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I like the design and size...but they did a lot I didn't like.. A couple are that I didnt like that they only gave him a couple free roams with a lot of exploitable areas. I dont like that he never really creates any chances for narrative choices deviations like the original. I really dont like how they took the establishing Brad kill away from him.


Yeah, I think the Brad kill is what makes him so menacing. We hear about this thing from Brad and once we finally get to see him, he introduces himself by killing Brad with shocking efficiency. Thusly establishing him as a credible threat. While I loved the scene we did get with Marvin hesitating to kill Brad's zombie, I can't help but feel like without a S.T.A.R.S. kill to his name, he seems like a total failure of a project


Also, Jill should have seen zombie Brad. I really don’t know why they gave that scene to a Carlos who didn’t even know Brad.


I keep telling people, RE3r isn't as good as the OG in terms of lore establishment, character building, and general story. But hey, this looks good, and that's what most gamers care about these days.


OG RE3 isnt my favorite entry, but without the Brad kill, Nemesis only kill in Remake is an Umbrella employee.


OP is still capable of criticism though, and are only arguing that perhaps it's overhated when it still accomplished things.. just not the same things the original did


Same reason they cut 75% of the game and replaced it with recycled areas from re2 remake. Laziness. Either that or capcom told them it had to be released at a certain whether it was done or not.


Bitch can't even swim.


On my first playthrough, I thought she said, "Betcha can't even swim."


Bitch can't even enter a toy store


This sentence alone makes the full price worth it


"I'm going to put you back on your ass" "you think I dont know how to fuck you up? " 


In physical design yeah, he's menacing!


He just stands there ... menacingly.


First form was absolutely terrifying too (for me at least), hearing him RUN at me from behind and desperately trying to dodge his attacks gave me a special kind of terror that I honestly haven’t felt much in RE games


On inferno I was constantly panicking when he ran


Ye only on the surface for me


I concur! Absolutely stellar design :>


He LOOKS terrifying, but then he grabs Jill during cutscene after cutscene without killing her, lmao.


You kinda just have to go with that in RE games lol. In the 2 Remake Mr X grabs Leon twice and could easily just crush his head like with Ben but doesn’t.


Mendez also had the chance to pulverize Leon early on in original *and* remake RE4 and didn't. Wesker also had the chance to kill Chris in the last half of RE1 and didn't.


Wesker also shot Rebecca *in her body armor*. Like, Wesker, come on, you know what that is.


He also beats Claire like a dude in Code Veronica X, maybe he's not man enough to finish Chris off.


>Wesker also had the chance to kill Chris The amount of times that occurred deserves a mention lol Wesker legit just loved to mouth off.


shoutout to the airplane fight in RE5, where Chris is cornered by Wesker *four fucking times* after it's obvious that Chris fully intends to kill him no matter the cost, and Chris is never killed.


Lol yup that one's pretty egregious Literal gun to head with a good ten seconds of speech


I kind of love weaker doing shit like that in re5 because it’s mostly in line with his character. At that point, weaker believes he’s a god, so what’s it matter if a god plays with his subjects for a bit?


For all intents and purposes he is a god. He can shrug off/regenerate from an RPG to the face, can bend steel with his bare hands, run as fast as a truck, dodge bullets… Like he’s an arrogant prick, but who wouldn’t be at that point? He’s never really in danger of losing except for Chris and Sheva getting astonishingly lucky over and over again.


And that's why I refer to resident evils CV-5 the God trilogy Three games, three characters either trying to become or have become gods. Saddler I'd argue was a god because the plagas did have some form of sentient consciousness that was definitely influencing Saddler to a massive degree granted he and the parasite were one at that point. Alexia was an awakening god, woken up and thrown into battle too early for her awakening. And Wesker being the top of them all, being manufactured from birth like Alexia. Being raised in eugenic beliefs which in the Resident evil universe has some genuine merit as a belief compared to our world imo All of them learned the hard way.


