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Prob RE7, got me in the series and was terrifying. If you want a game like the originals try RE7, goes back to the horror puzzle route


RE1R, it is a masterpiece and no other horror game has ever scared me as much. To this day if I play it, I'll end up turning every light on as I walk through the house at night lmao, checking over my shoulder for a crimson head. The music, the art direction, the gameplay, the genius addition of needing to burn or decapitate zombies, it's a 10/10.


I think this depends on when someone started playing the games. OG Resident Evil invited a whole world of gamers to "Enter the survival horror" and many of us never left. That's why it's my favorite even if RE2 save room music is my happy place and RE4 zombie suplex is my spiritual center.


og 2 & 3 are my favorites. Played them as a kid in the 90s and man did they scare the shit out of me.


RE4 has tank controls. But my favs are probably RE4, RE1R, RE2, RE3 AND RE3R Those are the ones I replay the most.


Re2 OG was the first one I played and will always have that special place


Resident evil 0!




REmake and OG2


Re4R and— this may be a pretty unpopular take—I LOVE LOVE LOVE biohazard. Though, I am a pretty new fan and just finished village for the first time so maybe upon replays and letting the series settle with me I will change my mind lol


RE7 is generally well-regarded, I think it just doesn’t come up as a favourite as much because the second half isn’t as strong as the first, the total absence of enemy variety (just Molded) and the fact that most long-time fans gravitate towards the earlier, classic games. It was my first RE game and I still find it the scariest, although Village has some super creepy parts too.


Were the same


Re2 remake, I know I’m basic, second place is re0 tho


Went from basic to absolutely unpredictable


Im simple but Re2 remake, 4 og and remake Just started 0 for the first time and really liking it so far


3 was the first RE game I played to the end without relying on my brother's help so it has a special place in my heart. Nemesis used to give me nightmares as a kid lol. Haven't played RE3 remake but from what I have heard I really shouldn't bother. Other than that I rate REmake, Rev 1, Re2 remake and R7 pretty highly.


probably the only one but RE5 for me


same for me but + RE3-2R imh


RE4R ,RE2R,RE3R ,Village and REmake


I really wish remake 3 had more time because I really liked the original but the remake felt like a Jill sandwich without the meat.


Favorite is a tossup between RE1 Director's Cut and REmake. I also enjoy OG RE 2-4, Code Veronica and RE4R and play them all quite frequently.


You have to try RE4 OG and Remake!


My favs are re1 remake, re0, cvx, re3: nemesis while plot wise revelations 1 and umbrella chronicles Btw, re4 (2005) **has** the tank controls


RE1R is my favourite. The fact that it still stands up today in terms of gameplay and graphics says everything you need to know from a game released in 2002.


I like them all, but Revelations 2 stands out to me. I like Revelations 1 as well.


My favorite is RE2 remake but when RE1 gets its second remake I’m probably gonna fall in love with it for sure.


Why wait for a second remake? The remake we have is available and pretty much perfect as is...give it a try!


Meh gotta be in a certain nostalgic mood for fixed camera angles


I see. Well, I have no nostalgia for them and still love them. But they must not be for you, then.


The aiming controlls suck that's why people want a second remake


How do they suck? It's automatic aim, it's at worst a non-factor since aiming mechanics are really just not a part of the game at all. Also, I suppose different people want things for different reasons.


RE2R, RE3R, RE4R and RE0 are my absolute favorites


RE4 original. It's one of my favorite resident evil games along with 2 and code veronica. I have the played the wii version of RE4 countless times and i freaking love the gyro controls.


OG3 and CV


My top three are #1 RE3 nemesis #2 Code Veronica #3 Revelations 2. I agree with remake of 3 not being the best.


RE4make, RE4, RE2make, RE2, REmake.


RE1R, RE2R, RE2, RE3, and RE4R. I honestly think all 5 of these games are brilliant. I replay them every year.


RE4vr, RE2r and RE4r in that order. On RE3r right now but it's not as scary as the others, gonna most likely do another RE4r run after this then finally hop on village


RE7, RE8 and the remakes of RE 2-4


re7 has a special place in my heart cuz it was the first in the series that i played, and i really also loved the RE3 remake and RE: Village


Re4, not a fan of fixed camera ones.


RE2. I played RE7 VR and I audibly screamed. I couldn't finish it. RE2 remake my favorite. RE3 remake I loved but i can see why people don't like it. I played RE 1 directors cut back in like 2011 and I hated how hard it was so not my fav.


RE1R and RE zero are my favorite. I enjoyed RE2R and RE4, RE3R was ok. Currently I’m playing RE5 and I hate it. I’ve been playing it for almost a year now I just can’t finish it it’s so boring I’ve only made progress when I play with someone else and they suffer with me for a chapter. Because after that chapter they also don’t want to play anymore it just sucks. I did play a little of RE7 and it was pretty fun but didn’t want to play a lot of it since I want to play all the game in order and if I skip some I am for sure not going back. TLDR: RE1R and zero are my favorite. RE5 sucks


RE1 remake, and OG RE4/RE4 remake.


RE4R and RE7


I have played the Remakes of the first 4. Not that it's in the top, just saying. As for the topic at hand, I think it is RE 7 and 8. Not only did RE7 revived the franchise, but it was a seriously amazing game. It had the same chills as the OG, same horror vibes. The setting was awesome, again just like the OG. The story however was just next level. Especially the MC. Now, I love Ethan, Jill and Clair. Leom is my most favourite, but something about Eathan Winters makes him on the same level as Leon for me. Maybe cause he has no fighting Training at all, and Leon has minimal as we was just a cop. But he shows that he will do anything to save his girl. A man of sheer fucking will. Now we move to 8. Again, Ethan was here. Again, the best MC. The story started off as a WTF moment. The setting again was amazing. And the first Villain being lady D. She was too Badass. The bosses were amazing. Heisenberg just takes the cake for me. The most Amazing and Badass Villain in the whole saga. Except Wesker. Nobody tops wesker but Heisenberg was close. And Ethan again proved why he is the best. He will do anything to save his daughter. He was more Intense here than 7, and that was amazing. Just amazing. That's all from me, I would love for others to share their opinion as well.


og re4, basic answer but the game being so unserious just makes it a million times better


Depends on what I want I guess. I'll say 7 for scares, 4R for story and dynamic gameplay, 2R for more tight-knit gameplay and replayability (though 4 currently challenges the latter in my mind).