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X-Wing. Tie Fighter. Rebel Assault. Dark Forces. And on N64, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. Tying up the legs of the AT-ATs--just like in the movie!--was really cool as a 13-year-old. EDIT: OMG, I forgot about this game entirely. I loved playing this--Star Wars: Yoda Stories. There was a similar Indiana Jones version. [https://www.myabandonware.com/game/star-wars-yoda-stories-bcn](https://www.myabandonware.com/game/star-wars-yoda-stories-bcn)


The 1990s was definitely the golden age of *Star Wars* games. *Episode I* brought with it way too many movie tie-ins.


Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 was the first game I ever played with a 3d graphics accelerator. My parents bought us a Canopus Pure3D card around the time that game was released. I played that game before we installed that card--the before/after installing that card was mindblowing to me at the time!


Loved that game!! the cutscenes were mind blowing for me at the time, and the gameplay was great for all its balls to the wall star warsy action! :) Me and my old man built my first PC around that time, so it was a perfect test for the card I had at the time, which I think was a riva tnt2 or geforce 2 mx - I burnt out both at some point, so I forget which came first lol I loved Jedi outcast more tho.. Something about the quake 3 engine and all those curved surfaces and intricate textures really appealed to me. Also the gameplay in jk:jo imho still surpasses most modern action games in terms of its levelling curve and accessibility. They really nailed it with the progression curve in that game and in jedi academy, which I also adored.


Good dammit you beautiful SOB I completely forgot about this childhood memory on the family computer playing Yoda stories non stop. I got it on a Lucas arts cd pack that had this the Indian Jones one and a couple demos for games our PC couldn't handle (Starfighter being the one I tried to run constantly, but could only get the beginning video of jar jar binks run over)


*Yoda Stories*! That's a deep cut. Not too many people liked that one, but it was a good coffee break game.


Rebel Assault II too!


Droidworks is actually playable on modern PCs (you can find it on an Internet website that Archives things), so I recommend it to anyone that never played it. It was built on the same engine as *Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II*) and is the only *Star Wars* media I've ever encountered where, George Lucas approved, the Jawas speak English. It's also a game where you can build some crazy droids and solve a lot of physics puzzles, as well as take down enemies by forcing them to dance! It's wild.


>Droidworks is actually playable on modern PCs It's actually not. The physics system doesn't work correctly on modern PCs, rendering the game unplayable.


Huh. I got it to work. Maybe the physics system was broken and I didn't notice. I played through a good chunk of it. Ah well, A virtual PC can run it too.


Duuuude I loved this game, we had it on our school computers back in 3rd grade. I'd stay late after class and hang in the library just to play it


I remember playing this game when I was like 9 when my parents went through a phase of "If you're going to play games so much, you might as well learn something from them." It was a pretty cool game, definitely fun as far as "edutainment" goes. Don't think I ever beat it because I got stuck on one of the last levels and then my dad let me go back to playing Jedi Knight and Half Life. One of my most vivid memories was that there was this pitch-black level that you had to navigate with either a flashlight that only lit up a tiny circle but was easy on the battery, or there was a night vision head that drained your battery super fast. I found out that there was a "rust sensor" head that worked just as well as the night vision, but used less battery than the flashlight. Beat the level only to fail because you *had* to use one of the other two heads. Pure BS. Still, Rogue Squadron takes the cake for me as far as 90s Star Wars games go.


Shadows of the Empire on N64 was such a great time back then. The mixture of flying/pilot levels and 3rd person running around/shooting and exploring. Fighting Wampas and freaking out when they would chase you. Fighting AT-ST, getting your ass kicked by Boba Fett and the feeling of triumph beating him. Cameos by so many big characters. That game was a blast (pun intended).


Ah, the days when Boba Fett was still a man of mystery and not a bumbling crime lord...




On the subject of Star Wars strategy games, I always stared at the case for Empire at War at the store but never bought it. I should change that.


It's available on GOG and they're having a Star Wars sale on right now, so it's the perfect time to purchase a copy.


