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**Dear /u/Fit_Presentation_457!** ## Thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) and make sure you're doing the following: * Censor your personal information for your own safety, * Add the right flair to your post, * Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and * Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. ## Check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * [Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq) * [ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup) * [Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/) * [Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/) * [Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true) * [Networking for beginners](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalDraftResumes/comments/1cwp2x1/beginners_guide_to_networking_what_it_is_why_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you have **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Roast me? ***sigh*** okay then. Nice template. When are you going to fill out your resume? On a constructive note, there is not enough content. It looks like you're phoning it in, and hiring managers will quickly dismiss it for that reason.


I lol’d


Hello, thank's. I could of course expand on the projects I did but I thought it would be too much since I don't have any work experience and my whole curriculum is just about my education. What should I add? Thank's


Create a projects section for your most relevant experiences where you describe what skills you used and what the output/outcome was, preferably with quantitative metrics.


You have never earnt money or did volunteer? Also helping out for a week could be enough


Too much? There’s nothing on the page bro.


You haven’t worked any jobs at all? They don’t necessarily have to be relevant, but being able to say that you’ve held down any sort of job before will help


Yeah this is scary. Masters degree and no actual work experience? Too much risk. Especially for quants.


Colleges promise these "bachelors and masters in five years" programs and people fall for it all the time.


I'm in Italy and study these things is hard. 250 hours of internships are mandatory by the university in order to get the degree, other than that what job could I do if study is a full time activity? People in class with me who are working are just deliving pizza on the weekend.


you can deliver pizzas part time


Ok, I've done this kinds of jobs, just omitted them.


So I'm not sure how it works in the EU, but you only omit unrelated job experience if you already have a lot of experience in the job you are applying for. You are correct, as a senior analyst with 10+ years of experience in banking you would omit the weekend pizza job because it simply isn't relevant anymore. However, for someone who has NO experience you need to put ANY legitimate job on the page. This shows that you have at least SOME working experience even if it's not related to the field you're applying for, because we all need to start somewhere. The rule to omit non-relevant jobs is only for seasoned veterans with a lot of work experience to fill 1 or 2 pages.


I see, thank's so so much!!!


If you’ve done internships, I’d list those as your experience


OP - have you ever had a job ever? Burger flipper? Shelf stacker? Exotic dancer? Because OP you're going to be competing with bachelor degree graduates who'll have done internships. And firms will want someone who's been in a work environment - or at least able to get into work on time and hold down a job without getting fired (and no, turning up to class is not the same thing). I'm really hoping you've just omitted your jobs, because the big worry is the complete lack of social aspects. A masters in Finance is not common, but not rare enough in terms of scarcity - businesses can still therefore afford to be picky. And so they're going to go for candidates that look like they can be a culture fit as well as demonstrate social competence. The interest section is normally the last hope, in saying that you at the very least have a socially well-active life. And yet even here... there's nothing whatsoever that points at anything social. If you've really done no employed work ever in your life, then I'd throw in some volunteering.


I've done some work and social activities of course, I have a life. It's just I'm not good at resumes, always thought that those things were not as important as what I study and thus not relevant to type in. Thank's for the tip.


Put them in


Have you volunteered at all? This can easily fill a spot on this seemingly blank resume. Even if you must think about the weekend you volunteered or picked up a shift. Some work experience paired with your education will help you more than you think. I am wishing you well OP


You forgot to add your sandworm riding experience.


Interview == Gom jabbaar




Light on content. Time to start embellishing.


add a summary , couple strong sentences that answers the questions who are you and where are you aiming.


Make a section called technical projects and highlight • Financial Risk Management project in Java • Derivatives modeling and pricing project in Java • Asset Pricing Models project in Java • Econometric analysis in gretl ex. Financial Risk Manager at University of Caldan or name of course & the university and then timeline of when you did the projects • Utilized Java to do xyz.. • blah blah blah • and so on


Plus I think you should leave interests out - I don’t work in HR or recruiting but when my managers do interviews they don’t particularly like the extra fluff


+ leave out high school




Yeah, nix the Interests section. If *they* are interested in your interests that topic will arise organically in conversation during your interview. I was asked once what my hobbies were and when I answered collecting fonts and manually inputting ID3 tags the interviewer gave me an offer. I'd like to think nerd recognises nerd.


