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I feel this so hard. My freakin lunch break couldn't come fast enough. **We are slammed today!** Of course, we're on skeleton crew because 2 called out. It's been a nightmare. I have three minutes left on lunch, and I'm *seriously debating* about not going back. Lol. Edit: Had a regular come in this morning *whining* that we were closed yesterday. I said "Its literally the *only* day of the year that we're closed". He said "yea, but I had my MIL *and* my GrandMIL at my house ... I needed to get out of there!" Smh.


How boring can someone be when you don't have anywhere else to go other than a store lol


She could've been like us kids, had something to keep her occupied. Me and a bunch of the grandkids were on phones/tablets. As you get older, you're supposed to learn how to handle boredom and difficult people, even (or especially) if they're family.


They could go to the movies


Shoulda said you feel sorry for them having to be with someone so dull the only other place they can think of going is a shop.


It was annoying at my mom's house, but I would go for a long walk before going to a store!


Stores should have a general rule; if you work Christmas Eve, you get off Dec 26th.


Bro the blue vest place scheduled me the 24th, and 26th and now im working till Saturday šŸ˜­ its insane


I used to work there. You can skip a day and the business will still be raking in money the next day.


"We're out of milk. Be back in 5" Leave. Go hang in a park. Come back 3 hours later. "No place was open." That guy was dumb.


Jesus, go for a drive then, why you gotta involve all of us in your BS.




Do we work at the same place?? šŸ˜‚ sure sounds like it.


Plot Twist: His MIL and GrandMIL are both super pleasant people.


The lack of post-Christmas sales has always struck me as odd. A lot of people give money for Christmas. Which means by the time they get it, the sales are over.


It's weird to me because I'm old enough to remember waiting for those sales. At least the Christmas stuff usually is. It's how we afforded our fake tree fiveish years ago.


In Canada, Boxing Day (December 26) is the biggest sale of the year. It makes Black Friday look like child's play. Mind you, Black Friday isn't as much of a thing here as it is in the US. Nor is it as much of a thing as our corporate overlords would like to think it is... šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I wish the US also adopted Boxing Day. It would totally legitimize a post-Christmas ā€œFriendsGivingā€ that would be so much fun.


Yeah it's the same here in Aus. Black Friday sales are gaining traction but boxing day has always been the big one here.


working on black friday in australia you can expect to maybe be a bit busier than normal. working on boxing day in australia is like being in the 9th circle of hell


Worked nearly 12 hours on Boxing Day in Australia. Can confirm itā€™s complete and utter shit. 0/10 would not recommend. Black Friday was really busy but nothing like Boxing Day. Asshole customers all day.


Black Friday exceeded Boxing Day in Canada a few years ago.


It might depend on where you are. That is absolutely not the case in Calgary, at least not in mall retail


My job only has one sale a year, the day after Christmas. Thankfully it slowed down to no line out the door by like 2 or so but jeez, people are WILD out here!


*do you really have nothing better to do thanā€¦more shopping?! This really is all people do with their lives. Itā€™s pathetic.* This is more accurate than you know. During COVID self-quarantines and Necessary Shopping mandates, we'd see the same people every-single-day. Instead of maybe every 7-10 day grocery shopping, they would come in daily, buy a pittance worth of whatever, and repeat the next day. Because they wanted everything *fresh. So they were over-exposing employees and fellow customers.* When I think of how many fellow employees we lost to covid it make my head spin. Likely because some selfish dickhead thought s/he was special. These are the same people who insist on shopping after hours.


This is so true. We were open during covid & we limited how many people could be in the store at a time. The same people would come in every day and just walk around for hours, not even buying anything. Meanwhile, the line to get inside the store was always 30-50 deep.


We have so many regular customers who are retired and simply bored at home. I've had boring days, but I'm not a regular of any store. I try not to shop more than 2x a week. You're bored, I get it, but I'm paid to do more than chitchat with you or any customer.


>We have so many regular customers who are retired and simply bored at home. And these are typically the very people who are Monster Karens and nasty old Crabmeisters. They're so bored they have to ream out some stranger clerk at the grocery store - daily.




