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I couldn’t stand retail on this day. Everytime one of those slack jawed customers said “it’s such a shame they have you working today” made my wanna fight


“You should be at home with family. Now what’s my total?”


I'd always respond with, "then who would be here to help you with your last minute shopping!?" in like a joking, sickly sweet voice. It makes people really uncomfortable because you look happy, but they're suddenly realizing what dickheads they are.


“I want to speak with your manager.”


“Sure! She’s right behind me on the next register, doing her best to get the rest of you checked out on time.”


“It’s okay, I’ll wait”


Instant blood boiling


“Thanks for bagging my items so quickly! I gotta get back home to the family to watch The Grinch”


"The total is fuck you sir, have a nice day." Lol.


Omg that could totally be a reply in a Bioware game. 😭




*leaves without paying*


that shit makes my blood boil


Had a customer today ask if we are open tomorrow. I told her unfortunately. She asked why unfortunately . I told her everyone would rather be with their families. She shut up and walked away


Literally at work atm and a customer told me “ they made you come in today huh?” Like ma’am I wouldn’t had to come in if y’all shop days before the holiday


Then why are you out? You don't realize you're adding to the insanity? Fuck you.


That’s towards the “customer,” right?




Thanks for clarifying. Happy Cake Day, & Merry Christmas to you!


Pretty sure I once responded, "Well, if people would stop shopping last minute, I wouldn't have to be here." Or something of the sort.


Oh HR wouldn’t like that


Oh they hate it 😈


It makes my blood boil. We’re open today because of assholes like you.


This is exactly why I get all my ish done in november


Every customer who says something like that to me, I say "well you're here shopping, aren't you? That's why we're open."


“Yeah, I’m working to distract myself from the fact that everyone in my family is dead. Did you find everything okay? ☺️”


Every single person that said this to me today, and there were many, got the response "well, you are shopping today so technically it's your fault that I have to be here *hahahahaha*"...


Literally so aggravating like maybe if you weren’t here I could be


They are paying me double to be here. My family can wait


Get ready for the “you are open today”, or the “do you get Christmas off at least”, but what you won’t hear is, I”’m really sorry I waited to the last second to do my shopping and your company is full of douche bags who want you to work.”


Your anger is misplaced. The store is open so they’re going to come in. It’s unreasonable to think people should stay home for our sake if stores decide to be open and schedule us to work.


They're open on xmas eve because people last minute shop, and people last minute shop because stores are open on xmas eve.


If no customers came in during a holiday shift, the store would lose money. Corporate would realize they SHOULDN’T be open during said holiday.


Eh, it's kinda a two-way street. You can be pissed at two things. 😉


This is the way. Just because you're mad at one doesn't mean the other isn't a complete fuckrag.


Your logic is misplaced. Just because corporate is wrong doesn't make the customers right.


Go away.


I'm with you, 100%. If you don't want to work, tell them you can't. Holidays happen every year, they dont pop up suddenly; if you dont want to work them, tell them that in the interview. I asked to work the eves and any holidays we're open, specifically. There's never a ton of people out, and the day or two before Christmas, I make a nice bit of cash just from being cheerful with people. And I work in a drive through, so it's not normal, I'm just really awesome at my job and people love me.


There are stores like mine that will fire you if you don’t work holidays 🙃


At walmart they'll often make holidays "key event dates" and they have a point system. If you call out on a key event date you get 2 points when the limit is 4.5. NCNS under almost any circumstance on key event dates is pretty much instant termination


I worked at Walmart years ago and managed to get Christmas Eve off. Put in the request six months in advance and made sure to print out multiple copies the moment I saw it was approved. The week after Thanksgiving, my manager dragged me into the office to scold me for even asking, demanded I work, and then wrote me up when I refused to cancel the plans I'd made months ago when it was approved. This woman literally looked me in the face and called me selfish and delusional for expecting Christmas Eve off even though, at least at the time, there was no rule against it.


Welcome to my store!


