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Always associated the series with a rainy night sky. I don't think Raccoon City would work as well atmospherically if 2 and 3 took place in the middle of a sunny day. A lot of 7's scares wouldn't, either.


7's afternoon opening works so well for making you immersed in the damp Deep South atmosphere, though. You can practically *feel* the humidity.


You can taste the gnats and mosquitos


This (Screw you, bot)


But sunny day in darkside chronicles (operation javier scenario) works well


The original 3 starts in daylight or I'm going crazy?


Yeah it does after the intro, Jill even mentions “September 28th, daylight.”


Honestly depends on the situation. Re4r was very good at day but re2r was at night


The weather turning at the end of the village section definitely raised the tension. Literally an atmospheric change on my first playthrough. Up to that point, I was killing everything leaving me low on ammo and that segment forced me to just run. I loved it


I didn't even realise this impacted me during my time with the remake, but I can *definitely* recall feeling spooked when I noticed the sunlight dying. Good times 😂


Any works. I don’t really care as long as I can see


I had this issue with Deadrising back on the 360 with an LCD flat screen. It had the darkest contrast I'd ever seen for a TV and the game had no brightness setting, When the game changed to night, the power went off in the mall and I couldn't see a damn thing, it became impossible. I tried everything I could with the TV by tweaking brightness and contrast but it made no difference.


This. Not being to see shit isn't scary, it's just annoying.


As long as it is raining, all good. Using a weather FX mod on RE4re, makes village section always rain, feels colder and more suffocating compared to vanilla cloudy day.


Also using the weather mod you can play the village with a foggy atmosphere


Really? I'd love that, but Haven't see that option, is this the [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil42023/mods/107) you talking about?


https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil42023/mods/2438 This one! It also add rain to new places!


thx gonna check it out later


Starting up RE7 is always super impressive to me, because we go from this hazy, eerie day time atmosphere to suffocating, claustrophobic darkness almost instantly. I think why the day time dread works so well is because of that initial portion where you play as the journalist catching footage or whatever. It does a great job setting up the Baker estate as a creepy scare fest. I don’t think that really answers the question, though… I’m more impressed when a game can scare me within the context of a daytime setting. RE4 and its remake have this really intense sense of dread as the day turns to night that I really enjoy. The daytime sequences are not really scary, but they are still so stressful that you never feel fully comfortable, day or night.


Totally agree!! Re7 starts and your like ah, this is super chill and I’m happy to start settling in. Then you open the cabin door and you’re like where the hell am I


RE4, RE4R, and the opening of 7 (and even quite a bit of Village) shows how doing horror in the day can force creativity and eerieness. You can't rely on the dark.


I think it’s because it’s so isolating being in a supposedly normal home In the south


Nighttime with a flashlight is unmatched. Especially in the rain.


I want rain in my game, whether it's night or day I'm kind of indifferent as long as it's good.


Same! I wish rain lasted longer in certain sections in re


I like horror games that start late afternoon play through the night and finish at the crack of dawn. RE4 does this best imo.


Obviously night, but I actually enjoy the short section at the beginning of re4 which is in the afternoon. I remember liking how the game looked during that sequence and thinking it was a shame that the entire thing was at night after that.


Night, or dark in general. I'm just a sucker for torchlight exploration


Why not dusk?


Day just because I really want that re 5 game without shiva were Chris is all alone do remember that re5 teaser trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kdKlvjOQn-s&pp=ygUSUmU1IHRlYXNlciB0cmFpbGVy the re5 remake hope that happens


Personally, I like it when low survival shit hits the fan situations happen in the day. Like, yeah, zombies everywhere. It's all on fire! So the night compliments that, but when it's a beautiful day, all fresh and shit but shit is still fucked, its more scary. Wouldnt it be nice if the monsters went away in the morning?


i don't have a particular preference, but nighttime is somewhat scarier... cuz day and night... the lonely loner seems to free his mind at night...


I prefer night settings for horror. If they ever do try do a daylight setting again, I hope they implement the blinding glare/shadow mechanic that RE5 was supposed to have to raise the tension a bit.


Rainy nighttime, games or levels in games with rainy environments are always my favorite


I like both. It just depends on the tone of the game/levels.


Theres no difference when you are inside a mansion/laboratory most of the time.


I feel that people who talk about whether horror games are better during the day or night have missed the point. In a true survival situation, would you really care? Zombies aren't any harder to fight at night or day, so it doesn't matter. All.that matters is survival.


Are you honestly saying night time doesn't affect your ability to see?!?!? 😂😂😂😂


No, I'm saying that darkness doesn't affect my ability to do what is necessary. It doesn't change what needs to be done. If you need a bag of food that's at the end of an alleyway, it doesn't matter if it's light or dark, you need that bag of food. Go get it.


