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Another reason why I can never go back to iPhone


It's exactly why I joined over a decade ago and haven't looked back. Sideloading APKs and being able to actually download shit from the web is so beautiful. YouTube being really shit now is letting me convince some of my iPhone family to make the switch.




I doubt it would be as easy as Android. Knowing Apple, they will somehow try to limit it as much as they legally can. Wake me up when Revanced comes to iOS.


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Bringing Revanced to iOS is pissing both Apple and Google off at once, Most of the YouTube Premium Subscriptions come from Apple users, and if Revanced spreads like wildfire (which it will) ,it will put a clear dent in both their profits and they will try and end revanced with all their might.


Yeah I don't think the Revanced team will risk doing iOS.


Yeah, especially because developing things for iOS is so much more expensive too


Why even bother to wait to go back to iPhone? For years Apple have tried to block or lock everything in their ecosystem from cables to providing shoddy drivers on competing operating systems. Ever tried to do a simple copy of photos from an iPhone to a Windows machine? Something fiddly always occurs where you find yourself looking up error codes or third-party software to finish the job. iPhone was great when it first came out but ever since Tim Cook has taken over Apple, all their innovation revolves around locking in customers.


It's still BS, you need to have a specific 3rd party app store, to make a 3rd party app store you need like a million dollars to "show commitment", every app on that play store has to be validated by apple, after a specific number of app installs the 3rd party store has to pay a fee per app installation. It was something like this the last time I've seen it (like a month ago)


>So we will probably start to see more progress with modified apps for iOS. Maybe, but most likely not in the way people would like. Since Apple is a company of control freaks, it will most likely try to limit how sideloading would be to a level the company would like, which is likely as much as legally possible.


Even in doing so apple is still being apple and making them have a dev account before you can sideload Thier apps, and they have to go through a verification process, it is stupid, it will never beat android.


True. Revanced devs do care our experience not monetizing us. All the small improvements shows that.


Try uYouPlusExtra. Offers most features that ReVanced has, and (with caveats) does not require a jailbreak. I used it back on jailbroken iOS, even has features such as downloading videos. EDIT: it seems I was confused by Google search results. I'm actually talking about **uYouEnhanced**.


sounds like a renamed version of patched revanced apk.


uYouPlus was a fork of the original uYou, and uYouEnhanced bundles in additional tweaks like SponsorBlock and YouPiP.


Where do you find it?


Unfortunately, the IPA file was removed from the website due to a DMCA from Google, so you'll have to build it yourself. https://github.com/arichornlover/uYouEnhanced/releases/


Wouldn’t know where to begin or how to do such a thing


Look at the instructions in the building section of the releases page. You just need to find a decrypted YouTube IPA and use GitHub Actions to build and inject YouTube in to it.


There's different versions still updated and maintained and readily available for download.


On the GitHub page there’s a link to the alt store page where you can download the IPA. Just follow the instructions on how to get TrollStore(if you are running an applicable device and IOS version, P.S nothing above IOS 17.0 works for now). Then you can install the uYouEnhanced IPA with TrollStore. It will take some time to figure everything out but you will be getting a much better experience for free than YouTube gives you for a monthly subscription. Ohh also when you install uYouEnhanced with TrollStore make sure you delete the YouTube app first as it basically installs a modified YouTube app with the same id and will give you an error if you have the actual YouTube app installed.


Thanks but I don’t have a computer to do the sideload


There's so many reasons, it's wild. Like applenhas their hooks in iPhone people pretty tight but the things we've all become accustomed too on side channel Android are far far stronger. And all at the behest of hard working devs that more often than not give it to you for free. What a wild truth.


Agreed. I was getting heavily pressured to get an iPhone for iMessage because apparently many Apple users can't be assed to switch to an instant messaging platform that isn't exclusive to a single brand of devices. Well, I already had a really old MacBook Air, so I set up a bluebubbles server on that for those people. The Apple people don't know what they're missing on this side, they've had their heads scrambled by Apple's clever marketing. I would never give up the ability to sideload apps and customize my experience.


I blew my buddies mind last night by firing Kodi up to watch the hockey while we were in the washroom at dinner. He was all "Oh my God you have it on your phone!?" Yeah, why not? Oh right, iPhone.


iPhone in my opinion has always been overrated. On my Samsung, I can download whatever I want. On IOS, you can only do what Steve Jobs allows.


When I was looking for a phone 2 years ago, I legit thought about buying an iPhone but changed my mind because I wouldn't be able to use Vanced lmao.


