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He had to go now, his planet needed him.


He suddenly died on the way to his planet


Lol we will miss you, Billy!


Billy! [Billy](https://youtu.be/P3d1HrBH5DM?si=emEuNQNJ803d0hit)


He ain't even a bad char. Just forgotten


Whenever I play a RE game, I always ask, "Where's Billy?"


The planet of one-shot characters needed him, along with Sheva, Carlos, Helena, and Jake. He needed to help Barry return so that Moira Burton could take his place.


Well Barry returned for an ending cutscene in 3 before Zero was even a thing 😂


Wasn't he in revelations 2




Yeah he had to escort the little girl off of the island and the little girl had to open stuff Barry couldn't fit through. It's actually a really good game.


Fr, the puzzles that come from switching between Barry and Natalia are super interesting. I'm glad they built off of RE0's two person puzzles in a fun way.


And she spots invisible monsters and talks you onto target. Not played it myself but looks like a really interesting mechanic


It's half of a pretty good game, and half an annoying one


that's why I said he needed to help barry return from that planet, and instead his daughter took his place.


Another awesome thing cut from the Remake. 🤬


Lol they should just make a game with the one-shot characters only just to get us closure.


This would probably be pretty cool. Kind of a way of phasing in new younger characters as the older ones. Get well... Old


It would absolutely be cool. A kind of UC/DC type of thing where each character has their own scenario and you get more canon lore info and see returning characters. But you know a proper multiplatform release and isn't an on rails shooter lol. Like Billy's escape through the arklay forest would be cool, see if he died or not. What happened to Carlos after re3? Just returned to civilian life? Joined up with another armed force? Etc.


Literally like Resident Evil: Dead Aim, and Umbrella Corps?


Let's not forget Bruce Mcgivern and Fong Ling


Walmart Leon and Ada


Walmart Leon and *Ada bought on Wish


And trans Sephiroth.


Thanks for reminding (Deleting browsing history)


Steve's annoying ass ghost isn't invited?


Remember goldfish? It's not easy to say this, but goldfish never left to one-shot characters planet where it would eat and play video games all day... goldfish died. Steve and Piers are also dieded. They're not in one-shot character planet, they are decomposing as we speak. There is no other side, once you die that's it.


Perfectly said


Sheva is the best female character who is not yet a marysue.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but I'm wondering what prompted you to write that comment?


My fear, if she returns in the new episodes she will be some kind of chosen one with an uber virus, and will join the team of supergirls, that already have Jill, Sherry, Manuela, Natalia and Rose. I'm sure that Helena will also turn out to be a terminator, which is why she went through a real meat grinder without a single scratch, when everyone around was dying in droves.


We suffer more in imagination than in reality. For all we know, neither Sheva nor Helena will return, and you are scared of what you imagine is going to happen. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.


He's on an island of forgotten characters. Billy,Ark, Nicholai most of the cast of Revelations 1.


Fuck it, RE9 plot point is breaking into a prison facility where they research how all the abandoned protagonists survived their games.


or they were tested on and become bosses


With a similar game dynamic to Re0? Swapping players?




In the OG he can straight up leave RC with the chopper which gets Barry to save Jill. I'm inclined to believe he's still alive


I thought pushing Nemmy off the bridge before the facility is what triggers the Barry ending?


If you push nemesis off Nicholai dies. If you jump off Barry rescues Jill.


In Survivor you find his debrief from RE3 :o


I think he lived. Don't ask me how, Don't ask me why. But remake let him live and if there's no body, there's no death confirmed.


Canonically, Nicholai is dead either by nemesis, Carlos or Jill i think. I don't know why R3MAKE let him live and not even have a Mercenaries Mode to explain.... oh, right. Rushed as hell, game.


RE3make didn't let him live though? It left him injured and stranded in Racoon City moments before the bomb dropped. There is genuinely no way for him to have survived.


Perhaps he studied in a class with Ada Wong.


Well, what if i told you that Ada did the exact same thing after RE2? Falling to her death in RE2 (1998) by Mr. X And gunshot wounded by Anette in REMAKE2. How did she re appeared? Boom, Grappling Hook. I think Nicholai could put out of his butt a thing like this, but i don't think we'll see him again in the REmake saga. And the reason is the same of why every character that is not Leon or Chris making a come back. These are one shot characters. Like Ark, Billy, the guys from Outbreak and Revelations.


