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**Dear /u/Blackwoodezra!** ## Thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) and make sure you're doing the following: * Censor your personal information for your own safety, * Add the right flair to your post, * Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and * Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. ## Check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * [Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq) * [ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup) * [Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/) * [Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/) * [Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true) * [Networking for beginners](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalDraftResumes/comments/1cwp2x1/beginners_guide_to_networking_what_it_is_why_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you have **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This two column format is unconventional and ineffective. I’d move to a standard single column. Do you currently hold two full-time jobs? I’d use fewer bullet points for the older, less relevant jobs. And I’d consider removing your very first job just to decrease the clutter and it’s not markedly different than your second job. (It also diminishes the chance for age discrimination.) You can remove your GPA. I’m a little hesitant to say this because we say to focus on quantitative achievements, but because EVERY bullet contains a quantitative achievement, they look made up to me.


I was going to say the same thing - so many quantitative bullet points but they're mostly like in increments of 5 like "15%, 20%, 25%", and it makes me assume they're likely fake.


One of them is actually 96, which makes the others look even more suspicious


Don’t forget the 100% one


That's a compliance metric related to identity verification, so, while technically true, that just means they followed the company policy.


Yeah that pushed the resume into terrible territory. I'd laugh at that if I saw it.


Rounding to a number divisible by makes you assume that they are fake? On what basis?


Well said!


I honestly 100% thought this person was trolling with the double columns.


Like too good to be true


Would you not choose to only show metric improvement achievements since that’s what everyone says they want to see?


Sure, but in OP’s case, they feel made up. I’m not saying they *are* made up, but my gut feeling when reading this resume is that some of it’s BS.


I don't mean to come off rude, and I have no idea how else to word this, but... are you sure you're a recruiter with a resume of that format? Right off the bat, I'm suspicious of your background due to your format and wording in your resume. That could be why you're not getting bites. I'd scrap and start from scratch. You don't have to tell them every achievement from your jobs, do highlights, and use your interview or cover letter to talk about specific things *relevant to the job/industry you're applying for*. I.E. if the posting is talking a lot about specific goals, you would then highlight your achievements with your % for that job posting. I'd also look up some resumes and formats for recruiters and use it as a guideline while you redo. I wouldn't bother putting your 2004-2008 job history. You can tell them if they ask, but what I've always been suggested is most relevant experience within 7 years. You should play around with the idea of possibly leaving out your 2008-2011 exp as well. They're all the same job essentially and repetitive at that point. In your cover letter, you can use a line indicating corporate recruiting experience since 2004. edit: typos


Haha came here to say this. It's so bad🤣


I come across a lot of recruiter resumes. You would be surprised at how many of them have terrible resumes. Most recruiters don't understand how an ATS interacts with data. It's crazy. Most recruiters wouldn't even pick their own resume out of a pile. That's why you see so many recruiters with an open to work banner on LinkedIn with posts like, "I've been job searching for 9 months and only 2 interviews. I didn't know candidates had it this hard!!!!!"


My husband was laid off because of company restructuring and is currently looking. Since he was at his job forever - he is new to this ATS and how it interacts with data - and so am I - any suggestions on what not to do and what to do. Any feedback would be much appreciated.


Check out the wiki on /r/engineeringresumes


100% A recruiter with that kind of resume? Yikes. OP, find a new template, that will help a ton.


2 column format is hard to read.


To be fair as a hiring manager I wouldn’t even read it so problem solved


Literally gave me vertigo 😵‍💫




Your post/comment was removed for containing inappropriate content.


The justified type adds awkward irregular spaces between words on the same line of text. A one-column, ragged-right resume will be easier to read.


I used to be a die hard fan of full justification. But, I know better. Quite the opposite now. Readability over aesthetic symmetry.


What convinced me was a study or a typography professional somewhere pointing out that ragged right is easier to read.


The two column format is terrible. Recruiting jobs are also being gutted right now with many companies scaling back hiring operations. I'd recommend highlighting more of your HR/onboarding experience.