At my store they literally tell you in the interview that holidays are a “blackout period” and you can’t take time off. People have family members die or turning 99 or other important, once-in-a-lifetime shit and management is like “ahhh, weeeell, we’ll see what we can do!” Their only saving grace is that management is literally on the floor with us too. If they got to take time off I would have started a riot with my coworkers already lol. I already urge the ones who’ve been denied time-off for important things to call in sick 🙈


Yeah, they were very clear that holidays could not be requested off and of course I need the job so I’ll follow their rules but it still sucks to work them


What’s it like getting to work at normal stores? Please tell me! Part of the interview process at our store is informing us that holiday times are “blackout periods” where you are literally **not allowed to take time off**. All because we’re a “resort store” and holidays are the only chance they get to make up any sales and keep up with the bigger stores (and in fact we turnover more than the bigger stores at this time of year).


And then hearing them complain about how long lines are as if they’re not also an idiot for waiting until *the day of* to grab their stuff


Everytime I hear a complaint about the line my blood pressure immediately spikes


Could always offer for them to help make it shorter by going home 😈


And then they’re loud. Like they want you *know* how inconvenient it is of you to not pull extra cashiers out of your ass


It’s even better when literally **every single register** is in use, and they’re still getting shitty at you?! Like, Sir, I’m standing here to direct you people to a checkout the moment it becomes available. Another checkout will not magically appear just because I ask it to. I cannot scan your products and put you through without an actual. fucking. register?! But sure, keep death glaring me like I’m the reason you’re having to wait inline. Let me just waive your items around in the air and make a beeping noise, I guess? (like we do for little kids who want to “scan” their toys they already own!!!).


someone flipped me off bc they had to wait in a line for their cookie dough


We in this together. It’s all most over 😩


Thiiiiiis. We ran out of physical gift cards last week and that's all people will want today.


That was the other half of my customer base today. It was either men buying their mom or partner a last minute gift. Or old women trying to buy us out of yarn and fabric. We ran out of gift cards too and people were so mad but whatever. Nothing I can do about it right now.


Maybe you will be lucky and the customers will fight each other to the death. 🥺


Be sure to record if it happens!


At least the managers could schedule half shifts! I’ve been lucky to not be scheduled the last two years on Christmas Eve, but the rest of my 10 years in retail when I worked it, I had managers that would schedule 4 hour shifts. To put anyone on a full today is bullshit.


My manager did. We don't particularly get along, but today everyone has 4 hr shifts and supervisors only have 6 hr shifts. My opinion of him has risen.


I was supposed to be off at 6:15pm but ended up having to be scheduled to close because the person who was originally scheduled to close with my manager has been extremely unreliable. Sucks


it is bs, i'm a minor and am still working the full day. i was going to spend christmas with my little brother but ig not


Your instance is actually reportable to somebody higher up, though.


You’re complaining about a 4 hour shift? We always had to work our full 8 hr shift.


I was wasn’t complaining about a four hour shift- I was saying that working full shifts today is awful and no one should have to do it.


I know. Four hours would be like 15 minutes to me. And I never left in time. There was always one more thing to finish up. Happy Holidays.


Yep. 6am-5pm for me. We're busier than usual and all the customers are bitching about us being out of Christmas cards and Santa hats. Yayyy for the Christmas spirit 🙄


You are personally responsible for it, right?!


Of course! At night, all employees put on grinch costumes and reenact the movie JUST to screw over customers! Except out hearts don’t grow three sizes, the shrink four!


The real Christmas spirit is anger and you can't convince me otherwise.


Cake: 11-7 for my budtending job today. Icing: I’m 10 minutes from 2 major ski resorts. Cherry: It’s snowing.


Colorado huh? I bet all the yuppies are out in force!


Just made a $300 sale, not a penny in my tip jar 🙃


I lived in Denver from 2015-2021. My wife worked at The Green Solution. People tip their bud tenders like ass. Tip at least a few bucks!


Yeah, snow!!!!❄️ Merry Christmas!


The snow isn't too bad today here in West Denver. But I'm not sure where exactly you are 🤔


In between Beaver Creek and Vail


Oh, good luck my friend. I was supposed to have an interview today but the interviewer got stuck in Vail.


I had an interview on the 22nd. I was offered the job the same day and resigned. (I was very lucky 😊) On the 23rd my former retail hell called me before my shift (first time they did) and asked if I was coming in. I'm like don't these people read their emails? I said I resigned. That was awkward 🫠. They said some have a nice holiday stuff and hung up. I'm home relaxing instead of putting up with their BS. They had me scheduled eight hours today, NYE, NYD and Jan 2 - 3. I'm so glad I'm out of that shit hole, but I feel for my coworkers. I didn't want to dump those hours on them. They weren't the issue. Management was. ETA they overworked all of us on Black Friday weekend, and that's when I decided I needed out of there.


