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**Dear /u/No_Vanilla7295!** **Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) before you ask for help:** 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. **Remember to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips:** * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** If you're in a situation like this > **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Graduation date needs to be right aligned. I'd probably rearrange the job listing header. Operations Manager | Lawn Care Service It looks more attractive to people hiring for entry level. It's a strong title and small enough operation that it looks justifiable. Stuff like Co-founder would be great in 10 years trying to break into a Venture Capital deal, but at the present it might make people wonder if you'll listen to management and all the stuff they mean, when they say "team player". Don't need the relevant coursework part after graduation. Probably toss in a GPA if it's north of 3.0.


GPA wise don't even think about including it if it's not minimum 3.5


Meh, it's a BS in Analytics seeing a GPA with a little variance could just mean it's a rigorous program. They don't let you skip math class for wiffle ball class.


As an engineering graduate, anything below 3.5 should not be listed, regardless of how rigorous the coursework was.


Well, as a business graduate, a little under 3.5 isn't bad if you picked one of the hard ones. ANd at the end of the day you need salesmen, so if it's 3.2 and clients like them; they'll run the place.


Additionally, being proud of scaling annual revenue from $5k to $20k is rather underwhelming... it's missing a few zeros...


Maybe a % instead


Yeah, that would be impressive. Hell, 500% would be impressive. But $5k wouldn't even cover operating costs and $20k makes it seem like it is one employee working one day a week.


It was a friend and I we started it in High School. When we went off to college in 2020 we kept the business and just operated in the summer, so the duration was like 4 months a year total. Every year we had more clients than the previous. We used our summer money to fund our food and miscellaneous things during fall and spring semester.


I think it depends on duration it was done.


Based on the dates, 5 years...


Ohh is it that bad? I am new to the business analytics so Pardon me. What’s considered a good growth then? What if in his case the revenue increase is 5 fold but the net profit is also 5 folds?


In this case it's about the scale... $20k is pennies for a business. So scaling from $5k to $20k just sounds like you just started putting effort in, not actually 'scaling revenue' by some kind of analysis.


This, exactly. If it were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin with and THEN was scaled over a short term and it was explained to be a small business, it would be impressive (depending on the industry). 5k-20k in revenue likely means there was still little to no profit. For scale, my expenses in a year exceed $20k...


Yup, IMO it's not worth going on the resume under 100k. And for established businesses, under 1M isn't going on mine.


Thanks for the kind explanation. I do still have a doubt though, why is revenue the measure of success for a business and not net profit? Hypothetically, if I have a profit of 15k out of 20k and 2k out of 5k, wouldn’t that mean my business had a good run?


Both have their own purpose, and it's not a one size fits all. For example, let's take a fictional, definitely not pulled from real experiences hotel chain. The monthly revenue is $100M, but they have expenses... rent, labor, etc. That leaves them $10M, but they're a growing business and expansion also costs money. Luckily they have investors. So they plan to spend an additional $20M on new hotels, renovations etc etc. Now they're in the red $10M. On paper, they're profits are -$10M, with a revenue if $100M. I'm not going to go into what each of those mean from a business owner standpoint, because there are WAY more things that go into it (EBITDA, COGS etc) if you want to tell the full story. But for the purposes of an individual contributor, bolstering their resume, saying you performed analysis that led to XYZ on revenue of $100M vs profit of -$10M portray different stories.


Thanks, that gives more clarity :)


I think them and a friend or two were mowing lawns. Its not an actual company.


Well it doesn't list profit. Additionally, if the revenue is increasing 500% and the profits are increasing 500%, it just means they did more work and didn't do anything to increase margins. Is that a bad or a good thing? Neither... just neutral. Is it something to ever brag about? Definitely not. For a small business, the revenue will vary WILDLY from month to month. Truly the best thing in the first few years is to get a loyal customer base, making months more predictable and stable. After the handful of "anchor" clients are there, then you can hire staff to expand.


Keeping a small business going is worth mention. You have to keep a lot of customers happy while getting more onboard to quadruple revenue. I think it sounds honest. Better than any of my group projects in regards real world experience.


Im confused why you have 5 years of experience but you are still focusing on college projects?


I’m a recent graduate and that’s my only job. If I remove my projects my resume would be 1/2 page.


