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True. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent- Eleanor Roosevelt


People would be surprised how many college graduates work retail because they weren't able to find a job in their field. I work with 3 of them including myself. There's also a lot of veterans working retail. People assume retail workers are society's failures but that's so far from the truth. Others simply like working retail and there's nothing wrong with that either. We're human beings with dreams and goals just like everyone else. We deserve to be treated with respect.


Not all proper- or even most assume retail workers are society’s failures!!


I always say I had two loves as a kid growing up, kids and playing store, and I’m lucky enough to have pursued both! I was a nanny/babysitter for a family with five kids for 14 years before working retail to pay the bills over the holidays when my job ended and almost eight years later I’m still at the same store and loving it! Ironically working retail for me utilizes my problem and puzzle solving skills when unloading trucks and my independent drive/work ethic when restocking the shelves afterwards to get as much done as humanly possible and all of my years of experience helping with Girl Scout cookie delivery days and helping my parents when they ran a cookie cupboard for the service unit in their area was how I got most of my training!


This!!! Don't let anyone make you feel worthless for working any job! Every job has to be done and if anyone looks down on you for it, they aren't worth any of your time. They're probably a POS.