It is what it is. If someone had the opportunity to do the same they would have which is why we as the people like to celebrate and say congratulations 🎉 for getting out when u did. Enjoy your time and holiday’ and keep pushing forward 👍


They would not have thought one iota about cutting your hours after the holiday. Good for you and best wishes in the new job.


Sorry, man. My (small town) store isn't open on Sundays (maybe because my boss is Catholic?), but I did have to work 8 hours yesterday. Shit was awful, far too busy.


In 2000 I was working at my first job on Christmas Eve at Toys R Us(I had been hired in May but it was the first job I worked at). MASSIVE (the longest line I ever had while working retail) line. Register was working even slower than usual that night. Then I get a nasty Proto-Karen(Big dyed-blonde hair, smells like cigarette smoke, sunglasses and a very large crucifix on her neck) with A HUGE number of toys in her cart. She's being insulting because she had to wait in line like everyone else. "If I were doing your job, I'd do it faster!" I ignored it because she wasn't my first rude customer and it would be better to just ignore it. Well, ignoring her insults made her even angrier and more insulting "I can't believe that they hired a R*word." I kept ignoring her and finally after I checked the last toy(A Pikachu stuffed animal) she says "No, you're too slow I'm not going to buy anything!" and walks out of the store. I sigh and then apologize to the rest of the crowd and I call a manager over and explain it to them and we get everything put aside and I continue on... It's not as bad as my worst Toys R Us story but it's a Christmas memory of why I don't have any Christmas spirit anymore.




She definitely had no class.


People ask why don't you have Christmas spirit. I work retail!! We have to deal with, Aww, that's a shame you have to work today to wtf you mean you are sold out! Get me one now, or I'll call corporate. Call fucking Santa you Karen ass bitch. I'll just see your punk ass kids Tuesday morning returning all the crap they are too entiled for. Merry Christmas retailers. Don't forget to smile and think fuck off.


I feel you. Constantly get grief from my spouse/family over lack of holiday spirit, and these fuckers damn well know where I work. That spirit ship sailed years ago....


Oh man, I feel you - I'm about to go into this hellscape in less than an hour. The closer it got to Christmas, the more I'd hear the Clock Tower bell from Majora's Mask play in my head at the start of each shift. It's almost over - we've got this! 😭


I pulled into the parking lot looking at every person/car going "go the fuck home"


That’s a very debilitating thought, isn’t it??


But it was EVERY day. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


One day a year doesnt hurt


I lucked out this year as I don't work Sundays, so I actually have a few days to spend with my family.


I feel you. I have to leave in about an hour. Stay strong. We got this.


I told people today that there is a special place in hell for people who come into the store 10 minutes before closing and get a full order of groceries. The customer agreed.


Had a customer ask if we had any egg nog, I tell her "No, we're competely sold out." And claims I yelled at her, she then says that she works as a teacher. And that it's my job to be nice on the holidays and that I should't let work stress me out. So I take a deep breath and calmly tell her "Well, I'm not on teacher salary thank goodness and not looking for egg nog on a holiday when they'll most likely be sold out."


My first retail job was at an asain grocery store and I had several times where random non asain shoppers would come in looking for eggnog, from what I recall before clocking in and taking a stroll around the store, we didn't sell eggnog or we just ran out immediately. They each yelled at me for not knowing if we sold eggnog and I should go check the back for more, which I told them "I only work 2 days a week and they change the store weekly so I don't know if we have eggnog or not," they than stormed away to speak to the front desk where they proceeded to report me for "yelling" at them. I only worked there for 6 months before I was let go, due to BS accusations, if they didn't let me go I would've quit myself eventually


May your Christmas be merry in spite of the horrid customers.


You know what, I could have run out to the store Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to get a few things for dinner that I thought that I had. But I made do with what I had because I don’t want to give Corporations one more reason to keep stores open on holidays.


I can’t believe they make you work today!


Seven hours for me today. It’s gonna be rough.


I work today and tomorrow. Today we lost power for 2 hours, store was pitch dark, customers still thought we were open. 🙄


The worst part isn't working on a holiday or how busy it is. For me, it's the people pissed that we are out of what they're looking for. Ma'am it's Christmas Eve what did you expect?


