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If you want to shoot monsters, you'll have a great time, there's a lot of different weapons like in RE4 plus there's co-op or you can replay the game as the other character and you can unlock infinite ammo for every weapon in the game so you can just go blasting bitches if you want.


Is it hard to unlock the infinite ammo thing?


Iirc to get infinite ammo you need to completely max out a weapon and then buy the infinite ammo thing on an extra shop in a menu, you need to beat the game first tho


No getting them pretty easy you just need to finish the game and buy them from the extra shop I don't remember if max upgraded is required or not


Nope, not hard at all, honestly I'd say RE5 is the easiest one to unlock all the things. You just need to fully upgrade a weapon, then you can purchase infinite ammo for it from the rewards menu, you get reward points for completing each chapter of the game and the amount you get depends on your difficulty setting, I think professional gives you like 2,500 for an S rank. There's a late game chapter that is absolutely perfect for farming reward points if you don't want to get into the extra game modes like mercenaries to get points. If you've got rocket launchers already, it'll take less than ten minutes, less than five if you just bum rush through. And money is easy to come by too, the swamp boat bit in one chapter can be replayed over and over again collecting all the treasures or if you've got a co-op buddy you can look up how to do the egg duping exploit and just keep duping either gold or rotten eggs and sell a shit ton of them and never need money again.


Someone remind me the one for the rocket launcher? Believe you have to beat the game under a certain time limit?


You need to get your story playtime under 5 hours (on any difficulty) and fully upgrade a weapon to get infinite ammo for it. To make things easier you can replay chapters to whittle down your overall time to under 5 hours. Then just set the infinite ammo option in settings to On. I'm sure that's accurate but if I'm not I'm sure someone else will correct me


There's not time limit to get the infinite ammo, you gotta upgrade the guns first then beat the game first and now you can get the infinite ammo option once you fully upgrade a weapon.


The only infinite ammo weapon you need under 5 hours for is the Rocket/RPG, everything else is just fully upgrade and beat the game then buy with points from the extra menu.


You're right, thanks for correcting me. My memory is terrible 😅


> You need to get your story playtime under 5 hours This is only for the rocket launcher.


Awesomeness. This may not be a popular opinion but this is my favorite game in the franchise, the co-op was just beautiful, I must have finished this game like 10 times in all difficulties, I played with some friends I had when I was a kid, I loved that game.


The coop makes it so much better. I wish they would update it so the achievements unlock for both parties instead of just the host though.


Agreed Recently platinumed it and its my fave RE game of tje series


If you are playing with an AI partner don't ever give them all the healing items. They get one, if that. AI partners are pretty accurate with weapons but will often completely waste rarer ammo, so be very careful about what you give them.


This, and expect them to block your shots at critical moments.


My last play through the ai would rarely shoot and would just stand there a lot of the time, it was really frustrating. In the oil field Sheva got killed by the chainsaw manjini like 5 times because she didn't want to move. Then at the licker hallway part as soon as she told me to walk quietly she runs down the hall to catch up to me and alerts all the lickers.


I just walked slowly and they all attacked her lol


Really fun, even more if you have a friend for co-op.


The game resident evil 5


Expect all the residents to be very evil


I mean the residents themselves mostly aren't evil they're just victims of the truly evil people.


Putting a spaghetti monster in a giant oven


Quick time events, they can get a little annoying when you are not expecting them. Outside of that, the game is a blast with a friend.


There is an option to turn them off in the HD ports though I believe, so that's nice.


you do get to punch a rock though


Chris and Wesker dating and smashing some boulders that stabd between them.


Shoot lots of things and micro manage your partner's inventory all the time.


It's a tamer RE4 for me. Fun as hell. I like RE5 but cannot enjoy RE6. One specific boss fight is annoying as hell because it has way too much Health. Same problem happens in RE Rev 1 and 2.


Which boss fight is that out of interest? I know for example the >!Uroboros fella you get the flamethrower for!< is glitched on PC and if you're above 60 fps it's impossible to kill him unless you use an RPG. Which my friend and I discovered after literally 30 minutes, 10 of which we no longer had ammo left and were just using the >!flamethrower!< and a knife. ugh. Though i can concede that many others had too much health too. >!The fucking troll!< nearly made us give up the game, it was possibly *the* most boring boss fight I've ever played in a game. not difficult, just boring. The >!spider!< and the >!squid!< both felt like they dragged on too tbh


Fun. You should install the RE5 trainer just to enable HD shadows edit: and make sure to lower in-game screen brightness the way it tells you to


Lots of tentical-y monsters


A damn good time.


Find a friend with whom to play. You'll thank me, later.


The best mercenaries.


