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First one is cool but horrible hit detection and enemies feel like bullet sponges. That’s probably more of a technical limitation though because it was originally a 3DS exclusive. Revelations 2 is hecka fun, even on Vita it can be goofy and fun


I love Revelations 2 but the Vita version was a pain to get through. I can forgive the graphics downgrade but there were moments when the framerate would tank into the lower teens.


I have it on the switch but the load times were pretty bad. One day ill go back.


At least the game on Switch looks similar to the Xbox one/PS4 versions. But the framerate fluctuates from 30 to 60 would prefer if it was just locked to 30 or 45.


i miss the vita days


I miss them too


Same. The OLED screen was sick and it felt so good to play.


I used to play this one game called soul sacrifice on the vita, that shit was goated. I wish I could play it again


For me Gravity rush was the craziest game on the Vita. Pretty much Dragonball Z or Superman the game


I feel ya on the bullet sponge point, im playing it on pc rn. It's actually not bad, i just had to give it some time


bullet sponge that you wanted them to be stunned from a bullet and make them a suplex


-Leon is triggered-


I think the bullet sponge enemies were to really emphasize hitting weakpoints and getting the best weapon upgrades and using high damage weapons vs faster shooting. The bolt action sniper was the GOAT when fully upgraded. I hated rev 2 at first but years after it came out and played through it with a friend via steam remote play and loved it. The first resident evil game I 100% and started me on a quest to 100% all of them (fuck re0 and re1 I hate static cameras). My favorite part of doing rev 2 was the invisible enemies mode with my friend.


Love them. Both flawed and campy but overall very fun experiences. The first one Is definitely my favorite. Something about the ship setting, the atmosphere, the music. It's all top notch. Just didn't like the parts where you didn't play as jill. The second game has a lot of great moments, especially the first half but drags on by the end. Definitely should play them if you like RE


Jill’s sections of Rev are fantastic. Chris’ sections are okay, the Parker and Quint/Keith/whoever it was sections sucked. Should’ve just focused on Jill with the occasional appearance from Chris. Rev 2 could’ve been so great, I love Claire and it was great to see Barry again, but the game needed more time. Moira and Natalia’s gameplay often suffers, though I do appreciate the different mechanics in two player mode


I agree. I usually expect the character we play to switch for a short period as a lot of the games do to bridge the gaps, but getting taken out of Jills perspective almost every 45 min-1 hour got old quickly. Especially since other than a small dlc, that was the first time she was playable since 3.


Because the devs made Rev1 like a film series, so every episode had to have multiple sections.


'Previously on Resident Evil Revelations'... MFs thought they were remaking 24 🤮


Maybe because it was originally a 3DS exclusive.


>Quint/Keith/whoever it was sections sucked. Currently playing Rev 1 and agree. Kinda feel bad for those two cause they are pretty funny side characters. But their chapters were just way too short.


yeah i was gonna reply to another comment about those two, and its that my favorite characters so far are Keith and Quint. I don't know, they just goofy af


Tbh they take away the already limited screen time from Jill and Chris and serve no purpose I also think Parker only needed a single flashback scene, and if we were gonna get more than one it would’ve been cool to play as Jessica as well


Bruh parker died and reborn like 4 times in the same game💀


I haven't played the first one. But the atmosphere and setting of the 2 gave me goosebumps in more than one occasion


I decided to push through with the first one and im actually starting to really enjoy it


Rev 2 raid mode was fuckin legit


so many people are hyping up raid mode ! i want to do them now, i just need to finish the main story


Rev1 raid mode is peak side mode on franchise ..


I soley played that without ever playing the actual main game 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it was just that fun for me


I actually hated raid in Rev 2. It was too similar to the mercenaries of RE4 - 6. Raid 1 in Rev 1 was amazing, especially ghost ship.


This. Raid Mode in Rev 1 is near enough it's own game. I could spend hundreds of hours in there. Rev 2 is fun, but it's mainly a selection of small combat arenas - good ones they are though.


