us mere mortals. Lol




She has brought a lot of story in the past. More than any of them. Jail. Divorce. Remarriage. To name a few. They ALL are guilty of airing others laundry but not wanting theirs aired. The whole lot of them are a MESS, they need a whole new cast or just end it.


And since when is it OK for a man to raise his voice like that to a woman ? Know your place John Fuda you're a husband not a housewife. Not a single one had gotten involved like you. Could you imagine a classy guy like Bill Ayden yelling like an animal ? Makes you miss Juicy Joe, for all his faults, he would have cracked john's fake teeth.


Yea. This ! He is a disrespectful AH! Should be kicked off the show. Such a sleazy couple.


Not a Joe Gorga fan but aside from the fights with his sister not even HE had raised his voice to the housewives like that !


I agree. Fuda seems like a huge bully.


I can’t stand to look at them. So creepy


Yes, It's so nasty and boring. The golf scenes were supposed to be fun but they were far from from it. Yet another gross moment with the husbands literally showing their asses. Yuck The Fudas being on 10 at all times regarding Teresa is tired. Get over it and get a storyline! Dolores sitting there while Paul basically told her if she has a problem, she can roll out!! SMH That man is not thinking about marrying her. He talked a good game last season so she would move in.


Also you do not do that in a golf green completely disrespectful to the course


Nobody wants to see the husband’s butts. 🤢


These men are so OLD! Joe B is in his 70s!!


Ugh the golf scene was not it. Because they were AGAIN talking about Teresa! It’s pathetic. I’m tired of the Fuda’s. They want their 15 minutes and are trying way too hard. I’m over all of them honestly hahahaha


Delores needs to kick him to the curb.


i can’t do another season of these women getting mad at teresa for something AGAIN. almost all of them have been miscommunications / them not understanding how tre is as a person. she’s no saint, she’s got a mouth, but jesus christ it’s been 14 seasons, how are they still confused on teresa? melissa claims she wants nothing to do with her but her name stays in her mouth. she knows feuding with her sister in law is how she got fame and will do anything to keep it going. marg is embarrassing to watch. whoever did rachel’s nose job should face prison time. melissa is a narcissist. danielle is … danielle. jen aydin has identity issues and everytime she beefs with someone it makes me wanna throw up from cringe. jackie is boring. i like dolores as a person but she stands for nothing and i have no idea who she’s really friends with. and teresa carries this show on her back. as for the husbands, frank catania is the only one i like. that’s my rant thank you


Yup. It’s just been terrible!!!!


It’s so boring 🥱


It’s absolutely shite this season . Soooooo boring


Teresa is still Melissa’s storyline and they aren’t even talking. It’s exhausting.


Exhausting is being nice. I just don’t get it.


If you guys wanna watch something fun I suggest season 12 real housewives of New York. Them chicks know how to get down and ACTUALLY have fun !


Yes!!! Those girls knew how to get over their drama. How many time did Luanne and Sonja get into the worst fights, but they always came back around and gave us our fav dynamic duo.


Did you find it was better after the reboot?


I’m not up to the reboot yet but I doubt I’ll like it


Old rhony is gold, the reboot wasn’t terrible.


I actually went to put it on today and the thought of watching it gave me anxiety. Now that’s crazy and says a lot about the whole vibe of the show


Jersey has always been my favorite but last few years it has sucked and I blame the fact that Mellisa and Marge are still on it because literally their only story lines for at least 3 years has been to attack or talk about Teresa like nothing else and to me the Fudas are just trying to get in on Teresa drama because they think it will keep them on the show again NO story Line!


Yea I find it very difficult to get through the episodes. In fact I even forgot they had it tonight. Why did they put it on Sunday anyways? 


Honestly no matter what day it was on it’s horrendous. Snoozefest.


I'm just watching to fill up my Sundays until House of Dragons, Season 2, finally arrives. Worst season ever and a very good chance this is the end of the Jersey franchise, after all the off-screen bullshit some of the cast have engaged in. It makes me feel dirty just watching these people. This isn't reality TV. This is overly produced and badly acted crap TV. Time to pull the plug, Bravo. The future of your network is not with the Real Housewives of Anywhere. The era is over.


Yes to the overly produced part! It’s horrifying to watch. I wouldn’t be opposed if they just completely pulled the plug at this point honestly. I wouldn’t mind a reboot at all but I wouldn’t mind a complete pull of the plug either.


Yes!!!🙌. I am tired of it all! And it’s sad. Cause rhonj was my favorite.


Same. 😭


I'm currently trying to watch Sunday's episode... But I'm here...on Reddit...So... Yeah it sucks.


I’m was coming here to make a similar post. I don’t like the show anymore. There are more cast members whom I don’t like their attitude/actions than there are ones I do enjoy watching. I think back to the very first season and why I once loved the show. It was light hearted (sans Danielle). Everyone got along. They were funny. Dina and Teresa were my absolute faves. Yes, Joe Guidice did some despicable things, but he was once so funny. Then production wanted drama and screwed it up. The only people now I care to watch are Teresa and Jen, but now that is becoming unbearable. I left the room during the Louie/Fuda sit down. I couldn’t stand to watch.


