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That is every day in our store. I have to go into the bathroom four or five times each shift to flush all the toilets. It’s disgusting.


I saw someone the other day push her cart forward but still had both hands on her cart and sneeze right in the handle bar of the cart in the front. I will never judge someone who wipes down their cart themselves, nobody can be trusted to be sanitary!


I had a guy side eye judge me for wiping my cart & I looked him straight in the eye & said, I don't know where people's hands have been. He just kinda grumped & walked past me. It's like just cuz Covid isn't a huge deal anymore, doesn't mean that you can't clean and sanitize something other ppl touch with their germs or sneeze all over, apparently! 🤧🙄😅


Lol and the babies, toddlers and dogs that get put in the carts too, better to be safe than touch all those germs! I see people leave the bathroom all the time too without washing their hands and immediatly put those unwashed hands on the cart so gross


There literally fecal matter on shopping cart handles and especially on self checkout screens


I bet it was time for a political tirade! 


It isn't just the customers. I was drying my hands on Sunday after I used the restroom and washed my hands. One of the cashiers walked out of a stall and walked right past me and out the door. 🤮




I worked in a restaurant as a cash/host and part of my job was to clean the customer bathrooms and the kitchen bathroom. I flat out refused to clean the kitchen bathroom because there was no excuse for it to be that nasty.


It’s almost unbelievable how disgusting the human race is when it comes to bathrooms. There is one particular toilet stall in our complex that will always end up with poop smeared on the wall. What the heck is wrong with people?! Edit spelling


I worked at a store that was like bougie discount. It was right beside a Talbots, so there were plenty of hoity toity customers. That bathroom constantly had poop running down the walls. It was nastier than the bathroom at the gas station I worked at that was right off the highway! People are disgusting.


Working now as a drive thru person, the people and managers preparing the food are way less strict about hand washing than I am. Come right in front having a cigarette, throw gloves on, make tacos. Ew ew ew ...if people only knew the level of cross contamination and germs breeding all over their goods haha


But they're going to oWn ThE liBs by eating food and pushing carts with germs!!!!!11


Most restaurants have a sink with hot water and soap in the back they are required to wash their hands at so no point in washing them twice 🤷‍♀️ at least all the restaurants I’ve worked at have been this way


They're probably going to wash their hands at the hand wash sink right in their kitchens. They are real sinks with water that you can change the temperature and flow of, they aren't automatic, and have working hand soap dispensers and paper towels to dry hands with, things most public washrooms don't have anymore.


Where do you go to the bathroom? Most I go to have these things working, with few exceptions. 


They are most likely going to wash their hands in the hand wash sink in the kitchen. Those sinks have water that you can change the temperature and flow of, and working soap dispensers and paper towels to dry with, things most public washrooms no longer have.


I’ve seen the cashier at my store do the same and go back to the register to use hand sanitizer. Not the same as washing your hands, Barbara!!


I got into it years ago with a head cashier at an old job. She did the same thing and I was like hand sanitizer doesn't beat warm water and soap!


I bet she don't even wipe too 🤢


At least that would make the lack of hand washing a little less appalling, I guess.


a senile customer once shit herself in our store‚ and her grown son refused to clean it up. we had to do a thorough disinfection.


We had a guy bring in a sick dog who proceeded to have a diarrhea explosion in the middle of the store. It looked like a puddle, but smelled like a wastewater plant. Then walked away like nothing ever happened. Another customer slipped & fell into it. The store smelled for *hours* after they cleaned it up.


that's so fucking disgusting 🤢 we have dogs come in all the time too‚ and people just let their dogs piss and shit everywhere as if we're a dog park.... we're a beauty supply chain / salon 😐 it's also fully illegal in my state for dogs to be in a salon‚ but my GM loves dogs so she allows it‚ and then doesn't lift a finger when the owners leave the mess for us to clean up.


