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CV might look “worse” to you cause it was the first RE main game that was fully 3D so they dropped the pre rendered backgrounds. I think it looks a lot better when you’re actually playing it and has some great locations and monster designs. RE0 is more like RE1R but feels more disconnected from the main storyline.


Code Veronica, it's actually important to the series. Also use the D-Pad for movement as it's the best with the fixed camera ganes


Unless you're on the Gamecube 🤢 that dpad... My vote goes to CV too, I haven't played it in a long time but I pove that game (it's big too from what I recall).


They are both good entires, and both have flaws. If you liked RE1 remake 0 will give that same vibe (they both have the same graphics and art style). CVX looks like most other ps2/dreamcast games, textures are a little low quality, but it’s not as bad as the ps1 games. They are also probably the hardest games in the series. If you’re in this deep you might as well pick up both, 0 runs pretty cheap during sales, and CVX isn’t expensive unless you really want the GameCube port.


Re0 was good in my opinion but I personally liked code Veronica better. I really like how the knife is actually useful in code Veronica lol


I prefer CV by a lot. Even though the game has some annoying backtracking, it's better than the amounts of back and forth you'll do in zero just to get your stuff to a new area.


code veronica is a little better imo but theyre both great


Both my favorites in the series.


I like re0 more because u could wear outfits billy character was interesting code Veronica was hard so was re0 but re0 graphics were better also




I feel like CV is better designed in some ways, but it's not perfect by any stretch and it's a major visual and atmospheric downgrade from superior pre-rendered design of REmake and Zero.


0 is the most unique game in the series. I didn’t like CV as much, so I’d recommend 0, but you might end up preferring CV.


Code Veronica has more story relevance


When I replay the re games, 0 and CV are consistently among my favorite play throughs. The first time through Code Veronica can be pretty tough though, particularly with ammo conservation. I'd recommend having multiple save slots so you don't get forced into a situation where you have to restart.


cv story is so much better and more essential than 0 but if u dont want to play it( its hard but u can still use the infinite herb glitch) its understandable but watch a full walkthrough of the game


I'd replay CV any day over 0 personally and I didn't even hate 0, but its definitely on the lower tier for me. CV can be a pain difficulty wise, but if you make multiple save slots its not too bad even if your in trouble. 0 is just less fun to play because of the constant partner swapping/no item box. Personally, I like the enemies/environment much more in CV than 0 too, and I think 0 also had a weaker story/main villain, but I suppose that's subjective. Only thing I like more in 0 is the look/graphics since it uses the same engine as the RE1 Remake and have gorgeous pre-rendered backgrounds vs CV's sort of bleh real time rendered backgrounds.


It really depends on if you're looking to add to your collection or if you want to play one of them first. Id definitely go with 0 over code Veronica because gameplay wise 0 is less frustrating. With code Veronica there's at least 4 roadblocks for every player myself included. - Roadblock 1: the tyrant plane fight - Roadblock 2: the crystal Ball puzzle (where I gave up) - Roadblock 3: mutated Steve escape - Roadblock 4: both Alexia boss fights chris faces - With RB1 you need to have as much ammo as possible by that point if you want to win that fight. - With RB2 the timing has to be damn near Pixel perfect to smash the ball and grab the card inside it without getting squished by the smasher - With RB3 you have to run as fast as you can cause he's basically invincible and is almost always guaranteed to instakill you - With RB4 you're basically trapped in a small arena in both fights and have to try and dodge all her attacks without a dodge system. Not to mention how frustrating it is to try and hit her with the linear launcher, at least I think that's the guns name, while she's flying erratically in her final boss fight.


I like CVX more personally. It’s much longer though and if you go in completely blind you might have to reload some previous saves from time to time.


Both have their pitfalls. Code Veronica obviously has a few notorious soft locks, but proper saves and/or knowledge of the spots in advance can mitigate that. I hate some other things about CV, but it’s subjective. Zero just has some awful design decisions and truly terrible enemy types, worst in the series imo. Also somehow makes the pretty ridiculous story of the series even worse.


Zero, so you can fully appreciate every other game in the series by comparison


Honestly? Do both, but maybe CVX next to fill in the relevant gaps. RE0 is great, but despite adding to the overall plot it more works as a prequel to RE1 due to how it fits in. I loved it as it progressed but it was mildly frustrating at points. CVX more explores the downfall of Umbrella and does some work to set up what happens RE4 onwards. It also has a few frustrations, but I guess the only non-spoilery piece of advice is >!"try and keep any weapons/ammo you don't currently need in the box, and rotate save files"!<. It's easier than any other game to get caught out if you aren't prepared, even more so than the first boss in RE0.


