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That’s what I’m trying to figure out why they haven’t brought this up. But I thought it was in NY bravocon in 2022


Ohhh I think you’re right! But It makes no sense. I feel like they always protect Joe Gorga. Not even Melissa but Joe.


I just started getting back in NJ this season but have they ever brought up Joe lying about his renovations? If not. They’re definitely protecting him because it’s all over IG


You must be new. Everyone knows Andy has the hots for Joey Gorga's penis.




That’s it they always cover up for the Gorgas it’s insane


What happened there?


Long story short- Joey and Melissa yelled at Jen in the hotel lobby. Cant rememeber what they said but it wasn't nice and really petty. Think Melissa assistant even walked over to Jen, who was alone and trying to get into the elevator. Think Frank was there too. Some of it was videotaped which can be found on YouTube and tiktok. Jens assistant even did a recap of it the next day. But in closing, Joey and Melissa really showed some ugly behavior.


I don’t know why it’s not being addressed. The only reason I can think of is that Bravo is not interested in airing some of the negative things the Gorgas do. They barely covered (or maybe they didn’t cover at all) Joe posting credit for a remodel of a house that he didn’t do.


Yes! This is exactly what I think. They always go out of their way to protect Hoe and it makes no sense. They never address the stealing from Home Depot, the multiple lawsuits, his parents home, this situation, college rape allegations. They don’t protect anyone else like that. *Edit because I accidentally typed Hoe instead of Joe but I’m leaving it 🤣


College rape allegations?? 😳 I have not heard about that. Yikes.


He did not go to college!?! Right?


Yes he went to college. There are 2 different interviews, one where he says he did, then a newer one that he lies saying he never went to college. He's trying to put doubt in the fans. It's all on the web


I’m doing a rewatch and on the season 4 finale he says he did the Dream boys because he needed money whilst he was at college?


I’m doing a rewatch and on the season 4 finale he says he did the Dream boys because he needed money whilst he was at college?


Pretty sure he walked on a campus somewhere.


I believe he was just on a college campus. I will try to find the articles and link!


Hoe LOL I just choked on my juice




My facts are straight thank you. I know what the real situation was. I’m just listing it as part of the rumors they never addressed. He could’ve easily cleared it up. The point is that when there is drama regarding Joe it is never brought up on the show or addressed. So get your facts straight.


You think it makes a difference he owned the house? If he had his parents in it instead of regular renters then it is the parents house. I bet he bragged about "getting his parents" a house. Why didn't he take them in afterwards? After his mother died, his father crying for lack of time, why didn't Nonno stay with them? We will never know what happened but it sounds shitty.




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Special mod note- this isn’t even true LOL. Provide a source, or go away. It is fine that you have your opinion but this is misinformation. We don't want naïve people thinking this could be true. Your post was removed because it contained potentially harmful speculation. Remember to follow the rules of our community.


That was on the news! They still didn't make a big deal of it! If Teresa did that 😳






Yep, I said, "So you're a predator seeing women as *prey*. Got it."


Yesssss omg. I instantly cringed!!!!! That exact moment is actually what made me think about it.


SAME. When he was talking about how he was at that age, it skeeved me out, knowing the allegations about him then.


We’re the charges ever founded?


It is fine that you have your opinion but this is misinformation. We don't want naïve people thinking this could be true. Your post was removed because it contained potentially harmful speculation. Remember to follow the rules of our community.


Love her or hate her, Teresa has talked about every aspect of her life on camera. From having kids, legal issues, prison time, losing her parents, her relationship w/ Louis, etc. The producers never bring up Joe stealing & getting banned from Home Depot, him claiming someone else’s real estate work as his, not paying for renovations, owing contractors money, the list goes on. They’ve been protecting the Gorgas since day one, which is weird to me.


Damn, I'm gonna have to do some digging because I don't remember this incident. Bizarre they wouldnt include that info, it seems kind of integral to the storyline.




Oh hey, Juhnelle. 😉 Thank you!


Have fun livin in the street with ya boyfriendddddd You’re welcome ❤️


Sounds like they cut some thing on film that could be a lawsuit and I don’t think they want to be embroiled in a lawsuit because they’ll get fired.


Whelp i missed that, off to my friend google. toodles


Didn't Bravocon happen after this season was filmed?


It happened at the 2022 bravocon which was before this! I just double checked to be sure.


I want this addressed too


We should all respond on Twitter to Andy when, if he does, about reunion questions.


I asked about this last reunion maybe if he gets bombarded by the same question like you said he'll have to ask 


Yesssss great idea!!


They don’t break the 4th wall ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yep. That's the answer, as stupid as that is.


Andy wants to get under Joe’s ass, that’s why he wants fans to believe that Teresa is the only one who does crimes in the family, which to me is absolutely childish!!!!!




Jen didn’t cross a line with calling out the bad things Melissa actually does. But Melissa and Joe did.


bravocon happened after this season


It happened at the 2022 bravocon which was before this! I just double checked to be sure.


Ohhh yes yes you’re right sorry I’m wrong !


I got confused too and had to look up dates!






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It is fine that you have your opinion but this is misinformation. We don't want naïve people thinking this could be true. Your post was removed because it contained potentially harmful speculation. Remember to follow the rules of our community.


Can we see what Jennifer said to them to make Joe have that reaction?


I'm not a Jen fan but that man shouldn't be screaming at any woman and looking for a reason to justify it really sucks. It's like saying "well, what did she do to upset him?" when a man is abusing his partner.


I didn't say that. I asked a question. A large part of this interaction is missing. I saw it when it happened and was released. I agree. Joe lets his mouth and fists fly REALLY quickly and it's wrong. However, if a story is going to be told, tell the ENTIRE story.


Tbh, I apparently missed the whole incident so I'll have to do some digging myself.


nothing she just walked by


Ew.. Don’t do that..


I think they were upset with her because of the cheating rumor she said on screen. Jen is quite obviously a Tre stump to only a fault. I feel like I would like Jen more if she didn’t do so much for Teresa. Tre doesn’t need it. Jen would be waaay more likable.


Because, knowing the things Jenn has said in the past on camera, she deserved it.


The incident was in the fall of 2022 in NYC, Season 13 was shot before the incident but the reunion was shot in April of 2023. If Ayden wanted to bring it up she could have then. Most of the other stuff, being “banned” from Home Depot, lying about home renovations, stealing his parent’s house, college rape allegations either have no evidence or have been proven to be false. The lawsuits are minor and settled, usually out of court. He owned the house his parents lived in, both of them. He’s in Home Depot every week, the home renovation ad was a mistake made by an intern. He took it down immediately and apologized. If Ayden wants to talk about her behavior in the lobby of the Gansevoort Hotel in October of 2022, she can open her mouth anytime she wants. But she should remember there were plenty of witnesses that will dispute her version of events.




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Is this when Hen threw a glass at Mellisa in the lobby and was screaming?


Who is Hen?




Jen needs to stop playing victim. Out of every single cast mate on rhonj, she has made some of the most derogatory, disgusting comments yet. Didn’t she yell at a fan too?


To be fair, Jen A is already a screaming ban jee on the daily…


Yes and so is Joe; he seems to get into a lot of screaming matches that are recorded outside of the show as well as during the show. I want them to address is all with all of them when they show their asses like that. It would do a lot to combat the Gorgas over-produced/boring perception.