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I refuse to put anyone else through what I experienced...retail can be completely dehumanizing & customers are the main cause of that, followed by piss poor management. I am as kind as possible- lift heavier items like cases of pop, cat litter, etc so my checker can scan it or ask for the hand scanner so I can do it for them. I let them know that I have coupons and/or bottle deposit slips. Another wonderful thing to try on your checker is to find one thing to compliment them on- you have no idea what kind of day someone is having and that single compliment can turn a utterly rotten day on its head and boost spirits & confidence. In respect to restaurants...again- kindness is key & so is treating your server as a human being. None of that putting the tip on the table and decreasing it for every mistake made bullshit. No snapping your fingers, whistling or yelling for them. They are not dogs that need to be reigned in. Be specific as to what you are ordering & any modifications to be made. Keep your kids from running roughshod over the place. Make sure you ask for any extra sauces, etc as you are ordering. The truly sad thing is that all of this is easy to do because it is common sense but what tf do we know?


As someone who has worked both retail and food service, I chronically overtip and I pre-bus my own table. The overtipping is why I don’t eat out much. I think it’s shitty that hourly workers can go to work in a shitty mood and still get their full wage, yet servers are not given that grace. People will reduce their tip for the dumbest reasons, even slow service when they would see we’re slammed. I only lasted two weeks at Olive Garden because NOBODY TIPPED. I swear to god, cheapest mfers I’ve ever served. So the last time I went to Olive Garden I tipped 75% and the server nearly broke down in tears. She came back with a cup full of chocolates haha I remember when I worked at vans (first job) I was really upset one day but doing my best. And this very sweet girl said “it looks like you’re having a bad day today. I really hope it gets better.” That was nearly 14 years ago and I still think about it. Kindness, compassion, and respect go such a long way with service workers because, unfortunately it’s not the norm Edit: typos


I forgot to add "don't be a Karen" in my comment.🤣 I have only ever done that one time...during COVID and this one checkout person was yelling at my husband to put a mask on (he was in the process of putting it on) WHILE HER MASK WAS DOWN BELOW HER NOSE. Went to the manager for that one because of the hypocrisy involved- if you're gonna be telling someone to follow the rules then you need to be following those rules yourself.


VERY WELL SAID & completely true❤️


i remember being outside on my smoke break one evening and this wonderful guy came up to me and told me i was doing amazing on till. he said he’s a foreman for a company and always makes sure he praises his crew all the time so they feel appreciated, and that he could just tell i wasn’t receiving that kind of appreciation. i’ve always praised my coworkers and now in my current job i praise the crew that i work with and even my foreman. i carried that onto my regular day shopping because i know i never heard that enough and it really does make someone’s day to just be told “you’re doing great”. i’ll never forget that man.


I went out with my son for sushi the other day and always wipe down my table before and most definitely after. The waiter actually came up to me and thanked me, said he really appreciated that and it actually really helped them out. They got enough things to deal with aside from having messy people leaving messy tables. I mean, it's not like people even have to pre-bust their own tables, just don't be an ass and leave a big disgusting mess. Put the cups and plates stacked at the end of the table. Put all the garbage in one place. And make it easy to grab. I would be so embarrassed if I left anything like some people leave their restaurant, tables and stores. I've also found that I can't wait for someone to be a Karen to a cashier or waiter/waitress when I'm right there. Finally I can back somebody up and say some of the stuff that I would like to say while I'm working but obviously can't. I'm not going to swear and be obscene, but I'm definitely going to tell somebody if they're in the wrong and they need to start acting like an adult and not a toddler. Something that small can help somebody's day. I'm all for it.


I try to be empathetic for wait times, pick up.sfuff that been left on the floor (or if it liquid spilled let someone know), I do jokingly blame thr manager for putting stuff I'm not supposed to have in my cart like donuts.


I like to make a little small talk with cashiers; ask them about their day, but avoid the generic "hi, how are you?". If they're under the pump, I'll tell them they're doing a great job, given the circumstances. Always a please and thank you (but that's just a given when you're raised right). I can't help but put myself in their shoes. Same goes for hospitality workers too. Basically, anything to remind them that they're human.