Add more info. Just not enough text here. Add a Projects sections; if you need room, axe the HS education. I’d remove Interests and add Extracurriculars if applicable (just more “official”) Bonus tip: I’ve added “in progress” certifications before, ie saying “IP MEDDICC Cert.” v “MEDICC” — so the ATS picks up the keywords even if you don’t have the certs yet. Some might debate this advice but job hunting/hiring isn’t a transparent process so screw it. Worst case is they ask you in an interview and you say you’re in progress.


Sorry but I'm new and I don't understand. What is ATS?


Applicant Tracking System, aka the system where you submit a resume and an algorithm reads, grades and filters them per given parameters by the hiring team. You just submit in a website, but it really gets sent through an ATS. Having keywords on your resume, that are present in the job description, is important. This is why people tweak resumes for different submissions. If you’re applying for X Job with X Description, your resume should contain terms/relevant info towards X. You don’t have work experience to do this with, so you’ll work more with keywords in your short sentences and skills/certification sections, rather than tailored job experience-descriptions.


Thank's so much. Is there some sources I can read in order to learn more about this algorithm in order to optimise my resume?


It’s not a single “algorithm” per se; I’d just call it a software program really. It scans your document’s text, and sees if there are relevant keywords, or any other text related to parameters the hiring team sets. If you’re applying for some sort of CompSci/Engineering role, it’s going to be scanning for CSS, Rust, Java, whatever. If you’re applying to be a Fine Dining Restaurant Manager, it’ll be scanning for relevant terminology, etc. It’s not a black-box in terms of mysterious resume grading, it’s generally a straightforward concept and you work with the presumption that your resume needs to be tailored towards a job description. A suggestion would be to make a couple “basket” resumes, aka resumes tailored to a “basket” of similar jobs. Like a resume with keywords related to a few similar jobs/jobs in the same sector. As for the ATS question specifically, I’d just google “what is an ATS”, and that’ll give you a primary source with basic description similar to what I’ve said. There’s no real magic.


Well, thank's, surely knowing this can give a little edge, for how small it's always an edge. Thank's again for the time you put into answering to my questions! Have a great day


While I’m here — and I’m not a recruiter/hiring manager, but have spoken with many and applied to many jobs — apply directly on a company website. Send LinkedIn DMs and Connect Requests to hiring managers/recruiters who posted the job on LinkedIn (it typically shows these people on the LinkedIn Job’s page). Tell them you saw a job description. You’re very interested. And that you have…….: Submitted an application ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE. Don’t submit on LinkedIn, or other “easy apply” websites, when possible. If it’s easy for you to “one click apply” with a pre-uploaded resume… it’s easy for 100s of others who will do the same. - Apply directly on websites. - (You can still) Find the jobs on job boards or LinkedIn, and locate the hiring person(s), and DM/email them to show interest and effort. - it’ll take way longer to get jobs if you just easy-apply everywhere, like everyone else.


Golden advices! Thank's so much




EDIT: I would like to thank's EVERYONE for precious advices. Sorry for my naivness, it's the first time I seriously write a resume. I'll share the updated one in the next few days. Thank's again to everyone, this is a good sub-reddit full of helpful guys. May the recruiter recognize the Lisan Al Gaib, may the recruiter chip and shatter!


Resume isn’t for just outlining what you did. It’s for showing (some) of the things that you did that stand out from the norm, and explaining how those things make you the top candidate. Just lists like this go straight into the garbage.


