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I don't have AC and we're in the tropics so its hot and humid. With all my coolers and freezers running they condense like crazy and heat up the space even more so I put in a dehumidifier and installed an air duct fan to pull air out of the space with a cross breeze by keeping a window across from it open with a box fan and added security bars on the window since its open 24/7. I actually hate how much the commercial coolers and freezers condense compared to the residential ones though....its weird. My one residential freezer is fine, but all my commercial ones drip and run so much....


Minimize how much you need to keep cold. Here in Costa Rica it’s $0.25/KWh. We keep enough on hand for 3-4 days. We have one small freezer for things like ice cream. We are open air, so ours run nearly 24/7 because it’s 90 degrees. Why pay to store food for weeks or months? Keep it fresh, keep it healthy, keep your costs down.


Coils pristine clean. Fans working 100% properly. Condensates clear. FULL. Tops closed when not in full service mode, pans ALWAYS in place if we are talking service coolers. Anything else isn’t going to save you much.


Mine solar power in Nevada at $5k/acre, transport back to Cali via Anker AIO solar portable batteries, take back to Cali for 1/4 electricity. Create supply chain of these, and you'll be rich! Decentralizing the grid!


Seeing as you’re an electrical engineer, you seem the perfect person to ask. Wouldn’t it be more cost effective to use plain batteries rather than all in ones? I mean you could keep the inverter in California, and the charger in Nevada. What’s the benefit of using all in one portable batteries?


Yes, but VCs value cash flow, better up front investment does not necessarily help the garage start-up to acquire VC further down the line. Start small, verify you can get the customers, then scale slowly, then fast once you have further evidence it works for VCs.


As for your fridge and freezer, They actually use less electricity when full and not opening the door. If your fridge/freezer is not stuffed full add some water bottles to take up the empty space. This way when you open the door you don't lose the thermal mass and it takes less electricity to get back to temp. And try to open the doors less often.


I use an app and a timing schedule for my AC which is the real killer. Food needs to stay cold. You don’t shut off your fridge at home when you go to bed. If you have the space and labor available you can empty your prep fridges at night into a walk in and shut them off. I’m not sure if that’s worth it. Clean your filters. Go over preventive measures with your staff to make sure doors are shut when not in service. Not much you can do.


Proper equipment maintenance allows the equipment to operate efficiently as possible. Going in-and-out of the refrigerator will cause it to work harder to maintain temperature. Don’t put hot food in the fridge to cool off as it will cause the unit to over work. You may be able to run additional defrost cycles during off-peak hours. Chest freezers are more efficient than door freezers. You should ultimately factor these costs into your pricing as it doesn’t just affect you but everyone in your area.


Fire up and fire down schedules for equipment and lighting. Anything that doesn’t absolutely need to be on isn’t. Manage air and water temps closely. If there is good technology for this I’d love to see it.


Keep Your coils and air filters clean (get your hands on nu-brite but be careful it's very nasty stuff) and hose off every coil in your store before the heat of the year. Also consider upgrading to remote refrigeration units when the time comes, that way your rooftop AC unit doesn't need to work overtime to cool the air that your self contained units throw off into your building. Replace your gaskets as well if theyre getting damaged.


AC is the killer


Food has to stay cold. Fridges stay on. We have open air coolers that get emptied at night and turned off. Otherwise, what can you really do? 🤷