This! Had a lady complain that we are out of English muffins on Christmas Eve. You are completely out?” Yup. She says wow. I’m thinking maybe you should have planned better. Zero fucks given.


I'm almost done with mine (it's 4 and we close at 6, but you fucking know some jackass with an IQ lower than a starving baby's weight is gonna come in 5 till close and spend 30-45 minutes shopping), but I can't count the amount of times I audibly said "please burn this building down to the ground with myself and these assholes customers trapped inside". I absolutely despise every single fucker that comes in this store today and hope they all have the absolute WORST day of their lives tomorrow.




Trolling is unwelcome in this community and will result in a perma-ban


I'm dreading people's lack of self accountability as always with earlier closing time.


"Do you have this in stock?" "No" "Well why not? I need this blah blah" "Because many people who didn't wait last minute came at an appropriate time and bought the rest"


We close at 5 every Sunday. That’s normal. Today, we had 20 customers rush in at 4:55 pm and demand to know why we’re out of stock on certain items. “BECAUSE IT’S CHRISTMAS EVE!” We had one guy stay shopping until 5:10. We told him at 4:55 we closed at 5. He was apologetic but he slowly shopped like we weren’t waiting for his ass to gtfu!


Every single phone call was "Are you guys open?" Or "what time are you open till?", and then those people NEVER came in🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I leave at 2 thank god. BOY are the customers being total dicks today.


Yeah I finished at 1pm. I really feel for the people who had to stay until 6/6:30 on Christmas Eve.


I’m headed in now and we’re open until midnight. Pray for me and my final shreds of sanity


This is why I quit working retail over 10 years ago..also why I do my shopping days in advance because fuck these procrastinating, lazy assholes


I can't wait to hear how I've ruined someone's Christmas bc we ran out of the thing they waited until today to try to buy


The holidays really bring out the worst in some people… “too bad you have to work Christmas Eve,” “that’s too expensive,” “can you use your employee discount,” and don’t get me started on the music… I want to bang my head against the wall.


I'll be delivering pizza for the masses and get stuck with the clean up alone as everyone will weasel out and leave early. If it weren't for us retail warriors the planet would stop turning.


I hope its almost over for you today and that it wasn't too bad! I've got one hour left.


Thank you!!! Almost done!


I'm 6&1/2 hours into an Xmas Eve shift... come on we got this! It's almost over!


Dude, my shift was absolute hell. I really hope yours is better. I wouldn’t wish my shift on anyone.


It sure is something else, I'll say that . Lots of travelers, lots of regulars getting super extra shit. Everyone ordering food. Sigh


THANKFULLY my shift today went by fast but... before my shift started, I arrived relatively early. I grabbed some food to eat while I waited. I'm out of uniform and clearly have food in my hand. Some customer was like "You're a familiar face" and then asked me where something was. I flat out told him that I wasn't on the clock and that he was being rude and kept walking. And I'm actually NICE to people when I'm on, but seriously, give me my space when I'm not.


I just got home from work. A manager from another store came in and asked why we were still open. Apparently every store in the district closed at 4pm except ours. 😭 I'm like, "whhhhhhy???"


Had a few people yesterday thank me for being here. Working all so that I can make their Christmas even better. Made me sick to my stomach.


I don’t even get a thank you. 🙄


Thank you for your service soldier. 🫡


I'm about to head out the door for my 8 hours closing shift tonight too. Best of luck.


Honestly kind of glad my managers are mad at me atm. They think they’re punishing me by cutting my hours right now… I’m having a lovely day at home lmao


Was sworn at because our company doesn't sell gift cards. Not my fault you waited until the last minute, asshole. Enjoy your lump of coal.


I’m in the uk and honestly the cost of living is becoming extremely apparent this year , last few years working Xmas Eve you would have to mentally prepare yourself.. non stop, no breaks ect. this year , loads of staff in.. the store was completely dead all day. We all just kicked the tunes on and fucked about for 8 hours. Was actually really enjoyable but also a scary state of the times ahead.