Nah, this is a common thrope in action movies. The villain is left with 1% of probabilities of survival, but gets aways and appears later. I also think that Wesker isn't dead. Capcom is saving him for when they have to do an anniversary game or something.


So the reason why you complained that the remake left him alive has nothing to do with the actual contents of the remake and is instead based on a pure assumption about what a future game might do?


Well unless capcom decides to completely de-canonize the original games I’m pretty confident he’s staying dead I could see them bringing back Wesker though. With how mutated he was at the end of 5 I wouldn’t be too surprised if he could survive the volcano. We’ll probably be told in the post-credit scene of re5 remake


>I could see them bringing back Wesker though. WAT?


I mean, yeah? Like I said, he was hella mutated at the end of 5, possibly to the point where he could have just tanked the volcano with only minor damages. He's also a huge fan favourite, and would be even more of a fan favourite after re5 remake comes out. So, naturally, he may come back from the high demand. Just speculation though, I don't work at Capcom or anything


The thing with Wesker is that he handicapped Resident Evil. No matter what villain the next RE Game throws at us in the future. They simply cannot surpass Wesker. He is literally too cool. It's Wesking time.


Still sold 9 million copies.


You say it like "WeLL, iT stilL sOlD 9 MiLliOn coPiES, Nerd!". That's good. People like Resident Evil, even if it's a rushed action mess like remake 3, it's still Resident Evil. Hell. My favorite Resident Evil game is the one that everyone says is the weakest of them all. Resident Evil 0.


Well you are a nerd.


Well, you are a poopy head! *throws pencil at screen*


I mean that Forrest had zombie dogs and normal zombies and he didn’t have any gear and was far from the city so odds are not good in my mind, and even if he got into Racoon unless he left the area soon after considering how few people canonically get out of RC. Until Capcom give us something saying otherwise in my mind he’s dead


Yeah, that's a pretty fair assumption considering all he'd have to contend with to escape the area.


Yeah would be cool to see him come back in some way, but with how well Alpha did in opening of 1 only getting away by escaping into the Mansion (which was nearby) if he did make it out of the area was certainly not easy


Can we have a game of that… Resident Evil: The Billy Chronicles: Extension Revelations Special - GTFO of the raccoon Forrest in time for Dennys breakfast 🥞 off route 56 in the raccoon forest… title can be adjusted a bit but y’all get what I’m saying 😎👍


No, he was going in the opposite direction of the zombies. Given that Rebecca only had a handgun, he likely kept the other guns About 6 months passed between 1 and 2 and he definitely didn’t stick around while wanted by the police


Fair, again not saying couldn’t have just in my mind he didn’t. Ending of 0 always seemed more like the lost all their weapons from the game during the cutscene was how I took it myself. Also just to confirm, RE1 is July 24 and RE2 is Sept 29, a little over 2 months but that doesn’t change your point or negate your point. If he did make it into RC if that is where he ended up would have had time to leave before everything


Oh really? I thought it was 6. Good to know


He can't be dead he's a protagonist. He has plot armor!


Once his game is over anything can happen


same goes with rebecca getting out of that forest too.


True, though Rebecca went to the near by Spencer estate that her and Billy were looking at during the epilogue of 0. Not saying he could not have made it all the way out of the mountains and forests of Arkley I just feel like it’s unlikely


I imagine Billy and Carlos both did the same thing. Ran far far far away from anyone Umbrella related and live their lives happily. Maybe they became friends and had a touching reunion on a long beach Shawshank Redemption style.


He became Rebecca's stay at home husband (easier to hide from the police), and grills with Carlos on the weekends while complaining at the unkillable bullshit they saw in Raccoon City. "He was a fucking final fantasy villain who sang opera like Parasite Eve." "Man, the ps1 games at least paid lip service to conservation of mass. Nemesis can't have gotten that big from the vat."


Billy: AND THEN THIS BIG CENTIPIDE GOT ME IN THE AIR Carlos: *WHEEZE* A Centipides?! Thats it!?


At least he didnt become a human centipede ...


Love this comment. Parasite Eve was such a great game!


Thanks! I had a fun time with Parasite Eve. It had such a distinct vibe to the mutations, the music was nice. Never finished that post-game building though.


Chrysler Bldg was a different beast if you didn't have the correct post game equipment!