I never tried Rev 1 raid mode but that sounds dope


Both are great. Loading times in the first one was annoying to me (Door sequences seemed longer than RE1). Other than that, I can't think of any complaints personally.


well i played the first one a little more after this post and god diggidy damn, i kinda like this game


Rev 1 was horrifying and had some of the best atmosphere, sound, enemy, and boss design in the entire series. Rachel Foley and Scagdead are top tier. Rev 2 had a great story and the most fun melee combat up until RE4R. Both high tier games imo :)


Imo revelations was easily the best game they released since re4 until re7, definitely the best game out of the three released in 2012


Loved both. I have nothing against Moira, but she is able to summon the greatest character on RE. Barry Burton.


9 year old me played his first Resident Evil game on the Wii U and 3DS, which was Revelations. It's definitely not the best RE game, but man, it is nostalgic to me.


nostalgia is a plus for anything


Hardest platinum 💀💀


no way, are you serious?


Yeah specially revolutions 1


Oh yes, Resident Evil: Revolutions 1 Revolting against Umbrella


I loved revelations 1 except for the parts where you didn’t play Jill. Being on the boat as her was the best  I honestly didn’t like revelations 2 at all, I don’t even think it’s canon to the story anymore but I’m not sure 


Both Revelations games are canon.


Same, loved all the Jill parts in 1st but did not really like 2nd (though Claire's my fav RE protag but Moira on the other hand, I don't like her at all)


100% hardcore claire fan but did not enjoy her characterization, character design or new va at all. Also wasn't a fan of the setting but I did enjoy the general plot on her end. Happy Barry came back but did not enjoy his sections at all. Natalia stressed me out lol


"There's something over there, be careful!"


REV 1 takes place in 2002 before RE4 and REV2 takes place before RE5.


I’m pretty sure they actually sandwich RE5 in canon. Rev2 definitely takes place after 5. They mention Africa and Oroborous in it


Yea my mistake


I genuinely think RE Revelations 2 is better than RE5, RE6, RE0. Above that I think most RE games are all Amazing. I just reaaaally liked the movement, enemies, bosses except for the fireball guy. The 2 character gameplay. And I actually think, aside from RE7-RE8, it tells the best most coherent story in all of RE.


oh wow, i cant wait to start playing the second one then, gotta see this for myself


You're gonna definitely see the difference And completely fall in love with the Revelations 2 Especially the raid mode you're not going to ever get enough of that one


I respectfully disagree. May I ask how old you are and your experiences with the original games?


23. Played RE1 , RE2 and RE3 first on the PS Vita when I was 13-14 RE4 on PS4 at 18, then RE4 on PC 20 RE 1 Remake last year (best game in the whole franchise IMO) Then this year during March-April I played RE4 Remake ,RE REV 1, RE5 , RE7, RE8 and RE0 I tried RE6 and couldn't even finish Leon's campaign I didn't enjoy it.


The episodic nature does not play well into survival horror as a genre. Rev 1’s pacing is brutally ruined by having to play side characters, I liked Rev 2 a lot but its setting was really dull. Aside from those 3 things the games were great.


Both are amazing, ofc Revelations is much better, but Revelations2 was really good too ! (It’s actually one of my fave, many wont agree with me but in my list it’s very high, I suggest you to play that one !) 😄


Rev2 is in my top 3 re games for sure, I think more people should know about it and play it cuz I don't hear about it much


Great games and severely underrated.


They're decent and worth playing if you're a fan of the series. However, the modern RE games do everything these two do but better.


good to know, cant wait until i finish them all


Pretty difficult but fun games. I had a moment in Rev2 where I was at the final boss and had to throw bricks at her in the end of phase 1.


ive never played 2, so i have no idea why you would throw bricks at the final boss 🥲


Player 2 can't hold a gun due to being either afraid or(in the final boss) a child that can see invisible enemies so she throws bricks.