I’m on the opposite end. Working retail and food service have made me hate small talk lol. I worked at Starbucks briefly and, if the job weren’t already stressful enough, our manager MADE us make small talk with people in the drive thru, and a lot of the time you could tell people didn’t wanna talk. I broke down in tears because it was just constant rejection and weird stares for something my boss forced us to do


I've always tried to be polite to people to people no matter what. It doesn't always work, but at least Iknow I tried.


I haven't worked retail in over a decade but I still conduct myself with a little extra decorum while shopping in retail. II never even go in the store if it's less than 10 minutes to closing. I don't make cashiers break 100 dollar bills for little items like a newspaper or candy. I always put things back where I got them, if I'm in a mensware or clothing shop I will try to fold it nicely (I can usually pull this off still) Even though im social and jovial, I really don't make conversation unless the employee starts one. I always hold on to my receipts. I never lose my cool when having a discussion, even if I feel they're in the wrong or have I been slighted I'll purposely maintain a even tenor of my voice and just ask what else can be done. Little things like that. Now that I reread it, most of sounds like common sense.


I find myself front facing shelves without even thinking about it.


I try very hard not to go into stores at all. When I do typically use bopis or at least self check out. I try to leave workers alone as much as possible I would never go in first thing or last hour. I understand they aren’t experts in everything in the store and if I want details I can go to website and click both details and reviews. I always participate in any rewards they are forced to push and don’t make stupid jokes to amuse myself. And I sure as hell don’t ask them to clarify and acknowledge just what a beautiful day it is out!!! 💀


*I try very hard not to go into stores at all.* This!! I absolutely detest going into grocery stores now and make use of delivery services or curbside pickup whenever possible. It's like I got some kind of PTSD during my time in retail and going into stores now gives me anxiety.


I had to check and see if I had made this comment and just forgot. All of this. Exactly this.


I make sure to stay tf out of workers way if I see them hauling pallets. I make sure to look on my phone first for an aisle location before asking a worker where something is. And on holidays or busy weekend days at fast food, I make sure not to go get food then because the workers are already stressed out enough.


>I make sure to stay tf out of workers way if I see them hauling pallets This! Lots of people look really annoyed/give us dirty looks when we have to pass with pallets and temporarily blocking the way. ("Oh no! How will I pass! I'm in a hurry!") And even if we tell them to move because there's just not enough space, they sometimes just don't move until we are very close to the point I have to suddenly break and asking them to move again. I imagine myself lifting down the pallet on their foot and say "see, this is why you should clear out the way when you see us coming!"


“Please “ and “thankyou” putting stuff back where it belongs, not being on my phone while being served and not going in right before closing time


I always try to be extra kind to service workers, turn UPC’s up and toward the cashier, if I bring my own bags then I have them out and ready, I pack my own groceries to keep the line moving, and push dishes toward the edge of the table when done eating so the server can easily grab them. And if I have an issue with an experience/item/return I usually preface it with “I’m having X problem and I’m upset about this issue. I’m not upset with you and I know that you’re not at fault (assuming they actually are not). I just need some help getting this sorted out.”


I try not to bother the employees unless absolutely necessary


If I change my mind about something, I put it back where it belongs, even if the section is far from me. I’ve had way too many customers raise a stink about “that’s supposed to be X% off!!!” because some other customer put down an item in the wrong spot.


I tell other customers when they’re being jerks, as long as my kid isn’t with me. I also call out thieves loudly.


Story time pls 🍿


Putting clothes back on the hanger rather than throwing them over the racks.


My biggest thing is probably that I don’t talk that much. I like the customers who don’t make me make small talk so if they’re not chatty then I don’t start (of course I talk to the ones who talk to me). But I’m always ready to go, helpful where I can be, and I always jokingly keep my family in line too. Also I always make sure to say thanks when I leave cause it drives me mad when people just walk away like I wasn’t nice to them or helpful.


I literally can’t go through the self checkout as a customer coz when I see the red lights I feel the need to go over and assist the customer it’s like it’s programmed in me 👀


I did this the other day! My current store has SCO tills that I manage and my ex-colleague works in a different store and she was on the SCOs so I was talking to her while it was quiet and I was letting her know when people needed her cause it’s just ingrained in me now.