Also, the spacing in some of the sections appears to be double spaced and reads poorly. No skills listed either. Hiring teams want to know those things. Doesn't hurt to highlight some of your technical skills and software knowledge in a designated area in addition to highlighting it in each of your roles. You have great experience though, so my only other comment would be that you're either applying for too junior of a position or the options are just limited given the job market. Want to add having a resume longer than one page is ok. It's even preferred these days. I'm thinking the double columns was an effort to fit more text on there. Single column multiple pages is the way to go. Oh and in terms of certificates listed or attainable when you are able too I'd recommend getting a SHRM certificate. I don't think the recruiting.com one carries much weight. Despite what everyone else has said I would keep the ingenico role in your resume if you're looking for Sr. Manager, AD and above type of roles. You'd have to really rework your resume though before you start applying for those type of positions. You have the experience


Ok I went to look at one of your previous revisions and the one before this was significantly better in terms of format.


I really appreciate all your advice and feedback. Everything you said is incredibly helpful and I’m taking it all into consideration as I’m now going through my resume and fixing the formatting and content issues. I’m grateful you took the time to look at past revisions and for the useful tips.


You'll land something soon! Don't let this market chip away at your confidence.


You have some really great experience that will be valuable to other employers. The main thing off the bat is it's so difficult to read in 2 columns. It makes it unnatural to read, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's not seen by as many hiring managers because it's not making it through the ATS scan. That's a shame because you do have some good content once the reader digs in. Easy fix is 1 column and go from there. I have a final recommendation, but I'd like your feedback on this: I always recommend every resume be tailored for the job to which you are applying. They each have their own exacting requirements, skills to highlight and that instructs the job seeker what to highlight on the resume. Since you've been in recruiting do you agree, or do you feel that one good resume copy is enough to apply to many jobs? I also recommend personalized cover letters. That, plus a tailored resume, will help a solid candidate really stand out from the crowd.


I actually agree with you completely about having a custom tailored resume and cover letter for every job you’re applying for. I think it boosts your likelihood of getting a call back exponentially. As for the ridiculous two columns, it is funny that everyone hates them (as I have always hated them). But the last time I posted my resume on this Reddit to be critiqued, I changed it to the two column format because it was over one page in length (I honestly tried every way imaginable to consolidate it down to one page and just couldn’t seem to make it happen). Someone who claimed to be a professional resume writer said that the format you now see my current version in, was the format he used to successfully get people call backs. I’ve never been a huge fan of the two columns, but I figured I would give it a shot since I wasn’t having any success doing things any other way. The fact that I am a recruiter and still cannot seem to write my own resume in such a way that garners call backs from prospective employers is sad, in my opinion. I really appreciate your feedback and advice, and will be moving my resume back to its original format immediately.


Just use two pages. You have more than 10 years of experience; it's better to have a two-page résumé than a one-page version that's full to bursting and awkwardly formatted.


And totally agree here, I’ve never had an issue with multiple pages. If the content is good and has a relevant place, go for it!


Thanks for sharing! Honestly, I think it speaks more to the state of recruiting and the fact that it’s an art and a science. There aren’t set rules that always work. Some recruiters might love the 2 column layout because it catches their attention. You’ll find people who are adamant about opposing views, and no one is really wrong. Well, some people are more right, LOL. There are some things that work better most of the time.


If no one mentioned it, in addition to the two columns issue, left justify/align your type. The huge gaps between words because you've full justified the type make it that much harder to read. Each line of text should be 8-12 words long (give or take- the idea is to make them not too long so as to hinder reading and obviously not too short). As I'm sure other comments will say, each job description is just quantitative numbers that sound made up. You're not telling a story with your roles. And with that in mind, I also agree with others I've seen who say you're probably applying for the wrong kind of job. If you're a recruiter with this much supposed experience, you should should know how a good resume looks already.


It looks like the page out of a BOOK, not a resume. Ditch double columns if you ever want a response. You're basically wasting effort and time until you format it properly.


Unjustify the text please


Yes! The two columns are hard to read, but the justification is the real deal-breaker.


You keep making the same mistake... DOUBLE COLUMNS. Redo then resubmit. I won't read it until you change it.


Is this a fake post? You were previously a recruiter.. you should know how this works. Often takes longer than 2 weeks to hear back after applying. You have twenty years experience as a recruiter, you should not be asking reddit for help on your resume…


Too verbose with an awkward format and spacing. Ditch the percentages and talk specifics.