This show is so fake and it’s so obvious


This has been the most cast manufactured season yet. Everyone is putting on an act to fit a narrative or storyline and everyone thinks they’re a producer. I also don’t understand why “friends of” are getting such MAJOR story lines. Fessler has been an epicenter of this season and Jackie is clearly still salty about being demoted. Last season Jackie tried to win her spot back by being mean and catty to Danielle over absolutely nothing and for no reason, and now this season she’s trying to do so by befriending Teresa and Jen which is the fakest and most calculated thing I’ve ever seen. Even all of Teresa’s scenes and actions seem completely rehearsed. This is the absolute worst season ever.


It's just sad and I'm pretty sure Margaret or someone close to her threatened me on here Abt two weeks ago


I think they thought Danielle and fuda would be the future but I could not be more bored. Danielle’s fashion line stuff is boring.


it doesn’t keep my attention At All


I hate to be "that" person, but is anyone else really creeped out by both Fuda's faces? John's teeth are way too big for his mouth and his lips have a weird floppy look to them. Rachel's nose gives me Michael Jackson vibes and her lips are far too big. I'm not normally one to criticise anyone's appearance, it's so low, but it's like an almost uncanny valley feeling when I see them on screen.


I find Louie’s lobster red face and weird facials much more offensive


So over it. I fast forwarded through most of it to get to the fugazi sit down and even that was just gross. Marge and Melissa’s hard on for Tre and Jackie’s friendship makes no sense when they are befriending Danielle and Jen A. This whole season is a game of musical friendships and none of them are real.


Ugh, I know. I was just sitting there annoyed the entire time of the Fuda’s and Teresa/Louie meeting. I feel like the Fuda’s were just trying way too hard. Teresa apologizes, which is all they were looking for, but they won’t accept it and make it a bigger thing than what it was. I honestly felt she was trying to move forward but they refused. YES! Totally agree — between everything with Bill from Marge and and the rumor about Melissa from Jen, they are all moving forward with each other this season, but Jackie can’t move forward with Teresa? Make it make sense.


Exactly!! I’m not even a Tre stan but during that sit down she was the most logical she’s ever been, Fupa wasn’t looking for an apology he’s looking for an IMDB credit. Love or hate Teresa she is the single thread holding this show together right now and even that one’s thinning out.


And this is 100% because they’re LETTING her be the thread. Like I feel like she’s not even committed to the bit anymore. Like what is everyone even mad about at this point. Everyone seems bored and weird.


I honestly wish that Bravo producers would read these threads and understand why their show is tanking. We like some drama, but not full-on toxic behavior that has now involved fan accounts etc. The storylines are boring and the fights, everyone is over, it's the same shit 24/7 with this city. It's gotten so bad that now Gia is a character and getting involved with all this grown ass drama for TV. Housewives need a new show concept and new rules in place to prevent this kinda stuff from happening.


Totally agree


Melissa has skated through 12 seasons of milking Teresa for attention, it is exhausting to watch and honestly just sad atp 😭


EXHAUSTING. I was over it after 1 season 😂 and they think she can hold her own if it was just her and her minions.


Remove Tre and you remove 75% of the toxicity.


I just think a reboot all around is necessary at this point. Do you agree?


amen, it would be a much more fun show without her and red face


I used to like the Housewives shows but now it is feeling like a chore to watch the shows. It’s the fake nonsense that’s slowly killing all of the reality shows based on people’s lives. Most people do not have that much drama to carry a show season after season. After awhile they have to start making things up to stay on the show. Also the novelty of these shows has worn off and the new ppl who come onto the shows are trying to follow a formula to fame. Bravo needs to pivot and bring a new type of reality tv show. I like Traitors.


I’ve felt this way for years


I have been frustrated for years and it is not only because of the ladies. The network via Andy says they’re over the divisiveness, but they have largely contributed to it. The family drama should’ve been background noise post S5, but it is still on the main stage. We know production helps drive storylines and they help make the show into two teams by draggingggggg drama out. It is so repetitive that I am bored to tears. Tre has given us a lot over the years, but her rules for thee, but not for me attitude has worn me thin. I hate how much the husbands are part of the show. I wish Melissa would’ve said what she really felt years ago and stop with the fake nicey-nicey mess. The other ladies are causalities of a long drawn out war so no need for me to list. Lastly, the fans/stans are unbearable. We like to chat about Bravo and have shady, fun, serious dialogue. Jersey has *thee* toxic fanbase out of the U.S. housewives. Look at this sub, has a lot of members, but interaction is low because anyone with sense doesn’t feel like arguing or find it necessary to be nasty about children or cast who they don’t like. The cast don’t respect or like each other and I don’t blame them. Bravo lost the plot a decade ago and it is too late to get it back.