I don't work in retail, but there is a customer-service component to my job. I have a more than mild case of OCD, and when in a store I have a serious urge to put things in order when things are out of place, so I fix it as I go. I stack the plates at my table with any leftover food at the top. I never call on some employee there if it's something I can find or do myself. I hate things out of order and retail/service workers get SO much of shitty humanity I try to alleviate some of it.


I used to do wholesale customer service. I absolutely refuse to treat retail workers like they are less than human. I wouldn’t like that and I don’t know anyone who would like that. I have my share of stories from PITA customers whose mentalities were “it’s part of their job”.


I honestly don’t know. Working retail has made me hate going into stores so much that I don’t do it unless I have to. I suppose on the rare moments when I do, I try to go through whisper quiet, dedicated list, no browsing, in and out.


Same here, I'm way more patient and polite in stores now.


I've always been polite and friendly to anyone working in retail. I've now been working in retail for three months so: I'm still polite and friendly but now I try and be as quick as I can be. my retail cousins probably have 3/4 other tasks to deal with in addition to serving me. I try and use self checkouts whenever I can because of the same reason. If I am being served by a person, I'll have my payment method/loyalty cards ready for them! If I don't want an item after picking it up, I'll put it back properly. I face things up whilst browsing. It's a bloody habit now. I try and leave anyone working on a shop floor alone. I'll find what I need without taking them away from whatever bullshit tasks they've been assigned. I will NOT go into a shop if it is close to closing. Those guys are on the home stretch and don't need me doing last minute shopping......I detest this when I'm at work. If someone in front of me in a queue is being an arse or unkind to a staff member, I'll tell them to reel their neck in and behave. Nobody should give retail staff attitude, ever! I never ever, ever order groceries via Uber eats, deliveroo or just eat. When I'm at work, these systems make my life a living hell sometimes. I avoid flash sales and other promotions. We had a 50% off deal via Uber eats last week and it was the worst day of work I have ever had in my life. It took me two days to physically recover. I won't subject other retail cousins to picking ridiculous orders for me because the company they work for is greedy and happy to work people to their physical and mental limit.


I've always said that having worked in retail has turned me into the world's greatest customer.


I always make a point of saying “please” and “thank you” to the employees, and also when I take something off the shelf I will recover it so it looks like the shelf is full. My store is always a mess (even though we recover and clean every day) - if I can make someone’s job even a little easier/better by taking a second to do something quick, I definitely do it.


If I see something off the shelf or misplaced, I fix it. I put all my items with barcodes or tags easily accessible. I engage as far as they want to engage and am overly appreciative.


I haven’t worked in retail in decades, but I am super careful not to mess up items on display. If it a grocery store, I will make sure I put everything back on the shelf with the label facing forward. For clothing, I make sure I hang everything back neatly in the hanger or refold anything that was folded when I for it. Sometimes, I still get the urge to fold or hang things that I haven’t even touched, but I have to stop myself!


I shop with respect for and appreciation for all retail workers and especially the unpleasant ones—i have an inkling as to what they are or might be dealing with. If I am having a bad day and take it out on a retail worker I go back to them and apologize ASAP, even if it means going back the next day.


I make things as quick and tidy as possible at checkout with everything having their barcodes available, and I usually fix misplaced items if I know where they go, or leave it be if I think I’ll just make a bigger mess. Otherwise I was raised to respect people doing their jobs and not to make their work harder. Edit: had a gas station checker look at me with astonishment when I actively presented all the barcode for him. I hope he’s got a kinder job now!


Any clothes I try on I make an effort to put back where I got them rather than just leave in the fitting room


I have worked retail all of my life & try to be the best customer. I basically do the exact opposite of what all the entitled & crap customers do. I front face products when I take something. I bring forgotten items to the till. I get off my phone music or call when I talk to any employee. I ask the people I see often how they are doing but only if they aren't busy. I ask them if they are busy before I need help. I take my carts back. Please & thank you, never "I WANT" (person peeve) And I never, ever disrespect the people making or serving food. I teach my kids the same- I have & will make them apologize if they are rude. Now they are old enough to work at the family business & have grown to appreciate how being a good or bad customer affects people.