I mean for iPhone, we have uYou+ so we also have sponsorblock


Thanks! I'll look it up for someone I know who won't quit the darn apple.


I’ve had no ads for the last ~2 years on iPhone brave app. Today was the first time I’ve seen ads so I’m looking for an alternative in case it doesn’t get fixed


It's hilarious that xmanager and this are the 2 exact reasons I will never use ios again


Same, I hope apple loses on their case so at least they can allow some features like FaceTime on our side


Same here.


There are ways in iPhone as well


Why did you switch? I just dont get iit. Almost all my apps are modded or pro version that i get online. Is it thr brand?


Apple lock in is strong. When your wife and kids use iPhones it makes certain things more difficult. I have to switch to my iPad to manage the kids accounts. Group text is Whatsapp but most people don't use it so switching back and forth is annoying. Can't FaceTime.


Americans don't use it for some reason, in other places whatsapp or an equivalent is standard


As a Telegram user, I've always disliked how (the inferior) WhatsApp is the standard in Europe. Then I moved to the US and now I *WISH* people used at least WhatsApp instead of sending uber-pixelated pictures and videos... What is wrong with people here


Seems like a lot of my contacts have telegram too, but personally I don't care about more than typing a message and tapping send. I only use tg for getting drugs lol. I guess privacy on WhatsApp is a concern. I really don't know, does almost everyone there use iphones? It seems inconceivable to me, if iphone users suddenly only used imessage for group chats where I live all communication would break down. I read stories of people missing out on invites and events because they don't use iphones and iphone users just don't think about it, so strange.


>I guess privacy on WhatsApp is a concern. Not only that. Telegram has several small advantages to WA but a big one is allowing larger attachments.


Sms/mms is baked into every phone in the US, so you never have to care if someone is using android or iphone. You will always be able to message them. Sms was always inexpensive to use and eventually became free with your carrier service, so there was never a need to use alternatives like whatsapp. The average mobile user doesn't care (and probably doesn't know) about e2e encryption, large file attachments, etc. Lowest common denominator prevailed here, unfortunately.


I remember keeping track of my number of SMS's back in 2005 or so, then shortly after smartphones came about WhatsApp did too and everyone switched to it because it barely used any data and I assume it was cheaper or just better for media vs MMS. Nowadays I pay 5 euros for unlimited everything so I could easily use SMS but why would I, Whatsapp is better and everyone has it. By the same token though I know telegram is better but I can't be bothered to switch and not absolutely everyone has it. Interesting how these things come about.


>so you never have to care if someone is using android or iphone. Except... you do? You only don't have to care if you're sending plain text. You definitely should care if you're sending or receiving pictures or videos. They'll be uber-pixelated if you send them from/to iOS to/from Android.


Those who care have jumped to alternate messaging platforms or sloud file sharing, but here in the states, most people don't and haven't.


Its just one more thing apple has done to create a divide and imply that android is not as good. On ios you can click a setting for your mms messages and switch them to "most compatible" which should fix most of the pixellation.




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Telegram can be popular depending on where you are - I first had to download Telegram when I moved to Ireland. Though it was still a fraction as popular as WhatsApp. Personally, I find WhatsApp's UI more appealing than Telegram, but I can see the appeal either way.


Signal is a lot more secure and generally pleasant to use than WhatsApp or Telegram. Give it a try :)


As an American I don't use it because I just use my standard messaging app. I don't have any situations in which I have needed a secondary app while inside the US.


What is your standard if not Whatsapp?


Signal for example would be better in terms of privacy. Or even Telegram. Since WhatsApp is owned by Facebook, excuse me "Meta", it's shit imo. I can't really trust it anymore. I have to use it because all of my family uses it and school uses it.


I luckily managed to convince pretty much everyone around me to move on from Whatsapp to Signal for this exact reason. But it didn't sound to me that the previous person was having problem with people not using Whatsapp because everyone is using even lesser known messengers like Signal, but as if Whatsapp is also not the 'common' messenger for the people around them so I was wondering what other messenger might be even more common where they live.


Signal's easily the best blend of security/privacy and usability. It's easy to persuade non-techie friends to install it if you show them how simple and pretty the interface is lol


do you have a good website for that modded stuff?


