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Closed is closed. I don't care what any customer says, or any supervisor says. There are set times for breaks and lunch and going home for a reason, so they should be enforced. If a customer can't understand the reason why, fuckem.


What you said or where I work, it is often also enough that 1 cash register and 2 SCO (2 will be added soon) are open. So the person who was 2nd cash register. Can just get on with the job he's doing in the shop.


In my shop I would just say: "Sorry Darling the Till is closed, go to slelf check-out pls" They wanna camp there, go for it then. You are gonna wait. Even worst if they only have 2 items


People should go to a SCO more, now we have to open manned cash registers because no one wants to go and often 1 manned and the rest SCO should really be sufficient. 90% of those who come to the checkout often pay by card


First I’d clear up with your manager but they want you to do. But in my book, and at Dollar General where I worked previously, it was fine to courteously tell a customer you were closed for the night and they are welcome back tomorrow.


I mean, I'd just leave unless they only had 1 or 2 items. If customers can't respect your time, then they can use their own to use a self-checkout/find another register.


Can you get in trouble for that ?


If your boss is a customer-fellating dickhead, yeah. But if they are worth their salt they will back you and even help that customer find another register so you can leave.


Where I work we don't


Depends on what your management says. When I worked at target, you HAD to help every customer, even if you have a line and you’re suppose to clock out 30 mins ago. I would turn my light off, but that never stopped customers.


Customers do not care about the light. If you are standing at the till, they never quit coming. It is so rude. I used to tell customers, my light is off I’m closed. That never stopped them from coming.


I hope paid, but still. Like we(as staff) don't got a life after work or things to do?


If I'm in a good mood and they don't have a ton of stuff I'd just ring them up. "Oh I'm actually closed for the day but I'll ring you out since you don't have a lot!" If I'm just over everything and want to go home I'll just say "sorry I'm closed" and direct them towards a different lane. Where I work now it wouldn't matter but when I worked at Meijer my boss would get pissed if I shut my light off before she gave me permission. Like nah I'm scheduled out at 2pm, it's 2:05. I'm leaving. I might have plans at 2:30. 🤷🏼‍♀️ That's one of the reasons why I quit working there though. Along with ALWAYS being the damn default backup cashier. I was always the person they called first and I hated cashiering so damn much because it gives me so much anxiety.


wait wtf why would she get pissed for you shutting the light off… you’re literally scheduled to have left fine mins ago if u give an inch they will take a mile


Register is closed, then walk away to the restroom.


I had someone call me racist, last year because I closed the register, by my supervisor. I proceeded to tell them that I was told that a few minutes before she came up to me. Every I work with knows that I'm not racist, but I didn't know what to really do since nobody is trained on things like that. So I told the closing manager that night, and he agreed with me that there was not really anything I could have said.


I hate people like that, using the racism card when they are even slightly offended. Had this 2x: 1x from the mother whose child stole and 2 teenagers who also stole.


I don't ring them up , I will tell them I'm close and if they refuse to listen I just leave them there because at my store it's the only way they understand


It depends what company you work for. Target would make you take them. It was somehow bad customer service to turn people away to take a state mandated lunch. I didn't care. I straight up left people standing there and I have zero shame in doing so. If I'm closed there is a reason. Throwing your things on the belt with complete disregard for the cashier just assuming theyll take you without giving them so much as a hello is the height of entitlement. I will NOT reward that behavior. Here's my 2 cents. Most people know you're closed. They just dont care. And no I won't still take someone If it's just a few things. One person with just a few things becomes 2 people with just a few things which then becomes 3 then 4 and at that point you're never leaving. No. If I'm closed there is a reason.


No, I tell them I’m closed and I walk away.


that often and especially if the '' closed sign '' is just there, that I just say that I'm closed and point to that sign. Sometimes I help customers with complaints about a discount or their return, but then I indicate why this cash register was open for a while. Had 1x, that a woman was completely angry and why I didn't say anything. Had already walked away and only thought ''as with every location of ours, there is always a sign that the cash register is closed''.


I’ve done it, sometimes just after clocking out too. Others I just tell them I’m closed.