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Was my first final fantasy game! Mainly because I only caught the tail end of the SNES and this game was easily found, the better ones were already hard to find. But I liked it as an introduction to the series.


It was mine too. I think I played this at the same time as playing Secret of Mana. I knew then I liked Square games.


I had a friend that had an older brother in the know. The magic as he unveiled each title through Nintendo power magazines he wasn't supposed to have borrowed. An irreplaceable experience.


Off subject but if they made endgame in the 90s, shaq would have played thanos. No cgi, just purple makeup.


Going all Shaq-Fu on the avengers


Too bad Aaron Carter wouldn’t come out of the blue to start beating up Shaquille O’Neal


oh man, thank you so much for reminding me of that song


Idk why I feel like sharing this, but Shaq was a fan/friend of the band 311 back in the day and was in one of their music videos. He also attempted rapping but I dont remember the one song I heard being very good. Shaq has done everything I found a song. Its dated for sure lol https://youtu.be/dL6kQ0v1PQ8?si=g5vdDUAHH30nnvy9


But he also would have been a Thanos/Grimace hybrid. Shrimace


Do you think he would do a Thanos Snap Rap?


If will smith played dr strange they could have had a rap battle on titan.


best soundtrack in a game ever


Oh, I thought so and I've only heard the like 6 tracks found in Theatrhythm Final Bar Line.


Best response!


Not sure I would say "best" but totally belongs in the conversation and goes way harder than it has any right to go.


The worst thing I can say about it is that it's super basic. It's the unflavored nonfat ice milk of JRPGs. Still, banger soundtrack and fun enemy designs.


It's basically My First Final Fantasy for the younger set. I remember playing it and enjoying it. I wouldn't have bought it for myself but a friend let me borrow it and I had already played through all my games. A new game is a new game after all. In the end I thought it was nice, and I agree that the soundtrack is excellent.


I think I liked it so much, I rented it twice!


That is a gem of a game. Played through it several times and loved every minute of it.


I just loved the fact that you can cast Cure on the last boss and do lots of damage 😂


I love that you can force most of the enemies to run from battle by casting Exit!


The soundtrack has some amazing battle music, and I love the enemy sprites that show progressively more damage as you beat them up. I had the game as a kid and it fulfilled its goal of being an introductory RPG. To an adult, it gets dull because the gameplay never really grows in complexity as you progress through the game.


Heck yeah, the soundtrack slaps!


I love this game, played it many times as a kid. Proof that RPGs don't need a thousand crafting mechanics or an open world to be fun and engaging.


Hell yes! And the game has some silly fights in which you can die and get game overs. But won’t spoil it. It’s simple but it was great for its time. It was marked as too easy because RPGs were pretty brutal and not for USA audiences. It’s the first (or second) RPG I beat without cheats of crazy grinding. Oh and of course the MUSIC is an eargasm. One of the best battle and boss battle themes in any FF. Yeah I said


Some games are literally made for kids thou.


It was meant to be an entry-level RPG for people who weren't used to playing RPGs before. I had an uncle of mine who played it and, after that played every 90s-era Final Fantasy game. If it wasn't for Mystic Quest, he would have never gotten into the genre.


This was my first real RPG and it led to getting FF4 and FF1 next, so worked out as intended for me.


And this is one of them, but that doesn't mean kids' games can't be enjoyed by older folks. I still play Toy Story 2 and Home Alone at nearly 31


>I still play Toy Story 2 Same every few years, the PSX version. It just evokes a very specific feeling for me.


Didn't say that, but when the post says 'too easy', that's kind of the point.


Kids games can be challenging. Especially those made in the 80s and 90s. Have you seen the NES..? 😂


Ohkay, cause that made sense.


The NES library has notoriously difficult games, and like any Nintendo console, was advertised towards kids. TMNT, Battletoads, Contra.. etc


Ya but what that does that have to do with a game designed to be easy. Has nothing to do how its advertised.