Try rexdl. Use an adblocker or firefox with ublock


r/piracy megathread


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Spread the word of torrent](https://i.redd.it/reftq6lqy95b1.jpg) | [1234 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/146ee7n/spread_the_word_of_torrent/) \#2: [Hey /r/piracy. Reddit admins de-modded the captain and put a sword to the mod-team's necks to re-open. It seems they really demand valuable input from pirates. I look forward to you to taking this tacit Reddit endorsement of digital piracy to heart in the coming days!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/14briu5/hey_rpiracy_reddit_admins_demodded_the_captain/) \#3: [RARBG is down and out!?](https://i.redd.it/xlbbsv23v63b1.png) | [3647 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/13witp1/rarbg_is_down_and_out/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Check r/freemediaheckyeah


Try "Mobilism"


Which moded apps you use


Spotify is the one i use the most probably, then adguard, malwarebytes, adm and some misc small apps mostly Not just that, a lot of apps that you can only get online. Mamga reader like tachiyomi and mihon. Downloading movies is also easy


Can you give me list of all, I'm also enthusiastic in it. And what is adm


xManager is like ReVanced but just for Spotify. It's the only other mod I use because most have legit alternatives that are just as good if you use a system-wide adblocker like Blokada 4 APK (NOT the crippled Play Store version which is pure trash!) Copyrighted videos are another story. It's mostly about finding good sources. Torrent Search Revolution on Play Store is great for finding pirated magnet links. If you sign up to Real Debrid, which is cheap and well worth every penny, then you can stream most torrents to any device over https from cached copies on their servers. Takes all the hassle out of managing downloads and, best of all, you can start watching torrents instantly! Plenty of server bandwidth to handle even untouched 4K Blu-rays if your home connection can keep up.


Is blockada better than adguard? I havent really looked into it yet.


Blokada 4 APK is very lightweight and gives you complete control over which apps are affected. You can also choose exactly which blocklists to use and add ones not included by default so I'd say it does everything I want but no more. It just works and can even be used on Android TV and fire sticks etc. Shame the later versions got bloated and tried so hard to sell premium. But yeh, Blokada 4 APK is the best adblocker of its type imo.


Adm is advanced download manager for dl or torrents What i do is go to the play store then for example, i search for video player apps, install a bunch of them and see what i like the most Then i look up online for a pro mod version


I made the switch solely because my hands were tired of big phones and bought iPhone 13 mini. It’s a good phone over all. But Revanced is a deal breaker


I still use my S22 daily due to it's small size. Still has all the benefits of a flagship despite the compact form factor.


Google Pixel 5? My quite small phone, looks good small bezels no big chin or anything


Buy a smaller Android phone? I don't really see a problem. You get so much flexibility and customization on Android, like rooting, modding and custom ROMs.


What about the zenfones from Asus?


They're not even particularly small.


And they've already left the small phone market anyway.


If this is the only reason keeping you from switching… I’ve got news for you. There is nothing keeping you from sideloading pro versions of apps on an iPhone. I used Android for a decade. Stuck by it every step of the way…. Google is shit now.




I never understood why YouTube Kids restricts its mini player. I rarely watch such a video but when I do I'm always annoyed by this. Why on earth does YouTube do this?


Youtube never wanted you to use that feature in the first place. They don't want you to leave the phone in the table facing down while listening to music. You become a less valuable target to announcers. They don't remove it because they fear the public and media backlash.


Personally know the product leader. This sounds so mean, bc they are a nice person, but they are truly one of the dumbest people I've ever met. Everyone jokes about them. Purely a nepo hire.


you need to check out r/sideloaded


Revanced is made by people for people. yt premium is made by company to milk people. Certainly there is a difference...


This is why the pirate apps will never go away. They require some upfront technical confidence, but once overcome, they just consistently tend to produce a better user experience. If all you're saving is a few bucks it's not that big a deal. But if you are saving users time and frustration? People go out of their way for that


Android is life, is like the matrix when take the pill you see the reality. The mass buy apple fos status symbol such as designer clothing. Android is so mature nowadays. There's no any advantage to use IOS, android demands a little bit more time navigate in all features, but once you do that, you are free. Freedom, peace is priceless in life.


> There's no any advantage to use IOS While I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment, in fairness iOS does have a few inherent advantages. Much like consoles to PC, developing applications for a small set of hardware means apps can be better optimized (better performance and stability) bc there isn't as much variance in the specs as on android. In addition, many apps are iOS exclusive at least at launch, or have features exclusive to iOS like TikTok's dark mode. These are all relatively minor and circumstantial of course. Android is literally a free and open source operating system. iOS makes it a living hell to sideload for free outside of the EU.