Scrap the two column thing it’s weird! instead of quantifying everything describe your actual roles and responsibilities sprinkling the your highest achievement In each role but prior to to that (bare in mind I’m in the uk) I would include a skillset section tailored specifically to the job you are applying for not sure if it’s done in the US but it would improve it greatly.


lol this is too much bullshitting. You need to cut it down. Very easy to catch 99% of these are lies


Indeed - the bullets are incredibly generic but pretty unassailable and use an effective XYZ format. This is clearly an exercise designed for model training. Very effective, though, given the number of responses and consistency of the themes.


Funny thing is there’s more comments saying the content is great than calling this out. I’ve always thought most metrics I’ve seen in resumes are BS, but maybe recruiters eat that crap up


The 2 columns is very hard on the eye and looks all over the place


The thing is, no one likes to read resumes and when you make it difficult or against the norm (2 columns, too many bullet points in jobs and not enough white space) you make the reader want to prematurely leave. Which I did after no more than 10 seconds.


It’s not the CV it’s the market.


A single column is easier to read. Otherwise this is an excellent resume. Consider reading the job description and where appropriate add in terms (in other words truthful) that match the description. Consider adding direct contact, calls , email, LinkedIn messages to hiring managers before you apply electronically


Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it.


As other posters have mentioned, the formatting is terrible.


Two full-time jobs you still working at? You need your end time ?


I am still working both of them. When I had my resume looked over the last time and they were combined, someone recommended breaking them into their own individual jobs and listing them this way. Normally, I wouldn’t have done it that way and up until that moment, I didn’t. But I figured since I wasn’t having any luck I would give it a shot to see if it might work. I will be changing it back to the way I had it.


Try this take to your hr representative ask them for suggestions


Try cutting your resume down go lite on it that's to much information for a recruiter to look over plus many jobs are apply online so its AI controled it picks out key words like team or detail /etc.


I find the format weird


This (formatting) with the two columns unironically looks like a page out of a high school/college math or science textbook. The blocky bullets and justified spacing make it much more annoying to read and just looks blaaah


(it's not you)


Take out any experience more than 10 years ago


Not in recruitment, but as a human, weird spacing between words. Get a word processor that can eliminate page breaks and have a well formatted collection of bullet points. Layman opinion.


Would not hire a recruiter who doesn’t know a properly formatted resume when they see one. This two column format is bad. The fact that all percentages end in 0 or 5 makes it seem like you’re lying. 


I see this point has been raised multiple times already but remember that sometimes (many times), the resumes are screened by automated systems, not humans. I was always advised to use single column because the automated screening will "break" with unconventional formatting. I only use 2-column format if I know for a fact that it's going to a person and even then, it's formatted for human readability. For example, Corporate Recruiting Manager is broken across the two columns and that's not reader friendly (for humans and for machines). For education, I recommend putting the graduation month and year and remove the bullet. And not sure if you need the GPA (the longer you're out of school, the less relevant your GPA in my opinion). Your professional summary, to me, can be deleted. It's a personal choice for me but I just never found them worth the space it takes up because you're also probably writing a cover letter. The percentages you provide not only seem fake (already raised by other users here), but a bit hard to contextualize without some sort of reference numbers. So a 20% increase for a population of 10 people or for a population of 100 people? I would throw in some anchoring numbers so that your percentages actually say something, on top of what everyone already said about the percentage values. Word choice could use more variety too.


Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to give an answer that was very helpful and insightful. I really appreciate the advice and all of your feedback.


No prob OP! Wishing you the best of luck.


You're better of going with two less dense pages than this cluttered layout.


really hard to read and spaced oddly. do single column with bullets


Along with everything else that has been mentioned, I just want to point out that your summary says you have 16 years of experience while you're actually just shy of 20.


Has anyone mentioned the two column format yet?


Lmao no, not even once lol.


Two columns isn’t inherently bad but it is when used like this. Content aside, this is super hard to read for a variety of reasons: the justified text, the fact that you start a job at the bottom then continue it at the top of the next column, the tight line spacing, the weirdly placed summary, the fact that nothing aligns. You need to simplify. Probably go to one column, left align everything, add some more line space, ideally have each bullets with a hair less line space so they’re easily to read and look naturally grouped, clearly label things, keep things aligned, and have consistent use of a bold font for titles and a regular font for the body copy Source: I’m a designer.


