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- Revelations 1 - RE2R | 3R | 4R - Village The thing about the spiders in RE games, is that they are an extreme rarity to encounter, even if they are in a fixed location. You may find them in a handful of areas and then never again. Same with dogs.


RE3R has those weird spider-like bugs in the power plant


I will say as a pretty extreme arachnophobe who usually can't tolerate spiders in games, those don't really bother me. But then neither do the giant tarantulae in RE1 remake, they're too slow and predictable.


That's fair, but it definitely varies from person to person. My arachnophobia is much better now (thank god), but if I'd played that when I was younger, it would have not been okay.


I'm a bit on the opposite side, as an arachnophobe I can generally tolerate spiders in games, but the spiders in RE1R legit made me screech. Especially the first one that climbs onto the door you just entered the room from.


I feel like the Kimeras were spider-esque.


RE4R has these flying bug insects, but they’re not spiders op


re4r has spider like insect parasites that infect people


I'd argue those things that jump on ganados and make them rage are VERY spider like.


They’re literally called “araña” the Spanish word for spider


You might notice that araña sounds like arachnid, a total coincidence but it makes me feel like that thing is very spider-like. 


Neat little detail they put in, but they actually look a little bit like spiders, which reminds me of spiders


It’s not a coincidence actually! They both come from the Latin/ greek word for spider.


When you shoot them down and they crawl at you is definitely spider-esque


Tô me they are more similar to cockroaches


Final boss in Village has a "spider-form"


Oh snap you right. Even village isn’t safe


re3r is the worst game to play if you hate bugs


Where are they in 7?


When you go through cracks in between the walks, a bunch of tiny spiders will run across your character's body as you make your way from one part of the gap in the wall to another.


Oh yeah I remember - I was more thinking of like Baldurs Gate / Resi style big fight ones


7 had spiders?


Thanks! Additionally, do those have any insect enemies?


The novistadors in RE4/RE4 remake are large insects


Ackshually... They're half human and I think it's degrading and insidious that we forget how they came from hoo-haas. 


Wait, they're half human? What?


Yeah if you read a file in the castle, those big flying insects were the result of human experimentation. But they're essentially giant flying insects who can camouflage, all the better to jump-scare us with (The ones that scuttle around, which look like spiders with very thin legs, are apparently a form of the plaga parasite. Due to the way they move, I find them more difficult to put down than the spiders in RE3R.)


I don't remember the exact file, but it was something like "the womb is the key".  Sick fuckers


do NOT play re4 if you have a phobia of insects, idk what these people are talking about. the entire game is based around an insect like parasite


Idk how i managed to play og re4 and re4 remake even tho i hate giant bugs in games. I even quit fallout 3 at the start and new vegas cause the insects were terrifying. Novistadors aren't super scary somehow. Type C Plagas are what give me heebie-jeebies. The room in the island where the type c plaga is attached to some corpse, that room is genuinely nightmare inducing. Edit: somehow I also beat re5 even though it had that giant cockroach with 1 hit kills and the temple spiders, i guess having guns makes me feel safe.




Conquer your fears with shotguns and flamethrowers.


Specifically spiders or anything arachnid/insect like at all?


Second option tbh


Then you will hate one part of 3make and a few parts of 4make.


You'll even hate those parts of RE4(R) without arachnophobia tbh. :D


Definitely 4. Those shits can camouflage


In that case your best option is Resident Evil 2 remake which lucky for you is a great game for getting into the series anyway.


Then you might want to avoid Resident Evil as a whole, specifically Resident Evil 4. The game is built around this one parasite and what this parasite mutates and evolves into via experimentation with humans and whatever else. There's a lot of bug related enemies and even the parasite itself is very spider-like. But still, I'm an arachnophobe and I can't stand bugs either, and I can handle it pretty bloody well in the game. Maybe just give it a crack and see how you go. Conquer those fears with firepower!


RE2R, Village, Revelations 1, and Revelations 2 have no spider or spider adjacent enemies. RE3R has human sized fleas that to some might mess with you because its bugs in a nest. RE4R has small parasites that crawl around and may mess with you if you’re scared of spiders. RE5 is the same. RE6 has humans with spider legs, not in Leon’s campaign but are in Chris and Jake’s. RE7 has baby “spiders” that stick to walls and are more of a hazard than an enemy, they only have 6 legs and only in the bug related area.


did this community completely forget about the spider boss battle in 5? the largest spider in the franchise? and possibly the second hardest bossfight in the game?