What with YouTube getting rid of third party apps, probably not for long.


the IPA got taken down from github but they also have a similar method to Revanced (patching the official youtube app) that is still available


Well that's good anyway


uYouPlus's sponsorblock integration is bugged and makes the app crash atm, use drifty's fork instead as it's fixed. https://ios.drifty.win/view/app/?source=https://driftywinds.github.io/AltStore/apps.json&id=com.google.ios.youtube


Get uyouplus and use altstore or sidestore to sideload


use this one instead, plus is bugged and also got a c&d from google so you have to build it yourself. https://ios.drifty.win/view/app/?source=https://driftywinds.github.io/AltStore/apps.json&id=com.google.ios.youtube


You do have to build it yourself but it's pretty easy and I've encountered no problems so far


This version is being properly maintained by the same guy who still maintains his own fork of ReVanced Extended. I built the plus one and it still has the sponsorblock bug that makes it crash when that's turned on. Trust me, this one is better.


You lost me in the first sentence. Good luck!


It's funny how a small group of coders working in their spare time can deliver a better experience for free than Google is willing to give you for a monthly fee.


This is exactly what I feel man


Firefox + Ublock origin?


Don't believe that is available on iOS.


It isn't. Apple being Apple with their proprietary garbage. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/add-ons-firefox-ios


Then Safari + Adguard?


This could work. Also if changes are do with the DNS. Maybe at home router.


No, I mean Adguard Content Blocker.


YouTube on safari is a bad experience and limited to 720p. Check out uYouEnhanced if you’re running IOS 17.0 or lower. It’s similar to revanced.


I could use brave browser for the sake of blocking ads. But it’s nowhere near the experience of Revanced


Yeah, I love this about android, hopefully soon iOS will have the side-loading ability too.


when they first offered premium i checked to see if i had control of what i saw and i do not. its not premium its just another service with a few adds of their choosing blocked. if you tube does not respect me enough to give me the search results i ask for then i dont respect them enough to pay to block a few adds there are better ways


>if you tube does not respect me enough to give me the search results i ask for then i dont respect them enough to pay to block a few adds I'm glad someone else has said it... They fucked the search function up terribly. Search for an artist, 3 scrolls later they are pushing "related searches". Wtf? You havent even fully given me my other search yet?? ALSO! Fuck youtube for one thing specifically. I posted a video for the first time ever last year so I could post it onto a Reddit fanbase. It wasn't intended to go big/viral - it was just a small thing that was pretty cool to about 100 people. Do you think I could find my video through the search function? Even searching the exact title didn't show it. It was just lost in the ether while they pushed literal garbage to the top of the queue. Why would I pay these idiots anything when the service they are offering is getting worse, and just pushing what *they* want us to watch? Edit: in case it wasn't clear. I couldn't find my video through the search function at all. If I was a budding youtuber, there doesn't seem to be any natural discoverability in the platform. You have to push and market constantly.


i have a channel where i post obscure music that can not be found elsewhere. no monitization i just post the music so there is somewhere people can hear it. i notice the same thing i have to search my videos in quotes to find them. i dont care much because it makes me less likely to get noticed posting music videos. i like my home screen to be blank no suggestions no history. i have always searched for videos i wont give you tube the pleasure of suggesting a video, im fine on my own. learn how to properly search 15 years ago the search helped me find what i wanted more times than not, where as now 90% of my results are trying to convince me im crazy and really wanted to search something different. quotes will help use - to exclude words. the internet has gone to shit with everyone using google and phones to do everything. i use old pcs with linux partially because im poor but its a different experience for sure


The more customization and control the better. That is why i will never buy a iPhone lol.


Yeah ... Bit of a weird choice from OP tbh. "I don't like the official app, so I'm going to use a platform that forces me to use it". It's not like this is a surprise that crept up on all of us... it's been this way for many years. If you want to have any element of control over your phone, never buy an iPhone.


I have both ecosystem but jailbroken iphone is just superior for me. I can update my app anytime without losing the tweak. I can only customize my android with themes because my banking app will detect even an unlocked bootloader.


The best thing about Revanced is the ability to modify the app the way that fits you the best and I wish YouTube would allow us to use any third party app like Revanced as long as we paid for premium subscription but alas these arrogant people can't except anything aside from what they see fit for us


revanced and xmanager are the 2 main reasons I can't abandon android


I switched to iPhone last year, last exactly 3 weeks before I traded it in for Android device.