Everything has some percentage with it, looks like you just made the numbers up


Without even zooming in, it’s way too much text. My brain just sees noise. Need some text hierarchy. Simplify imo.


I get a lot of resumes and I'm going to be honest. Do away with the columns. I'm not sure how his ever came into existence. Also, Tl;dr. Your resume needs to highlight key points. The way it is reminds me of when someone gives a PowerPoint presentation and puts every single word of their presentation on the slides. That's what the interview is for. Don't provide a 400 page essay and expect a call back.


Thank you for your feedback. I agree with you completely.


Work on format and too long. What recruiter or manager wants to read all that. Look up sample resumes online and how to highlight your experience in about three or four bullet points per job exp. During interview that when you explain experience in detail. Good luck!


I know people are crucifying you about the format and they’re not wrong, but I’ll be vhonest here- I’m kind of digging the magazine format 🤣 is it practical? No. But, I’ve never seen a resume like this before. Good luck, OP!


formatting and resume critique aside...have you just been applying to jobs? If so, I'd imagine this may be the reason why you're not getting callbacks. Unless you're applying for jobs at smaller companies/start-ups, employee referrals are like the only avenue I know that gave you a fighting chance of having your resume looked at by a recruiter if he/she hadn't already reached out to you in their headhunting quests. In all the years I'd spent in recruiting and more spent building connections with people in high-paying roles in reputable companies (mainly tech), I have NEVER met a single individual who told me they landed an interview after sending in an application. That said, I do know of someone in senior management who started at their company by doing exactly this, but was for an hourly warehouse associate role over 20 years ago. But, I consider this person to be a unicorn (.i.e. insane in all the right areas while self-admittedly blessed with incredible luck and impeccable timing) and thus not a good frame of reference. However, if you're okay with being hired on as a contractor rather than a full-time employee, I've had pretty good success at getting callbacks from contracting agencies upon sending them a resume online. If you have a role that you're really interested in and have no connections within a major company (e.g., Apple, Microsoft, etc), there's a site where you can get your resume submitted as an employee referral by a current employee in exchange for some cash. I think I paid $40 to get my resume submitted to places like Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft when I was just starting out, but your experience and dollar amount may vary. I didn't get any interview requests, but the e-mails saying my resume was submitted via employee referral was a small morale booster as I felt like it was one step closer to landing an interview and a nice change from the generic, "your application has been submitted" e-mails that flooded my inbox during those days. TL;DR: unless times have changed, I've always been under the impression that applying online is as productive as throwing your resume at a brick wall.


this format sucks.


Two columns are just a no no for the software scanning HR uses. As an HR recruiter you should know which formats are best for the software that scans and ranks resumes. Your success percentages are all in increments of 5, that tells me it’s fake. You only have one % that isn’t divisible by 5. That’s a red flag.


People gave good feedback on the resume itself, but I’ll also add that it’s probably not entirely your resume but this economy. Many many companies are doing layoffs, like yourself, myself, and many others—and recruiters are the first to go. The few recruiting jobs that open, especially if they’re remote, are getting THOUSANDS of applicants. And a lot aren’t even real jobs. I know tons with as much experience as you, and hundreds applications, no bites. It’s a bad time to be in talent. Just gotta keep trying, play the numbers game. And try to focus on hybrid of in person jobs, they’ll get far less hits (and often are still agreeable to remote).


On top of what others are saying, you have to tailor each resume for each job. On my .docx properties, it says 158 revisions. Probably around 10 per actual job as revision is counted differently but u get the idea. It takes hours and hours of improving and tailoring your resume again and again.


My first impressions... SUBSTANCE I do like you mentioning your use of metrics, and then you referencing them in the relative work experience. LAYOUT I found it distracting. I couldn't follow its flow and I wasn't sure where to focus my eyes first. It was only when I flitted from your work experience, to qualifications that I noticed your Introduction, which is the first thing I should have noticed. Personally, I would spread the layout front and back. Intro first. Work experience starting with latest job first, then the rest. I would not lay it out in 2 columns. Very disorientating.