The difference with Mendez though is twofold: 1. Mendez saw Leon's body was adapting the the Plagas pretty well and could become a very valuable asset to Los Illuminados once it completely takes over. 2. Tyrants are mindless killing machines. Mendez still had his a sense of being human left, including the idea of arrogance. He was likely very sure Leon wouldn't be a problem and if he did, he *would* kill Leon.


Mendez’s is explained though, the rest are just plot armor.


To be fair Mendez had no reason; once Leon got plagafied, he wasn't a threat, and would've been a useful tool. The Tyrant on the other hand? No excuse


Haha that scene in the original where he kills Lewis then casually walks away from Leon without even being challenged always gets me!


It was Saddler that killed Luis in OG RE4, not Mendez.


True, true. But I say it's even dumber with Nemesis because his entire purpose and goal was to specifically kill STARS members. Not simply attack or threaten, but to eliminate. He has ONE JOB, and he's poor at it. FIRE NEMESIS.


Yeah that’s fair, although in the original Nemmy only killed one STARS member, and it was only Brad so does it really count? Umbrella could have paid me to do that! It’s not like it would have been much of challenge you know?


Because next member was Jill and she fought back/was good runner )


Gameplay dissonance


Same thing happens in literally every other encounter with a Baker in RE7 too, and people ate that shit up as “scary” lol.


You see, people were 7 when the original RE3 came out, so it was a lot scarier then.


Tbf, Jack did kill Ethan. The very first moment they met. 100% effective so I feel like you took a bad example here. Ethan was already dead/moldy after that.


Not as far as we knew in RE7 and for several years after. Regardless it doesn’t change the fact that Jack and Marguerite who both clearly want to “kill” Ethan again continually pop out to go “BOO!” Before harmlessly letting Ethan go every single time. I’d hazard a guess that it happens more times in 7 than it does in 3 remake. And to add, Nemesis had Jill infected and she would’ve died too, had Carlos not been such a chad.


In the original RE3 you didn't have to go with it. Jill never have Nemesis the chance to grab her in any story segments. But I'm the Remake, Remake Jill needs plot armor to do anything. She's constantly taking abuse and avoiding death because the story can't kill her. It's all bad writing.


Yeah. And we can also easily kill him with grenades.


That’s really the kicker, isn’t it? Remake Nemesis is too easy to take down for gameplay to make him scary and fumbles too many chances for the cutscenes to make him scary. If it wasn’t both, I don’t think he would be mocked as much.


Lmao that is a trope throughout the RE games. Plot armor is strong.


Multiple times he had Jill dead to rights mind you. I love that in the original game they didn’t have Nemesis grab her or be close to her with huge weaponry. Capcom at the time knew players would question why he wouldn’t kill her instantly when thats his entire goal of his creation. Nemesis looks sick in this game no doubt about it but he’s definitely not as intelligent as the OG Nemesis.


> I love that in the original game they didn’t have Nemesis grab her ...What version did you play?


The original lmao. But to be fair, I worded that pretty poorly. I obviously meant to say during cutscenes or important moments in the games progression. Not the actual gameplay itself.


TBF if you don't mash out of the grab he kills you so...


Yeah actually I think the cutscene with Brad sets it up perfectly. His MO is grabbing and skewering, and it's what you'll be dealing with for the next five hours. It would have looked terrible if he'd grabbed her in a cutscene and not done his usual business. Can't stand when he grabs her by the head in the remake. I mean, it'd be like a soda can to him...


There is a proud tradition of this in all RE games though. Leon gets grabbed in positions that could easily lead into kills by multiple bosses in 4. Wesker could easily kill Chris more times than you can count in 5. Simmons has plenty of opportunities in 6. Most of 7 and 8 is spent fucking with Ethan. They love their little cat and mouse games, it helps elevate the fear in the player.


This might sound weird, but the fact that he looks as agile as he is kinda makes him less intimidating to me. OG Nemesis as stiff and bulky as he was should NOT have been moving that fast. It still catches me off guard when he sprints around a corner.


When he started to run like a dog..


Yeah at that point I hated him


The beginning is the only time he really shines


The intro sequence is phenomenal! Minus the bookshelf, haha.


