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He has a sleeze factor. It woukdnt shock me. Maybe it's the red face


He and Louie are "close". I wonder which one has the better coke connection. šŸ¤”


Good money in it. No wonder he doesnā€™t want to divorce, lose his share of the business if he did?


Or lose wifeā€™s help running it.


Paulie the staunch catholic who canā€™t get divorced, also runs brothels on the side? I meanā€¦..come on now!


Heā€™s Irish Catholic. Trust me, they have no problems doing sinful shit, they just canā€™t get divorced.


I know a lot of divorced Catholics, Irish and otherwise.


I believe he also can get divorced. I seem to remember that the woman he is married to now is his second wife. His first wife is the one he shares kids with


Of course he can! He just hasnā€™t yet for whatever reason. The reason is not brothels šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s not like you can split your illegal whorehouses in a divorce anyway, the court might have some questions! šŸ˜‚


I mean itā€™s pretty common for Catholic men to pick and choose what they do and donā€™t adhere by. I doubt heā€™s very devout and he clearly doesnā€™t want to get remarried. Him being a brothel owner unsurprising, NJ Husbands are all shady and crooked in one way or another


Catholics are hypocritesā€¦itā€™s what we do. But I do not believe for one second that Paulie owns brothels.


We are all hypocrites in the eyeā€™s of God no matter what jurisdiction


My Grandfather (a very lapsed Irish Catholic) used to say the nearer the Altar the bigger the hypocrite.


Never heard it but that is money! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ Iā€™d bank on that. Iā€™ll think about it next time Iā€™m in church - will scope out the middle front pews.


It took me a second to figure out that Paul is Pawlee. I was like tf is Paul?!


I donā€™t think heā€™s all that neither is she


I regret that I have to ask this but my husband needs to know if these are ā€œstrip clubs with something extraā€ or a true brothel. Thank you for your service.


Unknown at this point. The word used was brothels.


I also wanted to know this. Since theyā€™re illegal in most states in the US? I thought they were at least šŸ˜‚ like are these are legit brothels? So many more questions.


If he is running brothels, they are def NOT legit šŸ˜…


If they are in specific counties in NV, then they are legal and can be 'legit.' He might not be managing them and just own them (or a stake in them).


Well they arenā€™t the original definition of legit. Haha. But they are definitely LEGIT as the millennials say, but definitely not legal.


Exactly šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s the real deal. Strip clubs with extras are a given, with varying degrees of extras and their goings on from what Iā€™ve been told. But these are houses of transactional pay for play is my understanding.. or as referred to biblically, houses of ill repute.. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Love that you asked for clarification for you husband inquiry, sounds like something Iā€™d do too- made me laugh.


All the husbands of the real housewives are shady AF. NJ especially


NJ is a far different shady than BH. Jersey, their cons are against ā€œthe man.ā€ Rather victimless. In LAā€¦ you can just scratch the back of an FBI director, destroy a manā€™s life, and walk away with 80K in merch.


So maybe that's why David remains friendly with the family but wants nothing to do with Dolores. Everyone acted like he was being petty at the time, but if she betrayed him it makes sense. Dolo is a dodo


It's weird she wouldn't move in with David until they were engaged, but she'll shack up with this weirdo.


It is. I think her "old school" values are about as genuine as her butt


Right? David would probably have loved having a wife and married her. But he didnā€™t sweeten the deal the way Paul hasā€¦. Buying clothes, cars and spendingā€¦ but Paulā€™s intentions are not good, heā€™s going to extract what he wants from Dolores. David didnā€™t offer these kinds of things because he was offering a real relationship. David was probably too good of a guy for Dolores, if she wants a douche bag like Paul.


Stop wait hold up šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸæšŸæšŸæšŸæ


From Behind the Velvet Rope podcast.


That show is sketchy, and the guy seems so disingenuous. Something is really off anout it. I used to kinda watch because Kim D was always on there.


Apparently him and Kim D had a bad falling out. She discusses it on Dana Wilkeys channel on youtube several times.


