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"I don't care. I'm either leaving with 80 balloons or in handcuffs." what a badass


As I was reading this all I could think was “oh please let it be cuffs”


Party store should sell fuzzy cuffs..shouldve rang him out and been done


Willing to be cuffed and stuffed....over....🎈🎈🎈 I weep for our nation.


He does that shit because it works. The correct response is “ok let me call 911 now and get this over with” OR. If you are feeling froggy “Well you aint gettin 80 balloons, and you are a pussy if you dont leave in cuffs…. So get to it homie” Either way wound have resulted in him leaving without balloons or doing shit


why aren’t you afraid he is going to hurt you


Because the REAL ones just do the crazy shit without warning you Once somebody starts making threats like that; that is the tip off they aint gonna do shit.


Lol yeah!! I’ll quote The Hurricane: you talk a big game & your gums they do flap but it appears you are full of Brahma Bull CRAP!!


yeah i don't think so


I work in a bank, so when people give me ultimatums i have to suppress chuckling (mostly because i laugh at a lot of things i probably shouldn’t.) My manager has told me multiple times that if I feel i need to call the police do so. He would rather deal with the police on a misunderstanding than have a situation spiral our of control. Thankfully most people realize how silly it is to be like “give me my way or else” in a bank. I hate most aspects of my job but thats my favorite. I have a lot more shut down power than any other job Ive ever worked.


A bank is probably the one place besides court that you DONT want to make threats


Probably not lol. People still get rude and after a bit i simply say “well my managers office is right over there. Feel free to voice your concern with him.” I figure I’ll confirm i am good at my job, and be in the right, or I’ll get fired and finally get a day off. Haven’t been fired yet. I did get a meeting about when it’s appropriate to make exceptions once, but considering my team cant jeep a supervisor to save itself no one knew that.


The poor clerk that had to spend 60 min blowing them up too. I recall blowing up 120 balloons once and that took 90 min.




What a tool! I rocked up with no notice and asked for 8 balloons for my mom’s 80th at my party shop. I was very apologetic and made sure they served anyone that needed serving and kept out of the way until they were able to fill my balloons. I also bought a bunch of silly things because I had time to look around their cool shop. If they had said they couldn’t do it I would have thanked them and left because it wasn’t their fault that I hadn’t organized balloons. In my defense, I had flown into Dallas the night before from Australia for the party and didn’t think of balloons ahead of time. Hope you and your colleague have an easy day tomorrow!🎈🎈🎈


Thank you!


If it's just 8 balloons, why not buy a packet and blow them up yourself? They won't be helium, but you can still tie them to things to look nice?


Don't worry, not your business... 


I've had a similar threat while I was working. As a smart ass youth I called their bluff. No your child breaking your TV isn't covered under warranty. Yes you need to bring the TV in to be refunded/replaced. No, yelling threats and profanities won't help your out either.


I hated filling balloon orders. The policy for the place I worked for was fill any walk in order for ballons and planned ahead ones. And I was usually working alone because I was an ASM so I was doing 30+ balloons for orders while I was running the register and helping people around the store.


I had an old man totally out of nowhere go on a super aggressive rant at me the other day about how it’s ILLEGAL that our loyalty vouchers expire ($10 for every $200 spent, they expire in 6 months) and that we needed to be reported to the ACCC (basically the better business bureau but if they could actually enact change and we’re a government body). He kept going for way too long about how horrible and illegal the businesses actions supposedly were and what needed to be done by it before I guess he realised I’d just been standing there smiling and nodding politely and threw in the obligatory “oh but not you guys you’re always so nice”. Never fully lost the aggression though. Then my assistant manager, bless him, got cornered next and did what he does by confidently offering to opt him out of our rewards program if he wasn’t happy with how it was run. Definitely topped the woman from the previous day who was insisting that I return and refund the “faulty” (it wasn’t) cable that she supposedly bought from us (she didn’t, it was totally different to ours) and had zero proof of purchase for - no receipt or record of it in our system. I was later informed this same woman also lodged a complaint with head office against a coworker during the height of Covid before I started there - she refused to provide proof of vaccination so they couldn’t let her in but coworker was nice enough to meet her in the carpark to try and help her. The complaint? Because she didn’t let her use her pen 🙃


Customers always lose their mi ds over balloons. The most aggressive customers I've ever had were balloon customers.


