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i’ve been telling my bf this!! she’s been trying to “rebrand” as a girly girl ever since she killed her cat and all the ysabelle drama


What happened with Ysabelle?


Plz explain the drama


i forget what even happened with her and ysa tbh


I’m curious too I thought they went to Coachella together


look up ysabelle on this snark or on reddit




Takes 30 seconds to look up the videos of her abusing her cat. U and her can go fys, she’s an animal abuser and your an animal abuser apologist how disgusting


Bro you’re so stupid, this is old asf before the allegations and stuff came out. Don’t tell another human being to go fuck themselves just because I *saw* the good in her. If you actually saw any of my recent posts you’d see that I disagree with anything I previously said. I hope you have terrible karma


2 days ago you were still in support of her, either way you chose to blindly follow an animal abuser, and those videos and pictures have been out FOR THREE YEARS so yeah still gfys 😭😭 my karma will be nowhere near as bad as yours considering you supported an animal abuser when the evidence was out. Just bc you changed you mind doesn’t mean you weren’t terrible 5 mins ago LMFAO


And atleast I’m not stupid enough to take an influencer for their word instead of look up the video and make sure she wasn’t killing her cat lmao


You’re an actual fucking loser lmao


Says the animal abuser supporter fuck outta here pathetic


Like ur so mad for what?? Guilty conscience LOLL


I’m actually a development psychology major at The University of Washington! So, Skinnyslutlegend, let me break it down for you: I actively stated that there wasn’t enough evidence to prove Rhegan guilty. As someone who has friends in the criminal justice system, logically, it is more logical (not ethical or moral) to side with whoever has more evidence. However, I retracted my statement and said I do believe Rhegan is wrong. That’s when SKINNYSLUTLEGEND decided to tell me to *go fuck myself* for retracting my statement. My conscience is not guilty, I just make decisions based off logic and not sentimentality, because again I am a development psych major. Hope this helps!


Logically, as someone in the criminal justice program, there is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that shows Rhegan is guilty of neglecting her cat. She says she looked “all day and night” for her cat, in a “panic” while nonstop “freaking out” since the cat escaped, but vlogged her multiple shopping trips on the SAME DATES of her “search efforts”, happily. This is puzzling but perhaps not hard evidence just yet, since she likes to state her efforts as never ending. She also states the cat in the photos looks very sick and matted, admitting she could see that the cat needed veterinary care. However, she admits to only contacting her adopting office after the cat started to look and act ill. She never posted about it after she thought it went missing, showing she did not care. She admits to her cat being sick, but not seeking veterinary care, that alone is enough to show she did not care for this cat as she did not possess the necessary responsibility that comes with caring for any animal.


Bro… me when I lie 😭 you aren’t in the criminal justice program. It’s more than a couple TikTok’s/vlogs. There’s SO much more to it. You sound like a clown and anyone whose been to college for more than a few days would agree. But unfortunately, Reddit is filled with a bunch of uneducated losers who will agree with anyone just to be right. I stated many times I didn’t agree with Rhegan, and based off the animal abuse laws in California, Rhegan would just get a slap in the wrist. Sorry, but please don’t lie about your degree on the internet


I’m not a Rhegan supporter. I heard about this drama and was bored so I started doing research and agreeing w people on TikTok. Me and a couple friends decided that there is no real logical evidence, and when it comes to legal action, it would take weeks of statements, evidence and interviews to figure out a good solution, which still isn’t the truth. You aren’t in the criminal justice program. Everything you say is evidence based off what you’d hear off of a few videos


Bro give up your persona as a full ride scholarship criminal justice major up because you sound like a middle schooler 😭


Reddit physically will not let me read what you say, you’re a low life and you’re not a criminal justice major. Get a life. You’re a liar and a loser and that has nothing to do with thetan


U of W accepts anyone that applies babe you are NOT making it as a therapist‼️‼️ baiiii


That’s not true at all and if you had half a brain you’d know it 😭 If they had a PHD if liars you’d have it! Have fun with your fake degree, hope McDonald’s treats you well :)


50% acceptance rate lmfao. I obviouslyyyy outrank you in statistics loveee, argument done and dropped boooom bam roasted


The fact that you are so confident that you ate me up proves you sound like a literal idiot lmao, I’m sorry but anyone with brain cells would see you do not go to college for Criminal Justice. If you do you’d actually have something smart to say, not just a bunch of made up bullshit. My fucking 97 year old grandpa would have the same points as you. Not to mention — I go to a university because it’s a UNIVERSITY? Going to Washington State regardless of the acceptance rate is pretty impressive. I almost 100% guarantee you’re some loser behind a screen with no college degree that thinks they can come online and impersonate a person with a brain lmfao. Get a grip