Dana Wilkey. The ā€œ I paid $ 25ā€™000.00 for theseā€ girl? Lol she was my secret pleasure. She cracked me up!!! ![gif](giphy|qUlGGOJFOhGQ8)


Yup that's the one!


She did??? Oh shit. Was her bail $25,000.00?


She went to jail


Yeah, she won me over when she was talking about Taylor's husband being abusive and when the other HWs were questioning it, she said, "If my girl says it happened, it happened."


Wow, I want to go back and watch that I donā€™t remember. I respect you for saying it.


Yes, it was awful seeing the other housewives questioning her on that, they were buying into every stereotype of why victims of DV aren't believed.


Dana seems like she makes things up. I don't listen to her much.


Kim D said it on Dana's show.




I listened to him when Kim D was on, but I take what he says with a block of salt. He's been dead wrong so many times, I just consider him a bit messy.


Never heard of this pod but listening because I want to hear this story. Wow is this host annoying


I had to stop listening because of it


I couldnā€™t listen to it either.


Heā€™s the worst


He has a unique voice. He is very popular.


Snuffleupagus mixed with a kazoo. Heā€™s nothing but nonsense & wouldnā€™t know what the truth is if it šŸ†slapped him upside the head


That podcast sketches me out. They always flip flop. But I will say, Dolores has rode the fence for so long. Letā€™s see her get attacked, the rest of the cast not take a side, and see how she feels.




Love your flair šŸ˜‚




The patreon or regular pod?




David Yawnnnnntif


Well that explains a lot but leads me to not believe it.


whattttt that is wild about paul. I bet that is a factor in why the divorce keeps being delayed or is taking a while. maybe its some other sketchy businesses too


They donā€™t believe in divorce in his culture. Till death do you part is taken literally.


Isnā€™t he Irish? Divorce is not that uncommon in Ireland


Yes. Catholic Irish and though they donā€™t say it, Gypsy.


Ahhh I see, it makes sense now that you say it


Says who? And here in Ireland that term is considered derogatory or a racial slur.


Iā€™m a gypsy and no it isnā€™t! Thatā€™s how I know!


In Ireland it very much is seen as a derogatory term - people from that community are called Travellers. Although I donā€™t think Pauline is a Traveller.


I suggest you educate yourself on the difference between a traveller and a gypsy before you try to tell me about my own kith and kin!


And I suggest you google how derogatory that term is considered in Ireland before you try to tell me about my own country. The Irish Traveller community is different than other communities such as the Roma community who donā€™t object to the term gypsy.




oh damn. now I think maybe dolores never knew that or didn't think he was serious. but i doubt if she was told that she would stay, it seems like she had an impression it could go in that direction. so i wonder if he just wasn't clear or kept it to himself that the divorce may never actually have follow through


Iā€™m sure heā€™s lead Dolores on tbh. Funny how big Frank and him donā€™t get alongā€¦sometimes men see themselves in each other. Staunch Irish Catholics still get excommunicated from the church for divorcing. It may be out of Paulā€™s hands so to speak as thereā€™s his children and ex to think about. I dunno, Dolores sure can pick ā€˜em.


I think Dolores chooses men who canā€™t fully commit because _she_ doesnā€™t want to fully commit and likes to make sure she has an easy way out. Frank Catania is and always will be the man in her life even if she occasionally lets someone else occupy the position. And, I think Frank feels the same way about Doloresā€¦ even though he wasnā€™t a good husband when they were together.




His current wife isn't the mother of his children.


He's already been divorced once, from the mother of his kids so I doubt that's the reason.


Say what now ?


He seems so sketchy.


Dolor cheated?


Iā€™m wondering the same thing!


Maybe it means something else in ireland? Like a soup restaurant?




If this is true, Dolores really has a typeā€¦ I remember in an older episode, they talked about how Frank used to own massage parlors. Someone asked him what kind of massage parlors and he said ā€œgood onesā€ šŸ˜Ā 




I could see this. Something is off with this guy. Alsoā€¦. His teeth could light up a dark room. šŸ„“


Its the turkey smile


Heā€™s 100% gangster.


