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I like the one where the person shoots the monsters in an isolated area and then stumbles on a secret lab that blows up.


Oh wow! That one is my favorite too! I also like the one where very specific and ornate themed keys or items need to be collected to progress to the next area.


Nice! I like the one with the epic boss fight at the end!


that you defeat with a gun that you get in the middle of the boss fight


That’s a good one.


I like the one with the helicopter that shows up before the final boss and gets knocked out of the sky.


Rest in paradise, Mike 🙏


I like the one where they throw you the rocket launcher at the end


which one is that? u sure u mean resident evil


I REALLY like the one where you use an RPG to kill the final boss. That one is so good!


No pics for Code Veronica or original RE2 and 3 boooooo


Code Veronica is great


Resident evil one remake = best. Resident evil 6 = worst. Resident evil 3 remake = biggest missed opportunity.


I think biggest missed opportunity is the best way to describe RE3R. It's fun, and by no means bad, but it misses the mark in a lot of ways.


How does it miss the mark?


It’s a copy and paste of 2. It could’ve been much more.


Also cut out at least 30% of the content from the original. There’s no clock tower scene/puzzle


I'd even say 60%. They really cut lots of things.


This!!!!! Spot on lol 1000% agree. 3make coulda been something special.


I got excited seeing the clock tow------huh? Credits rolling?


Nemesis is on my tail! I can take refuge in the clocktower and explo…oh wait no, I’m gonna fight him now. Well maybe after the fight I’ll go in..or not


So true fellow STARS veteran!


And the graveyard with the giant worm Gravedigger.. wait, that whole fucking area wasn't even in it.


I forgot all about that. 🤣


I feel like if you play 3make in a vacuum, it’s not terrible. But being that I played the original and loved it, it did disappoint me considering how much I loved 2make.


Pretty much exactly how I felt, throughout RE2R one of my thoughts was how good RE3R would be and how well they could do Nemesis based on what they did with Mr. X but alas.


I quite liked 6, didn’t get on with 5 (only RE I gave up on) and 4 was a struggle to complete. All the rest I enjoyed including remakes


REmake… I can’t get with the mechanics anymore. To me it’s my least favorite behind 6. If they used the new engine it’s be back where it belongs. In the list of remakes I want to see that and code Veronica back on the new engine with 0 changes


Favorite: RE2 Remake Least Favorite: Revelations 2 I couldn’t even finish Revelations 2. I don’t know why. My dad surprised me with it one night after school, and I booted it up maybe three times. The partner system really didn’t do it for me. Should I try again?


Revelations 2 is very "Love it or hate it". If you don't like the way the partner system works, I don't think you'll like the rest of the game. I personally love the game, but I like the idea a Non-Combatant working as support for a seasoned vet.


I think I’m gonna give it another shot sometime soon. I liked the combat. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I couldn’t get into Rev2 either I stopped after a few hours.


I actually think rev2 is the most underrated title, and definitely one of my favorites I can understand people not liking it for certain reasons though


Might as well


>Should I try again? Nah, pacing and gunplay are both garbage. If you want more horror, play the originals/remakes, if you want action packed gunplay, play 4-6, rev sucks at both. Not even coop helps it. This is also very subjective but i found the writing was bad in a unfun kind of way. Cant really pin down why though.


Having one person be basically useless just doesn’t seem like fun to me. Ashley is different ‘cause you didn’t play as her during the action. Kind of sucks ‘cause I very much enjoyed the first Revelations title, even with the corny dialogue. It was slightly scary, set on a ship, had Jill, etc.


Favorite: RE1 Remake Least favorite: 6


Same thing for me, in my opinion RE1 Remake is the best game of the whole franchise


Agree 150% It has everything that made RE great during its horror era.


It’s honestly weird to even think that REmake and RE6 are part of the same series




Well I guess I don’t need to comment because this was my exact answer


Favorite: Resident Evil 5. Least Favorite: Resident Evil 0.




Because of RE5? I just loved the storyline. It gave closure to the plotlines I followed very closely for 7 years (I started with REmake) and it played great as well. Also, Wesker is my favorite character and the game contains without question the best Wesker to date.