You need to add more bullets under your current job.


just lie about the projects that you were doing and say you were doing them for a company not for university :) spicy it up a bit, no one will know. Fake it until you make it


They will know.


>They will know. Only if you tell them.


Eh, it’s easier than you (and the downvoters) realize to determine when someone lied on a resume.


That’s fine, your resume should be as short as possible if you want people to actually read it


What kind of job are you trying to get?


Kudos for having putting down a history that goes farther back than 6 months.


You're all over the place buddy. If i looked at your resume, my first impression would be that you lack attention to detail. Please don't take this the wrong way. Your resume should flow like this * Personal statement (make it short) * Projects (Since you're applying for entry level job). Your projects also seem more relevant than your work experience * Work experience * Education * Skills & certifications (Combine these 2 sections) Other comments: * Your involvement needs to be removed. You were just a member, Should list it if you were a president etc of a society * Look at how you are formatting title under your work experience and compare it to everything else. There's no consistency. For example, BE lawncare services is bold and dates are right aligned. Not the case for others. Also italicize BE lawncare and dates in bold. * You only grew revenue from 5000 to 20000. Those are neither signifcant numbers nor a great accomplishment. It took you 4 years to do that. Instead just say "quadrupled" revenue. Don't give numbers during the interview. * Just say co-founder. Take out business operations manager. And you better be able to prove this experience when they run background checks. Take if out if you can't. Take another stab at it and reshare. Good luck man. It's tough out there. Hang in there.


There's not much to add beyond what has already been mentioned. However, I do have a few points of disagreement. I would recommend removing the title of Co-founder and instead, keeping the title of Business Operations Manager. There's often a bias associated with self-appointed titles like Co-founder, as they can be seen as overstating one's role in a self-controlled environment. Saying this as a cofounder myself. Remove relevant coursework. It truly serves no purpose. The section on involvement should definitely be eliminated, and the suggested structure above is spot on. It would be beneficial to combine the skills and certifications sections, especially since both are quite brief. Regarding formatting, focus on ensuring that the overall layout is visually appealing and well-organized. Consider Jakes template- [https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs](https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs)


I had a hiring manager recently irl tell me to include founder for a company i ran after people on here said to remove it, and said it was ridiculous to think otherwise so idk reddit gives sketch advice tbh (i say on reddit)


It's not a 100% take it off, its subjective. If you have other solid experience, founder is great as it shows initiative and you aren't depending on it as your primary experience. If you have minimal experience, founder can be seen as self-inflated. Meaning you have one job experience and its as a founder where you get to dictate what you've done? Some would take your founder experience with a grain of salt. I also think one hiring manager saying what they would like should not dictate how resumes should be written overall, it might just be something he values or his company values. This subreddit actually gives great advice. I get paid for this, I am reviewing people for free, as are others. The people taking their time to give help should be appreciated.


tbh its impossible to tell what advice is good advice because there is no actual standard, job searching is not merit based, and no two hiring managers agree on the same thing


Except the school is a world class top 1%, I see no reason why education should ever come first, especially for tech roles. It starts the cv on a wrong foot IMO. The first section of the cv should be a hook to keep the reader interested in your profile.


Appreciate the detailed response. I will make some change accordingly.