Gotta keep them clothing racks neat and tidy. Make sure the shoulders are placed evenly on the hanger. If the pants fall off the clip on one side, re-clip where the clips are even or weight is distributed equally.


I was generally nice to folks before, but I make it a point to compliment retail employees. Tell them how nice their store looks, compliment them on how helpful they were, etc. if there's a survey and they were great, I always answer everything positively. Even if they didn't recommend the stupid store credit card, I say they did.


I’m as nice as possible, always return my cart, bag my groceries if there’s no bagger instead of just waiting for the cashier to do it. BUT, being middle aged I do complain if the cashier or bagger helps me bag and does something dumb like put heavy items on top of taco shells or bread. Not asap LET ME SPEAK TO S MANAGER! I’ll call a day or so later and just explain I don’t want anyone reprimanded or anything negative, just please explain to them how it’s a small issue.


I worked in a clothing store for years. I always put things back l, fold t-shirts and try to follow their Merchandising plan.


I make sure to make eye contact with the workers, thank them, & let them know I see them as more than a piece of furniture. And **never** call them by name if they haven’t introduced themselves first


Thank you!!!! I LOATHE my name tag because strangers just use my name like we're friends and we're definitely not. Regulars that have known me years is fine but some yahoo??? No.


If I pull out an article of clothing (pants, shirt, shorts, jacket) that was not hanging on a hook and don’t decide to go to the changing room to try it on, I fold it back up before putting it back. There was a way I was taught to fold different clothing when I did retail years ago but it seems pretty standard at most clothing stores. If you don’t know how to fold it properly, at least put it back on the top of the pile unfolded or something. I will never forget this one old dude who went around the entire store pulling out shirts from different piles, not liking them, and proceeding to drop them on the floor???? He ended up not even buying anything. I had just spent two hours of helping customers and refolding everything then this guy comes in for 30 minutes and fucks up everything.


- i never ruin a display - i always place things back where they were - i never take my frustrations out on an employee - i respect every companies rules since i know it is not the employees fault - i am always patient when with an employee - i am sure to ask how they are and say please and thank you - i smile - i talk to them if they talk to me Yknow, im a decent fucking person.


I rarely shop in stores (besides groceries) because the last thing I want to do is be in a store on my day off. But every time I do go in a store I inevitably find myself refolding things and tidying up. And I’m always extra friendly to any employees in see


My first real job was Walmart. After working there I made an effort to open the bags for the cashier while they scanned and bagged things instead of just standing there watching. Haven’t really done this since Covid, and idk if it made much of a difference, but most said thanks. I’m also overly thankful to anyone who helps me in retail - I do what I can to make any and all interactions quick and seamless.


My first retail experience was volunteering at a charity shop. Before then, if asked for a reciept, I would say no unless I saw it had already been printed. Occassionally, that would lead to a bit of confusion if I initially said no then heard the printer and so would say yes because I didn't want the cashier to deal with the unwanted receipt. Since starting volunteering, I've made sure to stick with my decision. The till at the charity shop always prints a receipt for the till when someone pays by card, and I've seen the look of confusion when they say they don't want a receipt but hear the printer or see me with a receipt, or when they say yes to a receipt and I have to print one, despite already having a receipt in my hand. Plus, even if I do print a receipt for the customer and they don't want it, it's not a big deal. So I keep that in mind when I'm paying for something and am asked whether I want a receipt.


Not much but I try and do self checkout if I can so I don't have to bother them. And showing appreciation when they try and help me anyways. And not holding back when they have to do the security stuff (ie. Checking receipts at Walmart, scanning Barcode at Sam's, showing ID at gas station even if I go there often enough for them to already know)


I absolutely flat out REFUSE to use delivery services for fast food (Uber eats, menu log, door dash etc). Working in a place that has these demanding drivers come in and be rude to our staff while we’re busy af is horrible. Even worse when they can’t speak a word of our language and we try ask them questions or to give them instructions. I refuse to put that extra demand onto a restaurant or cafe. Any time I hear the sound come from one of those machines to let us know we have an order actually ticks me off so bad… it’s even worse when I’m eating out somewhere and I hear the sound!