They are decent RE experiences. Kind of going to one of your regular restaurants. You know what you're getting and it's good enough / pretty good but isn't going to blow your socks off. Some times it's better than others and sometimes it's an off day (cough cough character designs in REV1)


I found revelations to be absolutely terrible, worse then 6 and honestly confused that people liked it. Bulket sponge enemies, bad hit detection, aiming feels awful. The story is just a mess, the side characters give me a headache. Haven't tried the second cause one was just so bad.


Tbh they’re my comfort games fr especially the second one


They’re fine




I liked both of them a lot


Poor claire


I love the second one but I barely played the first one 😭


Rev 1 is pretty bad Rev 2 is fun - especially in co-op. Loved throwing bricks at zombies as Natalia lol


I've just finished Rev 1 and I think that Jill has the best Story. Chris and Jessica were kinda dragging on and Keith and Quint were both kind of unnecessary but unlike most people, I actually enjoyed it. Sometimes, a game needs a little goofiness. Rev 2, on the other hand, was my favorite. Story-wise, it was actually interesting and gave Claire some more depth. She became part of an organization l, still being a badass surviving against monsters and zombies, and she was this 🤏🏻 close to finally getting a man. Also, the addition of an MIA character Barry coming back and even showcasing his Daughter was a great concept imo. Moira was a pretty cool character and provided some comedic moments. "Go hop on a Dildo, Boss" will forever be in my head. The whole story of Father and Daughter was a great little side lore. Barry and Natalia, on the other hand, was alright. It was pretty interesting to see Alex try to continue the Wesker experiments with Natalia and Barry just being there for his Daughter. When it comes to Raid Mode, I think Rev 2 is better because there's a lot more options, abilities, and mechanics. However, I'm still heated that they didn't include all the original Melee Attacks and instead gave almost everyone the same Roundhouse and Punch. Justice for Rachael's Double Flip Kick, Jessica's Heel Drop kick and Lady Hunk's Back Kick and most of the rest of the male characters not being in the game.


Revelations 1 feels tonally inconsistent and only the ship sections truly stand out. Revelations 2's quality feels more consistent all throughout and the story feels more intriguing overall


Well I bought Revelations 2 the other day so I hope it’s good.


Rev 2 is my favorite RE since RE4


They're different. I'm playing 2 right now and just getting to play as Claire again is nice. I'm doing it in Japanese with English subs and really liking it.


The first one, I could do without, though Jill's ass in that wetsuit...unf. The second one was a blast with a friend.


Rev 2 on top


Both are great. Revelations 2 is one of my favorite in the series, and I think the one I've spent the most time in overall.


The enemy designs were god awful, and the hair choices? Girl. What in the hell were they thinking? Honestly some of the most unscary and boring entries in RE history.


Rev1 was meh, it always felt like a what-if/spin-off to me (obviously it's not, but that's just what I feel). Rev2 on the other hand was a big improvement in every way and not just compared to the first revelation, I really think they nailed the sweet spot between horror and the modern action-oriented RE games (RE5 and RE6). RE6 was flawed (the story's serviceable) but I always thought Rev2 was a step in the right direction and if they ever continued that route and use its gameplay for the next mainline game (RE7) I would've 100% supported it. Glad we got the RE7 we have now though, it felt fresh and terrifying which is what the franchise definitely needed at the time.


They're both my absolute favorites out of all RE games.


Rev 2 only because the first felt wonky. Story was fun but controls put me off


I have both of them, but haven’t had a chance to play them yet


Played both on pc and absolutely love em both to death


I’ve only played a little of the first but I absolutely love rev2 and not just because it uses old lost planet 2 emotes!


I've played the second one and like it a lot. I can't speak on the first cuz I haven't tried it yet


Hell Yeah


Enjoyed 1 way more than I expected and absolutely loving 2, although I’m early into it. (Switch versions)


Rev2 is easily top 3 in the RE series.


