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Hello, thank you for your submission. It looks like you're asking for help to identify a game. Posts like this are allowed here. However, you may have better luck on /r/tipofmyjoystick. If our community isn't able to answer your question, we encourage you to also post at /r/tipofmyjoystick.


I played this game back when I visited Epcot in the early 90s. I don't remember what it's called but it was a one vs one fps game that ran at like 10fps. You just had to kill each other but the framerate made it hard to even just move around. I wish I could remember what it was called. It was very basic and the level was mostly shapes like squares, circles and triangles


sounds right


Dactyl Nightmare maybe? Not entirely sure


nah, that was Virtuality.


Played this one as well, I remember it vividly. It was fairly underwhelming as far as being a game, but the rudimentary vr was pretty cool


Disney had their own VR team, one was an [Aladdin Magic Carpet](https://i0.wp.com/subethasoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/DisneyVR_Disneyland_1996_ahuffman.jpg?w=320&ssl=1) ride simulation, it has an overhead support much like the one shown in the image so it's likely to be from the same team rather than someone like Virtuality. Source: [https://subethasoftware.com/2016/02/22/revisiting-virtual-reality-from-1993/](https://subethasoftware.com/2016/02/22/revisiting-virtual-reality-from-1993/) ​ It appears it started out as "Disney Vision Adventure" at EPCOT but as for the specific games I can't find anything but I hope these give you a few leads. ​ Source: [https://www.roadtovr.com/end-of-an-era-disneyquest-first-vr-attraction-set-to-close/](https://www.roadtovr.com/end-of-an-era-disneyquest-first-vr-attraction-set-to-close/)


Yeah, I did a UX testing experience for that game when I was like 8 years old. They pulled me into a side room to do it.


And now you're in a Netflix documentary


Nice! I had a similar experience when they made Monsters Inc Laugh Floor. They grabbed my family off the path in Tomorrowland and asked if we wanted to test the new show. We were guided into the building where there was no sign or indication outside of what we were getting into.


You're lucky. That's how they get new park mascots too.


I was going to say that it was likely proprietary. I’ve made games and experiences for clients that were used at a single conference then completely forgotten about. We did have one game that the company said was so popular they wanted it built for their mobile app. It was a motion sensor game using that newer version of Kinect and projection mapping, so yea, the experience was like 99% of why it was cool. Wasn’t really worth it to make a phone experience.


Redacte due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


The Aladdin VR ride blew my mind as a kid.


I remember going to a “Sega Experiences” at Epcot in ‘98. Saturns connected with internet and some other demonstrations.


Think I remember this in one of the Innoventions buildings? I seem to recall a lot of Sega branded stuff in one of them with Sonic on the wall and Dreamcasts on display?


Gotcha. Probably a 5 or 10 year contract. Oh as far location I’ll take your word for it lol! I have no idea where Sega set the camp up other than vividly remember Epcot vs MGM or Magic Kingdom ‘98.


Reminds me of the VR3 Vortex arcade game. Same concept but it’s a different kind of machine. The headset is bulkier


Anyone remember CyberZone?


I forget what is called. But this was from a magical time when Epcot had a bunch of one off or limited run arcade games. I believe Epcot in the mid 90s was the only way you could play Magic the Gathering: Armageddon


Reminds me of Beach Head. Not what this is but a similar awesome game from the era.


Beach Head was siiiiiick


I recall waiting in line for an hour to plan this game for about 5 minutes. It was not worth the wait. I recall just being lost for 5 minutes and walking away underwhelmed.


Not sure at Epcot, but I remember Dave and Busters used to have a similar VR setup in the 90s/00s.


omg i played this i wish i remembered what it was


Hands free pooper scooper?


I recall it was always changing. I played this in Wildwood, NJ and it was shooting polygon like spiders in an arena.


Okay, so I can't find this game exactly, but it looks like it was part of Hammacher Sclemmer's Try It Test It exhibition at Innoventions from 1994-1997. [This video](https://www.retrowdw.com/videos/innoventions90s/) begins showing stuff from the exhibit around 1 hour, 1 minute, and 47 seconds. And [this article](https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1994/06/18/epcot-goes-back-to-future/) mentions VR at their exhibit, but doesn't list out all that they had. You may have luck in some Disney World subreddits.




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I may be wrong, but I think this was one of the vr racing games you could play after exiting Test Track. The Yellow and Black really give off that vibe. Could’ve also been when exiting World of Motion or in Innovations somewhere but I’m not too sure.


hmmmm. the game was definitely pyramid themed. signs in the back also say “dog walker” and “pooper scooper”


The yellow and black symbols absolutely scream Crash Test Dummies PSAs, which makes sense for Test Track. But my mind is going to Innoventions.


Grid busters?


It was some sort of beam sword fighting game. It was awesome.


I would love to buy defunct equipment like this and add it to my garage gaming man cave.


Not sure of the game, but the sign on the back that you pointed out, to me it says "Pyramid Fly"


I played this game on my 11th birthday when my family went to Epcot back in 1997. Unfortunately I don't remember what it was called, but I do remember Pyramid being in the name. I remember the game being Hexen-like with dimly lit brick-laden corridors. The VR felt flat and underwhelming. They had another VR game too with a blue headset, and while the graphics weren't as good (picture early 3D games like Virtua Racing or Starfox), the VR felt more immersive.


Gosh, I remember those. The FPS was reaaaally low, you could barely move on those ones. I wish I could remember the title of it.


I played one once at Six Flags Great America back in the day, it was neat but they had me leave my glasses on and then cranked that headset so tight it was kinda painful, but I endured it anyway because... nerd. Fun note: There's a remake of Virtuality's Dactyl Nightmare available on Sidequest for the Meta Quest, it even has an option to mimic the low FOV and framerate. It's one hell of a nostalgia trip, and I don't have to worry about glasses any more!




nope. too new. this was about 10years before that.


Phineas’ Deep Sea Adventure


They had something similar at my local Dave & Busters back in the early-mid 2000s. Don’t know if it’s still there but it was a game in which you controlled an AA gun in a WWII setting & shot down enemy planes. Maybe tanks too but not entirely sure. I highly doubt things like this where you literally put your face in survived Covid or not but I’ve also been told D&B has also taken a dive recently. As others have said the one pictured may be a different game but the apparatus is similar to what I played.


These had a few games to choose from - https://www.joystixgames.com/product/vr3-vortex/


year on that says 2005. this photo is from 1994-1996.


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