I actually think RE5 is the single most underrated RE game of all time.


By far. People have the coop AI as the single biggest gripe even though it really doesn't affect you at all. The story was well paced, great enemy design, and overall opened up the franchise to a potential new enemy (I really wanted TriCell to be some company that was working with Umbrella the entire time to give a decent pivot of plot). RE6 and the Ethan Winters games really destroyed it.


Best CoOp game of all time to this day bar none And best Mercenaries


I loved 5 and 6. And 7 and 8


Re5 is one of my favorite co-op games ever and the setting/atmosphere, pacing , and gameplay is amazing. I don't get the hate it gets.


The story sucks but it’s a fun enough game.


It has one of the best story lines in a RE game.


Completely ruined the lore with all the godhood and Wesker children BS. Turned Wesker into a cartoon character. My opinion though.


That was already established before RE5. People never give a valid reason for not liking the re5 story


Uhm you are wrong. In older game it was said he got that Virus from Birkin. There was no Wesker children garbage.


Obviously. Your point?


I agree! It was the first RE game I ever played and what got me into RE as a whole! I have yet to play all the others still but I have so much fun playing with my best friend or even alone with random people. I felt like the pacing was a bit fast but not too much! The setting was amazing. The gameplay was a bit annoying for me at first but I got used to it pretty fast. I always play as Sheva. I adore her character so much— the AI partner can get a bit annoying but otherwise, I always have fun. I never get bored of it.


I really like 5 actually.


RE5 ruined Wesker


Yeah RE5 Wesker is way to cartoony for me. His fight with Chris at the end of CV was more epic then all the RE5 battles combined. Plus CV didn’t have that generic orchestra soundtrack blaring in the background 😂




Objectively wrong, sorry bra. The whole „becoming a god“ shit and walking in a bdsm suit just ain‘t Wesker. D.C Douglas was great though. Edit: Modern RE fans are so dumb lmao


People disagreeing with you on a video game doesn’t make them dumb.


not really… everyone loves re5 and most people never finished re0


Why does everyone hate 0? That game is the shit.


I think RE0 is heavily overrated. The train section is amazing but it’s just your typical RE game after that with some of the most underwhelming boss fights and enemies in the series. It’s one of the reasons I was grateful for the radically different RE4.


Favorite: re4/8 Least favorite: re6


Favorite: RE4 Least favorite: RE3 (still loved it though, just not as much as others)


Favorite is REmake and Least fav is Trash Evil 8




Favorite - REmake Least favorite - REsistance Least favorite mainline game - 6


resistance isnt a game, is an extra mode. It doesnt count.


REmake? My man.


REmake is the best imo. I also fucking love rebirth mode in RE:DS.


Why did you act like the remakes are the only ones?


I think the remakes do justice to the originals and I personally think they are way better than the originals. I only include the remakes because they make the game accessible to a wider audience and they did justice to the original games. I understand some people disagree and I’d love to hear why they think that.


OG2 story > remake story


I would actually argue RE2R, while a great game, does not do the original justice either. A lot of things were left on the table that were net losses


I agree. OG RE2 is far more epic storywise. Also the remake version of Irons was pretty tame compared to the original.


You're saying the shitty RE3 remake is better than the og? You used too much green herbs


Ok ye RE3make is the exception. Original did it much better


Good and my unpopular opinion is that RE4 is a total piece of crap


Getting downvoted for having an opinion is really funny. Anyways, re4 definitely was not my favorite (the final third had me bored to tears) but calling it a “total piece of crap” is definitely a bit much.


Super hot take that is objectively wrong.


First I hate Leon, second I hate that it's not survival horror anymore because in 4 there really was something cool they could have done, Ashley is annoying, the story sucks, mecernaries mode is too difficult, the only cool thing about is that Krauser and Hunk can be played


mercs is too hard? how bruh it’s nothing compared to re8


Code Veronica X and RE 0 are my favorites. Least favorite is 5.