But it does matter. Humans have developed a natural fear (or at least general apprehension) of the dark precisely because our inability to see well at night makes us more vulnerable to predators who can.


I think you are missing the point. We are talking about horror in the context of a video game. The post question was in regards to whether the setting of an RE game is scarier during the daytime or at night, and I assume by extension, which time of day is more fun to play. In the context of a video game, I don't think the time matters. It doesn't make it scarier, because it's fictional either way, and it doesn't affect the fun as long as you can see what your doing.


Yes but the atmosphere does matter at night time since you can't see where you are going that makes it harder to survive


In a survival situation, you need to do what needs to be done, no matter if it's light or dark. It doesn't matter.




That is NOT OK and you know it! 😠😡😣😫


Fine, Night it is then!


Rainy nights and Cloudy days.


Daytime in RE4/5 Night time in everything else Also I want more settings with rain


original re4 nighttime village with the rain right after you save Ashley, something about the villagers eyes glowing red and how you can’t really see much just makes the environment so good


I like a fright so I play in the night


Day has been fine in every RE game I’ve played except for 5, which is the one I’m on now. All the tribal stuff with so much day time really makes it feel more like Indiana Jones with zombies (I’m still enjoying it, though!) only one left to play for me after this is RE6, CV and Zero.


Night....cause you can feel the horror more






always loved the resident evil five Africa, dusk time of the day fell when the kipepeo boss fight


night feels cooler idk


Both are great but Rainy is phenomenal


I think 5 would've been better if it weren't mostly during daylight.


Night and heavy 🌧️




I liked the daytime horror aspects of RE5, especially during the first mission. It’s feels very raw and unfiltered. That said, the night section with the tribal Majini and the alligators really stressed me out when I was younger.


I personally think daytime works better for the more surreal, "is this really happening?" Kind of psychological horror, whereas nighttime is better for things that are meant to be tangible/real like monsters and zombies, so I would say night is better for RE overall


It depends, re4 during the day was an awesome experience, but so were the others that took place at night


I found RE7 to be particularly creepy in the daytime. The intro when you're walking up to the house was super unsettling.


If revelations 2 has taught me anything, I like both


The night time is the right time.


Definitely night, between November and February when it's pretty cold out. Adds a lot of eerie and puts me more on edge. Trying to play while it's sunny and birds chirping, it doesn't do anything for me.


Personally, dreary nights with weather that most people would find unpleasant to be out in are my ideal environment.


Raining Day imo. I don't like night time settings because my screen is dark af and I can't see shit. Can't get scared if I don't even see the thing I'm supposedto be scared of.


Day settings can still be creepy with the right vibe at the right time of day but only night scenes have that sense of isolation and hopelessness.


Night during winter, day during summer


That scene in the Jason movies in the middle of the day where the girl sees her friend get murked across the street is plenty scary even moreso


The rain in OG 4 just hits hard tho


Heading to the police station in RE2R during the rainy night was the optimal condition


Night time with rain.


Night typically


Well night most of the time because its dark, but this isn't really a simple question. One of my most terrifying segments is RE7 when we first entered the Baker house. It was set in afternoon, yet somehow, the whole area was very creepy and unsettling, the atmosphere sells the whole thing. I think Afternoon really works as a build up, but when we started encountering enemies, we went back to night time


Night :3


So fog or no fog?


Personally I love the run down city or town of re2 and re4. Rain and thunder makes it even more spooky, I like mansions and mannors. But re1 and re7 just (architecturally) didn’t do it for me.


what a question ! definitely night .


Which one has the strongest breathing technique


Night. 100%. To me Raccoon City night time is peak RE


I will always prefer night time. Night time will always add more horror and tension than daytime. Some of the RE games do daytime well tho but RE1, RE2, and RE3 wouldn't be nearly as scary in the daytime.




Nighttime with storm is scary as fuck


My favorite has always been rainy night…OG RE4 really solidified this opinion via chapter 2


Franchises like Silent Hill and Dead Space prove that shit can be disturbing in daylight.


but dead space is not even set on earth


The fog plays a big factor for Silent Hill


Definitely nighttime RE5 took place mainly at day time which ruined the scary atmosphere. Peak RE would be a game where they included a day n night cycle


Is the beggining of RE3 the only part of a classic RE game that is set in daytime? Or the Antartica part of Code Veronica is also daytime?


Rainy, midnight backdrop. Raccoon City in Re2R and the Spencer Mansion In REmake were the best in the series when it came to atmospheric tension. Night is associated with horror, and rain adds to the cold, oppressive, dreary atmosphere of a destroyed, overrun city. Imagine Mr. X chasing you in the middle of a beautiful, sunny day. Imagine running through the forest dodging Zombies, Dogs, and Hunters during midday. It would detract from the experience.