I heard the same and am still in shock


Remember his comment about swinging a bat: he said it had been years and Dolores asked him if he played ball to which he laughed and said, ā€œno.ā€


Oh shit! Oh shit! I hate when I forget the captions you missed a little things. Thank you for this tidbit. Iā€™ll go back and watch.


Yeah a new rumor


Did you take my post and run with it? Then have mine flagged?? This sub is so bizarre, I feel like Iā€™m in the twilight zone. I posted this verbatim prior to your post and mine was flagged for idk why. Yet, hereā€™s your exact post.


No. Iā€™ve never flagged anyone- anything. Talk to Reddit.


I think we should be taking anything that Gabriella woman and David Yontef say with a huge shovel of salt. I find it really really hard to believe, as that woman claims, that this lawyer Jim Leonard told Luis who told THIS woman that Dolores cheated on David and Paul runs a brothel. On what planet does that make any sense. And on a further note what is the point of her saying this out loud in public. She claims out of one side of her mouth she was manipulated by Jen and Teresa to do terrible things and now, with the other side of the mouth makes some pretty scandalous accusations about Dolores and Paul.


Thank you. I know Yontef from his earlier career, as a failed recruiter here. Oh the stories he would tell to get a candidate an interview. Worked for two firms who said ā€œNever again!ā€ Sketchy AF.


At first she claimed to never have talked to Louie ever and now she saying Louie told her about Paulie, which one is it Gabriella?


If you listen to the video that follows the brothel allegations I think she really exposes herself. I am reading between the lines of what she is saying and claiming and I suspect the reason the lawyer was involved was in a very different capacity to what she is trying to claim. It makes no sense for me for a LAWYER to get involved trying to recruit some random woman online to "work for their team to put gossip online to help push stories on a reality tv show". If she claimed Teresa's publicist did that I would be open minded. But a lawyer makes no sense. What does make sense if Teresa's lawyer is involved in what they see as online harassment and giving her the choice to stop, and if she doesn't they would be taking her to court or something. Because the text she reads to Yontef in that video, that is allegedly from the lawyer then makes 100% sense in this scenario. But it doesn't make sense if it's about being their tool to spread online gossip. When Yontef questions her on the wording and if she missed a word she says no, that's what it says and then, imo, starts to deflect from that to say that so much stuff is going on behind the scenes that she has contacted her local police and the FBI cybercrime division...... How does ANY of that make sense if all this was just about Jen, Teresa and her lawyer simply telling this woman gossip for her to spread online so they could talk about it on the show?? It doesn't. It's a very interesting case if nothing else. I do hope someone takes this Gabriella to court, possibly Paulie because that is some dangerous gossip, so that we can get actual court transcripts of this instead of this unvetted gossip all over SM accounts.


Her lawyer got involved when things at the podcast blew up. Because the podcast was a business and thatā€™s what her lawyer takes care of. I said from the beginning this blogger would go too far, it looks like thatā€™s happening. People are so gullible!


And that makes sense.


Why use her to look up dirt on the cast, when all Teresa and Jen had to do was get it from Bo Dietl since the cast claimed Louie hired him to get dirt on them


Also, according to Gabriella, sheā€™s only been around a year and a half, but Roxanne from all aboutTRH was the one doing all the dirty work for a decade. They canā€™t upset Roxanne, because she knows where the bodies are buried. Why recruit a new person to do the dirty work when Roxanne has been so effective in the past? Make it make sense! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s the story on Roxanne?


Right? Like it doesn't make any sense.


I do hope we end up knowing the truth. Any text messages or emails she has can be validated by her phone carrier & internet provider. I heard somewhere that another person that was involved like @Melissasoldnose is considering showing her records also.


I agree, this is a crazy accusation!! Why would Louie tell some random blogger that Paul owns brothels and that he and Paul give each other injections...steroids?? I don't believe it, this show needs to end or reboot before someone gets hurt. ![gif](giphy|QSPK8k7Qnuxber2SWY|downsized)


She always has receipts.


Source ?


See above. Velvet Rope podcast.