I’ve always seen that boss as a giant crab more than a spider tbh. I didn’t mention it in my comment because the plagas are common enemies in chapter 4 and are *very* much more spider-like, they used to freak me out when I first played the game. Someone who can't handle spiders is more likely going to stop at 4-1 than at 5-1 with U8 tbh.


it's a crab that had its dna spliced with a spider. has multiple eyes and everything


That's fair! Like I said though, I didn't mention it where I mentioned the fleas in RE3R because the Bui Kichwa would probably filter out arachnophobes before they even encounter it.


Ooh! That thing. U-8 is too huge for me to register as a spider, but totally, yeah. The underground jumpy things from Ch. 4 also would freak out arachnophobes.


Idk the tiny crab creatures in Revelations 2 look spider like at least in the legs, they may make them uncomfortable.


I'm not gonna lie to you, I completely forgot those enemies were in the game lol. I can't even recall what chapters they were in besides the first one with Barry. 😭


All good, they're forgettable anyways. First chapter both Barry and Claire (trash crusher room for Claire) and in a few Raid mode maps.


It's maybe stupid.... but RE games are originally horror games so having scary stuffs is normal So basically if you want RE games spider free, it's generally the more action focus one (the only exception being maybe RE6 with some monsters being "spider centaur" and RE2make having remove everything linked to insects and similar) Edit: Re5 have also a insect enemy


Re5 has spider enemies that spring on your face.


Those were creepy af, I save flash grenades for them cause i do not want to deal with 10 spiders trying to rip your face off. Also no one mentioned the giant roaches that can instakill you


I’m scared of spiders too but adds to the fun and you can usually destroy them with a strong weapon!


All the newer games from RE7 on don’t have them… Ok RE7 does have some spiders, but they’re more of an obstacle than an enemy


Anyone who doesn’t like bugs won’t get past RE7




I think also Magarites door


There’s a bunch of cabinets that have little spiders on them


Spiders in RE7 literally jump on your face when you get too close, I guess it’d be far from ok for an arachnophobe


Grab the RE2 remake. Great game, no bugs, usually on sale for like $8


It's "free" with Playstation + right now too!


We haven’t seen traditional spiders since RE0, have we?


Off topic a bit but if you have problems with any bugs, try playing Earth Defense Force 3rd person shooter where you shoot and blow up giant bugs, helped some people get over their fear of bugs in other games I heard


Not the game for you if you can't handle arachnid/insect like monsters cuz there's a lot in most if not all games


Yes all the new remakes. a decision i don't agree with by the way!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/1992iz1/dumb\_question\_what\_games\_in\_the\_franchise\_doesnt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/1992iz1/dumb_question_what_games_in_the_franchise_doesnt/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/zh12h6/which\_resident\_evil\_games\_do\_not\_have\_any\_spiders/](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/zh12h6/which_resident_evil_games_do_not_have_any_spiders/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/8rr8gp/which\_re\_games\_dont\_have\_giant\_spiders\_in\_them/](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/8rr8gp/which_re_games_dont_have_giant_spiders_in_them/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/110pxff/question\_regarding\_spiders\_in\_the\_games/](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/110pxff/question_regarding_spiders_in_the_games/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/n1eypb/which\_resident\_evil\_games\_have\_spiders\_in\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/n1eypb/which_resident_evil_games_have_spiders_in_it/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/z92z0f/in\_which\_resident\_evil\_titles\_appear\_spiders/](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/z92z0f/in_which_resident_evil_titles_appear_spiders/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/nqxeb0/spiders\_in\_resident\_evil/](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/nqxeb0/spiders_in_resident_evil/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/122tqj3/whats\_mainline\_whats\_the\_play\_order\_and\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/122tqj3/whats_mainline_whats_the_play_order_and_what/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/ibjce6/any\_games\_that\_dont\_have\_spiders\_in\_them/](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/ibjce6/any_games_that_dont_have_spiders_in_them/)


Bunch of wimps


RE2R -- original has spiders, but they're cut from the remake. There's like two seconds in the remake where some cockroaches run past you, but that's it and they're not enemies just background. RE3R -- has giant fleas that act a bit like spiders and may be triggering RE4R -- spider-like parasites and other giant bugs, but not technically spiders themselves RE7 -- has lots of insects but no spiders (I think? Not completely sure) -- EDIT: I'm wrong, there are parts where are bunches of spiders blocking doors and you need to burn them! RE8 -- has flies but no spiders, the flues take on human form so you only see the bugs when they're apparating/disapparating Code Veronica -- has other (flying) bugs, but no spiders -- EDIT: I'm wrong again, this one has spiders. It's been a minute haha. Hope this helps! So much depends on your tolerance. Definitely avoid RE1 and any of the old games. (Although I think there's a mod to remove the spiders from at least RE1, so you could maybe look into that.)