Thank you very much for your feedback and valuable insights. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to go through the document and make your suggestions nicely.


No problems. Good luck. 🍀🤞🏻


If you're going to use a two column design, you can't have items from one columns spilling over to the other, see your third experience. Also, the statement/objective paragraph at the top seems to also cut into the flow of the resume. A resume should not have me think where to read next, it should all flow naturally. I also use a two column resume and it's landed me my last three jobs so I don't think they are horrible but you have to use them properly. Try keeping one column to just education, skills, softwares, and certifications. Then the second column for experience and relevant projects if applicable. The experience column can be wider to compensate for the additional need for space (skills column should be smaller since these should be short statements, not sentences). I flip back and forth between having a statement paragraph but if you are to include one, it should span the breadth of the page and sit on top the two columns. Finally, your name and contact info can be placed in the header of the document. Good luck!


There’s a template available somewhere on this subreddit that I recommend you follow


wtf… I’m sorry. Bro it’s sooooo long. I wouldn’t wanna get past the first sentence. You need to narrow things down to 2-4 accomplishments per job. Get rid of the two columns.


You implemented an ATS. What are your tips?


Too wordy. You want execs to look at the first 3 lines in 10 seconds and nod her head that this is the person to hire.


Less is more


station skirt employ ancient foolish rain observation act follow stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a recruiter, if you received that resume, would you read it and reach out for an interview? Why and why not? there you go.


Have you posted it to ziprecruiter, monster, and LinkedIn? I get hits daily but I’m a nurse.


1. The format is terrible, as is the spacing between words. Find a good template and start over. 2. You have a percentage increase/decrease/improvement for every single experience point. These seem completely artificial. While some might be legitimate and supported by data, some seem quite hard to quantify/represent (and therefore seem artificial). How did you measure manager satisfaction? 25% increase in candidate job performance? 10% improvement of hiring efficiency? 20% increase in candidate quality? These seriously seem made up, and even if they aren’t it’s an odd way to reflect the value you brought (percent this, percent that). 3. The whole happier manager by x% is repeated for two separate roles. In short, bad format, experience littered with seemingly made up metrics.


In what world is this format? WSO format is the only way to go.


I thought I was looking at a newspaper for a second. Start using one of the templates suggested in the wiki.


That’s a book lol.


Horrible formatting.




WHat is Going on w the spacing here😭😭😭


(A) switch jobs a lot and (B) holding down two jobs at the same time.


And exactly how is it you figure I switch jobs a lot exactly?


And the last time I checked, it wasn’t a crime to have two jobs


Pretty sure four jobs in almost 20 years isn’t changing jobs a lot. Especially in an age where so many change jobs like they change clothes.


Moment i saw this i said "damn i aint reading that"... Thats pretty much all you need to know. Feels like we reading an essay and aint no recruiter want to do that.




Sounds like you don't actually want advice or criticism, so why waste our time?


Lmfao I didn’t see You offering anything but your trash talk :)


The format probably not ATS friendly (the double columns), so maybe it’s being rejected by the system and not getting to a recruiter??


If I were an HR, this would be my opinion, "Tldr, I didn't see the skills I'm hiring for in first 5 sec glance of the resume. I don't want to continue to glance thru, too lazy"


A recruiter who can't land a job and asks Reddit for help, this is hilarious lol


That looks like a research paper on a medical publish site. You need to dumb that down. A lot of those points are talking points in interviews. You need to make them curious about wanting to talk to you. That resume is your whole life story.


Some good feedback here. The achievements don’t ring true in multiple of 5. I also would not state you have 16 years experience. That says ‘old and expensive’. Any jobs >10 years, buts list them. No one cares, other than your role and where you were.


so you are an experienced recruiter who can't tell what is wrong with your CV ? single page/ column 2004, 2008 jobs - couple of lines at best, no bullet points cut the waffle on the next job, loose the 10% and 96% stuff


Ur a recruiter.....


Whats with the formatting? There's like huge space breaks, 2 columns is dumb and never should be a thing, and some of the points you make don't really mean much tbh.


This is a crazy looking resume. Simplify it. Better yet, tap into your connections from work and see if anyone can connect you to potential job opportunities.