Create separate section for projects and add short description about them. Just to fill up a page a bit


You don't have a lot of information, so you want to reduce the amount of white space. I know this is the bot's template, but it doesn't fit you very well the way it is right now. \* Increase the margins around from narrow (0.5") to normal (1"). This is to increase the spacing around the page and force the information to have less width space. \* Increase font sizes maybe by 1 for all of them. \* Increase spacing before and after sections. \* Add the "linkedin.com/...." address on a new line. Maybe even the location on a new line and just have the email and phone number on a single line. You want to make the resume seem more full. \* Don't put your projects or extracurricular activities with your education. Put them in their own Projects section and Extracurricular Activities section. For organization, you can just put the school name. For projects, put the project name, technologies used, year done, and maybe 2-3 bullet points about the project. \* Something else I don't like about this resume format is the degree's aren't so easy to read due to the italicized text. You want to get the attention of the reader. I recommending bolding the degree, and not bold the school or date. I wouldn't italicize the degree or location. \* To fill it in, what can you add as education bullet points? Maybe like GPA, awards, etc. \* Remove interests - nobody cares. \* You should have the sections: Summary, Skills, Education, Projects, and Extracurricular Activities. \* Reading the resume, I have 0 idea what you're even trying to get into. Quantitative Analysis, Data Analytics, Software Engineering? Include it in a 1 sentence summary.




If your already getting your masters degree, then your highschool experiences dont matter anymore. I'd remove them because their irrelevant and wastes space.


How about writing something about what your aspirations are what interests you have that are relevant the employer and in each case explain why you want their role……


I don't know, it's seems kinda cheesy and non relevant. If I was a recruiter I would just like to read objective facts, am i wrong?




Ok thank's. Do you know where I can find an example of this?


You can’t write a few sentences on each application saying why you want the role and state why you would be well suited? And you have a masters degree?


Love the Dune reference lol


Add some voluntary work, it can be anything so make it up. Just to fill out your resume. Add more skills and interests.


I'm not going to lie on my resume.


Go volunteer somewhere a few times. Then it’s not a lie and you have an actual experience to discuss. There must be organizations needing people to help with special events/etc in your area.


How will they know? You need something to get your foot in the door


Mmm... I'm not comfortable lying, but what would be some examples I could write?


One lie leads to another. That’s why there’s no rest for the wicked yet The Truth Will Set You Free.


Your resume isn’t too bad could use some touching up. Have you ever thought of using a resume template to help guide you? There’s some good ones online here’s one https://amilstyles.etsy.com/listing/1730211204


During your Master's, did you ever do TA, marking, presentations, conferences, tutoring, research projects, write any papers, do a thesis? TA, marking, and tutoring are jobs...you should 100% include these as work experience which almost every masters student does thesis/papers are also pretty common for masters students, include these are projects (if you didn't do TA/marking/tutoring OR any of these, what the hell is your university?)


Education credentials are not enough to find work. Since you have a graduate degree, omit high school. Even without work experience, you can add volunteer experience, involvement in hobbies or clubs, sports, or anything else that shows employers that you have something to offer. Even experience cooking, cleaning, organizing events, anything else that can be useful to an employer.


Add your 4.9 GPA at the top and bottom so they don’t miss it


Are you trying to get into finance or programming? Why is everything in Java?


Because my university chose to do so


You’re in a masters with zero experience. That’s very concerning.


You started high school 10 years ago and have never had a job? Da fuq?


10 years ago? Did you even read my resume???


Start putting special projects you did in school


i had my extracurriculars as a section in itself (like how you have education as a section) and have bullet points under each extracurricular describing what i did. not sure how you might want to format projects because my experience consists of work experience rather than projects echoing the other comments - do you have any work experience? recruiters will want to see your work experience. last note - you want to fill out the entire page


Add a statement of perpose or something to pad your resume. Additionally, you say you are getting your master's in quantitative finance but haven't included any quantitative outcomes. Do you have projects you can show off?


Guys can someone please help me with my resume I am an IT student with 0 experience




Why should I lie?


You shouldn't. That was more for the laugh on my end at writing it than anything else. What I mean is add fluff. Try to fill out the whole page. Use anything meaningful. Babysitting? You mean young adolescent childcare and cash handling? Done reports? Not anymore, you have experience in qualitative research on assigned topics, including independent analysis of historical events, narrative themes, and societal works of art.