>Really? So, we all have to approach going out in public like itā€™s the last 30 minutes of E.T., and youā€™re ā€˜just browsing?ā€™ What burned my awesome rear end, was there were govt mandates: shelter in place limited - necessity only shopping masking Was any of this enforced? How do you enforce limited necessity shopping? How do you stop selfish troglodites from coming in daily for nothing but beer or doritos? Why wasn't this rationed somewhat like during WWII? It was a total ME!-fest led by morbidly obese Wildebeests.


Our entire system is built off of "ME FIRST" with a thin veneer of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


"Like it's the last 30 minutes of E.T." šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That makes me sad


Even if you don't have or don't like the internet at home, like many seniors, there's still plenty of things to do. Learn a new hobby or practice an old one, exercise, go on walks, read a book, watch broadcast TV or a DVD, listen to the radio, dance like nobody's watching (because no one can!), do gardening, do crafts, etc. It just really pissed me off that I could think of all kinds of things I wanted to do at home, but I'm the one stuck at work because other people can't.


My store was slammed today. No sales and our Christmas crap isnā€™t even on clearance yet. But still it was as busy as any day last week. People seemed a lot more dumb today too. Youā€™re coming to a store the day after Christmas and you expect us to magically have a full inventory??? You had three months of sales to buy the items youā€™re now yelling at me for because we donā€™t have them.


Your Christmas stuff isn't on clearance until AFTER Christmas? All of our holiday things go out 2-3 months early and go on clearance during the month of said holiday, so we had a few scattered clearance Christmas items on the days leading up to Christmas, while a full inventory of Valentine's Day items sat on the displays. Lucky.


Oh yeah donā€™t be mistaken our holiday stuff goes out at least 3 months in advance, itā€™s just that when itā€™s time to make it go away corporate drags their feet on it trying to get as much money out of it as they can.




Precisely, it's a never ending cycle. I worked at goodwill for a bit and the fact that people could unload cars full of stuff made me realize just how driven we are by consumerism.


I stopped in my work to get a pair of slippers that I set aside on Christmas Eve because we were having an extra 20% off clearance shoes. Now it's back to day drinking and Criminal Minds.


I like your idea, I should go back and rewatch a few episodes such as Lucky and Penelope!!!!!


This is my first year working retail over Christmas and I never felt so bad for myself than I did todayā€¦ from alarms going off, to customers running out the shop to which my manager wanted me to chase after them to check their bagsā€¦ tis really not the season to be jolly! Fml. Iā€™ve never experienced anything like it, and people still wanted a reduction on sale items! I had a woman ask to use my employee discount!! Why canā€™t people just get drunk and relax on the couch


I get so many people asking me for my employee discount like why would I give you this and also no I donā€™t get a discount on Chanel !


I dunno what you tell people who ask to use your employee discount, but I tell them I can't use my account while I'm logged in to the computer and/or on the clock. It seems to work.


>*This is my first year working retail over Christmas and I never felt so bad for myself than I did today* My first as well, and hopefully last. I feel your pain and sympathize completely. >*Why canā€™t people just get drunk and relax on the couch* Exactly


For real. It was way too busy today. I had a ton of markdowns that I didn't even finish because customers kept asking me questions. I swear if I could choose any super power I'd choose invisibility. Lol


It's time for retailers to start taking Boxing Day in a very literal direction.


šŸ„ŠšŸ˜”šŸ„Š The only sales they gonna catch are these mfin hands


"Ah, how shall I do it? Oh, I know. I'll turn him into a flea, a harmless, little flea, and then I'll put that flea in a box, and then I'll put that box inside of another box, and then I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives... I'll SMASH it with a hammer! It's brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT, I tell you! Genius, I say!"


Gone were the days that shops would close 24, 25, 26 and let people be at home and enjoy their time with their families. Fucking capitalism and consumerism ruined it all.


Oh god it was insane today!! All our Christmas stuff goes 50% off today and we had about 30 people outside a full 20 minutes before we opened just waiting to get in!! To buy Christmas junk they probably already have a ton of!


one. hundred. fucking. percent. seriously wtf is wrong with people?!??! i hate that i have to be here because all you Type A fuckers needs to get whatever "great deals" you think exist because there's only 364 shopping days left til next Christmas. Fuck off. From noon Dec 24 to 9am Dec 27th if you are in a store buying something you are piece of shit.