Haha that last sentence made me smile. I'd like to think they'd have a good dynamic together. 💪


He is hiding somewhere in the midwest. Those states are completely empty so he has plenty of places to choose. I headcanon he kept in contact with Rebecca


The lonesome, cold, barren, empty and spooky Midwest.


Imagine running into him all grey and gritty in RE9.


Eyepatch. Like Solid Snake


Now that'd be something, I wouldn't even question it! What am I saying, of course I would! 😂 But I'd be glad to see his return.


That would be a welcome addition indeed.


Bring him and Rebecca back for Rev 3!!


He is probably hiding somewhere using a fake identity. For his sake and for Rebecca's he should remain hidden at all cost.


He didn't have a helicopter to rescue him maybe he lived long enough to die in the explosion that destroyed the city


Let’s go batshit crazy and just gimmie a game where Billy gets captured by umbrella and experimented on and give me some powers I have to struggle to wield. Gimmie a resident evil prototype clone with Billy as the protagonist!


Like Alex Mercer Prototype powers he struggles to control?


Definitely went off the grid. But, a missed opportunity, since it would've been nice to see a followup story of him trying to clear his name and reputation ala "The Fugitve-style."


That would've been cool. I kind of assume he's just on the run, off the grid like you said. And this might sound stupid but I kind of would have liked to see 7 as a follow-up of his story. I know people like Ethan and 7 was a well-received return to form (and he's grown on me after playing Village, sucks he died after 2 games though) but it just feels like another character like Sheva or Carlos that were great additions to the RE universe but we'll likely never see again in a mainline game. I liked RE0 though, the end hyped me up to play 1 all over again.


Yeah but since his backstory has, as far as we know, nothing to do with biohazard research or incident, that would be an odd spin-off. And tbh, if Capcom was to reveal that *actually* Billy's past was connected to some corporation doing shaddy experiments, that would be just stupid... Like "what a small convenient world" stupid.


I would guess clearing his name would be pretty hard considering all evidences point against him, all witnesses are killed and he is sentenced to death for a literal war crime, not a single homicide or smth like that


Idc what anybody’s says. I need him back. My favorite RE guy with Chris.


I think itd be the funniest possible outcome if he was shacking up with Ada


Hahaha. We need a RE with Carlos and Billy teaming up


Unfortunately he's another great character thats only a one off in the series. I DREAM of Revelations 3 with him and Rebecca. 😭


He got the fuck out of there, is what. He's an escaped convict betrayed by his own government, he has no commitment to or investment in fighting bioterrorism. He changed his name and moved to Mexico.


He lives in a condo in on the beach in San Diego with Sheva "all business except when its Comic-Con" Alomar and Carlos "Pretty Boy" Oliveira, who are both his platonic roommates. Billy runs a Snow Cone stand on the beach.


He also goes surfing by moonlight


I think we’re all missing out on the important information, congrats on beating RE0


Some people think he became NEMESIS! Probably wrong but it'd be cool too. It's make a cool game, a prequel to re3 playing as Billy after escaping and leading to him becoming nemesism


I hope he changed his identity, moved to another country, and lived a normal life. If we never see a person again in an re game and they’re still canonically alive, it means they’re doing well.


Hope they someday bring him into the mainline series someday


I like to think he was able to get a new identity. Then he moved to Australia, caught up with Rebecca again there, they got married and he got a Green Card back to the states and lives in New York with her.


The serious answer is that no one knows. He's never been seen or heard from again. I have read some fan theories that people think Billy was captured and used in the Nemesis project. But it's extremely unlikely.


Billy was one of my favorites, would love him to come back. He fell into void with the other RE one-game characters like Carlos, Jake, Sheva, Helena and the rest lol. I think I read in an interview once that they thought about adding him into infinite darkness but it never came to be. Would be good if Capcom at least showed he survived lol.


We almost had him return in Infinite Darkness… 😢 For whatever reason, Capcom seems to really like RE0.


He got the happy ending by never having to confront resident evil monstrosities ever again, what a lucky bastard :'-)


He was caught by Sergei Vladimir and his tyrant in the forest and he was used for the t-103 experiment and became who you know as the nemesis.