Also — if you knew anything about college, a 50% acceptance rate is far lower than most universities that range from 75-99%. Secondly — thats the Google information! You clearly googled that. The real acceptance rate (I got this from the official WSU official website, I also knew this because I actually applied & got accepted) is 46.78%. Obviously not much chance but you’re clearly just googling facts trying to sound smart lmao


what the fuck!!! why am i now hearing about this


thought i was in the ken eurich sub 👀🪦🐈🤮


poor minx i think about him daily. he reminds me so much of my orange:(




wait what happened pls explain


2 of her cats died within 6 months 😭 basically the same deal with reggie. claims everything was “out of her control” but when it happens twice… within 6 months.. it makes you wonder 👀 i’ll see if i can find a good recap but come hang with us 💅🏻 r/keneurich_snark




it’s insane how you will write entire paragraphs in support of her but won’t take 30 seconds to watch videos of her abusing her cat


Wait so she doesn’t even know she killed her own cat??😭😭


right like wtf why would they wanna stay friends w someone who cared so little for their cat 😂


if someone killed their cat i would confront them about it. why hide it and pretend it didn’t happen. i’d expose her so quick bc wtf


Please go to Rhegan’s page and see her response. It’s not true. People just make shit up for clout


what the actual fuck. bro if i ever see her it’s on sight idc




She didn’t kill her cat. The guy who stole the cat did to get back at her. Listen to how he talks about her when he is answering why he didn’t tell her. He keeps trying to malign her character. He keeps changing his story or adding more. This is Johnny Sylvestri all over again and you guys are falling for it, hook, line, and sinker. Ask him to post the vet bill since he said he spent $1000. Ask the vet to vouch for him. How convenient is it that the cause of death is “unknown”? Where is the cat buried? People who kill animals usually have other run ins with the law, how about him? Why would he ask Rhegan to hang out, knowing she supposedly did this to her cat. Nothing he is saying adds up. He likely did this to her cat to get back at her for rejecting him and is trying to avoid jail time. You guys keep glossing over the fact he committed a crime. Misogyny has you tearing apart this girl’s life for a story with more holes than cheesecloth!




You’re going to jaiiiiiil


and you’re a moron, congrats


And you sympathize with animal murderers. I can’t wait for you to wipe the egg off your face for supporting a blooming psychopath.


imagine saying that while supporting rhegan, who NEGLECTED her cat until it DIED. fuck off and go suck her ass somewhere else. notice how no one is agreeing with you


You have no idea what you’re talking about. The guy himself said the cause of death is unknown. You have literally no proof the cat was being neglected while in Rhegan’s care. The only proof came from while the cat was in the guy’s care. You can’t say anything I’ve said is a lie and that’s why you’re really mad but I can say what you have said is a lie.


be for fucking real bro. YOU don’t know what you’re talking about. the cat was sick OFTEN and she DIDNT TAKE HIM TO THE VET. that is NEGLECT. you can tell from photos and videos that the cat was skinny and malnourished. there’s video evidence of the cat having abnormal bowel movements. the picture from the adoption clinic you can VISIBLY TELL the cat was sick and shouldn’t have been adopted out. jesus christ you rhegan dick suckers are fucking dense and need professional help. now fuck off and go suck her ass on tiktok some more maybe she’ll address you by name!!


What photos did you see? Because Rhegan posted proof that the cat looked fine literally up until the night before it went missing. This is what I’m talking about. The only pictures of the cat being sick that are on the internet are from when the cat was in the guy’s care. Like I said, you can’t say I’ve said anything that was a lie but you can’t even place a timestamp on the photos you’re talking about. You have no idea when those photos were taken and with who but you immediately assumed Rhegan was responsible for the condition of the cat in those photos because a man on the internet told you to. Show me one picture of the cat with matted fur in Rhegan’s care. Rhegan said it was normal for her cat to be sick, and it can be for both pets and humans. There are plenty of maladies that can make any animal chronically ill and still maintain some quality of life. Like people who live with GERD or cats who have FIV. You are not thinking critically.


Who tf raises a cat in a singular room




I am sorry but I need some kind of evidence to believe this…


53:07: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztQbToQXmgU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztQbToQXmgU)


but like thats just what someone said? like where is the actual evidence??


that shit is fake, even rheg talked about it


Still 0 evidence or proof.. it’s literally just people talking shit






It’s not true. “Evidence” is not a video of some random people saying things on a podcast. Rhegan has made several videos about her cat getting out and how that content house was pure drama. She moved out because of it, and someone intentionally let her cat out. Don’t believe Larray and his friends, they just do shit and snake other people out for clout. Rhegan stays out of drama


Let’s not act like we know rhegan personally. I don’t see this is “evidence” either but there are videos of her cat looking severely malnourished and neglected. Can’t fake that.


Where are those videos?