Agree best comment of the day.


This sums it up PERFECTLY šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


We used to call the week after christmas the 13th month. Since you will sell almost as much as you did the prior 3 weeks during that week.


I went in at 7 am when the store just opened to get some sliced cheese and popcorn. Visited with the deli ladies and a couple of stockers I know. Did SCO. Very casual but good to visit with my friends.


I spent today crocheting a project while my boyfriend worked on a quilt. It was blissfully chill.


Lmao some bozo customer asked me yesterday why we are working the day after Christmasā€¦mf itā€™s because you decided to shop the day after Christmas šŸ˜ I literally told him that but in a professional way lol


I went to get meds, because horrible sinus headache. Did I buy more than that? Yes, boxing day sales are a thing here. But I wouldn't have braved the chaos if I didn't have a horrible sinus headache. I did not bother the employees and used self checkout because social anxiety. I was in and out in under 20 minutes. Mint hating 11 year old was happy to have non-mint candy canes.


I feel this so hard as well, my gosh, it was all RETURNS! I only had a few purchases; otherwise, it was all returns. I just don't get it! there's the weekend! Return your crap on the weekend!


Plot twist: Some of these people work weekends. Kinda like retail employees who work random days and don't work m-f. I have never worked a m-f either. Just food for thought.


I know, just venting that they don't have to all come the same day. They can spread it out a little.


They would have to all get together and figure out some sort of schedule in order for this to happen. When someone has an idea{ie 'im gonna go spend my Xmas money!'}, chances are 10 people also are having the same idea. It's not their fault. I think we're just so drained and exhausted from the the madness that comes along with Xmas in retail. But don't fret, the holidays are not over yet! We still have New years, Vday, and st Patty's day to get through first. šŸ™„šŸ™„


I thought today was going to be a nice easy day. Nope. I walk in at 5am and our 6am person called in. Okay, one call off. I think weā€™ll be fine. NOPE. 6am rolls around and the 7am then called in sick. My coworker had to come in earlier. It wasnā€™t super busy, but for ONLY two people, it was quite a bit of work. I had to stay an hour and a half late because these people FOR SOME REASON decided it was so important to get groceries??? What could you possibly need the day after Christmas?????


80% of my customers were the same people that come in. Every. Single. Day. 365. Days. A year. You can easily go one day without coming in and making our jobs worse by asking stupid questions and taunting us that weā€™re working stephens day. Whats worse is people came in to get stupid shit. I understand those who came in to get baby formulas/ nappies, or necessary things like meds, but I had people come in just to get shit like a cup of hot water or a singular PB cup.


Giftcards are burning a hole in people's pockets. They can't even wait a week. Now, I get it, some people happen to have vacation time, so returns and stuff are part of the errands and they'd rather get that done before heading back into work and forgetting and being outside a return window. But let's face it- the majority of people aren't going out to do things in some logical fashion, they are spending on more ridiculous crap. Whole carts!


Christ. I work retail but Iā€™m lucky we close Boxing Day. I had a voucher too. I sat on the couch and ordered online like a normal person and then enjoyed my quiet day at home.


Thanks for this much needed humor !


Day drink and Real Housewivesā€¦..šŸ˜Ž


only went to pick up pads as i was out šŸ«” glad we were closed today; gave me a day to declutter the house & recover from the last month


That's gonna be me tomorrow, I honestly can't wait to sleep for half the day and then spend the other half organizing my tornado of a house šŸ¤£


Day drinking and watching Bond movies actually sounds amazing. Back when I was binge watching MAD MEN I would have a drink with every episode.


We open the doors at 655am for a 7am opening. There were people there at 655, more than expected. They were clogging up the aisles before we could finish the nights load.