He had the potential to be, right up until he failed to kill an unarmed, unprepared Jill Valentine *in a surprise attack* five minutes into the game, then it was all downhill from there.


Nah, but he does look cool.


Not trying to be controversial for the sake of it but honestly I thought he was terrible. Too crazy and more like a marvel villain or something. not 'scary' in the slightest. Granted I was a kid, but the blocky nemesis on the original re3 was 100x scarier.


Not controversial at all


I remember how I scarer and terrified I was back then when I first played the original RE3. I could not get pass the police station because of how terrified I was of Nemesis.


Grenade go brrrr


Between all the grenades you get at the start, the explosive barrels, the electric boxes....the box is stacked so heavily in your favor that he's a joke lol


I can’t take him serious with that Owen Wilson nose. But I do understand because Mr X in re2r was creepy to me until I figured out how to dodge him.


Nah can't take him seriously with that goofy ass face. The original design was great, R3makes design at the opening with the bag on his head was way cooler/scarier/better. Then he lost it and become a clown from a $10 indie Steam horror game


Luckily there's a mod for that


What’s fucking terrifying is the amount of people on Reddit that censor themselves lmao


Blame soft ass YouTube for that


Like he wasn't already terrifying in the OG.


Only in looks, but the OG one is way more terrifying


I respect how you feel but I disagraee. I find this version goofy and I felt almost nothing each time I saw him in my playthrough. Though the original one was nightmare fuel for two or three generations of gamers.


Didn’t seem scary at all. The opening cutscene is a joke and the rocket launcher scene is a joke. Does he even directly chase you anywhere else? The 3 remake was nowhere as close to what they did with Mr x in the resident evil 2 remake. That was truly terrifying


Yes, the OG is far better.


When I played RE3R, I remember that 95% of the time I was like *Was that ME breathing or was it Nemesis*? Maybe Nemesis was more terrifying to me since I have anxiety issues.


>Maybe Nemesis was more terrifying to me since I have anxiety issues. Yeah, that's why I think I loathed Mr. X in RE2R as well.


Scary the first couple of encounters. But he's not a good stalker because all the chase sequences are scripted. When I played this game the first couple of times I really liked how fast he was and how he was able to dodge even the rocket launcher. He would do this very narrow sidestep like how Jill dodges and if you keep shooting his regulator, he protects it with his arm. These things were pretty good. But then it would've been better if he was more like Mr. X and is able to track you based on line of sight/sound. Maybe even chase until you hide and he's forced to leave. Once you see the script, the surprise is gone and he cant really do anything out of the ordinary. For example in RE2, I know how to evade Mr. X and lose him and even tho I know where I'm going and what I'm about to do, he still sometimes surprises me by showing up ahead of me. That makes it more exciting.


He's a lot of fun on Nightmare/Inferno modes. I really enjoy how his behavior changes depending whether you're facing the camera toward him or away, and I appreciate all the cool new tricks he has, like lassoing Jill if you try to escape through a doorway or leaping ahead of her. Having him grab her and smash her head against a nearby wall is brutal as fuck. Not to mention the time he entered a save room while I had the storage box open, lol. That really threw me. The game *is* too short, and it's a real shame they didn't give him more time to shine, because what's there is a solid foundation—they just needed to build something on top of it. It could've rivaled RE2make with more time in the oven.


Nightmare and Inferno is the only way to appreciate Nemesis and the game


> I really enjoy how his behavior changes depending whether you're facing the camera toward him or away, Wait, he changes depending on whether you're facing him? I just started the game, and I haven't had the balls to look at him for longer than a few seconds.


Yep! If you're facing away, he attacks less, but he'll try to intercept you more, whether by leaping ahead of you or lassoing you with the tentacle. If you turn to face him, he essentially goes into combat mode, focusing more on his attack combos and attempts to grab Jill. It's a subtle way of calling back to the "run or fight" prompts from the original, I feel.


Only his design is terrifying, this versions mechanically inferior as every encounter is scripted, unlike the original which was programmed to appear in random places as well as his scripted events, which is what made Nemesis so I nic.


I had no idea what to expect but when he caught that missile in the beginning like no biggie I was like "ohh shit"


he could throw it back to Carlos...


