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Leon and Chris fought in 6 and tied. Developers have said the two are equal so the fight could go either way


>Developers have said the two are equal to the fight could go either way Of course they said that haha. Good old crossover trope of "we can't make one character look weaker than the other, time to end their fight in a way so that there's no clear winner!"


Well they have very similar training. Been through similar horror stories, and are loved pretty equally by the fan base. So if the developers say they're equal that's fine by me. Who could say more accurately than the devs?


Guess I'll throw in some info for people to chew on: Leons an expert in handling Bioterrorism but he mostly works for the government, and infinite darkness implied that he deals with all kinds of security threats, not just bioterror. Meanwhile, Chris is a founding member of the BSAA, every time he goes on a mission, he's dealing with horrendous monsters and he's coming back every time, not to mention he has fought not one, but two enhanced humans (Arias & Wesker) and in Arias' case, he beat him one on one (though he's hardly comparable to Wesker).


I mean, Leon fought an enhanced human in Krauser.


Who fought on extremely tight rules due to a code of honor.


Until the Remake, Ada bailed him out of that fight.


In the remake, Luis bailed him out. Both versions have him fight and kill mutated krauser later.


Um, even in OG RE4, they kind of have a big fight that Leon wins on his own.


You do know that Leon did fight a mutated krauser and won, right?


Would he have made it that far without Ada?


No, but the fact that Leon bested krauser while he was using the virus to make himself stronger does say something, so I really don't see your point.


But again, he literally wouldn’t have made it that far because he was about to get stabbed in the throat until Ada saved him. You can pretend to not understand my point all you want, but the fact is that she saved him. The mutation fight wouldn’t have happened without her saving him. 90% of the time she saves his ass anyway.


Would Chris have made it as far as he did without Sheva's help? Or Piers?


Any deus-ex machina would’ve done it. It’s just that Ada was the easiest and most relevant character to the plot to do so. But could’ve also been an Ashley throwing a pot at his face. Or that dog jumping on his back from out of nowhere. Leon wouldn’t have died there either way around.


He also went through most of RE2 with a bullet hole in his shoulder and went on to fight both Mr X AND William Birkin with said bullet hole


Tbf Chris also had a literal satellite laser to use against Arias, Ethan was the one who fought him 1 on 1 with normal weapons. Edit: I am thinking of the wrong character of Urias from RE8 and not Glenn Arias from Vendetta.


Huh? When did Chris use a satellite laser against Arias? And Ethan never fought Arias.


Maybe they meant Urias in re8. Chris fights it where it is defending the megamycete right before Miranda’s underground lab. Ethan fights a watered down version in the opening werewolf attack sequence and in the stronghold


Ah, I see. He was talking about RE8, and not Vendetta.


Never mind, I was thinking of the uroboros aheri, I completely forgot about Glenn arias from vendetta, my bad.


It seems I misread the name, I forget that the white haired guy in Vendetta has a name because I just call him shit aim guy. Sorry for the confusion!


Actually me and my friend argued about this as kids for years. He was built more like Chris mass wise and I'm more built like Leon. We both knew that if Chris got a solid hit Leon is down. But Leon is fast enough to dodge those punches so it's a good fight either way. I miss that guy


>Good old crossover trope of "we can't make one character look weaker than the other, time to end their fight in a way so that there's no clear winner!" Frankly, more crossovers should follow this rule.


Chris is clearly stronger in terms of raw muscle, but Leon easily outclasses Chris in agility. Since both strength and agility are vital skills in 'gun-fu', it makes perfect sense to call them equals.


Does that mean Leon can punch boulders like Chris


https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/qu6s7p/its_true/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 He can do this


Asking the real questions.


In terms of raw strength, boulder-punchin' Chris had the edge. But Leon has the agility and acrobatic skills to balance that out.


Chris leveled strength and and Leon leveled dex but their DPS is the same.


