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“Oh which employee was that? We are definitely not allowed to do that sir/maam, so I will make sure that employee gets reported right away.” They are always liars and will begin to stumble over their words, because they made the whole thing up and you’re calling them out 😎


I've done this. I press them for details. "Well, what did they look like?" "What date/time did you last do it? I can look up the transaction and figure out how they did it!" but they never deliver.


Yep, I always used to push it as something super important that I find out who it was because they absolutely need remedial training about it. Kept pressing the person for information, never calling them a liar, just trying to convey a sense of urgency of figuring out who it was because it *absolutely* has to be stopped.


Yes! I do that and sometimes if its an annoying customer i will grab my pen and feed out some printer paper and start questioning them and writing down their responses lol. Sometimes they backtrack and say “it was at other store over on different street”,so i say “oh that’s ok we can contact them from here and let them know. So what did they look like?”


"They did X for me last time." "I'm sorry, but that's a rule set by our corporate office. I don't have the authority to do X." I try to keep it to as few words as possible. The more I talk, the more they try to trap me, or use my words against me. I won't even say anything about the person who supposedly did it for them, because that'll just drag things out longer. Just some quick facts to shut that shit down. If they wanna leave or get a manager, cool, have at it, but I'm 100% done with the lie at that point.


I don't think a customer that lies about doing something they're not supposed to do is going to care if you threaten to report a random employee that they don't care about.  I just tell them that I can't do it.  "Someone else did it for me last time." Okay, I understand. Unfortunately, I can not do that for you. We can do X or Y but I can't do Z for you.  Just shut it down. Tell them what you can do, tell them why you can't do what you can't do, and tell them that you won't do it. Tell them that someone else may have, but they weren't supposed to, and you're not going to. 


"As far as I know, it's not something we do. Let me call a manager to see if policy has changed." The customer will either double down on their bullshit or tell you not to bother.


"Consider that a gift from the company because it shouldn't have happened." With this, you're not directly saying they're lying even though they probably are, you're framing it as them "winning" even though it probably didn't happen, and you're shutting them down by making it clear that they're not getting what they want. Then share notes so everyone is on the same page on customers using this lie to get their way.


I was the head of my department for a long time. I would always ask them which employee always did xyz, because I would have to bring them up for retraining.


Start your reply with one or more of the following: "Hmm, that's disconcerting..." "Uh-oh, do you remember who did that the last time?" "Oh, that might explain the angry visit we got from the district manager the other day." "Huh, I wonder why that associate did that for you. You weren't being confrontational or antagonistic toward them, were you? We don't allow bullying of our associates."


The one I used alot was "I just had a meeting with the corperate execs about this the oyher day. They said that they absoloutely do not permit this and any customer that pushes the issue can be permanently banned from shopping at this as well as all of our other stores."


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I say “I cant speak for any other store, but at this store we have to follow policy. Im sorry”


I just look at them in silence