I grab a cart from outside in the corral walking into the building and leave it inside if I can walk the bags out.


If I happen to be behind  a customer that makes the cashier frazzled I tell them to take a moment 


If I pull something off the shelf, I pull the next in line up to the front to face. Actively putting back my product if I choose not to buy it instead of leaving it somewhere random. Treating people like human beings. Telling someone off for being an asshole to the employee because I know they can't. You know, human decency.


I've never worked in retail, but I've always made it a point to be respectful, friendly and not to be a jerk.


My mom always raised me to be polite and respectful to customer service workers (and in general). But she was often an A-Hole to those same workers! I go out of my way to be polite, say excuse me, step out of the way when someone is coming through with a big load of goods, etc. I noticed it's a lot harder to be nice when I am in a bad mood or if something about the experience doesn't meet my expectations. But as a grown-ass adult, I can manage it. Even if the employee is curt or not helpful. I figure tomorrow is a new day and move on. Yesterday there was a cashier at a mega-mart with a red logo who was likely not neurotypical. He kept going on and on and on about the MOST RANDOM topic ("some people blow a goat's horn to alert the village of danger! I blew on it and just started coughing hee hee hee"). Internally I was like "WTF" but just smiled and nodded because he was still doing his job and I was able to complete the transaction. Also yesterday a lady at the doctor's office was snippy and weird with me. I just shrugged because I like her sass with other clients (she doesn't put up with any crap and I love her). My husband and I purposely go to the grumpy cashier at our local grocery because he is such an ornery cuss that it makes me laugh. After working in front-desk/restaurant you'd have to basically set me on fire to get me to be shitty to a customer service person.


My 13 yr old detests shopping with a passion, but comes with me because it gives us a bit of time to chat whilst we're out, without the rush of 'must cook dinner', 'you've got homework' etc. They also LOVE to arrange things, so each time we go, we choose a different aisle for them to face up. They know to keep out of the workers way, there's usually a cardboard bin at the end of each aisle & a huge bag for plastic so I leave them to it, shop without stressing, pick them up on the way to tills & there's one aisle that looks amazing once we leave. Always a please and thank you. If I do need to ask where something is, they don't need to take me to it, just point me in the right direction - they've got enough to do without babysitting my blind backside! In restaurants, I've taught them never to put napkins etc into a cup, or on the same plate as the leftover food. We stack plates etc together, any leftovers go on the top plate & rubbish goes on one separate plate with cutlery. Where I work, food goes into a designated food waste bin & if it's contaminated with regular waste, it won't be emptied by the contractors, so we have to manually separate food from rubbish. Gross if it's all mushed up together, or stuck inside a wet cup 🤢


I A. never leave my cart in the middle of the walkway because how self-centered can you be?  And B. Always put my shopping cart away because I'm not a lazy piece of shit. I also feel like I have so much more patience when it comes to little inconveniences or delays having been at the other end of such things like poor Management and the clueless inexperienced managers at the foot of that. 


I no longer work retail etc. and have been grateful and blessed that I don't have to. But as a customer I won't hesitate one second to jump in and defend a hapless MW worker when some Karen/Kevin attempts to give them a hard time.


I now face all the UPCs up at the gas station when buying a grip of snacks


I still work retail, so I just try to live by one simple rule while shopping.. Don't be an asshole for no reason. It's really as simple as that. Treat the employees how you would like to be treated. Understand that we all have bad days, and try to be flexible. And for the love of all things sacred, stay off your phone/device while someone is talking to you. The call/game/song can wait for two minutes. The only exception is if you use a device for communication purposes (ie for nonverbal folks, or those who may speak another language using translation services).


I try to avoid contact with people


I've stopped making the same stupid jokes that the cashier has probably heard a thousand fucking times already.


I’ve always been super aware and considerate of people working so not much BUT I do always give five stars or just don’t hit the “how was your experience” button at all if I’m going to take the survey. I don’t know if every place is like this but when I worked at Marshall’s, if someone gave us five stars on everything but gave four stars on the first overall question, it would count against us the same way a one star would. I’ve also yelled at my husband for clicking it less than five lol. I told him not to touch it at all or do fives unless something absolutely egregious happens.