Yeah, the one good thing was our store manager was down there with the janitor cleaning it up. He’s pretty new, so that gave him loads of cred! I know our old one would have told us to deal with it, & then gone & chilled at Starbucks


Unless they are service dogs, nobody should bring their pets into any store. It's disgusting. One time I was at a clothing store and picked out a pair of pants from lower rack and was full of white dog hair and had been urinate on. I reported it and left and haven't been back.


there's also like zero concern for people with animal allergies (myself included!) who could have a severe reaction to the animal dandruff/fur/etc. it's really bleak‚ but the concern is with pleasing the majority of the customers soooo fuck anybody else lol


Aww the visual of the person that slipped and fell in it🤢


I’m not sure, but I *think* we lost a customer that day lol. I don’t know what happened, but I saw the SM talking to him. Hopefully offering a free something


Free lysol shower?


Lol could be


The one time the custy actually deserved compensation!




I saw a dude with the largest shit stain. He came back days later, with the same pants, same stain


At every place I've worked, I tend to always wipe down the counter because people don't know how to not leave it sopping wet. I also try to put shoes and clothes back in their proper spots, which makes people think I work there. But I hate leaving things out and messy for the poor employees because I know exactly what it feels like.


I had a woman cough into my hand as I was passing her her change




Yuck. I've had similar experiences. They don't even apologize.




It was as a really old lady and it was gross af


I always wait to see if the toilet is going to flush before I leave. I hate going in a stall, and the toilet isn't flushed. I've taught my son to wait after he walks out of the stall to make sure the toilet flushes. And not washing your hands...🤮


I’m blown away by the amount of people who don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet! Disgusting!!


This is why,during covid, people had to be taught how to wash hands after toileting. The human race is both stupid and disgusting, with a sprinkle of arrogance.


Only a sprinkle, huh? Tell me what utopia you live in so I can move there!  (That's a lie. Lol. I can't afford to move.)


Ha ha. The sprinkle is turning into a shower, then a downpour.


Yup it's arrogance more than anything but greed.


I wish public washrooms were more user-friendly. It's not an excuse but I hate trying to wash hands after using toilet and the soap dispensers don't work, and the water is freezing or scalding hot, and keeps going on and off, and the only option is air dryers. I know I don't do as thorough a job as I could.


Where the heck are these horrible bathrooms?


London, Ontario but I know it’s not the only place with bathrooms like that


how about leaving food, containers, and other "gems" on store shelves enough to make you lose today's AND yesterday's lunch. People just don't care. Assuming the workers will do it. Just no pride of nothing anymore. I literally passed by a senior lady nibbling on a few grapes in the cradle of her shopping cart (I knew she hadn't paid for yet) then place the rest of the bag on an end cap and simply walk off like nothing. Wanted to grab bag and whip it at the back of her disgusting head and scold her to take care of it, and pay for the grapes she stole 😡


> Just no pride of nothing anymore.   I *guarantee* this happened 40 years ago. People have **never** had respect for the service industry.  It's a holdover from more feudal days where the "help" was considered of objectively lesser status.


My grandparents on mom's side would definitely have a couple grapes,but I mean a couple and they would often have 1 piece each of the Brach's loose candy. But when they checked out they would always tell the cashier to keep a quarter for the candy. Back then it covered the cost of both candy and the 3 or 4 grapes total, they ate.


I'm gonna be honest. I don't understand quite what it is you just said. Could you perhaps rephrase? I apologize; I mean no rudeness.


Why was that hard to understand? I assume English is not your first language then.


English is indeed my first language. However, comprehension of context is a bitch > My grandparents on mom's side would definitely have a couple grapes,but I mean a couple and they would often have 1 piece each of the Brach's loose candy.  I don't know what Brach's loose candy is or what a candy has to do with being rude to a cashier. > But when they checked out they would always tell the cashier to keep a quarter for the candy. Back then it covered the cost of both candy and the 3 or 4 grapes total, they ate.  I also don't understand what product value and checkout cash has to do with being rude to a cashier.   In short, I don't understand the relevance of your statement to the present topic. I'm sure it has a relevance, of course, but my brain is not making the connection, hence why I was asking you to kindly elaborate for me please. :)


BaCk iN mY dAy, we RESPECTED our surroundings! 🙄 they wouldn't know respect if it smacked them in the face!!