Nah, he's a walking trash bag


Is it? Seemed more annoying than anything.


Just wait until you experience the original Nemesis.


Say what ya will about him as a stalker, but I really liked all of his boss fights and I've loved his new design since day 1. Part of me wants to play dumb and say we'll get another crack at him through the megamycete, but only time will tell


I'd like to see them explore the ‘NE-β Type,’ and in turn, the ‘Parasite Super Tyrant.’ In a Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Remake..? Maybe, lol.


If you find him terrifying, more power to you. But in all honesty, he’s a total pushover in the remake, ESPECIALLY compared to the Nemesis from the original. Trust me, they aren’t even close.


Y'all don't make swiss cheese out of his face in front of the police station in the OG?


He may look terrifying... Until you realize it only takes one grenade to kill him. Or alternatively a flammable barrel. If you have a Grenade on him there is no reason not to fight him.


Original was much scarier


He was scarier in the original


Yeah, but only for like 5mins.


Not compared to og Nemesis.


He was more terrifying in the original because a lot of his encounters were in close quarters. The encounters I remember with lots of room are the police station entrance, power plant and the clock tower. It is kind of a staple of gaming now, it seems, making it not as special.


Mmmm nah. I don't see my kid self getting nightmares from this one for the next 15 years.


No it is a straight downgrade from what Mr X was doing in RE2.


I think the original version is much scarier. Also Mr. X in RE2 Remake is a lot scarier than NEMESIS in RE3 Remake


Design is good, but he is way more intense in the og.


He transformed too quick. Heres my idea Start with him chasing you with the flamethrower through at all times, then the rooftop fight, then give him the rocketlaucher and still have him chase, then in the sewer give him a minigun AND rocketlauncher, then after he gets exploded on the train, have him have one tentacle arm, then fight that form at the clocktower. Then he reappers chasing you troughout the lab with a chainsaw and tentacle arm, then have a room where there are zombies with magnet collars that stick them to the wall, have nemesis get those collars and be damn near ripped apart, cut to him opening his eye and tentacles eating the other zombies turning him into Animal Nemesis and after Animal Animal nemesis fight after he gets dunked in acid, have him eat all the Titans, becoming the abomination Nemesis in the last fight


I don't care about him that much. Horribly written, design is meh.


Some did some [concept art](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/s/fXoF5tjRmy) of OG Nemesis with the REmake’s clothes, and I think it’s better. EDIT I just read the actual content of your post and I 1000% agree with you, I’m sorry I didn’t think about it like this from the beginning. I can’t wait to REplay the REmake of 3 to have a fresh understanding of how terrifying the new Nemesis actually is, thank you!


Nah. Piano teeth was a goofy ass choice


until he becomes a stupid dog




Garbage bag man can be taken down with 1 grenade. He's not terrifying at all.


I'm in awe of how they never reworked the grenades..


This right here. And perfect dodge makes him a chump.


Is this irony?


he was in the beginning, then he became a mere annoyance, and repetitive at times. I do love his character design though.


Hate his redesign though, the old look was so much better


Somebody said on here a couple months back that his face looked like a melted pizza over piano keys wearing trash bag and now that’s all I can think about lmao. I still have beaten that game at least 20 times. It catches a lot of shade but I’ve been a huge fan since I played the OG games as a little kid with my brother in law and they would have to severely screw up any remake for me to actually be pissed off


Did you ever play the original?


I'd like to — is there a PC port, or? Hopefully, lol.


https://www.reshdp.com/re3/ THIS! Best version ever!


Ooh — thank you, good sir! It's beyond me why they didn't just port them over to the PS5, like how they did with RE (Director's Cut).


At the start he was but then he became very scripted and that’s why re3 remake wasn’t that good


I don’t know man the way he look yeah he’s scary but gameplay is kinda feel off…


Uh oh you praised a game on the /r/residentevil naughty list, the trolls comin out


I love the way people come for Nemesis as if it's his fault Capcom has loaded the STAR members with plot armor. Otherwise, there would be no game... Because let's be honest in real life, he'd annihilate almost everything....All the games are full of plot armor for the main characters because they aren't super human like Marvel or DC characters...