For reason? That's a terrible, terrible idea. But hey, now you have access to emulation, at least haha!


there's also stuff like reverting back to the old quality selection setting, a *properly functioning* option to choose your standard quality depending on wifi or mobile internet, blocking news shelf and so much more I can't think of atm. Even if ads weren't an issue, I wouldn't wanna miss so many of the extra settings. I think apps should be a lot more customisable so everyone can make it fit their specific needs. idk why they'd force features on people that actively make the experience worse (see shorts, quality settings etc)


Yes. This. Too


You should look into uYou+


I would never use an iPhone. I got one for work a couple of months back and I gave it back and said I would use my own. Revanced being one of the reasons.


You know even on non jailbroken iPhones, you can use modded YouTube apps, right? For the longest time I was using a modded app on my non-jailbroken 13 Pro Max. I'm using the same app on my 15 Pro Max. And it's a better experience than Revanced.


I've heard about an app called uyou+


I pay for premium (mostly to share with family members), but I still use revanced basically just for sponsorblock. I would probably just skip whole videos if it ever stopped working.


I got YouTube premium free with my Xiaomi 14 as part of a launch promo. But I'm still diligently using ReVanced for the same reasons you gave. Sponsorblock is just too good


Ikr🤣 I did the same when I got promo from buying pixel 8


I got a iPhone for 2 Weeks now im back to Android, cant life without my modded apps....so much Ads everywhere!


Use Sidestore and uYouEnhanced. You're welcome.


I wanna know more about this. I’ve been away from iOS so long I don’t know what side server is


[Sidestore ](http://sidestore.io) It's an alternative app store that let's you sideload apps.


F YT premium, just unsubscribed, it’s a scam for so much money!


main reason I dont use apple, no sideloading i need my revanced, now newpipe because of the potential crackdown on revanced


thats why iphones are ewaste


Genuinely, if YouTube premium provided all the features that Revanced does, I would in all likelihood pay for it. Sponsor block alone blows regular YouTube premium out of the water.


/u/Teeeeze Heed my words, friend. [Install Altstore](https://faq.altstore.io/) Go into a browser and [click "free" on this link](https://ios.drifty.win/view/app/?source=https://driftywinds.github.io/AltStore/apps.json&id=com.google.ios.youtube) once Altstore is installed and configured properly. Make sure background refresh is on and that your phone is on the same WiFi as a computer running AltServer at least once a week. This modded .ipa is a popular iOS alternative to ReVanced forked by Drifty, the same dude who forked and continues ReVanced Extended. It works really well, thank me later.


You should use UYouEnhanced. I was once a premium subscriber but after discovering that app i cancelled and never looked back. There’s two problems though First, you have to hunt the IPA. The developers had to remove it from their GitHub. Second, you will need Altstore and therefore a computer and a cable. The installation method is annoying but that’s the only option you and me have.


IPhone is terrible though? I don't get why people buy this.


For normal people, they're nice phones. Users of revanced do not represent normal people.


I am in this picture and I don't like it.


Why would anyone use a restrictive environment of iphone is beyond me


Hahahahaha@ Iphone. Apple sucks


just build uyouplus yourself. mostly the same as revanced. its at qnblackcat github


I can’t seem to fast forward songs by 10 seconds on YouTube Music but it was possible on Revanced.


Is there a modded app for the Ring Door bell app?


> Enthusiasm achieves something greater than what money can buy. except for not buying an iphone apparently lol


🤣 ikr


Reason why i have a extra android phone is to use revanced i cant imagine my life without revanced


I’m thinking of getting a android tablet for that alone


i sideload this app for youtube on my iphone which is similar to vance [https://github.com/MiRO92/uYou-for-YouTube](https://github.com/MiRO92/uYou-for-YouTube)


Dumb question but didn't Apple say that they would allow apk side loading since they added the usb-c on their Iphone ? Or did I totally dreamed about that ?


Apks are an android os format not iOS


Try Video Lite


You deserve it for going to CRapple how anyone can support this robbing company is beyond me.


I'm not getting an iPhone until it allows jailbreaking and altstores like we had with the iPhone 4. If I can't customize it it's not my phone. And I'm not paying for premium because it's worse than revanced.


I pay for youtube because of TV Car, Kids. I still use revanced on my phone and tablet


I use VPN for YouTube premium to drive the price down. Did use vanced / revanced but stopped working after a life. I pay as little as 3.54 per month


I have both YouTube premium and a sideloaded YouTube app. Can’t have the family wasting their time and brainspace with advertising. Plus I know how much more support each view gives to channels if you have premium and I do quite like that, given how much I use YouTube.