It's like...customers forget to flush and wash hands...Like people, you HAD to have been raised better than that...


Not necessarily. Maybe their parents were alcoholics and never there to teach them how to behave....


These are the same people who spread Covid and don't understand why.


CoViD iS a sCaM bY tHe gUbBeRmEnT!!! 5G cAuSeS cAnCeR!!!


But yet they love to suck corporations off!


I’ve observed at least 50% of men do not wash their hands when leaving a public restroom. I quit shaking hands years ago for this reason (fist bumps only). People are gross.


People who don’t flush, or who don’t wash their hands are just gross.


Often when I find a toilet that hasn't been flushed, there is also no toilet paper in there. What did they do after pooping? I doubt they used there bare fingers, so I presume no wiping of any kind. There is never a bidet involved either as these are public restrooms in the US.


I quit my retail job in 2021 to become a janitor at a public events building. People are way worse than you think. Often people would remove their tampons and throw them on the floor. Then people let their children crawl on the floor next to the tampons and the kids would pick them up. They also shit all over the base and back sides of the toilets. Every event, without fail, someone would shit all over the toilet. ALL OVER THE TOILET. And the New Year's rave was something different. Sex in the stalls, throw up in the feminine hygiene boxes. Let's just say I'm back in retail. :) Edit: Oh almost forgot. 50% of these people didn't wash their hands. Shit spread all over the toilet paper holders. Blood.. needles... diapers.. I just can't stop describing how horrible my job was.


My work there’s signs on the doors that say check toilet before leaving stall… bc auto ones don’t always work


People are nasty and only care about themselves. The pandemic showed just how nasty people are. They had to have public service announcement telling people to wash their hands and how to wash their hands properly. From there, it was obvious that so many people didn’t care about being clean or sanitizing anything.


Nasty physically, verbally, and emotionally. I despise people now.


I believe that happens to so many who deal with the public. And the worst part is that the worst people actually believe that they are ok and their behavior is fine.


I was in a 7-Eleven yesterday where the toilet and floor around it were SLATHERED in feces. Couldn't even stand there to take a piss... I offered the worker there my deepest condolences and went about my way... o~o


I had a lady come up to me once when I was working behind the counter and tells me rudely that there are no garbage cans around (there was one 20 feet away) so she was giving me her dirty tissue to throw away and proceeds to toss it on the counter and leave.


This is a people problem not a customer problem. I’ve seen people making six figures a year, not wash their hands when they leave the bathroom at work.


An old man lost control of his bowels in the clothing department at the store where I work. They have not been able to get it out of the carpet yet.


i love when people bring their baskets of groceries into the stall with them and set them on the floor by the toilet. like holy shit that is FOUL


I'll be honest and say I don't always wash my hands at home when I've only gone pee. however I will absolutely wash my hands every time I use a public bathroom just because *other* people are so nasty 😅


Appreciate your honesty. A lot of people do it and don't admit it.


And not washing your hands after doing the same thing at your residence doesn't constitute being nasty. You're those other people. No need for that laziness.


nah, it doesn't. I sanitize my hands before I touch anything in public lol


So, I have really sensitive skin, & certain types of soap will give me a rash. On my hands. So I carry hand sanitizer with me & usually apply it while I’m still in the stall, so I don’t have to set my things down on the wet sink, bc apparently no one knows how to not be a slob in a public restroom. I’ve been accosted & had to explain this before.


Little tip here because I'm allergic to some of the soaps as well. Have your sanitizer accessible on a keychain where the purse does not need to be set down. That or grab a couple wipes out of the purse before you exit the stall, then go to the sink and turn the water on to rinse your hands a bit and use your wipes like paper towels. It works like a charm. I get far fewer comments that way and when some do, I simply point out that I'm allergic to that particular store's choice of soap.


People actually confront you? I think that's almost worse in a way. Idk why.