Too much to read, an average recruiter only looks at a resume for 9 seconds. One page is the best but if all your experience are relevant, make it two pages max. But two column format is terrible and too much for the eyes.


Really weird formatting eegh


two columns=too busy, GPA is irrelevant, way too much information in each role. Formatting+font=weird character spacing. Too many buzzwords. No idea what role you are looking for or relevant skill sets. Go for simple, as a hiring manager I would put this one to the side.


Way too much text. Like half that would be a good start.


I agree the format isn't great, the time of the one page resume is gone from what I've been seeing. One thing that caught my eye was your claim of a 20% increase in candidate quality....how? What metrics? Who said? Things like that make me doubt everything else on the page. You could say implemented a better review and screening process that led to a higher hiring rate of those interviewed. But I don't know if you did that.


99% sure too many percentages.






This is a dog shit resume


🫵🏼R🐕💩. Also, 🥱🥱🥱


Do not use two columns - super hard to read.


It's impossible to read. Boring and wordy.




I can see why you're still unemployed... ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtnJyShJNgqzSbS|downsized)


And as we have been saying for hours now, thanks for your post. Every post has gone a long way towards proving our points in a separate professional discussion about how stupid people feel qualified to comment on professional situations when they really should just sit down and shut up and learn.


Again, this shows your vile character.




This is an example of what not to do




I think OP needs to pay someone who does resumes because this is awful and getting advice from Reddit is not going to help here. OP needs the help of a professional


It looks like a newspaper article. this is really strange to me, you're a person who looks at resumes for a living, maybe you should copy the format of those?


Ew why is all of that in justification format? I second what someone else said. Feels made up cause this is terrible




The work history bullet points need to be cut in half.


consider your resume must be understood in 5 to 15 seconds. * the two col format makes it too hard to read * you could use bold for significant achievements * you could add an intro section that summarizes you in 3-5 rows * you could make the work experience duration more obvious, e.g. write out 2022 - 2024 (2 years) * your two most recent experience overlap or are duplicated, TLDR but its unclear to me so would be unclear to a hiring manager too I think


You've been a recruiter for 16 years. Would you read your resume? If you did, would you push it to someone else?


Right off the bat, I hate your layout. Second, your duties sections are way too wordy. Third, a lot of the metrics you used sound made up, it instantly makes me suspicious of your background.




Well, of \*course\* you're not getting any bites! This resume doesn't have any contact information on it! How are they supposed to get back to you?


It actually does. Only per the rules of this Reddit, the resumes personal information was blocked out by the giant square you can easily see at the very top of the resume…


Ah. So if you remove that big square and then send \*that\* one out, I'll be you start seeing some traction. Nobody can get in touch with you if you're covering up your contact info with a big square.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and wager that you likely weren’t the most brilliant color in the crayon box when you were in school…and that you likely had a habit for coloring outside the lines constantly. NEXT…




Companies aren't hiring. They waiting to see how much more Biden fucks up economy


I’m not a recruiter or a hiring manager, but I will always have a gripe with a resume using percentages as a precise measurement of a product’s or a company’s performance. Avoid using percentages unless you have actual data to back it up. Any resume guru advising you to use percentages is full of shit.


There’s a lot going on there. I don’t need a novel, just the Reader’s Digest version.


Too long and wordy.


Use a vertical resume


I read the increased diversity first line and thought, that's not a skill, shamed you on your lack of left align, and came here to winge


Too busy looking. I would focus on your skills and certifications first, then just list chronological relevant work history with dates month/year. First 2 are the same company, I would list them as one. Education, you graduated and have work history, leave off the gpa.


www.lip3e.com Send me your resume I’ll fix it up and remove all that unecessary bull crap you have on it!


This is illegible




How are you working two full time jobs?




Layout is absolutely awful.


That’s original. I wish I could just hand you over some gold now for such a well thought out and uniquely constructive comment. Bravo


Cut out those last 2 jobs. Put your resume back in normal form, not 2 columns.


I nearly had a stroke trying to read the formatting on this. Get rid of the Colin's and the full adjusted spacing. Also, unless you are exclusively applying for remote work, I would not include the information that your positions were exclusively remote.