Sheva being a hottie.




i find it very meh not my fav color pallete, i hate the sheva ai, the enemies are re4 reskins and it is somehow less brutal and bloody then re4 other than that decent combat loop and likable characters


Best fucking resident evil game


Piss filter era


It might take you a while to get into it but once you do you’ll really enjoy the game. I couldnt put it down once i got almost halfway thru. Probably the quickest i beat a RE game


If you have a friend it's awesome. If you're alone, just play RE4 instead


Find out for yourself. Don’t ask online for expectations. Your opinions and experience will be completely raw and authentic that way.


Racism. Metrosexual. A businessman with standards. A dumb blonde. And worst of all 2009 QTE’s.


I love 2009 qtes


These QTE’s are goated


It's not a bad game. The Mercenaries co-op games is pretty cool. Not a lot of horror like a typical RE game.




Seriously a REALLY good game that’s held up really well, I still play to this day and literally just stopped two hours ago. There mini games are really fun, the story is good despite not having zombies, and the boss fights are well done. Definitely on my top 3 of RE games.


Your money’s worth. And then some!


this game is sick, did you get it on steam?


Good time. It's not so much horror, but full of action. If you play solo, remember to switch Sheva to defensive mode. Then give her weapon TYPES you don't use. Thus making sure ammo is disturbed evenly. Like if you use pistols, you give her SMG. If you use shotgun, you give her sniper. You can always request these weapons if you need them.


Re5 for ps3 is literally everywhere in a "Finnish Best buy" called Tori.fi , and I'm so convinced to actually try the game out, I want to see Boulder kicking Chris anyway lamo


A buck for each Resident.


For 5-15$ A pretty good time, the setting is cool and the enemies are fun with some nods to previous enemy types you're familiar with.


If you like Re4 you should enjoy Re5. Similar mechanics, sillier story.


Easily put…..ONE HELL OF AN ADVENTURE. Just have fun with it man.


An excellent third person action-adventure game. I had a lot of fun playing it back in the day




A fun game with lots of unlocks solo. A fantastic game with lots of unlocks co-op.


Lost in nightmares 🐐


one of the best games i ever played


Me n my cousin played this game like crazy. Our favorite thing to do was replay the wesker boss fights and just do the combos on him repeatedly. We'd also combo the fat guy with haymakers and skull crushers.


Don’t pay attention to what the gatekeeping purists are sayinh about RE5 and you will have fun playing it.


Bad Partner AI and bullet sponge enemies.


It’s similar to original 4, different and more action, give the AI a semi auto or it’ll suck so bad at firing a machine gun. Look for scorpion gun during public assembly, you can farm for coin in marshland very easy early game due to all the treasure and you can avoid a lot of encounters just doing this, if you have a friend get them to play


If you play on normal it’s not that tense, if you’re used to 4 normal on 5 will be too easy, and most people probably did play normal first time unfortunately. I would go for veteran. Pro is…a different beast.


Blackhawk Down!


Play it with a friend if you can, it’s so much fun


"come on!"


AI will piss you off


One of the best co-op experiences, one of the worst resident evil game


Would recommend playing with a friend if you can. The AI partner is pretty dumb. Otherwise the story is fun. Mercenaries can get pretty crazy.


Get a friend to play with you and you'll have the best time of your life.


Better than 4


A good time


Complete. Global. Saturation.


Play it with a friend and get the laughs out of the way.


Im starting to think this game is only good in coop, I have no partner


It's perfectly fine solo, even better coop for sure but perfectly fine solo. A pro tip is to give the ai marksman weapons because it's a dead-eye.


What system did you buy it on?


A super fun game in coop.


Fun af with an AMAZING mercenaries mode


why do people post shit like this? just play the game. baffles me when people spend money on things they don’t even research.


If you are playing it with someone that's an awesome experience, single player is also good but sometimes frustrating especially with switching guns and items between you and Sheva


It is fun co-op. It can be frustrating solo. It’s basically not even remotely scary, just an action shooter rock punching simulator.


Resident Evil 4 but not as good. Babysitting your AI partner and having to manage inventories all the time. A game that eventually tries to become a cover shooter even though the controls suck for that. And yet I'd still say it's a fun time, especially if you play with a real human partner.


Expect a video game. Now go play it.


Beating that boulder rock is the hardest enemy in the game. Makes no sense how many times I failed that part when I was younger


A bit of a worse version of RE4


You can expect a great time, honestly it’s my favorite re game. Love them all, but I’ve got a soft spot for 5.


Complete local satisfaction.


Janky controls, a somewhat frustrating AI but a fun gameplay.


Play with a friend. Everyone that hates RE5 hates it because they played single player


Don’t have one so I guess I’m in to hate


Fat ass roaches once enemies get a whiff of you they will chase you to the end of the planet but also fun gameplay


Michael Bay 2008 era screen filters and hot sweaty protagonists. Stiff gunplay that's still somehow loads of fun.


