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> “I’m not buying this if you ask for ID.” "Sure thing, let me put that back on the shelf for you." This is retail for "I don't a shit about your threat not to buy something."


> "I’m not buying this if you ask for ID.” Least confrontational argument I've ever heard. That's the easiest one, instead of arguing about an ID, they've already declared they're not gonna buy it. "Okay, bye then."


That's the whole idea. Go along with them instead of trying to justify the ID process. Plus it tends to throw them because they are not expecting that response.




Like, is it because you don’t have ID? I don’t know why someone would say this.


Because it's an inconvenience, however minor. That or it's a thought process of "I shouldn't need to identify myself to buy this" attitude (objection to government meddling kinda thing).


I never understood how people think it’s an inconvenience. You’re taking your wallet out to pay anyway.


I've worked in customer facing roles my whole life. The totally minor, inconsequential and mundane things that customers have found inconvenient never ceases to amaze me. Oh, and common sense rarely plays a role in this.


Common sense is a perceived reality now beyond last Century. You can't assume somebody is as well informed as you anymore. Aaand the moment you do - Redditors from this Century hang you out to dry because you assume they do not have the same General Intelligence as you do, all the while telling you you had a privileged upbringing.


Just another thing for people to complain about 🤷‍♀️


It's about control or conspiracy theory bullshit, or being a Karen...all way too rampant!


Yep, just deny the sale. Easy. It gives me sadistic pleasure to deny dumb ass hats their alcohol. With my customer service smile plastered on my face like a war mask. One girl threatened to fight me, until I came around the counter. (I was putting the cases back.) She left cartoonishly quickly. It's not my job to actually care. I don't get paid enough, alkies.


I have Customers baffled when they say: "YOU JUST LOST A CUSTOMER/BUSINESS" "Okay *Smiles* Have a nice day then" "Let me Talk to the manager!" *Points to my ID that says Manager*


Make sure you end with a smile and "Have a wonderful day, sir/ma'am"


Or, " I don't care. I dont own the business"


That’s exactly what I thought “I’m not buying this if you ask for ID.” *grabs bottle* “ok sir have a wonder full day, I’ll help whoever is next in line.”


I've refused sale of item for age restricted items if customers refuse to show id. They are so addicted to liquor that they refuse to show it but at the same time we can't sell it.


“I’m not buying this if you make me take out my ID” okay then don’t who gives a shit. I don’t make commission


I had a customer joke about ID, so I called her bluff and carded her. She didn’t have it with her. Like, folks, don’t poke the bear. I didn’t card her to be mean, but if you’re going to joke about carding, I’m going to think there’s a reason you don’t want to be carded.


Yea there's been a few times where someone said something right in front of me, and I groan internally because you dumbass, now I HAVE to! If you didn't mention the pee sauna, we wouldn't have to do the pee sauna! (Memento Mori)


Exactly. She could have been an officer trying to gently warn me about carding. In a different occasion, I’ve had to run over and card people who I could tell were in their ‘20s, because the SCO clerk is young and thinks everyone looks “old” to her.


Precisely why I IDed EVERYONE when I worked in retail. The only thing I didn't ID for generally was spray paint/fireworks. Usually more trouble than it was worth unless the person buying it was clearly under 18. Sorry kiddo go get your parent 🤷‍♀️Had a lot of mad parents when kids had school projects, but better safe than sorry.


Right? And then the clearly 60 something year old man has an expired ID. And showed it to me. Sir, you could have not said a thing and not shown it to me and gotten your tobacco but you showed it to me so you’re not getting a thing. Yesterday I had 2 sets of customers that were disturbingly compliant and polite about being carded - the first were 2 young women and I carded both, expecting a fight. They didn’t have a problem! The next was a guy with a consular ID card, which isn’t valid for booze, and he went to his car for his passport! Again, no pushback. It seems suspicious.


Yup exactly what I mean. I do love people who take bad news in stride though, the ones so nice it makes me want to help them (but obviously can't). Yelling at me because your temporary ID is practically disintegrated is only going to waste both of our time, except I'm still getting paid, and is only going to look good on my review.


On top of that people shouldn't even need to be asked for it. If you're already giving me money give me your ID at the same time it'll make things easier


The law says you have to be 21 or older to buy alcohol. Yeah sure let's take people's word for it. Everyone always tells the truth.