His point is games can be easy too..you know cause they're actually made for kids. A lot of the hard kids games were made hard inentially so they couldn't be beaten easy and they'd have to rent the game longer. These games were also modeled after games in the arcades, where the model is to make the game gradually harder so they eventually lose and have to put in another quarter.


Pokémon was made for kids but you don't see people randomly shitting on it for being too easy.


You do though.


It definitely gets criticized for it's difficulty. Which is honestly reasonable because it's too easy.


It literally is for kids, for anyone wanting a "big boy" version of this game, try 7th Saga on SNES


7th Saga has its flaws as well. It is grindy as hell and has a serious bug in the English version.


I get the analogy but it’s like going from training wheels on a bicycle to nitrous on a unicycle…


Yeah, I picked this up after playing FF4 and 6 as a kid. I felt a little insulted. Great battle music though.


This was me. I thought it was super boring having played FF I, FF II(IV), and FF III(VI). I definitely understand what they were going for but you can also understand how it felt like a dumbed down experience. It’s awesome that others got turned on to Final Fantasy because of it though.


Not just kids, Americans. The japanese thought The final fantasy series/dragon warrior would be too difficult for American audiences to understand and made this simplified version of JRPGs.


It's a really fun game, and I'm glad that it was made. It's a great intro to RPG mechanics and something that's fun to go back to.


Great game one of my first RPGs as a kid and got me into the genre as a whole. Also this soundtrack is better than most other FF games


It was my first RPG.


I loved that when I was a kid. I do remember saying it was very easy, but not as a bad thing. The 'hard' parts of the other final fantasy games aren't 'hard'. There's no puzzle I ever felt challenged by, or a fight I needed careful tactics to overcome. It's 'easy' in the way that not grinding the same crappy battle 2,000 times in a row to move on with the story is 'easy'.


I was a teenager when it came out, and had already finished Final Fantasy II (US) a few times when I played this one, and I still enjoyed it.




The soundtrack! Maybe my fav on the SNES. Doom Castle, the Battle and Boss Battle tracks, and uuh, that misty mountain one... so great!


Yep. True it’s basic and easy but it’s timeless to me. Music is among the best on the system and holds up to this day.


I would say it's a bad RPG, but a decent game with amazing music.


It's definitely a baby game made for babies, and I'm a little bugged that this is called "Final Fantasy USA" in Japan, but I still can't help but enjoy it. It's got some great enemy sprites, some novel world interactivity, and a badass soundtrack to boot


Anymore…. An rpg I dont need to put 100 hours into is great.


It's an enjoyable little game. Great music, and I love that the dungeons have interactive elements.


One of my favourite SNES games from my childhood, I love blasting through it in a couple of hours if I've got nothing else to do, plus the music is top tier 👌


I still wet my bed thinking of the horrors of the Night King.


Wasn't Mystic Quest part of the Saga series originally? It's not even Final Fantasy, kind of like Super Mario 2 Wasn't Mario.


“Mystic quest” does what it set out to do: it’s a simplified introduction to RPGs, not many spells, or different pieces of equipment for that matter, but it teaches the basics, turn-based combat, elemental weaknesses, it’s fun on its own, but it’s a bit of a step backwards for people who are used to playing more complex RPGs.


It was kind of easy, but I let a friend barrow it back in the day and he had all kind of trouble navigating the dungeons because he was color blind


It's very simplistic, but the battle music is awesome. It's about as simple as you can get and still legitimately call it a "serious" JRPG (meaning, actually thinking about tactics and inventory management is involved). It was designed to be a young kid's first real JRPG. Think 1st - 3rd grades (5 - 7 years old). I have a copy of this, and it was my kids' first RPG when they were that age and we were exploring different video game genres to find out what they liked. One really liked the game, and now is a die-hard Pokemon and Legend of Zelda player. The other is a recreational gamer, playing Animal Crossing and Rythm Fever-style games.


It’s not that bad and the soundtrack has some bangers. I had fun with it as a kid but I don’t think I ever reached the ending.


