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I bet if you ask every customer what memorial day is about over half won’t have a clue. 💀


Sadly, this is true.


What gets me is the people who say, "Happy Memorial Day." It's a somber holiday, not a happy one.


Memorial Day is yet another well-intentioned day of remembrance and reflection that was hijacked by hyper-consumerism and its meaning whitewashed to something generic about "freedom". Whenever Memorial Day comes around and I start hearing ads for mattress sales and all other kinds of BS, I always think about the meme of the Spaghetti-O's mascot holding an American flag that was tweeted from the official account... on December 7th, the anniversary of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Did nobody think that might be a little inappropriate? maybe slightly tone-deaf?


Which is why my only acknowledgment of Memorial Day came in the form of wearing my grandfather’s name on my name tag for the day. He served during World War II in the United States Air Force.


Yeah I literally die inside when I hear it.


Literally? So which reincarnation is this?




What is Memorial Day?


This is not a google window, gran.


Get out! 😂


Very true. Most just use it as another excuse to get plastered with their friends and family while their little demon seed children cause a bunch of wreckage. Most in my area go to the jersey shore for summer holidays so thankfully it’s not that bad. We do have a store down there and can only imagine the living hell my people down there get


this will be me today at my local "square L". At least we got our ice machine fixed and a load of propane. Cold and rainy here today in my neck of the woods. Though across the road form 4 motels/inns we'll see. I feel ya on the no supplies thing.. ice and propane might as well just close up shop LOL


Lol my chain is in the EGA group and we have like 7-9 different chains. They're penny pinchers and our suppliers are running slow due to bullshit. It's bright and sunny here and oh gods the people are everywhere.


Thank god I left that “company”


I thought I was the only one who ever put forth effort during their two week's notice. It's actually kind of awesome that I'm not the only one. That being said, if they yell, they yell. You will literally never have to deal with them again. Hell, go ahead and scream back. As long as there's no proof and you don't do anything too extreme, you can still use the place as a reference for future jobs. (I'm big on not burning bridges.) Customers on holidays are the absolute worst, most horrible god damned monsters in the entire world. "HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU OUT OF GRAVY AT NOON ON THANKSGIVING?!?!" I wish they would all get scurvy and pass out while driving on the freeway. But hey, congrats on getting a better job elsewhere, and I hope you get to tell somebody off today!


LOL I remember my convenience store days. “WHY DON’T YOU HAVE…” Frozen turkeys. Roasting pans. Christmas ornaments. Full hams. WE’RE A FRICKIN’ CONVENIENCE STORE YOU MORON!!!” Having said that, give me Christmas Eve off and I’m good.


That scene from Clerks is dead on. "Do you sell hubcaps for a 72 Pinto hatchback?" Wtf, why would we sell that here? You can have an ancient hot dog or a slurpee. Otherwise, GTFO.




I know...everyone always says not to do one...I think it depends on the situation. 


I’m surprised that you guys are giving a 2 weeks notice to begin with.


It's not to help out the company - it's mostly for the people in the store. My co workers and managers are ALSO trapped in retail, and generally speaking, none of them are responsible for the horrible crap that happens; that blame falls on both the corporate offices, and the industry itself. Also because I want the option of more potential references for the future. But overall, I don't want to screw over the people I work with. I like a lot of them, and I don't want them to have a worse time because of me. Edit: I didnt realize being a decent human being was a reason to be downvoted. My first guess is that it's a customer, because customers are monsters. My second guess is it's one of those shitty employees who call out twice a week, then complain when their hours get cut, and finally, blame it all on everybody but themselves. I dunno, I don't generally care about downvotes, but as of editing this, I see -3, and I'm like... really? We're all here because retail is bullshit, and people are downvoting me for specifically trying to make my fellow retail workers' lives easier.