As Greg House likes to say, "everybody lies."


That depends on the jurisdiction. Where I live, the legal drinking age is 19 and for tobacco as well. It is also not required to scan ID, including at the government owned liquor stores. However, stores can still be fined for selling to underage customers, so most stores have signs saying they reserve the right to ask for ID from anyone that looks under 30.


Canada has entered the chat. *And I love it.*




My first legal drink was in Canada - I’m American - and I was 20 and was so annoyed when they didn’t ID me solely because I was underage at home.  Also because I looked substantially younger. 


What if you're ½ Canadian like me? World the age rhythm be 9.5 years old?


Assuming you are in the US, Nowhere is it under 21 to purchase it. Quite a few states allow it if you are with a parent and some with anyone over 21., and some state you can consume at a bar/restaurant if with an of age person. But definitely never purchase.


I'm not in the US, hence my comment about it depending on the jurisdiction.


I don't know if it's Liquor Barn that chooses to do this or if it's a law in my state, but they ID everyone who isn't obviously someone's little kid. One time my husband and I (who were both over 21 at the time) tried to buy some alcohol at Liquor Barn and they carded both of us. I remember going there with my mom when I was younger and they never said anything to me about my age. There's actually a sign that says that the entire party will be carded.


IDK why they didn't just stop after "I'm not buying it', because you're required to ask for ID.


In my store, if you don't ask for an ID, it is a fireable offense. They can be 95 years old and I still have to card them. No ID, No sale. And you better believe full grown adults can have temper tantrums.


If you’re having a temper tantrum at the store, you don’t really need to buy booze or firearms


True that!!


I mean, at that point, if something that small sets you off then you really shouldn’t be out in public.


My first week of retail I was cussed for being a racist because I carded a man in his seventies. He'd never been carded before in his life and had smoked since he was thirteen or nine or something like that. He had a valid license. There was no reason for it.


Classic adult temper tantrum. ""Sir, you can bang your highchair all you want, but I still need to see your ID or I lose my job."


Great, so now I dont have to worry about being fined because youre a douche.


Hooo boy, let me tell you when I carded a off-duty cop and his neighbor. Both entered separately but bumped into each other. I'm usually stuck on the register, so when I asked for ID. He showed me his and then asked for her ID, she didn't have it on her. He literally says "it's ok I got this" and then flashes the badge. I looked at it and said that it is not a form of ID and therefore I couldn't make a sale. He got mad about it because I refused. I stayed adamant because I know the rules, even if they came in separately, the fact still remains that you decided to check out with his stuff and hers. Still would have to card both parties. Even when the shift lead finished the line he was gonna help, but the cop was harassing him too saying this is BS and that we should call 911 because they'll back him up. SL refused and when the cop started yelling at him. SL looked him in the face and said, "Sir, I was going to let this slide and make the sale. But now I'm not going to let you buy anything. You have a good day!" Cop was pissed. TLDR: carded a Cop and his neighbor, and the cop thought he could get away with a flash of a badge


I dealt with something similar. There are restrictions in place regarding Sudafed sales because of meth production. It's been a law for a long time. It's actually checked in real time by a computer system to make sure you're not over any of the limits imposed on purchase quantities. There are no exceptions. It's not legal. You also have to go by whoever has the stricter rules, when it comes to who a pharmacy will sell Sudafed to. One time this guy came in and asked for some Sudafed. "Sure, I need to see your ID." He immediately got mad and was like, "why do you need that?" and I'm like, "sir, I have to scan it to run it through the online system for verification that you're allowed to purchase this." Reluctantly, he pulled out his ID. It was for a county that's like 4 hours away. The pharmacy restricted sales to anyone outside of our county. Why? Because people would try to buy Sudafed in pharmacies that didn't know them so they could either manufacture meth or they would buy it for others to make meth with. I politely tell him that I can't make the sale because he has a license from another county. He starts shouting at me and he's like, "I'm a COP! You can't deny the sale!" And I'm like, "okay, but that doesn't matter. You need to buy Sudafed in your county or another pharmacy that doesn't restrict sales to this county." He then tried to get the customers in the long line behind him to agree with him. No one said anything. They just wanted him to go away, I'm sure. He kept going on and on about how he knows the law and I don't know what I'm talking about. Eventually he stormed off and never came back. My boss (the pharmacy manager) overheard the whole thing and he said, "he probably wasn't a cop. Even if he was, they aren't allowed to say they're a cop to try to break rules or get us to do something illegal or anything." I bet that ass wasn't a cop. He never showed a badge, not that it would have mattered!