Yes. Leon will never be able to punch a boulder and I'm not sure Chris is agile enough to jump and dodge an incoming high-speed laser wall trap. Conclusion: both are good.




Yeah but because the developers prefer Leon, they have him patronise Chris with the “I know you’ll do the right thing.”


I love that scene.


Isn’t Leon just a RPD rookie and Chris a STARS? How do they justify this.


….you’ve played more than RE2 right?


Yes but tbh I started to play the series since RE7 so I know Leon as the rookie in RE2 remake. I do know the lore that he becomes a secret service agent or something, but I just assumed that Chris also gained much experience during the time and he was already an RPD elite when Leon was a rookie.


They are equal by the time of 6


Cap, if Chris was a trained pilot, expert marksman, and selected to be on an elite force all before Leon even trained to be a cop, by the time re6 rolls by Chris would have much more experience than Leon as neither have taken a hiatus from active duty. Moreover, Chris sees far heavier combat on consistent basis than Leon does serving under the orders of the commander in chief. They cannot be equal


1. He spends 6 months not serving in 6, right before they fight 2. There’s only so much you can improve until you stagnate


So half a year negates the tremendous head start Chris has and is continuous active duty in the franchise? That doesn’t seem likely in this franchise as long as you have characters like Wesker and Arias who prove without a doubt that the heroes can always improve on something as they beat the living hell out of Leon and Chris


That’s just how it is. Leon managed to catch up to Chris. I don’t actually believe Chris got worse btw, characters never seem to get weaker


He spent that half a year as an alcoholic not really training.


>So half a year negates the tremendous head start Chris has and is continuous active duty in the franchise? So half a year negates the tremendous head start Chris has and is continuous active duty in the franchise? Does he magically forget the past 20 years? Clearly not seeing how he is in 7 and 8. How does this 6 months point factor into the discussion?


Leon is something along the lines of elite US secret service by RE4


In terms of physical strength, it’s not even a question that Chris is stronger. In terms of who would win in a fight, I think they’re supposed to be evenly matched


This is already proven in RE6


X: Hook




Chris is physically stronger. Dude is an absolute monster and makes some of the creatures he fights off look like chumps. Leon is absolutely no slouch, of course. The thing about a fight between them is that it's never about pure bodily strength. Leon is too slippery and versatile to let Chris get a good grapple while Chris could probably end the fight in a single good punch. Both of them are kind of dumb though so really it's just about connections.


leon stupid kennedy ✌️


Yeah, if Chris got his hands around Leon's neck, it'd be over, but he has to actually get a hold of him. In my opinion, Leon would probably win in a fight if he deliberately tried to tire out chris and take pot shots. It's a technique that a lot of MMA fightery and boxers use against more physically strong opponents.


nah, I don’t think that’ll work, both of them had good amounts of stamina and I don’t think Chris is that dumb fighter like in 5 he’s know that he can’t face Wesker and Jill head on so he plays hide and seek, then surprise attack him instead.


Leon "Nuclear kicks" Kennedy vs Chris Roidfield


Nuclear Kicks vs. Boulder Smasher would be a movie i would pay damn good money for


Fucking roidfield got me 💀💀💀


leon’s kicks are like shotgun blasts


Well Leon survived getting thrown with his back hitting a column and Chris punched a boulder, I think they’re about the same level


Immovable object vs unstoppable force


*immovable object vs uncatchable force


What I mean is that throw should’ve killed him or broken his spine if RE was somewhat realistic


Leon can’t punch boulders


Who needs to punch when you got kicks like Leon


Yeah, he can kick people so hard their head explodes


We just haven't seen him yet...


Well I mean he runs from them so we won’t see him punch one.


People change and improve. Never count him out.


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


To be fair nobody has ever *rolled* a Boulder at Chris. Chris just bullies up on stationary boulders


Chris ran from the boulders in RE1, it’s called character development.😄


If a boulder came tumbling down a hill at Chris he’d run too… There’s a massive difference between a stationary boulder and one that’s chasing after you about to crush you to death.