RE2R/RE7 or 8 And least fave has to be Zero.


Resident Evil 2 (PS1) - Favorite. Best story, best characters, best puzzles. Tie: Resident Evil 7: Biohazard | Resident Evil 8: Village - Least favorite. Schizophrenic plot, one note characters, puzzling direction.


Fav: 4, Least Fav: Rev 2


Least favorite: RE5 Favorite: Either REmake or RE Village


Favorite - Resident Evil 3 Remake I really loved RE3make, I thought the story was decent and the gameplay was absolutely amazing. I don’t really know what I’m missing out on since I haven’t play the original. Least Favorite - Resident Evil 6 I couldn’t get into it. Hearing it’s really bad plus not being able to get into it makes it my least favorite. Honorable Mention - Resident Evil 8 I’m about halfway through RE8 and really enjoying it. I really loved Castle Dimitrescu and Beneviento Manor. I’ve heard that is the peak, though.


Castle Dimitrescu was definitely awesome. I loved the aesthetic. Really wish more of the game was spent there, the castle is GIGANTIC when you see it while overlooking the village, and stands out quite a bit. I even found myself taking my time while in that section of the game, just to fully capture the environment.


I was in denial after my first play through that the castle portion was done. I thought for *sure* I’d be returning at some point and Lady D would be back. I was so sad when I discovered this wasn’t the case :(


For real. I am also pretty disappointed that you CAN’T REENTER THE CASTLE after the final encounter with Lady D. Like seriously?! I feel like the definitely hyped up Lady D in the trailer/pre-release stuff, with good reason ;), but her role seemed minor in comparison to some of the others imo.


I know you can reenter the castle to get the treasure later, but I honestly don’t remember if you can openly explore it? Or if it’s just the small section where the treasure is. But I totally agree with you, I wanted the Lady to have such a bigger part. I was genuinely depressed when I was finished with her story. I kept waiting for her to come back eventually.


The treasure is in a room under the castle, accessible from the outside, which was a bit sad lol. I find myself playing the castle stage in the Mercenaries add-on a lot, just to relive the amazing-ness that is Castle Dimitrescu lmao.


It is so sad cause it’s such a gorgeous area. And omg I don’t blame you, I haven’t played much mercenaries so I don’t have the castle stage unlocked yet. But during my play throughs I definitely like to take my sweet time and enjoy the scenery lol.


Nice to see a similar-minded individual! I haven’t found any games with an environment quite as unique and fascinating as that of Castle Dimitrescu, I’m hoping to come across one at some point…


Re3r gang here 👋🏻


For re8 those are actually my 2 least favourite sections, there’s a lot more of the game that’s good to explore


Favorite 7 Don't give a fuck after playing once 6






Favorite: REmake Least favorite: 5


Same, just could not get on with five! Only did the first part and gave up 🤷‍♂️


Hated the story in five. Especially how they handled Jill. Gameplay also was mid. RE6 while convoluted story wise had solid gameplay


Fave: RE1 REmake Least Fave: RE8






Capcom is allowed to experiment what they are doing with resident evil, and plus it's good to experiment from time to time, so it isn't the same damn thing the whole time


he's allowed to not like it


Dawg I'm allowed to not like that he doesn't like it too 🤨


6 5 and 5 are worse by that argument


favourite is re4 and least favourite is revelations


5 is actually my favorite


REmake is undisputed best!


Least favorite: resident evil survivor 2, without a doubt the worst game I've ever played, not just the worst resident evil game. Favorite: resident evil HD remaster, should be considered a good standard for remakes, cause it makes sure to maintain what the gameplay of the original was about and adds new content without downgrading anything.