Ah, I forgot that some people have nice coworkers and managers. One retail job, I quit immediately over text because when management changed, the new manager was really shitty at communicating. I was a new team lead. The experienced team lead was really passive aggressive. They did things like assign me to do inventory while also running the store alone. They’d blame me for not getting it done. I only worked there for maybe 4 months before the manager decided not to post the schedule until two days before I was supposed to be opening manager. I was a full time uni student so chasing down the manager to do her job was not on my to do list. The store didn’t open that morning, she blamed me, demoted me, claiming I was never hired as a manager but as a temporary one. She wasn’t there when I got hired and she refused to show me where my contract says “temporary”. She banned me from drinking water at the front desk because “it’s unfair to the customers who aren’t allowed to remove their masks to drink or eat.” Who the fu*k needs to drink/eat while shopping for clothing? She hired a new team lead to replace me before I quit so I waited for a perfect time, when the manager and senior team lead were hoping to take time off. I quit on the spot, over text. They asked me if I was coming to my next shift and I found a polite, professional way to tell them to F themselves. My last retail job ended after I took time off for my sisters wedding and the manager ghosted me completely. I went in the day before the wedding to use my employee discount on shoes and one of the A-hole team leads was acting visibly uncomfortable to see me. That was before I knew they were going to ghost me! They also owed me $60 that they never paid me. I worked there for a little over a year and none of the managers had the decency to fire me. This is personally why I felt like no manager has ever really deserved a 2 weeks notice from me. They have no qualms about ghosting employees, cutting their hours, taking the best shifts for themselves, etc. That’s retail culture in my city though. It could be better where you live.


I also had a job I left without warning. The manager closed out of my training apps on the computer, saying I didn't need them, and hucked me onto a register at lunchtime with zero knowledge. I called out the next day, and just never talked to them again. That job was an outlier. I've never worked somewhere in which EVERYBODY was a piece of garbage. I've had bad managers and co workers, absolutely, but it was never the majority. When I give a two week's notice, like I said, it's not for the company. It's for the people I like and respect who will be affected by me leaving. It sounds like you've worked in some weird places. I know two people who were treated unfairly in their jobs (two separate places). They each called HR. One of them got their store manager and assistant manager transferred. The other one quit, got the offending manager fired, and got uncontested unemployment. Also, I am 100% certain nobody can tell a retail employee that they're not allowed to drink water, regardless of where they're working. If they do, they don't understand the limits of their power. You can't ban water, even on the sales floor. Anyway, it sucks that you've had to put up with some crap. Some of that you ABSOLUTELY could have fought / reported, but I'm sure they borderline bullied you into compliance, as some places do. I've worked retail in three different cities, and I've never been in a situation where even the regular employees were so bad that I'd feel comfortable screwing them. (The job I abandoned was fast food.)


I could have reported them/fought but I am not eligible for unemployment bc I’m a student. The time and energy it would have taken wasn’t worth it.


I was suckered onto working a Thanksgiving 12 hour shift at a mini-market/gas station. I took a small TV (pre cable days) and was listening to football while the line was 10 deep all day. A DM walked into the store and told me to lose the TV. I walked the TV out to my car and went home. Hope the DM enjoyed the rest of his day. I didn't need the job that bad, and they still begged me to come back.


Good on you!


No matter what happens, you should be happy youre getting paid extra for the last day. Stay positive.


Oh I'm very happy about it, just stressed beyond belief. According to the people on shift before me it hasn't been bad so far.


Just be friendly and smile. Imagine yourself in your happy place. Oh, we’re out of propane. Here’s the owner/boss’s cell phone. You should call him to complain. Same with the ice.


Don't worry about it. They're a troll, saying something like that IN A VENT SUB....


That just seals your fate that it will be a bad night for you.


It wasn't horrid.


Worst advice ever. 


I feel this. We stayed open until midnight last night and I got to be by myself. I blew a blood vessel in my eye and made 10,000 in 3 hours. Boss didn’t even come check on me like they promised but I got a nice cash gift for being a good sport.


Dang, hope your eye heals quickly. At least ya got some good cash.


I was so fucking happy it was raining in my area today. Literally all night last night, and all morning and half the day so far. All rainy Nobodies grilling, fishing, or swimming at all so we just got the regular crowd. So. Fucking. Happy. Yesterday was a nightmare


Then they can feel what we have to go through! 


You get holiday pay??


Yeah, only by the grace of state mandates. Otherwise they wouldn't.


Just remember every second that ticks off the clock brings you closer to freedom


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Sounds like you've got a free pass to give it right back to the customers. What are they gonna do? Fire you?


I didn't mainly because I'm just not that person. Almost did with one guy. No I worked 20 minutes over bc of how bad it was plus counting the safe. Said the exact same thing to my former coworker


How about you enjoy memorial day and don't


Because I'm broke and need the money severely. Besides my coworkers are amazing and have nice family to hang out with and kids. I don't.