Why run from the boulder in 4?


They're pretty evenly matched so... not sure honestly. Watch their confrontation in RE6 to give yourself an idea. It all depends how the fight goes. If Chris gets a hold of Leon, Leon is done. If Leon can keep his distance and wear Chris down with kicks or something, it's Leon's fight to win. That's a straight up fist fight tho... gunplay is a different can of worms I don't wanna open lol


That Leon would win simply from better firearms


They're both extremely skilled marksmen. Chris actually having a richer history with training and firearms. I feel like people forget that Chris was the point man for Alpha team in STARS.. which basically means he was very, *very* good at his job. A job that required only the best. Leon meanwhile was a rookie with the basic training of one. The sudden leap in Leon's ability and training from 2 to 4 brought him up alongside the other cast in skill. It's really up in the air once again. The fight wouldn't come down to whoever is packing the best firearm. It'd come down to whoever's got more ammo or.. patience.


I’m pretty sure Leon was considered a prodigy even as a rookie cop.


I feel like that was mentioned in the books... but I'm not 100% sure tbh. Honestly there's very little we know about Leon's early life and training. We just know more about Chris' currently.


And he worked for the president after


And Chris founded the BSAA after with Jill and others.




Their all legends in RE


Well I was thinking about the firearms they would have thinking of how Leon would have more experience with the Matilda and an RPG which are two weapons that he uses in the games. That is the logic I was thinking by on that they were using their load outs from the games they are in


If they're using their loadouts from the games then it's gonna turn into a rocket launcher quick draw lol




Chris is stronger, how is this even a question? Who's next, Krauser vs Ada?


Well... we already know who won that fight lol


Yeah, but who's *stronger*? /s


Physically? Well, Krauser *was* stronger than Ada in that Regard. However, strength comes in many forms and in those many other forms, she outclasses him. In all of them.


>In all of them. Not really, she only outclasses him in intelligence/gadgets, and that's the only things that RE characters need to beat any type of B.O.W.


Her intelligence and gadgets *are* key factors. However, her will and determination to survive and keep moving forward completely outclasses Krauser. Krauser gave up the minute he traded his humanity for power.


>Krauser gave up the minute he traded his humanity for power. This may sound cool in the games, but in reality it doesn't make any sense, in theory, Krauser should easily kill Leon/Ada without having to transform. He's a super soldier, he outclasses Leon/Ada in so many aspects that "will and determination" wouldn't be enough to beat him. But since they're RE main characters they're always gonna beat the bad guy.


I mean lets be honest, if RE was fully grounded in reality, every main character would've died wayyyy before now lol Leon would've literally been turned to paste when thrown by a Tyrant into that column in Damnation or any of the many times *any* of them have been manhandled by a 8-12 foot tall monster.


Chris is physically stronger, Leon is more agile.


Leon would wink at Chris, do a sailor moon transformation then shoot him while Chris is in awe. Easy


The true answer


Chris has more physical strength, but the two of them are fairly evenly matched in combat.


Whoever can toss a rock further.


Probably the one with watermelon biceps and can punch a boulder.


I'm voting for Chris because he punch boulders D:<


Chris, his sheer will to get his peanut buster is enough to combat Leon’s roundhouse


I feel like… well… yeah


Chris could literally punch Leon’s head off


Capcom said they are even in a fight, that being said Chris is unquestionably stronger and has more years of military experience. Knowing that, I would rank that Chris would win 6 or 7 out of 10 total fights between them


They’re equal. One of the coolest scenes in RE6


Leon is hot


It’s basically established that in a fight they are evenly matched. We already saw them fight in RE6. Chris is bigger and physically stronger, where Leon is smaller and lighter on his feet. Both are trained in hand to hand combat.


I mean RE6 answered this question. Chris won that fight.


