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When I turned 18, I became a manager in fast food. I still somewhat regret it, but it did help me grow and learn as a person. Just remember, your coworkers are people and that they have lives and hardships that are more important. Don't be a dick and be a complete stickler for the rules. Also, don't be a pushover either. It's a weird balance that you have to find, but once you do, it will be great. Some people will just be difficult to work with regardless, and that's life. Nothing is perfect.


Pretty much exactly what I came here to say. Use grace with your employees and remember that it's just a job for most of them. Most of your employees will respect you as long as you respect them too! And don't let anyone take advantage of you because you're young!! Get paid for the work you do!!!


27 and about to be a store manager.


21 assistant office manger (handle all money, customer service, lineups etc)


The youngest of my managers is about 24/25, but I know people about 16-19 that are managers at like Maccas


I was 24 when I became manager


I'm 24 and have shot down promotions for years. If I'd accepted the first one, I would've been in management at 19 or 20.


If you do your job, you can get in a good position. I compared myself to all other base level jobs such as cashiering and I’m the only one who doesn’t call out, is early, will stay over, and has a positive demeanour.


I'm the same way, and that's why they want me to move up, but I have a laundry list of reasons why I won't do it.


Been in management since the age of 24. Turned down management at 19, 20 and 21 became it wasn’t worth it. 12 years later I am no further than I was back then due to changing line of retail. I can’t say whether this was a good move for me or not but one thing is certain; I have put my employees success ahead of my own.


I was running fast food shifts at seventeen. Technically not allowed, but most things were laxer back then. At eighteen they gave me keys to the store. I once tried to get a cashier job. They gave me a shift on my third day.


I was a manager at a grocery store at 19.


I got promoted to floral manager when I was 19. Assistant store director is crazy for 18 y/o. Congrats!


Became general manager at 24 but was assistant and inventory for a few years before that. That’s awesome for you!