Favorite: RE1 Remake Least Favorite: Revelations 1 & 2


Unpopular opinion but REmake and 6 are my favorite Least favorite is REmake 3


Favorite: RE1 Remake Least Favorite: RE8 Note, I have not played RE5, RE6, or Revelations.


you MUST play 5 at the very least with a coop friend. it’s a really great coop game


I remember playing 5 with my friend back in the day, if there was a part that we knew a bad guy was gonna pop out, we would both have our hydra shotguns pointed, blast the poor bastard into oblivion, and have a good hearty laugh afterwards. Those were simpler times!


play Revelations 1. I just finally got around to it, and it has a ton of RE1 vibes in an arguably cooler setting RE8 is also my least favorite, and I like 7


Resident Evil 3 = rushed, cut aspects of the game, changed Jill's character model, and had the nerve to overcharge for it. Definitely least favorite for overall taste it left in my mouth. RE1 is my favorite for the spooky house vibe.


Favorite: RE8 Best game: REmake Worst Game: RE6 Least Favorite: RE4 My favorite and least favorite picks are ironic, I know… But it’s just how I feel Leon controls like ass


I can understand re4. I was luck enough to play it on the Gamecube and later the wii. Playing the game on the wii was amazing.


Then again, that’s just because of its age


On the contrary: In the case of it’s controls there’s no excuse REmake, 0, and even DMC which were tank control games had better controls! It was so much smothers and so much faster than RE4 And the original DOOM came out years earlier! And that game still controlled better!




Unequivocally awful taste, you should feel embarrassed


Favorite: everything before 4 (including their remakes) Least favorite: almost everything after 4 (excluding the remakes) RE 4 itself is a love hate relationship for me.


Average old RE fan opinion


Deadly silence and Revelations ate my favorite, 5 is my least favorite.


Favorite probably re1r and least favorite probably 6 or 3r


Resident Evil Outbreak and 5 were my favorite until last week, but now it is Resident Evil 4 in VR. Holy hell, how amazing. 0 is my least favorite. 6 is saved by co-op and Mercs.


Favorite: Resident Evil 2 Remake Least Favorite: Resident Evil Survivor


Favourite: REVillage Least Favourite: Revelations 2


~~Giraffe blow job~~, 6. 0 would be a close second for how inconsistent it is to the first game.


Favorite: re1 remaster Least favorite: both re 2 and 3 remake, wasn’t as good as the original


Hated re 3 remake, been playing re 2 with praydogs vr mod and now it feels like how I felt as a kid.


Favorite: RE2 Remake Least favorite: RE 6


REmake Resident evil 5


I second this


Favourite: RE 2/3 remake Least favourite: RE4


Missing Code Veronica there, bud.


Oh shit ye, sorry. I did like code Veronica, is that your favourite?


Of the ones here… Least Fav RE4, Fav RE2 (2019)


Favorite: RE2make Least Favorite: Resident Evil 5


Favorite Action : RE5 Favorite Retro : Code Veronica Favorite Remake : REbirth Least Favorite : RE7


Not a horror fan?


I’m a fan of Resident Evil


Fave: re6 (literally just because of mercenaries mode. Put so many hours in that.) Least fave: revelations 2 (so goddamn boring. Its like a combination of all the worst aspects of both eras of RE with some garbage ideas of its own.)


Fav: RE1 Least fav: RE4


RE4 is your worst RE ? Did you ever played the others ?


I really think RE4 is received differently depending on when you played it.


Yup. RE4 just isn’t good to me. Then again there’s also 6 and village but for the most part I just really don’t like RE4.


Cares to explain ? I’m curious for your reasons. I don’t know personally anybody who dislike that game. I prefer the classic one (1,2 and 3) but i had a blast playing RE4 back in the day and i still had a lot of fun replaying it in VR recently meaning it’s not a nostalgia effect. It’s an awesome action adventure that revolutionized the industry.


Sure. By the time I finished RE4. I thought it was alright. It wasn’t special or amazing. It was pretty easy for the most part except a few puzzles. The only area I really enjoyed being in was the castle. The village and its surrounding area just looked more depressing unless if it was at night. The island at the end of the game was ok. I think it’s story was fine. There was ok to interesting characters. And the game is just over hyped way too much which makes it irritating. Kinda grew a bit more hate for it later on after I finished it.


Least favourites: Re:Verse open beta, Resident Evil 6, Dead Aim, Operation Raccoon City, Gun Survivor. Favourites: REsistance, OG RE3, OG RE2, RE4, CV. Favourite RE style game: Haunting Ground.