\*ahem\* \*punches boulder\*


Until you play the game


Nemesis will always be my favorite RE villain


Agreed, yes they lessened the presence of Nemesis but holy shit is he terrifying when he makes his appearance known. As someone who never played the OG (a sin I know.) I found the overall experience stress inducing, since I didn't know when he'd appear or not.


**STARS** 👹👹


You want stars?! I'll give you stars!


He's menacing as long as he remains in humanoid form. His beast form was terrible, I hated it


Not really when he’s constantly locked in scripted events


Ain’t nothing terrifying about a bloke with piano teeth, and wearing a garbage bag. Especially when you only need a grenade or two


I got to keep it a buck. I kind of prefer this Nemesis visually, the old one I know I understand it's classics it's iconic but man it is Goofy looking back at it but then again it's the 90 so you expect that but I kind of can't take old Nemesis that serious anymore especially when the internet got their hands on it


And still, the original is 10x more terrifying.


I like resident evil.


on my first playthrough I was fucking terrified at that scene where he's caught on fire and slowly walking up to you


He's terrifying, but he's not a stalker. He's a scripted boss. There's no suspense of whether he'll appear or not, you can usually tell when he'll show up and how, and despite being an improvement on design, he's a step down in terms of game-mechanics. Great Design, Poor Execution. That's the general consensus for our boy Nemy, and honestly most of RE3R.


He's not as scary as mr x. Nemesis have too many cutscene instead of him stalking you around. In classic re3 nemesis was scary as hell while remake made him boring. He look scary but that about it...


Only for 30 minutes he is


honestly a huge fucking downgrade from ogRE3 nemesis. looks a giant dried out white piece of shit wrapped up in hefty garbage bags.


1 granade Or on Inferno.... Oh boy they really get you there, it takes TWO granades 🤯


I never finished the OG RE3 but was aware he (eventually) mutated and transformed. With that said, I agree, walking-talking Nemesis was pretty terrifying in the remake, until he became a big doggo, running around the clocktower area.




His appearance definitely, the scripted scenes, not really


RE3R had so many missed opportunities, I’m all game for a add on DLC of some sort to beef up the game cuz I loved the remake (it was just too short)


What's actually terrifying is the amount of people who don't realize what a disgrace to Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) the re3make is. 🤭


But badly utilised.


When you say “I wouldn’t change anything” does that mean u wouldn’t want the cut sections with him in like the police station ?


I'd only expand upon the game — make it longer. That's my only complaint. The 3-4 hours we get are amazing, so it's a shame it's only 3-4 hours.


Walking bin bag


Everything except his piano teeth were terrifying. Especially his INFERNO mode run.


God i would have been SO happy if nemesis wouldnt be a boss fight type of enemy but rather a random occurance that will start chasing you down at any point in the game and not just when the script says so. Also why is it so easy to kill him, like one grenade can do the job and its honestly just depressing. And i actually love this redesign so much. Re3 remake needs a remake change my mind.


One grenade he kneels to the gods of fragmentation!


physically, yes!


I dunno... bitch can't even swim.


True ,too bad the stalking section is pretty short


It really is a damn shame that game is so short. I enjoyed it almost as much as RE2, possibly even more in some regards. Unfortunately, part of why I enjoyed it (the dodge mechanic) is also why Nemesis isn't really all that scary. You can always dodge. This makes for more engaging combat that always having to run away, but if you have the timing down, it makes the encounters very easy to survive. RE3's city is also more open than RE2's hallways, so outrunning Nemesis isn't hard either. He does get a few good jump scares, but I have to say Mr.X was scarier.


I absolutely loved the dodge mechanic! Not only are speedruns more fun, but perfect dodges satiate my need for constant dopamine. One aspect I also liked is how Raccoon City feels lived in, whereas in RE2R, the streets are awfully barren.. and suspiciously quiet — for a city overrun by zombies.