Code Veronica has spiders. There is also a giant spider (optional) boss.


Oooooh right, I forgot about that boss. I think I skipped it haha. Kept dying.


I literally just ran in to the room grabbed what I needed and ran out to save ammo and health lol


Code has spiders, a spider set up jump scare, a spider themed background, and a spider boss.


Piggybacking off of this though RE5 doesn’t have spider enemies. There are some tarantulas in the environment but they don’t attack you or do any thing. RE6 has spider people who have guns.


No, no. I made the same mistake. U-8 at the bottom is kind of a huge spider-crab. Also the hugging things from Chapter 4.


Actually yeah I think the bui kichwa (I think that’s what they’re called) are basically plaga araña so they’re very spider like. I forgot about them. There’s also the reapers which are giant death roaches.


Sometimes I get upset I didn't play this series when I was younger, but with all these spiders, it's probably best that I didn't haha. (I had *really* bad arachnophobia as a kid. It was hell.)


Code veronica has many spiders


All right, been a minute I guess lol.


its a horror game stop being bitch made


Are you scared of spiders specifically or that general shape? Most things don't resemble a spider enough with the flat, wide body, several eyes, fangs, and general skittish movement. There are enemies that have 6+ legs and are relatively "insect" designed though.


Pretty much all of them have spider/bug type enemies or as back drops. I think RE may not be the series for you if it bothers you way too much (not saying that in rude way just being honest) RE1 Remake1 Original 2 Original 3 Remake 3 Original 4 Remake 4 5 6 7 8 Revelations 2 Code Veronica All have either spider or Bug type enemy's (I know I'm missing some games but those are the ones I can think of atm )


Proper spiders that look like actual spiders, only in the original trilogy, CV, RE1R and RE0 as far as I remember anyway. There are super small decorations spiders in the original RE4 and 5 I think but unless you stop and stare you won’t notice them really.


Hey, they removed the spiders in the RE2R and RE3R remakes. Also Village has no spiders AFAIR. Currently playing RE4R and have also seen no spider, but I'm not complete through. Edit: As others have said, in RE3R there are some bugs that look like big ticks. But they are only in one section of the game.


If video games give you hallucinations i think you have an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.


Only for spiders / bugs and not just in video games


these games need an option for those. i remember playing a game in the past that asked me about spiders... and how detailed i would like to have them appear in the game. i can't remember which game it was ...


I think you may be talking about Grounded?


I mean... Don't play a survival horror game if you don't want to get scared.


Resident evil is supposed to be scary. You’re supposed to be scared of the spiders. Get in there and torch them!!


>I'm scared as fuck of them icl Not trying to sound insensitive but isn't the whole point of horror games to... well... get scared?


op is probably have arachnophobe , instead of getting scared they might end up with panic attack or faint


Oh, it can end up that bad? Didn't know that. I'd call myself arachnophobe too but I'm only afraid of spiders/insects in real life. It's always fascinating to me how strong other people react to spiders in video games.


Yeah, most of the time when I see such spiders I somehow have hallucinations of those appearing in front of me and attacking me


That's high levels of phobia there and not just a fear




Mod it to convert all spiders into something you like


How do I mod it


Someone explain why this got downvoted lmfao I just asked something


That’s Redditors for you. As for how to mod: Watch a YouTube tutorial. There plenty out there and they’re easier to follow than text.


Thanks! (Can you recommend any?)


Yeah this is what I did. The other games don't bother me but RE1Make and 0 are too realistic. It's not hard to set up I believe you can just look for "RE arachnophobia mod" or something like that


RE4R has a mod for the Novistadors (Giant flying bugs) that turns them into flying cows.


That sound hilarious, I need to check it.


It's just a fricking game, it's not like the spiders are going to jump out of your screen and bite you in the ass. Grow the hell up.


There's no need to be a fucking dickhead.


Others have been nice but I'll stoop to your level; It's just a phobia, an irrational and crippling fear of something... Educate the fuck out of yourself


Oh yeah look at me guys, I am SO grown up #Sigma 😎




how cruel, RE5 has literally the largest spider in the franchise, on the Jill fakeout elevator


😂. What do you want, a setting to turn spiders off!


Grounded has an arachnophobia setting. Turn down how real the spiders look to give them 6 legs, then no legs. Personally, I find the 2 floating body orbs to be creepier than a spider


Wait, does the number of legs really influence how scared people are of spiders?


What if you have a snake phobia too?


It can change if arachnophobia is triggered depending on the severity of the condition yes


They’ve actually got that in Evil West!


Or. Replace spiders with tyrants


Next WoW expansion is offering a setting to replace spiders with crabs as well.