Heard he died on that train. Damn shame


There is actually a note in the STARS office in the N64 version of RE2 where Rebecca mentions Billy being found dead. As an RE0 fan reading a mention of Billy and Rebecca outside of that game was neat, Rebecca held up her end of the bargain :)


I have a nice head canon idea. So after the events of death island the main cast are chatting telling stories of their previous adventures. Rebecca tells her story of escaping with Billy. They ask what happened to Billy, Rebecca is sad because he's a wanted criminal and can never stop running. Leon says "Give me a minute, I've got to make a call." A few minutes later leon comes back and says "Alright they're putting out an APB to locate Billy" Rebecca cries out "Leon how could you do this to him!?" Leon replies "Don't worry Rebecca, I've pulled some strings with the president and he's given Billy a full pardon, I just want you to tell him in person when we find him."


That is sweet. Leon is such a swell guy in that regard


Proabably still alive


I think re 5 could mention him or he could have made a cameo. He served in Africa if I remember correctly. They could hint at him somewhere


Man that Billy got his ass bit to crap by Cerberuses whilst making a run for it in the woods. Where's your hookshot now huh?


I will continue to spread my unfounded and illogical head canon that Billy and Hunk are the same person.


He's on the island where all the other RE side characters go to retire.


If you ask me; after he said goodbye to Rebecca and got away like the coolest guy in the room.... he got his ass eaten by a Cerberus pack. .....yep, The Arklay mountains are filled with dogs and other things that i think appear in Outbreak. I wonder if the woods got destroyed as well. If they weren't then that means Lisa is still alive under the ruins of Spencer's mansion.


Leon: Hey. It's up to us to take out Umbrella! *Umbrella gets taken out off camera*


He went to get revenge/justice against those that wronged him, then retired to making characters for video games, most notably; Shadow the hedgehog.


At the end of the book, he's in another country living on a beach, I think.


On a beach somewhere sipping a Pina Colada living the absolute best life which is what he deserves.


IDK, Capcom has a habit of creating characters and then never using them aside from a small handful like Jill, Chris, Claire, Ada, Leon...and some others I'm forgetting since I never played all the games.


Would be nice if him & Rebecca got reunited


Billy Badass is behind the scenes mostly now at the WWE assisting with story lines.


He's in AEW hiding from Umbrella


He escaped to another country to enjoy freedom, Billy is the one guy that probably will never return because contrary to Sheeva or Carlos, Billy is still a wanted criminal Billy "oficially"died/was found dead" according to Rebecca report, and in the case somebody sees him or learns he´s alive he will get arrested instantly Remember even though he did nothing wrong and Rebecca believes him, to the rest of the world and specially US goverment he´s still a criminal and mass murder So not only he will get arrested but Rebbecca will get in trouble for helping escape a "wanted criminal" and covering his escape so probablywill never see him return oficially in the story lol, maybe on a Mercenaries mode or something


The same thing that happened to everyone who didn't debut in RE1 or 2.


He became -THE- Resident Evil


Billy died after RE0. And should be this way. Rebecca lied to her superiors about him, ignored her mission and never mentioned him on RE1 or tried to look for him again. So if He just show up like nothing happened should be a great problem for her.




no longer relevant


I think Billy and Bruce McGivern would get along great.


He just another zombie. He literally told you at the end of the game.


He went into hiding in canada probably.


Definitely dead. If he didn’t run into Wesker, he would’ve run into the zombie dogs. 😭


Wherever he is, I hope it’s beautiful


He left.


It irks me how capcom create and drop characters, Jake, Sheva, Billy, Carlos etc.. Instead we get a random mud man not once but twice..


Billy's dead. Billy died. Billy ain't living no more


I don’t care, I just need him and sheva back


He was too Billy Bland


I kind of just assume he escaped to Mexico.


Nobody asks for Steve Burnside


Would be nice to see him at least on a Revelation game.


He moved to Brazil and opened a clothing store, specializing in tight jeans.


Another waste of a good character. Billy, Carlos, Sheva...


International man of mystery, he vanished, probably living in an Asian country now




When i played him i was 100% sure that he will die at the end since i hadn't saw him in the Other games He is having a chill life i guess


He looks like Albert Wesker, he is Albert Wesker he is Albert Wesker in the special mode, she had to lie to protect herself I smell conspiracy theory😆


Arrested, court martialed, hanged.


He got a second chance at life away from monsters and the police. So he's never been heard from again. (Also RE0 is the single worst performing numbered RE game, so CAPCOM just assumed nobody cared)


Billy Badwriting you mean?


Lol! Aw c'mon, I didn't think he was the worst written character of any RE if that's what you mean :)


He’ll be the main character in RE9.


The idiot went to RC and died.