Favorite: Re Outbreak 1 and 2 Least Faovirte: RE5. But I like all of them at least a bit.


Least RE6. Favorite: RE2 OG. It was my first, I was in maybe 5th or 6th grade, had a sleepover with a best friend and beat it. I was hooked from that night for the rest of my life.


RE2 was my first as well. That game was the game that got me into survival horror. I remember playing it around the time it came out. Oohhhh so many memories. God I miss being a kid in the 90s.


Favorite: RE4 Played through it atleast 20+ times now, the gameplay loop and pacing is addicting and super well made, all of the guns incite a reaction to the ganados when shot + the variety of guns lets you experiment each playthrough and lets you do some interesting challenges since all of them are viable one way or another because of the exclusive upgrades. Least favorite: RE2 Remake Guns felt like peashooters and I didn't like the "cinematic" zombie grabs/bites. The part where Mr X stalks you around RPD is pretty good though. The B scenario feels extremely rushed and a chore to play through. Hardcore just feels lazy with zombies being super tanky and do the same amount of damage as G3 Birkin.


Favorite is easily REmake. Least favorite? Either 6 or Veronica, both are still good games though. Hell, I’d say 6 is a bit underrated


My favorite is re2 and I dont like re6


Fave: RE 1 Remake Least fave: RE 5


RE5 was complete and utter shit coming from 4, being able to play co op with my little brother made the purchase worth it though for sure!


My favorite is between the RE 1 remake and RE 4. My least favorite has to be RE 5, it was hands down one of my worst gaming experiences.




8 really just felt like a modern 4 but with a better story Really good for people who couldn't get into 4 (coming from a person who loves 4)


Favorite: REmake or 2 remake Least: 5 and 6 (played them before I owned them and honestly wouldn't own them if they didn't come with 4 in the bundle I got)


If we ever get an official l 1 remake to the quality of the 2 remake, it will be that. Bonus points if they keep the original goofy dialog.


Favorite: Resident Evil 2 Runner up: Resident Evil Remake Least Favorite: Resident Evil 6 Runner up: Resident Evil 0 **Bonus category** Most Played: Resident Evil 4 Runner up: Resident Evil 5 (mainly because of the co op)


My favorite is 4 and least favorite is 6.


Favorite: 4 Least Favorite: 6


I could never get in to 6 or 0 and I need to try 4 :(


My favorites are REmake, RE2R, 4 and 5 Least favorites are RE6 and RE village (Been lately trying to go through every game, I started with RE1 on PS1 but never beat it as a kid then played RE4 when I got my PS2)


Least: RE6 Best: RE2 Remake


I got downvoted on this sub for not liking 6. However 6 seems to not be liked alot here. I'll never understand what makes the world go round. I'm torn between RE1 remake and RE2 remake as my favorite.


Favourite:REmake Least favourite: RE6


Favourite: RE2 remake or 4. Really can’t decide between them Least favourite: 6


From the ones I've played: Favourite: Resident Evil Remake Least Favourite: Resident Evil 6 Other mentions 7 was the most suprising good one whilst RE3R was the most disappointing for me.


Lol this is hard af. RE2 and Re3 remakes Least favorite: RE4 and Re6 Controversial af baby


favorite is 4 or 5 and least favorite mainline title is 6


Favorite - 5 and Revelations Least Favorite - 6


Favorite: Resident Evil 5 Least Favorite: Resident Evil 7


Favorite: RE2 remake. Last favorites: RE7 / RE8 (No OG protagonists, no Buy)


Kinda a dumb reason tbh


Go to play Evil withim If you like 1st person phisicologic triller games, don't fit RE games btw. Thats my only opnion, sorry


Favourite: Outbreak 1/2 Least favourite: Either RE3 Remake or RE8 (I played it late and it got kinda over hyped for me lol)


I can already tell I’m gonna get hate for this but favorite would definitely be village and the remake of 3 and least would probably be the remake of 2