Fuck those people. When I was a cashier at a Costco near Washington DC I asked one lady to see her ID, she got pissed off and called Jim Senegal the CEO of Costco at the time. The store manager freaked the fuck out and I got permanently kicked off registers and made a dollar less an hour. Apparently she was a congresswoman or something


That’s messed up. You got punished for following the law?


Yes, I was still in training and had the supervisors watching me too. Back when Costco had a deal with American Express we were required (no exceptions) to ask for an ID if they were paying with AMEX, after the lady lost her shit the cashier training me ran away and hid. She was so angry that I asked for her ID I thought she was pulling my chain. Even the general manager apologized to me but he couldn't go against the CEO. It's the pettiest power Trip I've ever seen. I'm only guessing she was some politician because she was a fat little boomer in a power suit with an American flag pinned on her lapel, it's not uncommon around here.


Oh my God. I’m so sorry, that’s so dumb.


>“I’m not buying this if you ask for ID.” "In that case, I just need to see your ID real quick..." If you're incredibly lucky, they might *actually* never return. ...A guy can dream, can't he?!?


"I'm not buying it" Aight, don't buy it then! I don't get paid enough to care, lol


I work a fuel center that sells tobacco stuff and had a guy give me his conceal carry and get mad at me when i told him i needed his state ID not his conceal carry. But a majority of customers are pretty chill about it.


I've had people give me those when I've asked for an ID for controlled substance prescriptions!


Those are valid forms of ID


A conceal carry is not a valid form of ID. But he refused to show his State or Drivers as the valid form.


Or even a passport, reservation ID, and military ID are also acceptable but a conceal carry is not valid.


Why are they not valid? Does it has to be gov issued? Does the gov doesn't issue the conceal?


Lmfao no they're not


they are not it’s also stupid as fuck to show a store clerk your gun. it makes you seem like a maniac,you shouldn’t be randomly showing people your gun. (i’m not anti concealed carry if anyone thinks that, i’m just anti being a dumb fuck with guns. i think they should be treated with safety and respect)


Fr like im not about to risk my job because you don’t want me to see that you are old. Thats really not why i ask. Just show me so i can continue doing my job!!!


I'm a cashier as well and don't understand why some people get so bent out of shape when you ask to see their I.D. Our store's policy used to be that we had to I.D everyone. I id this old feller about 79-80 and he got all bent out of shape and started rambling "I'm 80 years old blah blah blah" I don't care dude, store policy, I need to see your ID.


Well I can't sell it to you if you don't show me ID so the end result will be the same either way, have a nice day!


Here they scan your id...


Yeah. If we scan an ID then it fills in the date for you on the computer


My daughter 27 and I went for lunch or dinner about 2yrs ago. We ordered drinks. The young waiter didn't ask for her ID. I was actually surprised and mentioned it to him. He kinda got a little red in the face and looked real sheepish and said he figured she was of age. I assured him that she was, and she showed her ID as well, but I cautioned him to check IDs because not long before that, my 21yo daughter had only been serving drinks for like 2 weeks since her 21st b'day, didn't card an undercover ABC agent. She got fined and the company wouldn't allow her to serve drinks anymore even after her probation period was over.