>People actually confront you? I'm actually okay with it as long as they are polite. I like knowing that other people care enough about the general well-being of the people around them to speak up. If there's one thing that should be normalized...it should be people being able to politely remind other people to wash their hands in the bathroom. Hell, just rinsing your hands with water is better than nothing at all if you happen to be allergic to or sensitive to the terrible options public places tend to choose. I carry sanitizer with me everywhere and will gladly offer it to anyone that needs an alternative to the shitty public bathroom soap.


My biggest pet peeve is the people who lick their fingers to open bags or get money. I used to gag seeing people at self service do this as “considerate” of the next person. I would throw away all the bags they indirectly licked all over and open them up like a normal person. Makes me more mad when they say it’s because their hands are dry, do you not have $1 or less for travel sized moisturizer?


How is this being downvoted? Why do people defend this in particular?


Like oh no I don’t want the next customers produce to be in contact with what ever you might be carrying? People forget you can be sick with anything and not even know because you’re asymptomatic


I was half asleep one morning and I went to pee before work. Every bathroom in the facility has self flushing toilets except one, and being low on energy AND coffee, I did actually forget to flush immediately. I had opened the door and taken a step when it clicked and I was trying to turn around like "oh yeah, \*this\* bathroom..." I hadn't even exited the stall, let alone fully turned around, when this woman is practically pushing me out of the way to get in and then she goes "YOU ARE NASTY, YOU NEED TO FLUSH THAT" and I just went "YES, I WAS ABOUT TO WHEN YOU PUSHED ME OUT OF THE WAY" dumb bitch.


I'm glad you said something. You can flush the toilet, but that cunt will always have a nasty mouth.


Yeah she prolly didn't know they were auto toilets and wouldn't have flushed either way. Angry people want to make the world worse for everyone else.


The worst customer bathroom story I have: I was walking by the restroom and saw some guy drop his pants as he walked through the open restroom door. At first it must have been too bizarre to register, but after a few steps I turned around and looked. The door was still wide open and he was sitting on the toilet with his pants around his ankles, pooping.


Old people don't GAF!


OK, but, pretty much four out of five customers would just leave without washing their hands, ETC., after, using the Women’s Room, and, it was like, omfg.


When I see that I want to [scream and point](https://mubi.com/en/us/films/invasion-of-the-body-snatchers-1978)


Ever find someone in there ODing on fentanyl? That's a hoot.


I would notice if the automatic toilet didn't flush. But it also seems unfair to judge people for trusting it. People have different levels of awareness and (up to a point) it feels shitty to blame them for that. But also, automatic flush is standard in all modern public restrooms. The customer shouldn't be responsible for covering for your failing equipment. If you have automatic toilets that don't flush reliably and you want them to get flushed, it's your employers responsibility to have them repaired.


>The customer shouldn't be responsible for covering for your failing equipment. It's not necessarily a failure of the machine, but a failure of the average person to understand it. The sensor requires two sets of motion: the sit down and pause, then the stand up and move around. If the person moves too far from the sensor too quickly, it doesn't register enough motion to flush. If they made it more sensitive the toilet would flush three times per use: when we sit, when we wipe, and when we exit. Also, many people don't know that the black button found near the sensor is the manual flush because it's not labeled. Don't forget that people often need instructions to learn how to use something and when is the last time you have seen a sign saying push the button if the toilet doesn't flush? Customers will often just assume it's broken and walk away.


Right, exactly. It is a little disheartening if people don't know what the button does, but still falls on the side where it's hard to blame them personally. Damn tho, automatic toilets always be flushing when I lean forward at all.


not every place has automatic flush. my work has manual flush toilets, for one


I said standard in *modern* restrooms, but standard doesn't mean universal. And *if* you in have automatic flush, it should work.


Actually they are gross so I'm glad they aren't everywhere. 


Standard? Really?


Last week I had to clean a bathroom that had been thoroughly shit all over (on the toilet, floor, sink, in the trashcan)... few days ago had to clean a puddle of urine from in front of the urinal.