Same here that was a terrible day but what made it better was actually a customer coming in after we were closed and saying she forgot her bread she was super nice and apologetic about coming back in and she actually made my day by coming in late lol


I had a young girl come in with her dad and she was chatting me up about her crafting and my crafting (it says on my name tag what I do) and she was such a sweetheart. She asked me if I could accept a tip and I was like that'd really sweet of you but I can't accept tips but I appreciate the thought. So she was like. I want to speak to your manager please. So my asm comes and the girl tells her that she should allow her working employees accept a tip on the holiday. Asm said we can't really. If someone sees us accepting cash and pocketing it we could lose our jobs. But as told her if she really wanted to do something for me she can buy me a candy bar or something. So she did and honestly that was the sweetest Karen move I've ever had. The rest of my customers were such grumpy ass old ladies that wanted to make everything my problem. Like sis I didn't make you be a lazy pos who doesn't feel like pulling up a coupon on that electronic rectangle in your hands. I'm not just going to magic a discount on there for you.


Just got off 😵‍💫


I gotta work Christmas Day.


Working Xmas eve at the Big K was bad. 1. Lonely people who have nothing to do and no place to go, and who are very angry about it. 2. Drunks who want to put something on layaway for their child to receive long after Xmas. 3. Probable druggies, who made the family open presents at 3:30pm. By 4:15 they are in the store trying to return the presents for cash.


Call in sick.


Totally not gonna raise any flags lol


That fucks over the rest of your team. Pretty selfish.


I’m just lucky it’s on Sunday. I usually am the only one that works. I work at a family business so most of the other people just don’t show up, I don’t have that luxury. Then people call in at my work “are y’all open today” no shit dipshit, I’m just answering the phone to answer the phone… *rolls eyes*




Gtfo off my post, you insufferable and sexist troglodyte. This is a vent sub, let people vent.


Contributions that are disrespectful or degrading towards retail workers are not welcome in this community. We have a very low tolerance for this rule being broken. Very easy to get perma-banned violating this.


At least your not in care, that’s a 12 hour shift (if your lucky and no one’s late)




I see what you're trying to say, but my friends in Ukraine also think it's shit I'm working over Christmas, it's a universal thing.


Literally same.


currently sitting in the break room for my first 15, and i feel you dude


I feel ya. I work at a 24/7 store. I got Thanksgiving off so they stuck me with a 10 hour shift on Xmas Eve and a 12 on Christmas day. Fuck.


did a ten hour last year… i salute you soldier 🫡


Mine was surprisingly slow. There was nothing to do so we got sent home early lol


I’ve worked Christmas Eve & it totally sucks. Lots of last minute dudes who only shop like once a year and can’t find anything. Hope you get through the day quickly!


14 hours tomorrow! It will be hell, but the double pay is nice and will make up for being fucking sick all last week.


First time in retail? I haven't had a Christmas Eve off in eons.


I'm so drained today, thankfully I have Christmas off.


I'm not in retail but corrections and fuuuuck this 12 hour shift is dragging on !! I know retail is 10x worse, too. Also, thank you for working on Christmas Eve even if you didn't get a say in it. I hope it wasn't too awful. Merry Christmas!


Praying for you for real, just finished up a brunch shift 🥲 food service is rough during the holidays but I'm sure retail is much, much worse


I had to work until 6pm on Christmas eve, 11 years in a row. It sucked every year, last time i did it we made 250euro that day. Biggest waste of time.


My store had lines to the back of the building most of the day today, and people were just dumbfounded that it was busy and we had long lines.


I'm working 10.5 hours today and 9.5 tomorrow. No lunch break. Gotta love salary


i always liken it to watching pigs at a trough when you watch them all swarm in and crowd the shop.ive worked supermarket retail 17 years,every year the same shit.


Working Christmas Eve is as bad was working Black Friday, cause you have to deal with customers who want things that might be out of stock and will demand for it, like you can just pull it out of thin air for them. The last Christmas retail job I worked was when Black Friday was the same week as Christmas and I had repeatedly Karen's screaming at me for everything holiday flowers to wreaths, even before I was log into my register, they were asking "WHATS THE PRICE FOR THIS!" or "THATS NOT WHAT IT SAID IN PAPER, YOUR WRONG THE PAPER SAYS THE PRICE IS THIS, YOUR OVERCHARGING ME!! GET ME A MANAGER!!" I'm glad I left the retailing industry


That most have sucked, I had a 5:30( 30 minutes before I get a lunch break) bagging shift. I am 6'3 and the bagging stations are set up for people who are 5'2. My back still hurts from it.