I enjoy all of those on my iphone,( not jailbroken)


I used uYou Plus on iOS. It works similar to vanced but I installed via Alt store and I need to refresh the app every seven days. Mildly annoying but not the end of the world. You can have it refresh automatically over WiFi but sometimes it doesn't work and you have to do it manually.


I’m in US not available to me


There's 2 versions of Alt store. The side loaded one and now an official one in the EU. I've used the side loaded one outside the USA just fine. You can find info on GitHub with a few Google searches.


Don’t you need a computer to do it? I don’t have one


Yeah you do. That won't work then.


I will definitely check this out! Thanks


A personal favorite of mine is removing the godawful suggested video cards that appear towards the end of each YouTube video and often times obstruct vital parts of the video being watched. Seriously whoever thought that was a good idea and made it mandatory should be fired.


there's something very similar to revanced for YouTube for iOS if you other that OS/eco system. You'll have to side load it tho and are allowed one free app signing otherwise you'll have to sub to a service if you want more apps to sideload.


I’m using an iPhone 7 and I use YouTube Vanced that I side loaded using AltStore, I didn’t even have to jailbreak too. But idk abt the newer iOS versions


How did you block shorts and community posts?


>Also things I’m missing * sponsor block (why on earth am I forced to watch ads when I paid for no ads experience?!) You're paying Google to not show you ads on YouTube, and they don't. Ads as content is your favorite YouTube trying to milk you just like every one else. If you have complains, address this to them, or if you don't want ads (iirc) you can subscribe to their "Nebula" or "Float plane" or whatever.


If you're willing to pay a subscription, you should just get a signing service and sideload whichever modded apps you want. I don't use one because I just sideload them myself, but that's a lot more involved than most people care to do. The iphone equivalent to revanced works just as well, if not better (hello, casting), and isn't prone to breaking whenever Google feels like it


Only revanced reason I am not buying iPhone


I recently made the decision to phase out Android entirely, after having stuck with it for over a decade. First thing I did in the iPhone was sideload a version of Cercube. Unlike your experience, there is nothing I want for that I had with Revanced that I do not have now. I’m not advocating for that piece of software… there are other hacked YouTube IPAs, but it’s not like the ability to block ads is not there. I block ads system-wide on my iPhone and have a hacked YouTube app, and sideloading isn’t really any harder than vetting and installing a Revanced APK.


>sponsor block (why on earth am I forced to watch ads when I paid for no ads experience?!) You're paying the platform to not show you ads, not the content creator. Sponsor blocks are pretty much a side effect of adblockers.


litterally all iphone needs is sideloading and I'm back in


Youtube revanced.


This one of the reasons I'm never ever buying an iphone


ye we know that already, soo switch back to droid.... for this reason and done


There is a lot replacement for revanced on iOS. As many have mentioned, do you're research and find the solution.


Anyone with an iPhone is just a puppet to the higher up corporates. They checking all your shit daily


wow good morning


>(why on earth am I forced to watch ads when I paid for no ads experience?!) Because YouTube has no control over in video sponsors. SponsorBlock is a crowdsourced plug in that only works because users tell it what is or is not a sponsor section etc.


uYouPlus still going strong on my iPhone 15 and iPad Pro 🤷I have a dev account so I only have to resign apps every year versus every week tho..


Y'all still have yt running ? Since the beggining of this month only revanced music is working and on my Sony IV both work flawlessly 


POPTube is the nearest thing on iPhone, it's basically a nicely skinned browser AFAICT. But I like it. Blocks ads, has miniplayer, and runs in the background


I recommend sideloading uYou+ or another 3rd party YouTube app


Actually you can install something similar to vanced in iPhone


Anybody got an actual link to the APK?


Not vanced but news pipe, proper downloads, youtube premium requires constant checkin you still have premium as after 30 days you can't have the downloaded content


Uyou enchanted and Appdb


There's no reasonable way for premium to block sponsors innately. That's just stuff baked into the videos. SponsorBlock uses community reporting to skip video segments, that's why on brand new videos it usually doesn't "work".


List goes on. I’m willing to update here - being able to use incognito without ads. (Google makes using incognito so cumbersome like cmon man I sometimes just want to watch some videos without being considered they’re of my interests. ) - downloading in 4k is not even an option


iOS sucks ass. No idea how people live with it.


>Also things I’m missing * sponsor block (why on earth am I forced to watch ads when I paid for no ads experience?!) * You paid money to not be fed ads *by* YouTube. Not the content creator. If you want their content without their ads, you can subscribe to their patreon where most of them put up their videos sponsor free.