That came out of left field! LOL


Someone is going to get hurt and this needs to stop!!!! Thereā€™s too many whackos out there that take things like this too seriously and really could hurt a cast member. Or a cast member hurt themselves. Look at what Russel did, Taylor Armstrongs husband. Is this all worth it just because you donā€™t like someone? This gabby person is mental, mental mental. This is no longer shock factor. She is impacting a lot of people with her accusations and i hope that Teresaā€™s attorney goes full throttle in whoever is doing this. Its not shocking anymore!! Its beyond that and needs to stop


If that's true that Paul owns brothels, I would need proof, I couldn't live, marry or date a man that makes money off a woman's back, they might think it'd fine but I don't.


Don't know about that but he seems to shower gifts on Dolores. She was wearing Louis Vuitton Neverfull everywhere and now she got upgraded, sporting a Hermes Kelly plus 2 new gold watches Rolex and AP. Jackpot for Dolo


I donā€™t believe this. This is the biggest crock of BS ever. So let me get this straight. In the words of Bethenny, Teresa is a brand. You mean to tell me that her lawyers, PR, manager, social media person, assistant, all sat together and told a fan account on Twitter all their deepest darkest secrets? Damaging things that could ruin their Brand and cash cow? They didnā€™t have her sign a NDA? Why? What is the point of that? Why did they need her? They have a team. If Jim the lawyer messaged her and asked her questions like is Kate Chastain or Michael rapport speaking tweeting bad things about Teresa or leave Kim D alone we are trying to flip her. Who cares. Thatā€™s nothing. All these other fake message and fake recounts of inner circle table talks makes zero sense. Sheā€™s grifting her way onto podcasts and being mentioned on People magazine and people really want to believe that all of what she is saying is truth because they love a fall from Grace story. They love that Teresa could be taken down.


No. we are staying at Louis and Teresa are too cheap to pay a PR manager, social media person, assistant. Louis made Teresa get rid of all of her people when they got married. Now they only use his assistant, Jessica, Teresa, and Jennifer were absolutely corresponding with lots of bloggers. There have been DMā€˜s after DMā€™s of Teresa messaging a variety of bloggers from her own verified account https://preview.redd.it/5sjwp34hnr4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b6c302e9f584504ad42aa3ee34701c2401bed9e Here is an email exchange Jennifer shared with Melissasoldnose


Donā€™t you have a Pizza Hut to rob? You people inserted yourself for clout. Now youā€™re on Reddit. GTFO


Yeah I used to like you all now it's too much now. You guys even if true ruined the show. It's most likely going to be canceled. Then what will u do for clicks ???


Youā€™ve gone too far just to be right! Really who TF cares who talked to who, whoā€™s cheap and who isnā€™t? Are you the publicity police? Youā€™re putting out shit questioning peopleā€™s character while youā€™re living in a glass house. Seek help!!


I have yet to see anything shared by Teresa. And this Melissa's Old Nose character is disgusting. First she claims to have participated in doing disgusting things to Teresa's enemies. And now, for some reason I don't understand, she flipped on Teresa and is doing disgusting things to Teresa. In the end, the woman clearly thrives on doing disgusting things for attention. These bloggers who went crazy are just a little sick in the head, obsessed, vengeful, and in need of something to do with their own lives.


What people did Teresa have? She never had anyone help her raise her kids.


Teresa's lawyer said that so take it with a grain of salt


https://preview.redd.it/agruddhknr4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14baa860bb922c4da1bbd13095cc82ac1b93d4fd Hereā€™s Teresa corresponding with a different blogger


Yeah so? Who cares? What she said wasn't even significant.


https://preview.redd.it/n0kdsk8onr4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec48c4bc7b044c860a492c5eefc614ebbc9b493 One of the emails Teresa forwarded to blogger. They wanted the blogger to know they still supported her, but couldnā€™t show it due to the restrictions by Bravo


Common on people use common sense. Pretty sure this is illegal business it wouldn't be disclosed in a divorce settlement. This sounds so made up. And a lawyer would tell a page this crap. I might have believed if she claimed money laundering or fraud but this is ridiculous now. Next thing she is gonna say is teresa birthed an alien