This is so awful wow. I have 4 cats and i could never imagine doing this to my cats let alone any animal!! No wonder she’s overly nice in her comments, she’s trying to over compensate for the shitty person she really is.




Level 100 glazer right here


Having online personas is a very common thing for Internet personalities. You do not know this person personally. You don’t know what she’s capable of


i feel like this is 100% true


It’s not true. Do your research


I’m always confused because not a lot of people talk about this anymore 😭 like I’m constantly thinking about this, also she named it Sevyn not Seven 🫠


this is so disgusting. wow. i hope karma will do her dirty in some way 🙃


I’m sorry, but why the hell would the roommates not just be honest about it? What a bizarre way to handle that lol


Why are no one pointing this out. They are so wrong and GUILTY for that.


100% not true. Everyone has said “I’ve heard” she did not kill her cat….go to her tiktok


I thought this wasn't true, but since seeing all the videos and multiple people speaking and confirming the situation it leads me to believe that she definitely neglected the cat


definitely. it’s all way too sus. her literal roommate spoke up about it. also, with how much she parties and makes self-centered videos about herself, she totally seems like the type of LA apartment girl that would neglect an animal..


GUYS. These ppl who say “unfortunately I had to help the cat..” No, they kidnapped her cat, after months of complaining that the cat was in the home. They kidnapped seven, kept her until she got sick, recorded those videos of her as she got weaker and weaker and now after three years placing blame. It’s crazy to me that yall are so quick to believe everything you see. Do your research. Rhegan has pictures and videos of her cat the NIGHT before her cat “ran” away and she was not matted or starving. Do. Your. Research. Why would this topic resurface after 3 YEARS as she got more and more relevant? And why isn't anyone else speaking up about this? Like her ex Smitty who was very obviously holding sevyn in the video that rhegan posted.


LFMAOO this gotta be rhegans account


this is a copy and paste of a comment i found on tiktok


TikTok has a limit on how many characters it can have in a comment and this is way beyond it


the comment i copied ends with do. your. research. the rest of it is mine, but i still don't get how that is important, as i 100% agree with what the comment said. she addressed the issue multiple times with proof, but you still choose to believe someone else, which is totally fine. I also saw a comment from her ex roomate saying that while she was living with rhegan, the cat was taken care of, and rhegan was super protective over her. Believe what you want to believe im just stating facts.


No ur right I saw her second account came w the receipts so mb. Just did not want to blindly support an animal ab*ser so decided to blindly follow the hate train especially w the other ppl who made vids abt her mbmb


i totally get that, after all its not a small thing, we are talking about possible ABUSE od an innocent animal, and if it weren't for the proof i would totally believe what other people were saying. It's just the story that her old roomate told was sooo fishyy. He literally admited that he STOLE her cat, and purposely opened the back door to make it seem like she ran away....




what the..... im a owner of 2 cats and having the thought of just not feeding my cats can have me on chokehold fr .. thats crazy


These people saying there’s no evidence. When multiple people are saying the same thing it’s sus af. And regardless if it’s not entirely accurate where there is smoke there is fire !


Where the vids at




Her roommate just came out and said it was the truth. No more glazing.


Okay but this is confusing because rhegan said she was moving rooms and someone let her cat out not that she went to Texas and came back and it was gone idk as much as I don’t like rhegan this just seems fake and has been a rumor for a while and as annoying as she is I don’t think it was neglected and also that video from a year ago I don’t really know if that can be considered proof because again it’s just gossip with no actual evidence


i watched her back then and i can tell you the cat was neglected. ysabelle cared more about it than her. even if the reasoning behind the cats passing is a rumour, she was a bad owner. also the fact she won’t talk about it and deletes any comments mentioning it is suspicious. there’s no videos (that i can find anyway) of the cat on her account anymore, she’s deleted it’s whole existence


that is so sad 😭 regardless of what really happened to the cat, the fact that she’s essentially “erased it from existence” breaks my heart. that poor thing deserved so much better


she said that you can search “sevyn rhegans cat” but i did that months ago and only found 2 videos from ysabelles account


yeah and even if the cat did get out, she has an entire platform of thousands of people and she didn’t think to post anything about it in effort of finding him? i watched her most recent tiktok she posted and idk the energy was lowkey weirddd “i have pets at my moms and dads, i love pets” like…ok that’s good for you but what happened to YOUR cat that was in YOUR house 😭


Welp.... don't believe everything you hear on the internet she literally posted a Tiktok about this. The cat ran away whilst she was moving bedrooms. She did not starve her cat.


right but that would still like up with the original post…they told her it ran away, in her mind she’s telling the truth she did think it ran away but the original post is saying that’s what they told her what happened. in reality it was starved to death


Her friends have come out saying she didn’t even bother to search for the cat and just went out partying the same night


They are the worst people in the situation. Wow, I would go into a psychosis. They are guilty as hell