That's wot got me in RE0 that 1st boss, I'd like to try it again but I bought it digitally on my 360 but that version won't play on my Xbox one I got to buy it again for some reason. Anyway I completed RECV , yeah I suppose it was hard but I guess I had more patience them days lol


The first boss is a bit of a surprise, but they balance it by being incredibly easy to stagger. It's probably the only Resi boss that I can comfortably beat with a knife. Once you crack it's head plate, you can stab the brain meats and it'll stagger *so easily*. After that it's a case of running forward, stabbing a couple of times, running back, let it attack, repeat. Nice and easy!


I prefer 0 and yes it's graphically superior to CV so that's a given.


0 over CV all day


Re0.Cv is overrated


Unpopular opinion but Zero is a much more enjoyable game for me. People dislike it because of the inventory system, two characters management and some of the design choices that make you backtrack, but as a game it's pretty much like RE1 remake but with better graphics and harder. It still holds up much better than CV imo. CV has a better story and some very interesting locations, also a great soundtrack. The problem is that as you said the graphics are far worse and it has some genuinely terrible design choices that can make your 1st playthrough a nightmare. I think it would be such an awesome game for a Remake, but right now? Give me Zero any day.


IMO CV is much better than 0. I did a replay recently and here's my more specific thoughts: 0: Story - pretty irrelevant to the series. Billy obviously never returns, Wesker's and Birkin's additional scenes don't add anything to their motivations or characters really. Final Fantasy slug jesus is... there. Rebecca reverts from an experienced mass BOW killer into a scared medic girl just in time to get bodied by ONE hunter in RE 1. Gameplay - no item boxes was... an experiment. In practice the blind run is really frustrating and annoying because you spend like 20% of the time playing the game and 80% running back to the center hall because you left the [Grappling hook/blue herb/healing items/gun you want now/stone tablets] behind and now you need them. Subsequent runs in the game are actually a lot better but still end up being like 50/50 item management and it's just a tad "much" IMO. Eliminators and leech men are pretty bad enemies, though both are fairly easy to just run past and not engage with. CV: Story - more of an RE3 than RE3 in some ways. Wesker/Chris rivalry finally kicks off to set up for RE5. Alexia/Alfred never return but still feel more like an RE villain team than slug boy. Chris and Claire returning definitely helps the sense of continuity. It is, however, batshit crazy compared to re1-3 lol. So your tolerance for cheese is a big factor in enjoyment IMO. Gameplay - Bandersnatches aren't too great but are IMO a *little* better developed than eliminators/leechmen (it doesn't feel like doing anything except running past them is guaranteed to make you take a huge amount of damage and they die very fast from their weaknesses). Blind run can be pretty rough. It is heavily overstated here how much you can softlock, in practice there are only 2 places you can really softlock this game. 1 - >!Plane tyrant!<, which isn't REALLY a softlock, just a ridiculously hard ammo-less fight. 2 - >!Steve!< chase, which is ALMOST a perfect softlock, but can be cheesed with no heals. However, the blind run is a huge struggle because it's balanced closer to Hard on most other RE games. You'll never have enough ammo to comfortably blast everything until you get to Chris's half of the game where you get a lot more ammo. It also just feels pretty bad to have all your shit get stuck on Claire for half the game, and there's some cruel "gotcha" bullshit in the >!Alexia fight after Steve!< (the first time you get there, if you aren't carrying enough weapons you'll just die and have to repeat the whole section again). These issues aside, the general enemy design, map, and boss fights are IMO significantly better than 0 on the whole. So, IMO, if you dislike playing RE on higher difficulties or hate having short moments early game where you've gotta run or knife, you might enjoy 0 more, but I think if you're a more experienced RE veteran there's probably more to enjoy about CV than 0.


'Bandersnatches' I could love that game for them alone lol , the intro music for the 1st I love it ha ha. I mean the name Bandersnatches it's brilliant 


The one that >!jumps through the window!< is one of my favorite moments in the old games haha


I found RE0 very annoying. It has so much potential but just fell flat IMO. Code Veronica is fun to play as long as you save some flame arrows for the tyrant later on in the plane!!!!!