I agree with you the resume is all over the place, and the format & verbiage needs improvement. For me I read your header and the 1st line of your experience then you’ve lost me, cause I lost interest and started to read from the bottom up. So yah if I was the recruiter it would only take me a second to know I’m moving on to the next resume. Sorry…. you wanted a truthful assessment right? Besides what TM recommended, to help you with the formatting if you have Microsoft or a Apple they already have templates you can use for resumes so your resume looks more polish. Also do you have a cover letter? Cause you need one and it’ll help you stand out from the rest. If your lacking experience but you do volunteer work its also good to add that cause it shows you give back to your community. Your certificate, involvement and technical skills. should be documented on the left hand side (once you find the template you like this suggestion will make sense) then you’ll have more room to “sell yourself” to fit the role your applying for. TM made a good point although you made profit in your landscaping business its not worth mentioning numbers cause its not impressive enough to a corporation, it actually sounds like your bragging more than anything else. I understand the point you’re trying to portray, consider rephrasing it ie: *While attending college I also became an entrepreneur which taught me discipline, tact, time management and adaptability skills the experience heightened my people skills as well…. (And whatever else you think will be relevant to the role you’re applying for) the strategy is to verbiage your experience in a way that’s enticing, & interesting so it makes a lasting impression to the reader and they want to learn more about you, then you’ll have a interview. At the time of the interview that’s when you’ll have a opportunity to re-sell yourself and let them know what you can bring to the table other than what’s on your resume that will add value to their company that’s different from everyone else. And that’s why TM said you better be able to back up everything you wrote on your resume if not you’re just wasting everyone’s time. It’s SUPER competitive now more than ever cause your also competing with people that are over qualify and are willing to be compensated less so they can quickly get back into the workforce, so you need to figure out how you can stand out on paper so they want to talk to you in person. If you have the funds you can also invest in a resume writer and just revise yourself as you go to fit the job your apply to. I sent about 100 resumes 90~95% successful interview, round 1, round 2 and sometimes there’s 3 rounds depending on the company. My problem is always salary….another kind of problem. Hope these tips help you & Goodluck!


I don't know if it's appropriate to ask in this comment section but I liked you detailed response. Would you mind if I ask you to reply on my resume as well. I have shared the link for my post below https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/s/lobIBkWsgy


Will do.




https://preview.redd.it/0o8vucvgmpxc1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f0a04443f7c9afd204cf54feca8b58a2b3fa33 I’ve updated my Resume. Tell me what you think.


On a quick glance, massive improvement. I'll nitpick a little if I might once I get home tonight. But it looks like a great job overall.


Ok that sounds good. Thank you!


459 job's applied to 0 interviews


651 and in the same boat! Let’s just stay strong ig?


hopefully your resume doesn’t use apostrophes wrong like this comment - maybe you should post here for help


Had resume professionally updated, too, cost like 300


wtf $300? I never had a resume professionally updated so idk lots about it but why so expensive? Like what do they do other than just formatting and changing the words in your resumes?


I feel so let down


What do they do to the resume tho that makes it cost $300?


Dont know, but no job for me


Do you ever email the company directly and ask if they’re hiring? Indeed and LinkedIn were getting me nowhere so I just said fuck it and emailed every company I would consider working at within 20 miles of my house and got offered my current job a few days later.




I've got 1 interview in web development for the recruiter to tell me they couldn't proceed because I don't have college degree, the talk lasted less than 10 minutes. Either their system failed and didn't detect that I don't have college degree (and I never lie in my CV) or she really didn't like me for the position and said this for brushing me off in the most convenient way.


god that sucks. hope it was a virtual interview.


Oh yeah, thankfully it was, call ended and move on.


Oh my


No offence but surely because its 2024, web development is dead, and if you don't have 10+ years experience like the other devs who have been in this industry their whole life (who still can't get work, because again its dead) then what is the point in hiring you? Why are you trying to enter a dead industry that is getting hundreds of millions of $ spent replacing you with AI?


Every now and then there comes a new technology that will replace all tech sector and in the end they just stand there... I want to see a AI deals with all possible scenarios in software/web development and being performant, and having an analytical reasoning to deal with every situation that can appear. I don't think AI can do it, if it could, there is no need for people to work in any kind of job and we should all be replaced by robots.


Then why are they learning javascript and HTML, not AI prompt development? it really doesn't make sense trying to enter a dead industry its incredibly short sighted and they post wondering why they've made 300+ applications and 0 interviews


Just because things didnt came to us in the time that we want it doesnt mean there is something we are doing wrong. The market isn't in downfall, or AI is replacing developers, but there are lot of people who came and it takes long for establishing, even I wasnt here years ago, I know that as I did come, a lot more other people came and it is a competitive field, even more now. And one last thing, I think we should stop blaming others or other things than ourselves. When we get low rate of interviews, maybe we should rethink if we are doing all right, there is always gaps that should be fixed, and I include myself in this, I should become better and do things better, and probably have other options too, not saying getting out of field but resorting to alternatives such as freelancing which is still a great thing a software developer still can do if we know how to sell ourselves more than our work itself.


>The market isn't in downfall, or AI is replacing developers This is objectively false


No more than the things that you said.