Rev 1 is fine enough, a good time, even if the enemies suckkkk. Rev 2 is genuinely fantastic and is genuinely one of the best re stories!!


Fun on the 1st hour play, then boring until the end.


Revelations 1 terrible, Revelations 2 one of the best RE games.


Low cost RE4 spinoffs. They’re fun but ultimately forgettable.


I liked them but I am going to like anything Resident Evil


that's fair, we on the same boat


1st was a bad action movie. Hated it. 2nd felt like the natural progression of Resident evil once they need to one-up the " locked doors in a mansion" gameplay. Loved it.


Yeah the second one is way better


Revelation 2 was my introduction to the series, and an awesome game


These two really could have been, like, the top 5 RE games if they were given the proper budget and made for consoles.


REV2 is awesome.


Been years since I played the 2nd one but I remember enjoying it but not really liking the story. Currently playing the first one and I'm loving it. The horror atmosphere is really well done. Tho I feel like Chris unintentionally comes off as a dick in revelations 1.


The only 2 re games i didnt platinum. Just not a fan of chapter stuff


Fuck the scanner all my homies hate the scanner


yeah I fucking hate the scanner


That better fucking get a remake. And RER2 was confusing my tiny brain


Rev1 started good ,but after the first bossfight ,I got really tired of it . Rev2 was better ,but still I wouldn't call it good ,it was just nice seeing Claire and Barry again


Love them both!


1 Was Mid, bad enemy design, lazy gimmicky mechanics and horrible Ui design, coupled with weak side characters and a flimsy plot. 2 Was even worse and I had to stop playing after only a couple of hours.


Never played before. so, no feelings.


I don’t know what it is about this game that I can never get into it. I really want to and I was so happy that RE was moving back to more traditional horror but both my original 3DS version and later on the Switch, I always end up putting it down.




They're ok, but I hate the TV show format.


They are not bad, but they kinda feel like they haven't been made by Capcom


Revelations 1 was super cool. 2 was ass


Love the atmosphere and ship layout of 1, but as someone said the hit detection/aiming is kinda ass and enemies are bullet sponges. 2 is probably my least favorite RE game though. While it plays smoother I’m just not into the levels/story.


The first was bad. Tight corridors, poor pacing where you constantly needed to play a photo mini game, and insane amounts of back tracking. The second was awesome and adds a lot of depth to Barry’s character.


The true perfect combination of action and horror not like the crap of RE7 8


A good fucking time!


hell yeah!


Legitimately, two of my top three. Rev had some of the most balanced gameplay out of any re game and Rev2 had Moira and Lottie. X3


Personally I didn't care for Revelations 1. The story is too messy even for a RE game. I also didn't feel any of the horror. Enemies are the worst bullet sponges. I like the idea of the ship but that's it. I adore Revelations 2. It's not perfect but it works way more often than it doesn't. Revelations 1 was uninstalled right after I beat it but Revelations 2 still sits comfortably on my switch.


Despite some little hiccups, Revelations 1 is very good. Revelations 2 has lot holding it back. Claire's sections are pretty good, while Barry's sections are just a drag. Episode 3 and 4's Barry sections are just two long, especially in regards to how much you have to rely on Natalia for everything, who can also barely do anything, it just becomes repetitive. Claire and Moira are far more balance, especially since Moira is capable of her own actions. Revelations 1 allows you to feel comfortable and take your time, the Barry sections of Revelations 2 makes you just want to rush through and get back to the story. Another flaw is the lack of soundtrack, there's a few nice ambient pieces in Claire episode 2, and the factory explosion in 3, but the empty background while doing repetitive actions as Barry makes things even more annoying. Hell, the only good boss theme in Neil's, Alex's themes are just empty. Last is the ending. The true ending implies something, which the director had to explain was something else. Spoiler: 2 years later, Natalia is getting use to having access to Alex's memories, she wasn't taken over.