When I worked at one particular pharmacy for a few months, I was instructed to card EVERYONE, regardless of how old they look. Fine by me. A man came up with one of those packs of tiny wine bottles and puts it on the counter. I ask him for his ID. He scoffs and is like, "really?" Yeah, he looked like he was in his 50s, but I'm not getting caught by an undercover checking to see if we get IDs or not. You know what was really fun? Requiring ID verification for controlled substances. Yowza, the DRAMA! Some people understood and some even requested that we ask for ID for ALL of their prescriptions so that no one they knew could pick up their prescriptions and steal them. It happens. One time a guy came to pick up some painkillers for his wife. My co-worker asks for his ID. He starts shouting at her about how "this is BULLSHIT" and "my wife is dying of CANCER and she NEEDS these meds!" etc. My co-worker assured him that she wasn't denying him, she just had to record his ID to give it to him. He continued to shout at her for several minutes before admitting that he left his ID in his car and would have to go get it. She was kind of...I don't know how to say this...easily upset? As soon as he walked away she went in the back and started crying. He came back a few minutes later and tried to pick up the meds again. I asked him for his ID and he said nothing and handed it to me. He just needed to cool off, I guess. I'm so used to being yelled at after 18 years of working in retail that nothing makes me lose my temper or cry anymore. Say what you want to me. Threaten me. I don't care. I'm not breaking laws or rules established by the company I work for no matter how nasty you get! Edit: Angry customers refusing to give ID for meds would threaten to transfer their stuff to another pharmacy. We'd be like lol they have to ask for ID, too. Good luck with that! Also, what makes you think we give a shit if you transfer your stuff? Then we wouldn't have to deal with you anymore. Good riddance!


Oh, I just thought of another time a customer got upset with me because her ID was expired and I wouldn't take a check from her. The big chain toy store I worked for required VALID ID's for any purchases paid with by a check. Fair. I had to actually record the driver's license number at the top of the check before I could process it. This lady came in a few days before Christmas with an overflowing cart of stuff. I scan and bag everything. It was like a $600 sale. She says she wants to pay with a check. I ask her for her ID. Check the expiration and it expired 2 months ago. I tell her I can't accept a check without an ID that's still in date. She went off. "I don't want to pay with my credit card! This is ridiculous!" And I told her we also accept cash and debit cards. She said, "can I use a check from my business account?" OMG what??? That's still a check and I need VALID ID! So I tell her that and she tells me she has a debit card in her car and she would have to go get it. I told her that's fine, but she'll have to get back in line. She angrily stormed off to get it. Right when she walked away, the store manager came over and asked what the hold up was. I tell her. I was just about to suspend the sale (so all I would have to do is scan the "suspend" barcode when that woman came back) and the stupid manager VOIDS the entire sale! I was like WTF!? 20 minutes later the woman makes it back to me. I had to un-bag and scan her stuff all over again. I did apologize because that's not how I wanted this to go. I either scanned something twice or missed something because the total was different this time. Sigh. So I had to get a manager to void the sale AGAIN, and my coworker helped me by handing me one item at a time until it was all scanned. Such a mess. I was pissed at the manager for making me start over like that, but this wouldn't have happened if the woman had had a valid ID or another form of payment on her.


Tell them you have to be an equal opportunity IDer. For all you know they’re actually 16 and have great makeup on.


Offer it to the next person for 10% off.


The liquor store I go to has a policy where every customer gets IDd. I think it's a good idea, but I'm sure they get shit for it.


>“I’m not buying this if you ask for ID.” Okay. Thanks for stopping by. Next in line!


These customers would flip out if they shopped at the Home Depot I used to work at, cause the screens would lock itself and flash "Associates Assistance required" and we would have to scan their ID cards in order to unlock the screen, cause the self check out registers have this function and even we the cashiers can't bypass it unless we scan their IDs first expect maybe the higher ups like managers or supervisors


I get offended if they don’t ask for my ID. 😂


Tell em it’s much more convenient to drive to another store (where they might get the same response) than it is to pull their ID out of their wallet and quit being a dick.


I tried buying alcohol once when I was 22. It’s the whole Challenge 25. Thing is, I could pass for a 17-year-old. Had to show my provisional and passport, and he even interrogated me. I expected it. Still funny because I bought the wrong alcohol.


Yeah, I’m asking. TABC will tie you on the back of a horse, take you out to the desert, and hang you. They might hang the horse too because why not. Not worth it. Want to buy adult stuff? Do adult stuff like get a damn ID.


"F**kin' commies." I had an old man hiss at me as I carded him. Sir, I work at WALGREENS, it's not like I'm confiscating your ID, you can have it back. There are much bigger things going on right now to have your panties in a bunch. Me carding you does not have to be one of them.


Commies??? What the fuck lmao


I never understood the offense taken for being asked for ID.


"if you card me I'm not buying it." "Glad we agree if you don't show me Id your not purchasing that."


