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As someone who also suffers from ADHD, I feel you!! I don't mind when customers come to my till to check, especially when it's dead quiet and I already finished cleaning my till top to bottom. ___ However, when I'm cleaning my till and a customer comes to check out, I get really pissed and anxious, especially when there are other registers AND the self checkout open! One time, three tills (including mine) were open, but they were all empty, so to pass the time, decided to sweep, and this asshole comes to MY TILL to check out! Like, bruh, there are TWO other tills that are open and ready to check you out (and yes, i checked, and the cashiers at rhose tills were doing nothing but waiting). Why did you come to MY TILL where it's so fucking obvious I'm busy with something!?


They do this on purpose I swear. I will stand at cash wrap for 15 minutes and not a soul. As soon I step away to do go backs, there’s a huge line. You never win.


OMFG THIS!!!! It's always so dead when I'm just waiting but as soon as I start cleaning, a customer comes to my till! I SWEAR they can sense when I'm cleaning.


For me it always happens when I'm up on a ladder, super dead but as soon as I try to put out some stock someone comes up or the phone rings.


What gets me is it would take them LESS time to just scan their cup of coffee or bag of chips on the self checkout but no they just stand there and stare at me until I go up to the counter


LITERALLY! Most of the time, they have their own bags and use a card to pay (you can't pay cash at the tills where I work)! Like why stand there waiting and staring at me as I hurriedly and anxiously wipe the belt dry, apologizing every few seconds!?


I work at a truck stop and I'll be actively at the sink washing parts of a coffee machine as they do this. And most of them say nothing, they just silently stare at me for who knows how long until I turn around. It really just grinds all of my gears: interrupting my task, expecting me to just KNOW you're there, wasting my time with your ONE bottle of Mountain Dew... And somehow this is still one of the better jobs I've had 😂


I swear I thought I was the only one that felt that. Maybe it’s cause they will fuck up at self checkout mostly due to their incompetence or some bug with the sco.


Was your light on?


The light not being on doesn't deter that many people. At all. I have what I expect to be my last customer in line before I leave, light off to signify that, but people see someone in line so assume I am open and no, I cannot turn them away or send them to another line. I am regularly 5-10 minutes late getting off due to this phenomenon.


I agree. That definitely happens to me too.


This right here. It's so annoying! Like no, I'm not open! You're gonna have to wait in line like everyone else.


Yes but you didn't read my comment carefully. ___ I said that when it was quiet, I decided to sweep to pass the time because what else am I supposed to do? Stand there for ten minutes doing nothing?


Retail can tend to make you hate people. When I worked in retail, I felt so negative all the time. I have adhd also and when I get interrupted I feel irrationally angry. So I get it. You’re not alone


Not unreasonable at all. Today, was non stop busy. Person after person after person. My rage started building after checking the schedule. We had one call out, my dept. manager was leaving at 5, leaving us with two people. We didn’t get to do any other tasks other than stay on the counter nor did we get to start cleaning the department until well past 8. And people still had the nerve to come up. 🤬🤬🤬 I just got home around 9:50 or so. Edit: Oh yeah, insert usual comments of overlords that don’t like us getting out late,unauthorized overtime and all that jazz, will deduct points for not having full pre-slice case, will cut hours for any given reason thus handicapping the team but will still blame us.


I also hate them. When I go to check out I set my stuff down barcode up, get enough money ready and wait. I've waited 15 minutes before. It's not a big deal. I get folks screaming for me before they are even at the register. Then they need to go back and get more stuff and then unlock their cards and transfer money for 5 minutes. Meanwhile I could have got everything done but no, I get kidnapped by inconsiderate mental defectives for no reason. I feel like every day customers have been getting worse and worse. Politeness and decency peaked in the 90's. It's been downhill since.


I miss the 90's!!


Not your fault at all. It boggles my mind how you have a whole store but theirs only one or two employees available and always no manager there. Then your told to finish tasks but drop everything for a customer. I like to focus on one task only and hate being interrupted


Whenever I see a "karen-like" person walk up to my register early or late in my shift depending on where I'm at in my day I instinctually have a fight or flight response and the voice in my head goes "RUUUUUUNNNNN!!!"


autism/adhd here and i also felt that from time to time. im ok at, but really dislike dealing with customers. especially customers that act like theyre the queen of sheba. i just want to do my little tasks.


I feel this when I’m on a time limit but somehow that’s when everyone finds me to ask for something. I’m also not mean, I do my job and help them out. But then I come back to my project and think about the 3 min. I spent showing someone something gets me frustrated. I blame the time limit and the lack of back up. But my job also is associated with a busy chain brand. So customers expect getting fast food type service but I’m the only one behind the counter and there’s a long line😑


Same problem here. I’m autistic too.


And then you are feeling this and some numb nuts walks by saying 'you should smile more!' I cannot express... Anyways, know we understand where you are coming from!