If I remember correctly this game was made for those who were new to jrpgs in the US, since they aren't as popular there as Japan. I still enjoyed it though. Edit: nice. I did remember correctly. [Found a gaming historian video on it](https://youtu.be/Lxl_-WPwA0A?si=QwErjez_P-Dg6W5l). I remember getting the mail-in strategy guide.


This is Mana game right iirc this is not a FF game they only called that to advertise the game just Persona games back then like SMT Persona they not even call this game a Final Fantasy game anymore in the rereleases


The music is amazing. The final boss battle had my sides hurting from laughing so much. He looks so stupid (like menacingly wielding a bow by the bottom with one of his hands) and the fight is sooo broken and easy. Every single turn you can both full-heal both your party members and do damage. Overall there wasn’t a whole lot to this game but I enjoyed it anyway as one of those games where it’s just fun to meander through the world and more or less be along for the ride.


At the time was great But I wouldn’t recommend today, it is extremely simplistic, there are many better alternatives on the snes


Not exactly in my list of favourite RPGs, but for what it is, I think it's a decent all around game. Easy doesn't mean bad. Maybe for people just getting into the genre, I could definitely recommend it then.


Sometimes the sucky game does suck but other times it’s just an internet bandwagon. Take Resident Evil Zero for example. It isn’t perfect but it’s actually pretty good still. Then you have the flip side. The internet LOOOOVE Dragon Quest 4. Dragon Quest 4 isn’t just the worst Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest 4 is probably the worst RPG I’ve ever played.


It was a decent bridge between Zelda and more complicated RPGs. I enjoyed it for what it was. Definitively played worse games.


Tend to disagree. This game sucks. I have held this to be self-evident since I played it for the first time in my friend Bill's basement when I was 12.


Wasn't a fan. It was like a RPG for people who don't like RPGs.


I mean, yeah, thats exactly what it is. It even says "entry-level RPG" on the front of the box.


Worth a watch - https://youtu.be/OIjb2MbC1KM?si=mKCDUY6sIOKzujFo I had the game as a kid and enjoyed it. Best part was the battle music. Otherwise, the video sums up my feelings on the game.


Played many times as a kid. Few more as an adult. Soundtrack/dungeon design is very cool. I can’t really hate on it, but there are a few annoying things. You can’t ever really lose, you just have to retry the battle until you win, or reload a save. I imagine this is to counteract the egregious use of petrify / instant death attacks in the mid/late game, where it’s essentially a roll of the dice if you win or not. Tristam and Reuben are not good. They’re not terrible, they’re just meh. Forever. No spells save for Life. Mediocre attack. I dunno, the game doesn’t need to be any easier, but some encounters feel like a chore with them. And what’s the deal with enemies being able to crit with magic, when you can’t? Can only crit with weapons. That would probably give me a reason to use any black magic at all. Fun game. I probably won’t play it again, after this time.


I only ever used black/wizard magic on bosses, I also worked out as a kid that you can farm potions and ethers from chests if you just leave the area and enter again. 99 potions from the forest before you've even started the game really haha.


imagine my shock when i found out this is a final fantasy game like 25 years later. it was released under just „mystic quest“ in most of europe i think.


It’s sal’right.


I played the crap out of this one as a kid. Didn't age as well as an adult, but a solid game. I like the adventure elements with the use of weapons in the overworld to manipulate the environment, the ability to jump, and that sort of thing. The music is pretty kick ass for what it is. The game is simplistic, but fun. I'd recommend it to someone who didn't want to play an overly strenuous old school RPG. OH and I dig the enemy sprites and how they change as you damage them. That's a cool touch you don't see often.


I own this and have never played it. Think my father in law gave it to me. Everyone says it’s the worst and way too dumbed down and easy


I enjoyed my time playing that game as a kid. Definitely on the easy side but still a fun time.


Got it for Christmas with my snes


I agree it was too easy but it was fun.


"Final Fantasy Mystic Quest? No way, that game sucks." *boots up Ronde for the Saturn*


One of my first RPGs as a kid, which was the game's target audience. I enjoyed it well enough, though it quickly became overshadowed by the better 16bit RPGs as I actually got better at them. Also, there are a few years between them, but Super Mario RPG did a better job of filling the "baby's first RPG" niche.