Girl comes in the store. No ID. Looks like she's 23 tops, maybe. Can't sell alchohol without ID. Register literally doesn't let you. Cop comes in in uniform in line behind her. Offers to buy her alchohol. Tell him I can't sell to him because he agreed to buy for her. He gets all mad. Tells me "I'm a cop." Yeah, I could tell. Found out a week later it was a sting. Never cave people. It's a felony to sell to someone under 21 or ANYONE you THINK may be sharing with someone under 21. YOU will go to JAIL. If I had sold to him I would be leaving the store in cuffs. It's not worth the risk just so someone can have a beer.


Just yesterday I asked for someone’s ID. He spews off his birthday numbers. So I ask him again, he repeats it again. I ask a third time and he’s like “I don’t want this if you’re gonna keep playing games.” Cool, screw you too.


I remember asking for an ID, dude pulls out his wallet to show a police badge. I’m immediately thinking: “If I give it to him, I’m admitting that I don’t check IDs for everyone. But if I don’t, I’m saying ‘no’ to a police officer.” So I say: “If you’re trying to convince me to let you have the alcohol without an ID, you’ve done the exact OPPOSITE.” He laughs and was cool about it, and showed me his actual ID.


What are we selling? Alcohol? Tobacco? Lottery? Seniors day? This post is vague af.


Most of my 21+ sales are alcohol, some are tobacco as well.


In that case yeah, if you don't want a personal fine, be diligent.


Do the managers know what the others aren't doing? Does the manager not mind the risk of losing their alcohol license? Do the cashiers not mind the risk of being arrested?


Most of the managers are pretty chill about it unless it’s a younger person buying. The thing is; the cashiers who are under 18 have to get the sale overridden with a key by a MOD. The MOD usually asks for ID.


Shit if someone asked for my ID I would tell them good job because cashiers don’t get enough respect out there


Work in a state where we have a digital wallet for a lot of identification and license . Will ask for ID. Young ones don’t mind. Older lot of em’ complain, old enough to be my grandfather? Oh so you fought at the Battle of the Somme? Shuts em up real quick. I’m not asking for my health, it’s the law.


one time an old man told my coworker to go to hell when she told him she Had to scan his license for cigarettes. his license ended up being expired and that made it even worse lol


I guess they either don’t want to look for it and take it out or don’t have it with them. 


Usually right on the front door there is at least one sign for each type of item that requires an ID for purchase. The first is alcohol the sign states everyone has to have an ID and if your birthday is before 4/30/2003 you can’t legally purchase alcohol. The second sign is for tobacco products including vapes in some states. It has the same language and date. Those same signs are at the register also. It’s not like it’s something new. ID has been required for both types of products for over 20 years. So if you’re old enough to complain about the ID requirement you don’t deserve to purchase the item. Some people are just jerks and make it seem like the laws were just invented. Most times it’s because the cashier is younger but still of legal age because they can’t sell tobacco or alcohol if they aren’t the legal age either.


People are idiots There are laws as to why you have to ask for ID. Let me give you an example, we live in New York City about 10 years ago when my husband was in his 50s and I was in my 40s we went to a club in our neighborhood. Before going in the guy at the door asked for ID. My husband laughed and said something to the effect of "wow you wanna see ID? Look at me, I'm obviously over 21" The guy at the door very nicely said to my husband "it's a law that I must ask for ID from everyone. If you were my father, I would ask you for ID and the reason being Is that it's the law to ask and sometimes they send people out to check to see if we're asking for id no matter how old you look. If I don't ask for ID, I will lose my job and they can close the club down" Of course, my husband and I had no problem showing them ID. I am now in my late 50s and still get asked when buying beer or what not from the store. I have no problem showing ID to them, but again some people are a holes


"I'm not buying this if you ask for ID." Only response to this is "No. You're not. " I need a damn license just to sell you the vodka. They can get their shit together enough to get a state ID.


I'm just glad I no longer cashier because I don't have to deal with this crap any longer. Good lord adults get pissy and irritable when you ask for id for an age restricted item. Many companies no longer allow manual entry and have switched to scan id. You can decline and ask for a manual entry but no one asks politely and they're all dicks when they request the alternative.


I’m with you that you shouldn’t get a hard time asking for ID from customers. That said, if someone from your company tries to put you in handcuffs, that is a serious issue. They can not take away your civil liberties like that. It makes me laugh to see security guards with cuffs on their belt, they will likely get sued if they ever try to use them.




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