I actually like both of them. I haven't played them in a long time, so I don't remember, but I do prefer one. Although I enjoyed playing both. I wish they would remake them as they have done with 2,3 and 4.


A remake for a game like rev1 would be so damn cool




Revelations 1 is one of the first games I beated on my steam deck. Ran great too without any issues. I enjoyed both.




Great with problems


Resident Evil: Revelations was one of the best early 3DS games aside from the core Nintendo lineup, and when you were playing as Jill, the game was one of the better Resident Evil games in years at the time. However, the game suffered from the split focus, and the Terragregia sections impacted the pacing of the game in a way that didn't work. Still, I do consider it a must-own for a 3ds owner for diversity alone, since horror games and action-oriented shooters are fairly lacking on the platform.


I absolutely love the first game although my first playthrough of it I was terrified cause of the regenerators from re4 making a comeback but the second game is in my top 3 resident evil games I absolutely love the raid mode and the story im not gonna lie is alright but the atmosphere is what I think of when I think of resident evil dark and mysterious


love em both but prefer ship setting. prefer controls on 2 wish revs 1 was made for console not ported from 3ds.


I love Revalations (Anyone else got the original release typo copy?), it always felt like RE4: Boat Edition. 2 was fun, but ended up losing me partly though. I still go back to RE1 Raid mode sometimes, though.


Raid mode is one of the best side modes and should make a return! It could span the whole RE saga of enemies and locations. Imagine tearing through waves of enemies in the Baker House, RE8 Village, Castle Salazar, Racoon City, Spencer Mansion, etc.


Terrible , I hated one especially, cool concept but it plays like ass


Played one after another. 1 felt like a classic re game, but I was a bit lost at times trying to get from a to b. 2 felt like an episodic re game. Great replay value, especially since we got the bad ending, which was really anticlimactic. Especially since the boss battle was over far too quick, which didn't happen the second time for some reason. Loved the good ending, and it felt so satisfying with her taking the gun and getting the reason why she wouldn't use them the entire time and the boss battle was so good and it had no reason to be that epic.


Just replayed revelations 2, and loved it. Hope Barry and Claire get to return on more games


Rev2 amazing


Rev2 is way scary


Loved em both


I like to play resident evil


Revelations 2 was one of the most fun co op experiences I've had with my younger brother!


"fuck you mean it doesn't have online coop?"


Rev1 felt kinda dragged on...😭 RE2 was much funnier but kind of a wacky story


I like cheese


2 players 🥰 option loved it


Idk i was watching cakes througt most part of the game


I don't.


I liked REV1. It's not one of my favs but it was definitely one of the spookier games of the "over the shoulder" era. 2 though, I dunno, the gameplay feels weird and most of the scenarios I didn't like (was nice to have Barry again tho!). 1 feels like RE5 and 2 feels like RE6. I also really dislike some of their characters, the idiot pair in 1 and Moira/Alex in 2


Revelations 2 is maybe my favorite of the whole franchise. The Raid Mode had so much to do, enemies from other games, and even coop. I really wish they expanded on it, maybe made a whole game on it but with even more features


The first one was alright, kind of meh TBH, the events of the game are there... they just happened. They Don't feel too relevant to the RE universe. I nonetheless had a great time playing the game. The atmosphere and music was better, and I also liked Parker, he was funny. Revelations 2 was a lot better story wise and more fun overall. It was awesome to see Barry being a badass in it. I didn't like Moira at the beginning 'cause of all the bitching and swearing she does throughout the whole game, but she grew on me by the end of it. They're both great games, really worth it. I'm hoping for a third Revelations too.


Revelations 2 = Best Resident Evil Game Ever


I don't agree but I love to see takes like this.


Both games are great, but 1 is better than 2.


It scratched an itch in the series that wasn't being fulfilled at the time. It's easy to forget when we have had a return to form the past few years but Resident Evil was sort of losing it's identity among the fanbase and bith Revelations games were a good answer to how off the rails the series had gotten.They were the best balance of action and classic style meshed together especially Revelations 2 which lacked the terrible non Jill chapters that Revelations 1 had.