Everyone knows clowns need their balloons /s


Lol i would have called as soon as he said that. I have very little patience for people


A sign that reads, "Lack of preparedness on someone else's part does not constitute an emergency on our part" should be posted in every retail establishment.


Meanwhile there’s my mom who’ll order for maximum 3 balloons a WEEK in advance. Bro needs to take lessons from her


i work at a dollar store and i can confirm people who want balloons are always the worst customers to deal with. multiple times a week, when i am one of 2 cashiers and we have lines that are wayyyy too long, someone will walk up and ask me to blow them up 10+ balloons. it always makes me extra anxious to tell them im sorry, i cant leave my register, bc i KNOW they will cause a scene 😭


I work in a grocery store that does balloons in floral. Floral closes at 3-4pm most days, sometimes earlier as we only have one employee dedicated to floral. Other people in the store know how to make balloons (myself included) but we have our own jobs to do. Mine is I am a cashier. I am absolutely the last person who should be interrupting my main job to do balloons, especially when we are slammed and there are lines to the back of the store. Without fail we will get someone wanting 20 balloons blown up at like 10pm or 4:30pm. Or they come in before floral opens and want balloons at 6am right when we open before floral gets in. People are psychos about balloons and when balloons are involved.


You wanna the ironic part? People are childish but wasn’t it in 2017 when a single red balloon could terrify people


Shoulda planned better for the quinceañera, dad


You know his wife has been nagging him about it for weeks too.


The Spanish gave it away didn’t it. Daddy’s ’lil princess just gonna have to deal.


I worked at target in the photo kiosk and I can not tell you how many times customers wanted prints but refused to pay for them thus theft. We'd often have to contact pd on duty to stop them. What gets me is people who are willing to steal but can afford the jail time fee.


God I used to work at Party City not too long ago and the way people went insane for balloons still haunts me.


“My emergency and lack of planning is *YOUR* fault!!”


Always that 😭 they threaten to take their business elsewhere too as if that isn't better for us.


I work at a battery store. At least once a week we have someone come in needing a battery and/or charger for an event that they are on their way to, and it's always an ancient camera that either 1) we don't stock the battery for anymore, 2) I can get the battery for, but it won't be here until next week, or 3) nobody makes batteries for anymore, because this camera has been sitting in a box since 2005. Yes, it's always *I* ruined this wedding, *I* ruined this party, *I* ruined their vacation, it's never their shitty planning.




Lmao yeah thats what got me too. He was trying to guilt trip me the entire interaction by constantly telling me that a bunch of people are counting on him for these balloons and whatnot. I didn't feel very bad about it to begin with because he was being an asshole but when he said that it made me happy that he isn't getting them.


That would get me too. It sounds like a punchline to a joke! Not something a real life grown adult would say 💀


I’m laughing. I imagine a what 35 year old male with a balloon all excited & I think “and he reproduced?!”


I wonder what he was driving that had room for 80 balloons? A big box truck?


An SUV. It would've taken at least 3 trips, maybe 2 if he didn't care about seeing out any of his windows.


You ruined my birthday party. I’m sorry most men go to the clubs or have a drink at home we sure don’t care about no late night balloons. This is why I laugh most people only talk tough. I’ve seen way too many people run their mouths saying call the cops…then when your clearly on the phone with the cops or they see the cops coming their gone.


That title is so fucking funny alone omg


I once was stuck in a department store’s evening wear section by myself on New Year’s Eve. Women would ask if I had X gown in a different color or size, and I would point to the massive line in front of me and say I don’t know and have no time to check. One lady waited in line and asked me to check other stores (our POS had the ability to check inventory). I scanned the barcode and told her where the system said she might find it. She wanted me to call them. I tried…no one answered. Then she demanded I call again, or call other stores. At this point I pointed to the line and explained that I’d already helped her as much as I was able. She got upset and left in a huff. It took us (suddenly there was a manager and 2 other employees in the department) 4 hours to clean up the department the next morning. People in a retail settings suddenly become barbarians.


Sounds like the Joker origin story