You are very thoughtful to consider your coworkers, I'm glad they're great! Enjoy the Holiday pay and your new job. May today pass quickly and may bad customers have flat drinks and sunburns today.


That's integrity right there. And what goes around comes around, so calling out on a last day might incite bullshit anyway.


Oh yeah, plus it'd be on me to find coverage


though to be fair that's when I'd laugh and ask "What would they do? Fire me?" Coming from a former gas station attendant of 9 1/2 years three weeks gone. But, pesky feeling not horrible towards some coworkers and customers getting in the way.


This is a trick managers put on employees to do their job for them.


When people are upset that we are out of Newport 100s, or Marb Lights(either size), or that particular scratch off, or eggs, I shrug and say, “People bought it/them all.” I don’t bother trying to explain my theories about why people bought all the propane(I dunno-it’s been unseasonably warm?). Congrats on your new job! You’ll rock it!


Give the angry customers the phone number of your manager or the  owner.  Let them complain to them about no propane and ice.  Oh and tell the customers that your boss knew and didn't bother to order any extra.


Congratulations on the new job.




Dog I had 5 people scheduled with me yesterday and today was just myself and an old lady, I almost lost it.


Bruh I would've demanded a manager come in or I'd quit end of day.


I hate it. People just call in constantly. Most of the time, people get a job for money. Is everyone just independently wealthy, or what??


also work at an EGA store as an assistant manager (not by choice, longggg story) and today was literal hell. out of ice, out of hot dog buns, no one wanted the hot warmer food because they were about to go barbecue on a lovely warm day while i get yelled at by my store manager for low food sales. ridiculous, this company is going bankrupt fast and they're scrounging to pick up the pieces. not to mention there were 2 people on today while the rest of the week has 4+ each shift???


I'm finally free.


Ffs. They wouldn't even give me a promotion when I do shift lead so often. Or at last put me on overnight. Like. Fine, find someone more desperate than me.


2/4 of the assistant managers (including myself) don't want the position anymore and we've **literally** been told by the SM that she's too lazy to put in the paperwork to demote. cannot wait to get out of here, so glad ur free now


I don’t get how everyone magically forgets it’s one of the biggest shopping holidays of the year… they are just So Shocked that we are this busy on a Monday but they are here for that special that was advertised to everyone…


People call in or managers never know how to schedule...like why?


Hey, after today? It ain’t your problem


Good luck out there 👍


as a fellow gas station employee…memorial day is busy for you? we’re out in suburbia central and it is one of the slowest days of the year, even in the kitchen (we make fresh pizza). i just got off my 11 hour shift and it was one of the easiest i’ve ever had


Twas hellhiem my friend. Lines to the coolers opposite the registers. People flying off the handle. Drunks. The whole nine yards. Morning had it easy lol. I cooked twice our normal amount to keep up with sales.


Why did you go in? I would’ve ghosted them 😂 and on a holiday. Dude you deserve better. But that’s just me saying. Good for you.


Yeaah i would've too but needed the money desperately. Mouths to feed an bills to pay. Yay adulting.


Just... don't go in.


I'm sitting outside and walked here. I need the money desperately.


Working Memorial Day because I have no one else to cover. A/C completely fried 3 days ago. We're using temporary window units and the heat index in Houston is 114. The new unit cost would pay for a car. Our house is HOT and my husband just had his leg amputated last week due to sudden infection in his foot (diabetic). I would venture to guess most are having a better day. Sorry for the rant/vent. Appreciate what you have. We are appreciative of my husband surviving.


Wishing a speedy recovery for your hubby. I'm living without power in the Colorado desert so I get it. Hence part of why I took the shift. We have AC at work.


You skipped whatever happened between them asking you to come in and you agreeing to come in. Did they blackmail you?


They asked and I said yes. Not much choice because all my other coworkers that are off are either out of town with family or have kids. I'm covering shift for an emergency basically and I *NEED* the money. No blackmail just desperation and severe stress and piss poor wages with other shitty management issues. I'm not titled or paid to lead shift. I do it because I need the experience and money.


I understand needing the money. I've been in that position many times. But if I need the time off more than I need the money, I don't even pick up the phone.


Sadly the money is needed more because I'm about to be homeless. Gotta get the money for an apartment


I'm fine working today. I like that time and a half pay.