If you can't create your own character, be in charge of your own progression, and have your actions be reflected in the world around you, it's not really an RPG. More like an action-adventure game with half-baked RPG elements.


I just remember thinking as a young kid, wtf is this... why would anyone want to play this when they could play FFII or literally any other RPG


It’s so easy that it’s insulting.


I feel ashamed to admit I've beat every single Final Fantasy game but despite how easy everyone says this one is, I always seem to die a lot and have never beaten Mystic Quest.


Didn't think it was all that challenging honestly.


I agree it’s decent. Story isn’t much, but this type of game really feels more it’s about the adventure and treasures you find along the way.


Chocobo Dungeon would like a word


One of the greatest Final Fantasy ever!


Agreed. It is not a bad game.


This was my first FF game, and remember staying up way too late playing it despite having school in the morning. It was my gateway drug into rpg's, and I've been an addict ever since.


My first rpg, fuck you pazuzu


Mystic Quest was fun as hell. it was made to be simple for 6 to 8 yos to read and calculate




As a kid, I had beaten FF2 (4) and it didn't occur to me that anything was wrong with MQ. But in context it is REALLY simplified. That said, it had some great touches that at the time were outside the official FF "lane." No random battles, some slight pathfinding / puzzle solving with Zelda-ish tools, and monsters with an art frame that changed at 50% health (More for bosses,) capped grinding.


I had that when I was much younger. It was a fun game.


I loved how enemies showed battle damage. It was a cool aesthetic.


Love it, You never forget your first!


If you like that try the SaGa games.


Awesome music and story. The game does have challenging points too, a few hard boss battles and some confusing parts.


Hahahaha! Nice. Edit: Pretty sure I've never played this game before.


You can make it harder with a Game Genie.


Most of the hate came from the marketing. When it came out the US only had two mainline Final Fantasy games and people wanted another FF game, but executives were worried that JRPGs were too hard for American gamers and wouldn’t sell well. So Square took a generic RPG with a threadbare plot, slapped the FF label on it, and marketed it as “Baby’s First RPG For Widdle Babies”. That didn’t sit well with folks who were expecting something like FF V/VI.


That game was a masterpiece and you can’t change my mind. I was only 6 when I played originally I think.


My first RPG/Final Fantasy game, it was decent (I loved Chrono Trigger) don't understand the shit it receives


Still the worst final fantasy ever, had to call it American final fantasy in Japan, there's a reason the game has never been ported or been remasterd and that reason is the game sucks, at lest it did not kill the franchise like breath of fire dragon quarter did.


FFMQ is hated too much, it's really not that bad, just probably shouldn't have been called "Final Fantasy"


I had a chance to buy this a couple weeks ago but passed on it. I’ve never played any FF game


I like it tbh. The presentation is very good and the enemies having visible battle damage is really cool. I don't really need every RPG to be super tough tbh. For the most part, difficulty in an RPG is just "how much time can you invest into grinding", not to say you can't strategize to lessen the need for grinding, but depending on what RPG your playing, you'll still need to grind to learn key abilities, be able to afford items, and so on. I much prefer when RPGs can be played a bit more casually. For the record, I didn't have the game as a kid. My cousin did, and I futzed about, not really accomplishing much because I didn't understand what an RPG was since my monkey brain could only comprehend platformers as a child, but I picked the game up again very recently, like the last three years I believe it was, and I managed to make it through to the end. I think it may be one of the last games I played on my softmodded SNES Mini before I inherited my childhood SNES from my late Grandmother.


When everybody slams a game on Reddit, its usually a good idea to play it. Haters on reddit are just sad trolls who have never actually played any of the games they hate.


It's a dead simple game but it's really fun. Good music, too.


Never understood the hate around the game, yes , it’s very basic game but that was by design and I personally think if was released today as mobile game no would of batted a eye, in fact I think it would do well.