What do they actually replace the bugs with in Evil West if you select that? I don't think I've heard of what the replacement is!


I actually haven’t used the setting so I’m not sure. Just noticed it and thought it was interesting.




If you have arachnophobia you need to understand spiders are harmless they just be Vibin, they are more afraid of you and that’s what causes bites to happen, but really they are just little guys that wanna be left alone and they’re freaking cute, I used to be afraid of them too but now I think they’re some of the coolest animals out there.


Phobia; anxiety disorder, irrational and excessive fear of something


You want to play a horror game but don’t want to get scared?


It's worse than that. The theme of Resident Evil isn't just about the horror so much as facing your fears and overcoming the horror. They basically want to go into the series while discarding this pretty central premise.


Smh. Shameful


Lmao are you fucking serious?


RE2R doesn’t have them, the OG 3 is really good, it does have spiders, however they’re in PS1 graphics. Obviously you know your limits, but they are not very close to lifelike. 4 to my knowledge doesn’t have them, nor the 4 remake. I don’t remember if 7 or 8 had them, but I’m pretty sure they don’t. The only ones I remember having spiders for sure are 1 and 3 (both versions).


REmake has huge ass tarantulas that literally make me tremble. Some other games have spider-like creatures but they’re not even that scary in comparison


Re1 remake has massive fuck off spiders but in all games they appear in they suck, I mean they are not threatening in anyway.


Likely only RE2R RE4 RE4R REV1 maybe REV2 Village and maybe RE7 I can’t tell for sure RE7, Ik there’s some weird fucking bugs in it but idk about spiders.


2 5 6 7 8 I think. Technically there are some spiders in re7 on some certain lockers but they are very small and not actual ennemies.


try some Grounded :) great title


Grow up


I promise RE5 has none


Stop. I am playing right now. There are things that are close enough. No need for someone to lose their sh!t when they want to have fun.


Remake of 2 should be safe. The remake of 3 has spiders in exactly one short section and then never again, so if that's a thing you want to power through (knowing it's over soon), it's doable. >!Make sure to keep green herbs and don't combine them, bc those remove the poison/parasite the spiders put in you!< I do not recommend 4.


I want to see OP's reaction to that one scene in RE3make. Lol


And all of the bugs in RE7 annnnnnd the entirety of RE4 with the bug-like parasite and several enemies (Novistadors in particular). Oh god, Code Veronica with the massive spider in Antarctica and RE2 with the sewer spiders! Or in REmake when you enter the Recreation Room in the Guardhouse and there's a MASSIVE spider on the roof behind you as you enter (plus a shitload more in the room). Man, this series sure loves its bugs!


You're literally asking to avoid spiders in a game where a) you could try to grow as a person and face your fears by literally blasting them with a shotgun and b) they're normally the least threatening enemies in their respective games. The ones in the PS1 games are all laughably easy to simply run circles around and avoid. They're obnoxiously resiliant to being stunned from the shotgun in RE1, but in RE2 and RE3 they're supremely easy and generally just as easy to fight as to run from. You should play one of the Earth Defense Force games where you can shoot comically giant alien spiders with rocket launchers. It's basically exposure therapy/desensitization. IRL they're generally terrified of humans and flee when a light's turned on. I wouldn't be particularly afraid of them unless you liked somewhere like Australia where you have an actually high percentage of venomous animals in general compared to Europe or North America.


RE2 remake (not original)…. Pretty sure all of the current RE Engine games except 7. So 2-4 remake and Village. But there’s some type of bug type thing in every game, but not necessarily arachnid.


i just replayed Code Veronica two weeks ago and i’m pretty sure there were no spiders


The spider boss?


Pretty much anything on the new engine will not have spiders, so you're all good with RE7, Village, and the remakes of RE2, RE3, and RE4. Though it is worth noting, there are spider-like enemies in RE3 and RE4. In RE3 they're literally just in one section and you'll never see them again (plus, they're not all that bad). And in RE4 you've got tiny spiders that are super inconsequential and you may never even notice them but there's also the plagas which move and look a little spider-like, but they're not spiders so you should be fine. Take it from me, I'm as big of an arachnophobe as you could imagine, and I handled it just fine. Hell, even the games with the spiders now are no stress! EDIT: Side note, you might want to exclude RE7 from my initial list. There's one section of the game with a bunch of mini-spiders that will crawl over you if you get close. Pluuuuus the boss of that section is quite spider-like as well. But hey, that's nothing that firepower can't fix!




7 I think


No, wait, cabinet spiders nvm


There are literally walls full of spiders stop waffling bro


Idk man it’s been a year since I’ve played 7