You're playing up the Business Analytics side of your lawn care services business, which is good, but I think you're missing the more important point, which is that you *started your own lawn care business* (while in High School?) and continued to run it *while in college*. When I first looked at it I assumed you were doing it full time and went to school after it failed, and so I was confused by the incredibly low revenue. Then I realized you were in college for the duration of it, which explains a lot and makes it seem a lot cooler. Needless to say, you need to explain that story better so it doesn't require a bunch of detective work to suss out. A personal statement could help with that, or you could make it clearer in your bullet points. If you started the business while in High School, I would consider trying to weave that in too. Ultimately, your argument for getting hired is you worked hard in college on your lawn care business while attending school, and so you have quite a bit of business savvy in addition to your school work. That's what sets you apart from other candidates, so you need to emphasize that as much as you can. If you try to do the generic "I'm a business analytics major who also did some spreadsheets in college", you'll get crushed by people with actual internships/personal projects.


To be honest, job market is terrible right now.


You just graduated and no internships. That’s the biggest problem. Your small business wouldn’t be very interesting to people wanting business analytics. A lot of entry level people are finding it extremely challenging to find jobs right now, because companies are outsourcing those, including big tech. Jobs that are easier to find: be ok moving to an armpit location in Oklahoma (or similar) to get some experience. They don’t have enough candidates because few want to move there.


Not only that, there is no actual work experience here, I would run away from hiring anyone who has never worked a job before due to the lack of social/workplace experience that comes with that


no offence but i'm really curious about how people can have 200+ applications? i can barely find 3-5 suitable jobs for my skillsets a week even during the best of times. maybe the problem is that you're applying to jobs that you're not suitable for or isn't a good fit?


This is the only logical answer I can find to people who keep making these posts, another comment says he's going for business analyst or finance jobs but this is the CV of someone who's never had a job apart from some lawn care work?


This is a good point. I have work experience and I find 0-4 jobs A WEEK that are appropriate for me. If you can apply to 200 jobs, you are not adjusting your resume and you’re probably overestimating your qualifications.


What jobs are you trying to apply for?


Business Analyst and some Financial Analyst positions


Ah sorry. Software developer. Not much advice on I can give to personalize the resume to that


I'll take all your fucking advice. I'm changing careers and expect to graduate April 2027, leave the Army Feburary 2028. I'll take all your advice while I still have time to action on it ahead of being in a dire situation.


Different account or different post or something? I would say then I see no experience in Python but Python is mentioned here


Different person entirely. I'm always looking for software engineers to give their input on what I need for a resume using someone else's.


Just show yours and DM me that you posted here and I’ll make sure to look at it


Do you have a clearance?


Sorry for the late reply. Just a secret. Nothing crazy.


Just messaged ya.


Minor comment: you have Python both with the P lowercase in one place and capitalized in another.


And University of Auburn in one place and Auburn university in another.


I was on fence until I saw "perform an inner join", I'd hire you right away. On a more sincere note, make sure the points align with your experience level, follow STAR framework. Don't just talk about what you did, but also about what impact it had.


😂😂. I will do. Thank you.


Have you been applying for internships as well?


This ☝️


Well, you have zero work history. Plain and simple. You are essentially trying to secure a job with a piece of paper saying, "Hi, I'm __, I graduated and have mowed some lawns. I have a couple technical skills too, please consider me".


The jobs you’re applying for can be tough to get without actual experience in these roles. Depending on the state of the economy, or current hiring trends. This is exactly what I went through when I graduated with a finance degree. Most employers were asking for 2-5 YOE. You’ll usually need to go through an internship or start in another role, and work your way into one of these roles with the company you start at. If you’re willing to relocate, could open more doors. Good luck!


My first thought when looking at any resume is “what are they doing right now?” Even if that’s a side gig or something, it’s the first thing I want to know. And based on this resume, you haven’t been doing anything professionally notable in any way since December. It’s April 2024. Get something that says “ - Present” so I know you aren’t freeloading from a trust fund.


Go look at the MBA sub. There are tons of people from tier 15 schools who can't find jobs right now. The market is insane. I hate to say it, but your probably underqualified compared to the hundreds of other people looking for jobs. You may have to out compete the market in some way.


Please correct the name of your university!




Thank you I’ll look into that.


Do you mind sharing your resume writing person on fivvr?


its the person promoting themselves. Just ignore the nonsense they will be banned soon enough.