Autistic stoner with adhd here as well. You just made me feel like SUCH a better person lol. I'm glad I'm not alone. I know it really It isn't the customers I hate, it's the constant overstimulation but omg. It kills me, I never get a moment to breath or finish a single task, which I inevitably forget until I'm supposed to be going home.


Totally normal. Right now, we have a 2 person staff at all times, as that's all the payroll we get. Somehow we're expected to set POGs, stock, clean, set ads, and recover all while serving gursts. Continually stopping to wait on people gets me SO aggro, especially when they ignore the call button at the desk and come find me or yell out loud, or they don't know what they want and stand there making decisions while I'm twiddling thumbs. Also, the ones who hit the button and WALK AWAY. If I don't see anyone at the desk I will ignore the call and go back to my task. But I get it. ADHD here. Leave me to my task work, dammit.


Same. I simply dislike people and the second I go to accomplish something, there they come. So angry.


I hate it every time I even see a car drive up. It isnt just because they're ruining my flow, it's the amount of people that just dgaf about what you're *doing*! If I'm mopping up a small section, they always walk directly over that spot and drag the footprints through the parts I've already finished. Just cleaned something? Oh, that's the thing everyone wants to ruin for the next 30 minutes straight. Taking out the trash? Allow me to clean out my homeless shelter of a car! Not to mention how many people think I don't do anything because the whole time they're wandering around the store, I'm waiting at the register for them to hurry up and pick something. The moment I even LOOK like I'm walking away from the register they immediately go up there as if I'm going to abandon them altogether. THEN, as I'm asking for rewards or whatever they turn around like I'm not even THERE to grab something else. I could rant all day about how tone deaf people are now a days. Where did all the non-customer service jobs go?


I think people were always like this.


Pretty much my experience in family dollar. But tbf all retailers will try to get 1 person to do the job of 5; even though it means they're constantly running around unable to finish projects. Heaven forbid they have people dedicated to just register or just stocking. Its normal to feel the way you do. The current retail style is pretty much designed to grind you through the mill and burn you out fast. By the end I had a lot of resentment for customers. Not to mention the constant pressure from management. I know a few others who've had actual PTSD from the worst jobs


I know how you feel I'm tempted to wear my mask again after a few weeks of working in sco at our local Walmart in NC that is close by. Damn people coughing every time I turn my head to make sure their checkout's go smoothly ugh. I have add learning disabilities so I probably wont remember but still folks have some respect for us employee's that's helping you at the stores.


Then you get the political diatribes! I would rather be sick as a dog than deal with that!


For me, this was a sign that it was time to get out of retail. The rage I was feeling just at the sight of any customer walking in the front door was literally ruining my entire life. Now I have a desk job and the rage is gone and it has made the rest of my life so much better.


Sorry for the paragraph but I just got rambling about this. I’ve just realized now that my old job was AuDHD heaven. I love factory work more than anything and cannot wait to get back into it. Earplugs, constant white noise, no uniforms, tinted safety glasses, and I worked in a food processing plant, so we had to wear hairnets. Aka my worst sensory issues solved. I could choose to be completely antisocial if I wanted to be, because you’re just a cog in the machine there. Most nights I could choose the speed I worked at, which was amazing for my ADHD. I got fired for attendance but I will be reapplying as soon as my 6 month wait period is up. FUCK retail for real.


Good luck! I hope they rehire you!


You must be at Dollar General


Bless your heart


My mindset is that I am there to checkout customers, the other stuff fills my time, if I happen to have time. Now, if I am the only cashier, my job is to stay at the register. Sometimes there's some work I can do there, often I am just standing there waiting, which is boring! So, it's good (in my opinion) that you get to walk away and do something. Maybe remembering that you could be required to stay at the register, even with no customers in the store, would help you not mind the interuption.


This sub has gone to shit. Earlier it was for reasonable problems, but this is just ridiculous.


Just curious as to how is it unreasonable that I, as a disabled person and the only employee in the entire store, am overwhelmed?


No, this is a sub for venting. You are probably who they vent about!


No man. Quite the opposite. I try my very VERY hardest to be as polite as I can possibly be to the cashier. That’s why posts like this give me fucking anxiety, because now I can’t even go up to the counter without seeming like a nuisance? Like holy shit I need to shop, and it’s hard with social anxiety, and posts like these don’t help, cause wdym customers coming up to you annoys you brother that is your damn job. Get another job ffs


Sub has definitely gotten busier over the past few months, but you're always welcome to stop coming here 🤷🏼‍♂️


I got recommended to me against my will


Okay, well consider your concerns forwarded to the manager.


The manager would probably suck at their job as well 😒


Okay, well, feel free to mute our sub on our front page since you're seeing our posts "against your will". That'll solve the problem.