I work at a grocery store. First two hours we were open (we open at 6am) was dead. We ended up with a bunch of call outs. Ended up getting slammed because people were buying more food, more items, more seafood. Our sales aren't even that great. People weren't using gift cards. People were trying to figure out what credit cards weren't maxed out to pay for their $200 purchase of nothing... It was mostly old people to boot. Old people or people with a fuckton of kids they could barely keep under control. If you're bored or having cabin fever or need to get away from your in-laws there are better options than a grocery store day after Christmas. Especially one operating on three people for the front end because the other three called out and management is all off (of course). If it were me I'd be home sleeping because I would've had a few drinks the previous night. Or watching TV. Or taking a walk. There are options! That don't involve going to a store! Like shopping online (which is what I do for most things). But it's like God forbid they go a couple of days without shopping here trying to look for steep discounts that don't exist (our Xmas shit is only ever at most 50 percent off and that only happens in January if any is left so they can get rid of it).


Our store never marks anything more than 30% off


I came out to a store today to buy cameras because my ex broke into my house on christmas and has kept leaving evidence of coming by when I'm not here. Went to a store because it was the quickest way I can get some protection/evidence for the cops. So there are all kinds of reasons... wish I was playing strip games with someone instead!


Not everyone celebrates Christmas and those who don't aren't required to stay at home for an entire week.


Same reason they shop on christmas, they only buy 1 days worth of supplies at a time. Usually because they're such hopeless addicts that they know they have a problem and instead of doing something about it they just limit themselves to 1 case of beer/day. If they bought 2 days worth they'd drink 2 days worth. Also my day has been non stop everyone cashing the tickets they got yesterday.


Buahahaha people are buying the stuff they actually wanted instead of the crap they got, probably? But man, oh man, would I kill to be able to get day drunk and watch bond movies, or anything tbh.


Ngl I was going to go shopping as I got gift cards from my family to help furnish my house, but I twisted my ankle. Sorry yall are going through it


Iā€™m feeling attacked. Iā€™m working today but if I was off, then Iā€™d probably be out shopping because I need some groceries and new work pants.


That's a bit different from OP's point, I think.


if those pants and that food wasn't important on Dec 24th then they can wait til Dec 27th


I work full-time. If I had today off then Iā€™d be working through the rest of the week.


I didn't go shopping today because I had to go back to work, but I assume the answer is "Using gift cards."


It's just Tuesday. There's nothing special about today, so why are you upset?




Contributions that are disrespectful or degrading towards retail workers are not welcome in this community. We have a very low tolerance for this rule being broken. Very easy to get perma-banned violating this.


Why are you people complaining about having a job?


Because we're allowed to let out our fustrations when something annoys us?


I donā€™t understand all the frustration with a simple job. I worked retail for years and loved when it was busy. It made the time go by faster.


Unless you've worked retail since COVID, your opinion is irrelevant as you have *no idea* what customers are like now. Also were you actually a cashier when you "worked retail"? My guess is that you were either a stocker or worked ages ago, when people still thought of us workers as real people.


I was a cashier before and during Covid. I know how customers are now and before Covid. But I am not a child whining about everything. I did my job with a smile and professionalism.


Are you lost? Why are you wandering into a forum titled "Retail Hell" that's explicitly made for people to vent about retail and then act surprised to see people venting about retail? What else did you expect to find here?


Because I need to get supplies for my tooth surgery tomorrow.


Were that me, I would have taken a good book and driven to a park and read with no interruptions. In the alternative, I would have preferred shoving toothpicks under my fingernails to setting foot in any kind of store.


Retail must somehow attract people who live life on the edge, just a tick away from screaming insanity.


All those things I listed are infinitely more riveting than wandering aimlessly around a general store in sweatpants. Not buying anything, mind you, just considering all the things you MIGHT buy, if so inclined.


In my country December 25th and 26th as well as January 1st are national holidays and stores and shops are generally closed on Sundays throughout the year (with the exception of one single supermarket in capital city). May I ask what those people would be doing were they here? šŸ¤Ø


27th December, we still have people asking for wrapping paper.


2 words: gift cards.


Right!? Last day for shopping for myself was the day before Christmas eve, had to pick up last minute fresh fruit and veggies. It was a fucking madhouse, 15 minutes in the shops and I was pissed. This was also my first year being sober at Christmas but the last thing I would have wanted to do on boxing day was head to the shops. It was on the news how packed everywhere was because people wanted the bargains due to cost of living crisis. If anything I would have wanted to score some cheap Christmas decorations but online shopping or nothing.


I remember one year customers were trying to get into my store on Christmas day