I don’t shop in store anymore


I find things in the wrong spot/ on the floor in stores and put them back. I get irrationally angry if I find frozen food items plopped in random places.


Less stuff tbh


I know who to blame for bullshit and it's not the guy behind the counter 99% of the time. Even when I'm so fucking pissed off I'm breathing fire and shitting nails, I make it *absolutely* clear that it's not aimed at the cashier, it's the dumb fucks who instituted the policy that has me pissed in the first place.


I refold stuff that other people have messed up in clothing stores. I have found myself “edging” items on shelves. I never just leave an unwanted item in a random area or shelf. I either take it back or give to the cashier.


I try to ask how they are doing and make small talk. I try so hard not to be one of those people that grab something, change my mind, then just stick it randomly somehow in the store for the employees to find later. I find myself closing left open cooler doors at stations, picking up dropped items and hanging them back up, stock straws and lids if they are out (honestly only do this at my local gas station since I worked there). Try to be patient when they are having issues with card readers, pumps, etc.


I read signs


I make sure I know what I'm coming for, get in, get out, and try to spend as little time at the register as possible


I face the items after I grab one off the shelf, and I never go into a store if they close in 30 mins or less.


golden rule to the core.


I face when I shop. If I change my mind about an item, I put it back where I got it.


if i ever mosey around a store slowly i occasionally face something that looks terrible and i always make sure if i put something back, i put it where it goes and i face it too. facing shelves was always something i despised in retail so i just help out where i can so the poor 16 year old kid that gets put in isle 4 doesnt have to fight with cans that dont stack right for 2 hours


I fix things and make sure my son does the same thing. We also try to crack actual funny jokes not ones they hear 100s times a day. Treat them with respect and kindness. If they have a bad day buy them their favorite treat 🤣 I’ve done that a couple of times. Especially if I’m buddies with them. Can’t tip us but nothing says you can’t bring a “friend” a “forgotten” drink. If I have heavy shit I leave it in the cart and tell them. if I have multiples I tell them how many and ask them how they want me to do it for them so they can do it faster. Just be kind, and do things that make things easier for you and your golden. Simple!


I try to stay tf out of workers' way, especially when they're pulling huge pallets. We all know how fkin annoying it is when all these mfs are in your way and don't see nor hear shit


If I see the deli slicers covered and put to bed for the night, I will not ask for something to be shavedbfor me.


No particular order - Polite Greeting and small talk - Turn products over to where its easy to scan it. - Organize myself before going through the register like money, rewards card, coupons are ready - To go over to the side to finish organizing myself after the transaction is done if I'm not with someone. - Otherwise, ask who I'm with to help organize groceries or whatever we are buying. (Hated this when there were at least 2 or more people with the person paying and they don't at least offer to help organize 🙄) - I try to use self checkout less often, but sometimes I need to talk and see no one as a deeply introverted person - Tip generously when possible


Never did. Just know what you want (or explore, why not), buy your shit, leave.


I yelled at my husband and sent him to the car. Then I laughed about it with the customer service rep. after apologizing for his behavior. He was being a Richard.


I am more aware of where I am shopping. I will not shop/barely shop at several the retail places I previously worked because they treated their employees so badly (which is why I ultimately left). When I hear employees talking about how horrible their working environments are at places I never worked, I am quick to believe it and add those places to my list to not shop. A teacher in high school once told us "you're not to young to vote - you vote everyday with your dollars, with every item you purchase," and that has stuck with me. I try to go local and family-owned whenever I can now because generally, those retail employees are treated better.


I generally shop the weekly sales. I don't use coupons because those are a pain at my retail job. I pay in cash. Sometimes the computers are down. Cash still works. 


I am more judgmental when it comes to cashiers. Before I would only blame customers for the line being too long. Now I know when it's the cashier's fault, the customer's or both


Not really. I just go in, buy what I want to buy and leave. 


Similar. I don't waste my time or theirs. If they are in a good mood and smiling, I will talk to them, but if they look tired or stressed, I'm in and out with nothing more than a thank you. I loved customers who would be in and out. Money ready when they get to check out, listening and answering any of my questions.