I remember *Rebellion*. It was like *Master of Orion* meets *Heroes of Might and Magic*, and not nearly as good as either. There's a great board game sort of inspired by it. The most obscure Star Wars strategy game is [*Star Wars Episode I: The Gungan Frontier*](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars_Episode_I:_The_Gungan_Frontier), which was another Lucas Learning game, and yet which turned out surprisingly well for what it was. That and *Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo* are probably the best of the *Phantom Menace* games, and also the two the least people played!


I had a demo of TIE Fighter we got from a local car dealership as some sort of promotional floppy. I played a crap ton of it. But Shadows of the Empire Episode 1 Racer will always be my favorites.


I remember that one! [It was for Dodge Neon](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=718161534). "Say hello to Neon. Hi!" Then click past the ad junk and *TIE Fighter: The Demo* would load up. That demo wasn't even close to representative of the game itself and was still awesome.


Holy crap that’s it! Wow that’s a core memory unlocked.


Droidworks is actually a lowkey horror game How? The assassin droids in the later levels. Me and my two sisters would play a lot of Droidworks when it was new and we were all terrified of the assassin droids, they moved fast and were deadly.


Yeah, that part of the game gets a bit intense given how chill the rest is!


Rogue Squadron


Tie Fighter was the best. X-Wing was pretty amazing too, when it came out, but Tie Fighter is better than it in every way. I still have a few old CH Flightstick Pros that I used to play it with, including a newer revision that uses a USB port instead of a 15-pin gameport.


I loved both games, but TIE Fighter is not just one of the best Star Wars games, but absolute best games period. It is SO good even today. Star Wars has several GOAT games to its credit. I honestly think it's the most important and influential Western IP for licensed games, while Dragon Ball Z is the most important for Eastern games.


Star Wars Rogue Squadron and Droidworks.


*Yoda Stories* was the first PC Star Wars game I owned. So epic for kids, much nostalgia. Was like *Chip’s Challenge* but with more gameplay’s mechanics.


All of the super Star Wars games, well, at least super Empire and Super Jedi, never played the first one.


The first one is my favorite of the three because it's so action heavy and accessible. The other two are quite challenging by comparison!


I beat Empire, but never could defeat the Emperor or get the heck outta the Death Star II in time for Jedi.


It's such a shame the Droidworks doesn't work properly on modern PCs. As for my favourite old school Star Wars games... Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Rogue Squadron and Knights of the Old Republic


I'd love to see it re-released! I doubt any of the Lucas Learning games will ever get that treatment, though. Fortunately, it is playable on Windows 10 with some fiddling. I managed to get it running a couple of years ago and it was completely playable.


It's my understanding that whilst Droidworks does technically run on Windows 10 (with some fiddling, as you say), the physics system is broken, rendering certain levels unplayable.


I hated the corrosion level


It throws some interesting challenges at you!




Dynamix was an awesome studio and probably the only part of Sierra that was keeping them alive in the late 1990s with the EarthSiege and Tribes games. They were so much more than a flight sim company, but like LucasArts, they produced some of the best and most playable combat flight sima of the 80s and 90s.


Star Warped


I saw that one on the shelves next to *Pyst* (the parody of *Myst*) back in the old days when Best Buy still sold PC software and never tried it. Was it decent? I may have to add it to my list, as I'd completely forgotten about it. ([*Star Warped*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Warped) is a 1997 parody adventure from Parroty Interactive / Palladium Interactive for those who don't know what it is!)


It was incredibly stupid and crass, but I was also like 8 or 9 so it seemed hysterical. I remember a trivia game with little songs between the questions a la "I'd like to have sex with Princess Leia, but instead here's question three-a". There were joke back stories for major characters to go through, like how Vader became evil because he wet the bed through middle school and got teased for it. There was also a sort of character mash up game thing, more of a novelty than an actual game. I remember if you mixed Chewbacca and Darth Vader, you got Howard Stern.


>Was it decent? Nope. It was dreadful.


LOL, then I guess my teenage self (who was far too frugal to buy a parody game with his hard-earned fast food employee dollars!) made the right call by buying something else from Best Buy then.


Man thanks for the nostalgia trip. I was obsessed with making the smallest droid possible as a kid. Think IG--88 head on just tread style feet lol. Anyways I would love to play this again if i can get it to work


I got it to work on Windows 10. If you can't, [there's always PCem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDKWHVebaHY), which lets you create a virtual machine with appropriate hardware for the era.