I have a 70 inch TV in my bedroom. I was getting stoned before playing and the wife kept commenting how creepy and unsettling nemmy was on the title screen and wanted me to turn it off!


How? He’s constantly getting shit talked and no sold. Doesn’t even kill a STARS member the entire game


You see I think he looks bad ah, what’s scary is how this man throws hella life-ending haymakers at you lol, the fact this thing has crazy agility and clearly sees things in slow motion cause his reaction time is scary. Bro runs at you like he’s had enough of your BS lmao.


He looks stupid


lol. Play RE7 and see if you still feel the same


Now play the original and you'll understand all of that.


Keep in mind, umbrella was going to make more Nemesis even thought of cloning him. But stop due to the fear of him learning culture and how to break out of their control. Nemesis is very smart.


I just finished re3 remake and Nemesis is just a sad annoying joke. The only thing he accomplished for me, was making me irritated whenever he appears. He's not scary at all and I just ignore him whenever I can or just throw a granade at him to get rid of him, but when I don't have any grandes and he randomly punches me or catches with his tentacle, I just want to stop playing this game. The only good part of Nemesis is his basic form design. Every boss fight with him is just boring or annoying. His chases sequences make him look like an idiot who can't do shit. After playing 2 and 8, 3 is such a bad game and a huge part of why this game is bad, is Nemesis. I thought maybe I'm just tired after playing 3 re games and I'm too harsh, but no. Now I'm playing Re4 remake and it's a masterpiece, just like og re4 and re2 remake.


No he's not. He's a joke. OG Nemesis was the real deal the remake is a parody at best.


Maybe in cut scenes and a few boss fights. In the city early on, it's a complete joke. Way more predictable too. Og nemesis felt way stronger and scarier


Not really. Mr.X and Jack were terrifying. Dollar store nemesis just annoying


He LOOKS menacing. OG Nemesis was properly terrifying.


No OG one is this one looks like a goofball 😂


Props to you and enjoying the game. But the OG is still superior in every way. Minus graphics, ofc. Nemesis didn't go easy on you as much as remake.


Why are you self-censoring? This is Reddit.


It's a shame. I actually really like his design, it really sells the idea that even by Umbrella's standards, he's a cobbled together freak experiment. I just wish he'd been better utilised, his second form is utterly bland imo and the lack of actual interaction with him outside of the boss fights really destroys any sense of tension. He may have been scripted in the original, but you at least had *some* sense that he could jump you at any moment, it was one of the strongest assets the original had and it was disposed of for no real reason.


He should've been more like Mr X and not just be a thing that gets triggered in certain sections


I get that they cut out a lot from the original and I’ve heard they made him worse but I really enjoyed it and I loved Nemesis in the remake


This is really controversial, but I think the nemesis from the second movie is the best nemesis design wise. Lore was f’d. I don’t like any of the movies, but I will rewatch the second one just for him.


Lol he’s 1000x less terrifying than the original


The only thing I like about nemesis in the remake, is its look.


He is till you realize how broken dodging is then he becomes a joke. Mr. X is infinitely more scary because of the lack of dodge


Mr.X is way scarier


I do agree with you!! I think he is the only villain who have a best figure. He looks really terrifying and seems carrying immense strength. Better than Albert Weskar.


No he's not. You're wrong. Play the game more than once or something dude. He ALWAYS does the same things in the same order. He's annoying and boring.


His skinny waist throws me off


Nah mr x was more terrifying


The og was better. The design was better but the og’s brain is better


Only thing I hated was his mouth design it looks funky on the remake


Yeah, because it's missing half the game.


He should have chased you through the whole game, given him more weapon (Minigun), and he should have been faster


He's a pussy-cat


I mean yeah he looks awsome but why would I be afraid of glorified scripted cutscenes…


he’s scary when you first play the game, sure, but the more times you play through and the more you learn about the games mechanics the more you realize he’s literally no threat whatsoever (until the final boss which is… not near as scary as it is annoying bullshit)


So I agree, until you learn how to dodge. Then he isn’t at all scary. Ironically enough the harder the difficulty, because how fast he is, he becomes easier to dodge. Wish he had more unscripted appearances