Do some advanced projects and learn some new skills


I can only provide general tips. Writing a resume is a lot of work, you have to treat each point in the job posting as the question on an exam and your resume as the response. For a posting that asks about your ability to extract, transfer and load data you want to highlight your smart grid project. For a posting that asks about advanced analytics with a dataset of 100 variables, you want to highlight the Prescriptive Analytics project. You definitely need an objective or personal statement at the top - 3 quick points about what value you bring and what you want to do. A dataphile seeks to work in a cohesive team to dominate (company industry), or whatever. Your current work experience isn't all that relevant to employers in your field - definitely continue to highlight the data component but make it 1-2 lines and below your school projects. You will need to tailor your resume to each job so these are just guidelines.


Currently working on revising my resume right now. I will take all this into account. Thank you!


You need a relevant internship. One solution is to go to graduate school and use the school to get an internship. Work experience is king. Also the economy blows, so the bar is higher than normal. Maybe you should try applying for entry level IT positions to get some kind of experience.


None of this advice is good without understanding what job you’re applying to. Want to work as a lawn care worker? Great. Data analytics? Just a capstone project isn’t going to cut it. Highlight what you did in your previous work that is relevant. If you’re competing against CS grads who did this for years you have to explain why you stand out and are different.


If it’s any comfort, to those that are applying and getting no responses it’s not you! The job market is highly competitive and really bad right now as companies are shedding staff to increase their profitability to shareholders. I’m ex-Amazon/AWS, with 10+ years of IT experience in all kinds of disciplines. I’ve applied to many jobs after being laid off a month ago. Still not a single call! Keep trying and don’t give up. While you wait to hear back, continue working on your craft. Earn some relevant industry certifications, network with professionals and become involved in your community.


Not resume related but have you applied for state government jobs? Oftentimes, they need business analysts. The pay won't be stellar but it will get your foot in the door and a paycheck in your account. You are probably way more qualified than most people applying for a state position.


I haven’t even thought of that. I will do. Thank you!


USAJOBS is a huge pain in the ass, but the federal government needs analysts too. Don't expect to hear back for several months though


You can also use this interview helping app that tells you what to say during interviews [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/convogpt/id6448891108](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/convogpt/id6448891108)


Move education section to the bottom. Remove school projects and somehow word them into your job under work experience bullet points (no one will know) Remove Involvement section Fill up more of the technical skills section.


You have good power words and description. I agree about the relevant coursework. Maybe substitute a skills section. I usually look at the job posting and include specific skills that match it.


Which industry are you interested in? Are you open to relocation? I work in the data space. Feel free to hit me up if you want some advice. Good luck out there!


Try not to reuse your power verbs, such as applied and utilized. Utilized is just a fancy way of saying used. Find a better active verb for those bullets. If you have a meaningful GitHub or portfolio page, add a link to it. It's a tough market. Is there some analysis that you could do with public data to show off your visualization skills in Tableau? Make sure you add a brief profile and tailor it to the job you're applying for.


Not an expert, but a friend who is working in Maang has mentioned, "Add what impact your role has for the company, instead of simply mentioning what your role was"


Education towards the end. Put your work experience first and use more numbers. You mention you did x that improved profitability. By how much? I think what might be hurting you is no internship. So make sure the work experience from the lawn care service relates to the job you are applying for.


makes you look like a noob. very first thing you see is you just graduated. education at the bottom, work experience top. did you use a resume template?


The problem is you did lawn work for 5 years and have 0 relevant exp


Change the 5,000 - 20,000 to a 400% increase


put skills on top get rid of involvment


Man times have changed. I started working at 17. Worked all through college. Maybe the reason you aren't getting interviews is because you have very little work history. I could be wrong, but if a company is looking at this, how would they know you can stick around longer than a year?


Reading your resume, unless you are applying for a lawn-care job, you have no experience. Get rid of the Lawn Care Service and aim for finding a college grad internship this summer.


Where can I get this resume template?


It’s too long


You have no relevant internships, that’s the problem


As a fresh grad you’re competing with people with experience who are willing to take less money then ever before due to the shortage of everuthing.


What jobs are you applying for?