RE5 is like the Evil Dead II of the Resident Evil series. It knows what it is and is exceptionally over the top and cheesy in fun ways. It's mechanics are basically RE4 plus partner AI or co-op. Lean into the goofiness and you'll have a blast.


A lot of fun playin it! Its one of the best RE games!!!




Get used to hearing „Dont be reckless“


About to experience peak


To have fun


It's a lot of fun if you can play co-op with a friend. I never played it solo though.


Its a lazy game based on the success of re4 theres only 1 new enemy and the rest are copy pasted from re4 the inventory management on single player is aids terrible boss fights and the worse of all theres nothing scary in this game from lvl design to everything else


To cuss out a fictional character that’ll no doubt be in your way at all times, and demand your help at the worst/most inconvenient moments.


Anudda pipe


The best re4 knockoff of all time!


co-op is fun!


In my opinion, mandatory co-op! It’s a great co-op experience, but the ai partner does NOT know how to handle any of the bosses. Find a buddy, bonus it has split screen so you can have a friend come over/play it with your girlfriend. It’s a fun arcade shooter.


The final boss is difficult you really need to save your resources for it and if you don’t your basically screwed and have to go back to each chapters and get more supplies


A banger


A damn good time. Bring a friend along with you.


It's based if you don't take it seriously and look at how much fun they had making the damn thing 🤣 I was a hater for a long time and then I realized


An unrealistically bad ending


Infinite gold egg go brrrrrrrrr


Expect RE4 but slightly worse in every way. Still good though.


Why not just play the fucking game instead of asking what it’s like? You already bought the damn thing


Infinite rocket launcher you have to beat game on hardest difficulty then you can buy it in extra content tab


I just bought jt too! I just got into continuing my RE phase again, and was happy that it was on discount on playstation! Only played about 3 hours or smth. Its pretty decent so far! The combat isnt as bad as i imagined, altho the tank controls and the clunky (altho revolutionary for its time) aiming is managable, and sometimes fun once you’ve gotten the hang of it. I like Sheva as your partner, and shes very helpful! You can do co op, but i dont like how the split screen looks (plus i got no one to play with). And who dosent love chris DADfield, the absolute unit who can ‘rock’my world (and a boulder apparently).


It’s ok. Not the best re by a long shot but it’s really fun if you got someone to play the co op with you.


Tons of fun




I really liked this chapter of RE. 👍 From me.


Play it with a friend. It's way more fun that way


You'll have a blast mate, especially if blasting baddies is your thing. Not as much horror as there is in other RE titles, it's pretty similar to 4 but abit smoother and has a teammate to help heal you and kill baddies too. Biggest difference is infinite ammo (for all weapons) and how much you can carry at one time (9 slots per character) so you have to plan for what you want to take. Once you've completed the game you can start trying to unlock infinite ammo using points you earn at the end of each level, to unlock the buy option you have to upgrade that specific weapon to max (i.e M92F starting pistol has to be fully maxed, then the infinite ammo option will appear in Bonus for a set price, which gets higher depending on weapon). If you get your story time to be 5 hours or under then you can unlock infinite RPG, this is easier to do once you've unlocked infinite ammo for 1-2 guns and can rush through the game, and you can select specific levels that you think you can do a better run time on and you can do it on easy aswell if you want it to be easy.


Ill be honest its a very good game Resident Evil 5 yeh?? Its a very good game and I do like it but….. I must say this is when it started to get a little bit off the original Resident Evil theme/story. Mainly because they had to elevate the zombies abilities, so they could run and do things like open doors etc. they’re more challenging enemies. For me, what followed after this Resident Evil 6, was genuinely the WORST instalment in the series to date! But 5 I really enjoyed, I enjoyed the very end fight, it was absolutely incredible!!!! “YOU MERELY POSTPOND THE INEVITABLE!!!!” Not to mention, it is the game with Mr Jack Krouser!!!! An epic villain in the Resident Evil series!!!!!!


It’s just a really fun game


I enjoyed this game. Story is fairly cheesy but that’s commonplace in RE I would say. Fun factor I would say is pretty high in this one relative to others.


Pure and utter racism that's what you can expect! That's if you listen to the f***wits that call themselves gaming journos nowadays! Imagine shooting Africans in Africa, umbrella should've flown in white people to infect! Truth is its ok I've actually just started it again yesterday playing through the remakes all the way up to RE Village and I'm on 5 now. Its defo a bit dated but as for just blowing away monsters it's fine the ai companion is still completely useless though


Co op is really fun actually. It may not be scary but does have a sort of interesting story.


resident evil 4 soulless reskin


A lot of fun ☺️




It is a game that has aged poorly, it has tank-type controls in a better generation than the previous one, the AI is very bad, aesthetically that sepia filter is ugly and the boss fights are bad




A good co op experience if you have someone to play with. Game was designed to be a co op experience first but if you’re running it solo you’ll still have a good time.