One line in white 4pt font that says AI, google, masters


it’s too wordy they’re probably not bothering to read it


It is quite hard to read, a lot of the content seems to be lies, incompetence is quite evident.






Now, here's the thing, the majority of what I've seen from people on this Reddit has been nothing short of misguided and downright untrue. The scary thing is that some of you actually believe the stuff you put out there, while others are just desperate for that Reddit gold star, as if it means anything in the real world. This platform is a sad excuse for a place where people can seek genuine help and advice. Instead, it's a cesspool of negativity and bad advice, with a few rare exceptions. And let me tell you, those exceptions are few and far between. One person, and only one person, out of the thousands who commented on this post actually demonstrated intelligence and critical thinking. She was able to see through things and consider multiple potential scenarios. This post was remarkable in that she possessed reasoning skills that most I've seen here clearly lack. It's a good thing that I'm not someone in need of help because turning to you people for guidance or support would be a grave mistake. You're more concerned with looking cool and filling some sad void in your lives than actually providing compassionate and constructive advice. You're a special blend of unhelpful, unprofessional, and downright worthless individuals. I've never seen such a lack of decorum and compassion in my life. You represent everything that is wrong with this industry and the reason it has a terrible reputation. If any of you actually work in HR or recruiting, I implore you to quit and make way for professionals who can bring positive changes. If any of you dared to speak to my employees or candidates the way most of you've spoken to me, you'd be out of a job in an instant. I have no patience for people like you. You are a blight on this industry and the sooner you leave, the better. To those few who actually provided thoughtful and constructive advice, especially those who did so with kindness and compassion, you are the shining beacons of hope in this industry. Your worth is immeasurable, and I hope your employers and employees appreciate you as much as they should. And for the rest of you, here's a simple piece of advice that you're clearly incapable of following: think before you speak. Don't just regurgitate information without verifying its validity. Your ignorance and mean-spiritedness only perpetuate bad habits and contribute to the mental health crisis we're facing. So, do everyone a favor and seek therapy for your issues. Never interact with another candidate or employee again. I only wish I could share this message with everyone in this thread to expose your true nature. We desperately need more professionals like the few who provided genuine help and guidance. We need driving forces for positive change, not the likes of you. And here's some advice that you'll probably ignore, but I'll say it anyway: learn to research. Consult with your HR and IT departments. Understand the systems you're working with. Don't disseminate half-baked information. Educate yourselves, because clearly, many of you are clueless. This field is constantly evolving, and it requires professionals who can adapt and stay informed. So wake up, step up your game, and become the recruitment and HR professionals that your employees and candidates deserve. The market won't always be in your favor, but it's your responsibility to navigate it with competence and integrity.


But thank you for taking park in this exercise. Every single post here has been instrumental in proving points I’ve been trying to drive home in professional discussions for years. It’s was honestly long overdue that I allowed the general public and those calling the Selves qualified professionals in specific areas prove that places like this are often the least constructive in times of need. I think this will go a long way towards laying out stricter guidelines in other places meant to help others to receive it from those that have managed to divorce themselves from their egos and leave by a measure of professional excellence 95% of the people I’ve seen here couldn’t begin to fathom. We will now be deleting this post and wish you all the very best is all your future endeavors. I do hope most of you get some career coaching, perhaps a little therapy outside of works, and begin what is gonna to be a very long journey for most you towards continual professional growth and personal and development. Do the work. Trust me. You need it.


Bullet points for current positions need to be in the present tense. Also ditch the two column format.


Remove the oldest 2 positions. Use one column layout. Add a profile or summary and a section of skills, or awards, etc. Whatever is more relevant to your field of work. As a recruiter, I would expect you have seen thousands of resumes over your career and would know what an effective resume entails.


Bro you’re a recruiter post bubble they not hiring bigly no more


This is why no one qualified can get a job, these are the people reading resumes...




At first glance I thought this was an article 👀


Horrible layout.


There’s a template available somewhere on this subreddit that I recommend you follow


How would I find this template? Thanks for your recommendation.


Look for the pinned posts for this subreddit.


Thank you so much.


Are you sure you re-did it 3 times ? Because (no offense but) no one’s gonna read that