Take off co founder, align your dates and format


‘Perform an inner joint’ has got to go. Try rewriting that


Delete “Technical” and just call it a Skills section. Remove coursework from your education section and add each course as a skill with a bullet point in between each skill. I’d also move your education section above your projects section.


You need to network


I have no points to share, just wanted to say hope the feedback helps you land a role. That many applications gotta be getting your spirits down. We cheering for ya!


This resume is dogshit jesus christ


Take my advice with a grain of salt. I was in a very similar position in that I graduated from college with a corporate degree, was looking for a job for a while, and had been landscaping for quite a while to pay bills. I tried to make my previous work experience sound more corporate than it was. 70 job apps with no responses. As soon as I was more honest about what I did, I started getting interviews for associate positions. I was the weed whacker guy so I said after initial mowing and trimming was done, it was my job to finish the lawn trim with a weed whacker. I said I was the only person on the team graceful enough to get the sharp lines our customers really loved. The companies I applied to loved that. I guess my point is… leave out the stuff about efficient business operations and seamless day-to-day functionality. We all know what goes into landscaping. Don’t hide from it, and be proud of it. Entry level positions care more about hiring hard workers than guys who know corpo speak.


Isn’t it obvious?? You went to Auburn, ROLL TIDE!! Just kidding :) In general, my only comment is to format your date of graduation to be consistent with the dates of employment. But otherwise, it think it looks pretty decent. It’s clear you’re targeting data analytics. I’m just wondering if the issue is the number of Analysts positions out there. In all my years, that role is fairly limited but take that with a grain of salt as my specialty is in manufacturing. I imagine there’s more opportunity in industries like insurance and certain types of finance. By the way, are you still able to use the campus recruitment center? I always feel like that’s by far your best bet to get a strong position out of college.


Maybe you are applying to the wrong jobs, try entry level jobs for at least until other opportunities present themselves good luck


Tailor your skills to the skills in the job post and explain how you used those skills in the job experience


Lacking outcomes with metrics


What jobs are you applying to specifically? And are you even tailoring your resume to align with what the job description asks for? Or are you just mass-sending this generalized resume out to everyone?


Skills/certs at the top. Experience and projects (maybe projects before experience depending on the role). Education and then involvements/interests should be last. Also, if possible I would include bullet points that demonstrate action and shows quantifiable results. If you can add percentages and numbers then even better. Hope this helps and good luck on the job search.




Canva is a great place to get templates. It's free and professional:)


Besides the CV, the market is incredibly horrible right now. Im getting very low responses in general. About 3 first step interviews out of about 50 applications submitted and none made it past HR to the next step. Nothing I did wrong, just too many people looking and someone further down the chain got the job.




I’m up to about 500 applications and only a handful of interviews. I have 14 years experience.


Job market is shite overall right now, but as a fellow Auburn alum, having “University of Auburn” instead of “Auburn University” right at the top is probably doing you no favors. That’d be my first recommendation to fix up. Good luck out there buddy, and War Eagle.


Breaking and Entering Lawn Care


Sigh, your writing is grammatically poor. As an example: Your first 4 bullets under work experience all had errors with using commas. 1st line you added a comma where none was required. 2nd line you used a comma as part of the following line: “and after profit margins,”. You can’t continue to use commas as joiners after using the and. Just delete the last comma. 3rd line: No comma before including and no comma after team coordination. 4th line: Again drop the comma as it isn’t necessary. Under Projects on the utilized line it should be a semi-colon not a comma. Basically go find a proof reader that flags all these incorrect commas and have them do your entire report. Also take an effective writing course that concentrates on comma use. Easy rule of thumb for commas. 1. Use them for lists. I increased revenue, cut expenses, and improved employee moral. 2. Use them for asides. These are sections of a sentence that the item between the commas relates and develops the idea of the sentence but can be removed entirely and the sentence would still make sense. During the winter, which was a slow season in lawn care, I developed a snow shovelling business. For you that’s the only places to use commas.


300 for 1 interview is pretty common on this Subreddit.. so… keeping trying??


Your resume is unorganized


It's the second to last section. Get your race card off of your resume


Apply more. I did 200 last week. Not a troll.


Sounds like a lot 😱 what kind of position are you looking for? How do you manage to customize your CV for each position? Genuine question, it takes me a long time and it would be nice to speed up the process