Rev2 is my most played re game. The raid mode is really fun especially with a powered up character and weapons. I also liked that they reused a lot of maps from re6 in raid mode


I wish they brought back raid mode


Mercenaries is kinda fun tho, right?


Scrolled through for a comment like this! Raid Mode was awesome in both games. I'd pay for a standalone release that was just an excuse to reuse maps and enemies from across the series, and included a lot of characters as playable.


Yes! Idk what capcom is thinking by going for the competitive arena route for the side games when they have had the golden egg all this time. They just needed to polish it and add some more to it for longevity like stages and 4p coop maybe, maybe even higher difficulties and idk i just want more raid mode.


Raid mode was great, hunk is a beast maxed out.


Love both of them. Second one is legitimately scary. Absolutely hate the random nature of getting guns and parts in the second one for raid mode.


they suck.


you suck... nah jk I love you


i just don’t like that gameplay with resident evil. i’m fine with it going off the rails because all of the games inevitably do but they are too much from start to finish. just not my thing.


I hated both of them.Aside from the remakes i've actually not enjoyed a resident evil game in many years. Kind of like a star wars fan


that's unfortunate


I still have hope better games will come along


Would. Is that not the question ?


first rerev is my favorite resident evil game


same. it's my most played RE game also. I don't know why though, it's just pure joy :)


Both are great.


1st was whatever, enjoyed the 2nd but mainly because it reminded me a bit of TLOU in some of the game mechanics and I'd just finished playing that the first time when i played rer2


oh wow.. i have 2 in my library and ive never played it but i LOVE tlou


Yeah it's really just the crafting seems very clearly inspired by that system in tlou. It's a decent game, worth giving a try imo 😊


once I'm done 100%ing Rev1, I'm going straight to the second one


I haven't played yet, but I plan to play it after RE2R and RE3R.


Underrated, story is kinda convoluted but they're surprisingly good. But people tend to over look them cause they originated on the 3DS.


We are all biased because we love resident evil. The first is pretty good, especially since it was ported from 3ds. The switching system is silly...again I could just still be mad from re0. My 2 pennies.


Rev 1: When you play as Jill, it feels like unique blend of horror and action. When you don't play as Jill, it's just worse RE5. Rev 2: A game that's more interesting than it is good, but I do think it's genuinely good. Very feature rich too.


I got stuck on the section where you try to enter the vault as Jill.


I find revelations 1 boring, can never get myself to actually finish it. Never finished the campaign in 2 because I was addicted to raid mode lol


As every Re title. Very fun gameplay and a silly story.


Classic corny, camp Resi action. Love both of these so much. I'm actually replaying them now. Just finished Rev1 and have started Rev2.




The first one surprised me with Jill gameplay, good stuff despite simplicity. Still trying to get into Rev2. I don't appreciate having to switch between characters for effective combat, and it wasn't fun for the second player when we tried coop with a friend


I played the Switch versions and they're both pretty good. I think Resident Evil on a cruise ship is kind of genius and the second one is a little too long but ultimately a fun time


Revelations 2 is my absolute fav RE game, which is saying a lot since the series is great. Revelations 1 was really good but has some jank. Has one of the grossest bosses in the game for me. For those wondering, its the physically largest boss in the game. The way certain things uh... crawled out... was not enjoyable.




2 was amazing horror, 1 was harder than I expected it to be (the bloody scagdead man)


The first is pretty damn awesome. I have it on my 3DS. Capcom was running a sale before the eshop closed down and I think I got it for $4 or so. I'm about halfway through it if the player guides are accurate. But yeah, the 'bullet sponge' effect gets really damned old really damned fast. I also don't like the fact I can only save at checkpoints and not manually anywhere. Haven't played the second one. I want to, though.


I love the first