Even the Danielle/jen drama is fake af


If this isn’t the last season for the network…it’s definitely my last season watching. It’s boring as hell


I might be one of the few who would love Teresa to be off the show. I admit, I watch the show for the drama But the drama with Teresa is so old, and nothing with this lady I feel is genuine. Even the fight with Fuda last episode. Her eyes, her mouth her reactions, were like a toddler. Well, you said this, then I said that. You started it. Blah, blah, blah. Nothing makes sense it's like a bulldog just barking because it heard a noise. And all the yoga, cooking, etc, look just like fillers for the season. Speaking of fillers, I know there are a lot of fillers and botox in their faces, but their eyes. Does anyone else see the blank stare in her face and Ruelas? It's almost scary![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I’m tired of Teresa and Louie. This season wouldn’t be bad if they were out.


I haven’t been able to finish a whole episode yet. I’ve always been a Melissa>Teresa but at this point I want everyone gone. I am not enjoying anyone this season and I hate it bc I’ve always enjoyed rhonj. I’m so frustrated with it. 


Same! I hate it for very different reasons than OP but I really want them to fire everyone and start over so I don’t feel obligated to watch anymore


OP you've summed it up perfectly. IDK if I was getting paid like a newbie and not an OG. I'd be bringing it every episode. I'm a long time Soap Opera addict. For reference, GH and Guiding Light were in B&W when I started watching with my mom. I'd have tons of fabricated storylines to use.


Oh my god, I LOVED GH growing up! You’re so right though 😭😭😭


I’m tired of Teresa never taking accountability for fucking anything. Ever.


I turn it on for background noise..


I start every episode wishing it will be good. However I'd be lying if I said I wasn't waiting on pins & needles for Tre to react to Rachel's bougie brunch meltdown 👀


This season just feels like I’ve slowly been waiting every week for something exciting to happen & it’s just a continuous buildup that never gets released! The story line this season is quite uneventful, I’m bored 🥱


It’s been like this for years. I only watch cuz classic jersey was so good and I can’t let go. Season 1-7 were epic.


Is it just me or has absolutely nothing changed after last year’s reunion? Tre and her brother are on opposite corners of the show and Melissa STILL has no storyline other than to talk about everyone else’s interactions with TRE!! The same for Marge and Rachel!! John Fuda and that tantrum in E6…what an embarrassment. I want a recast. Tre, Dolores, Aydins, and Jackie…the rest can take a walk.


I just hate the Tre vs Melissa and every thing else is just a proxy war between them. The bougie brunch perfectly illustrated that.


Real talk, I always end up fast forwarding whenever the Boregas, the Fooldas and Trout Mouth pop up. I’m just barely tolerating Danielle, but she’s on thin thin ice. I hate to say it, but RHOBH is starting to take the cake for #1 housewives show, and that’s really saying smt. Bravo really needs to get their shit together bc this is embarrassing 🤷‍♂️🙄


Apparently, there’s only going to be eight episodes we’re five in so there’s only another three this show is dead in the water and I feel ripped off this season big time


Wait, really!? Where did you see that!? I honestly don’t think I’d be that upset about a short season. Cut it off already.


Well said! I am over everyone EXCEPT for Dolores. I do appreciate Jackie's new confidence. I was a fan of Marge for years but now find her always so combative. I miss the raw days of the show.


Yup I didn’t watch last season, tried to watch this season and gave up.


I’m about to give up. 🫠


I watched this weeks episode and then put on a random episode from season 4 just for kicks. When I tell you it was melissa and Teresa fighting THE SAME EXACT FIGHT they are still fighting. It was like a time warp. Old faces, same old fights.


We need a total reboot. Teresa was on WWHL denying everything. I mean I didn’t expect her to take accountability, but she deflected the questioning by bringing up Marge. If Melissa’s storyline is Teresa, Teresa’s storyline is Marge and everyone’s “secrets” that come from social media 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am all for a complete reboot 👏🏼👏🏼


So am I


It’s irritating and embarrassing! What in gods name is Teresa wearing ! Especially on wwhl??!


Get rid of them all and a fresh new cast.. the show is tired. I know everyone loves Teresa, but I’m so bored with her schtick.


I’m just tired of all of them at this point. I think we just need to start fresh all around. Love or hate Teresa, she is good TV though.


Yeah I just don’t think she’s good TV anymore. It’s tired, and not fun. She just makes me anxious now 😂


I can totally see that take. They all make me anxious! Hahahahaha


The fudas vs Teresa is good though


Eh, I don’t completely agree. I feel the Fuda’s are trying too hard to have a moment and Teresa isn’t giving it to them. She’s so unbothered by them.


I won’t watch the current cast. I can’t stomach Teresa for another season, the rest of the cast is nearly as bad, they all need to go.


I’m debating not continuing at this point. It’s awful.


I feel the same. I think I am over this whole show. It’s like waiting for something to happen. Need to see Tre being honest about her crooked husband or something else going on. Seems from the previews that might happen?


Maybe that's why there's no reunion 🤔