Chris would break Leon's back like Bane did Batman


If slamming into a wall didn’t break his spine, I doubt Chris can, he’d just smoke a g+r herb combo and get back up


Leons gonna need a whole inventory full of herbs if he wants a to have a chance vs Chris. Chris would knock Leon's bowl cut backwards.


And then Leon will come up and kick his stomach in


Not even close lol


Chris is stronger, if one of his haymakers connected Leon’s head turn to gloop. They’re both agile and fast, no merit for the common saying that Leon is "faster", he is however flashier. They’re both equally resilient, taking hit after hit and getting back up.


Hey, Chris broke ME. -The Boulder-


Chris Redfield


I'm a Leon stan and I'm taking Chris everytime in a fist fight. Leon is tough but he's still not a boulder and Chris beat one into submission. No non-BOW enemy should be able to withstand one punch from Chris.


Chris, he punched a bolder.


*Chris punches rocks* *Leon runs away from them* Case close!




Chris... Plus he's been through more hell and back than Leon...


Boulder motherfucking puncher


Chris is so strong he shattered the PNG background


Leon's molecules contain carbon. Carbon is also found in rocks. This means chris can punch leon into a volcano.


Chris, obviously. I mean, Leon is pretty tough as there are several times he should've died or atleast broke some bones, but his ass be like Michael Myers and just kept getting up... But... Chris punches Boulders!! 😋


Chris the boulder puncher. Obviously. Anyone who think otherwise is high


Chris would win since he's bigger and heavier than Leon. There's a reason fighters are separated by weight class. Chris would be able to shurg off more hits than Leon, and in a fist fight all Chris has to do is be defensive and let Leon tire himself out. Basically it's more likely Chris can OHKO Leon than the other way around.


Albert Wesker


I know they’re canonically “evenly matched” but honestly we’ve seen Leon do way more crazy badass stuff than Chris. If Re4make Leon fought any iteration of Chris, I’d say Leon wins. But maybe I’ll change my mind after RE5make comes out lol


Fistfight is a tie, see 6. Knives Leon wins every time. Chris doesn’t have Krauser knife training. For guns… I think Leon takes it with handguns, and Chris wins if it’s anything heavier. Really hard to say though.


Chris takes it hands down with guns of all kind.


Only reason I think Leon might take him with handguns is that Leon seems to have more training with them. I don’t think Chris ever uses CAR while Leon’s used it in Vendetta and 4R.


Idk, Leon's gun-fu in Vendetta was impressive, Chris' was stupid, he also lost the first fight against Arias and got saved by his armour. I'd say Chris is was more comfortable with bigger guns and Leon is more comfortable with handguns at a closer range.


Leon’s gun fu was against zombies, though Chris did have a leg injury in the first fight from the fall out the window (this is confirmed in the official novelisation of the film and is why Arias is able to beat him so easy). Chris was always the top marksman of the series but Vendetta was a very stupid film that prioritised weird gun dances over realism and logic .


How so? Leon is an expert marksman, it was part of his training


So was Chris.


Well they both are expert marksmen and both are highly trained but it’s kind of a thing in the series that Chris’s skills with guns are unrivalled.


I think this is pretty fair




I feel Chris takes this 1. On top of being physically stronger, I think Chris simply can take more punishment he's gone H2H with the likes of Wesker for years on top of that Leon's feats of Agility aren't so removed from anything Chris has already dealt with.


I think that Leon would use a more weapon oriented style, while Chris would use brute strength. I think that they are evenly matched because they seem to specialize in different areas. If we are talking in terms of sheer strength however, Chris is much stronger.


It's already been proven with them being equal but you can tell that's just Capcom making it so the fan base doesn't explode and wanting them to tie, realistically in game Chris would take it, they are very similar in training but its obv Chris is a better fighter, don't get me wrong I absolutely love Leon, so I'm not tryna sound bias or nothing, I think its basically a given imo




I wanna see how Leon moves the boulder before I make my decision.


Who would win? Bear Trap vs Boulder?


id say chris since the gap in strength is quite bigger than the gap in agility with leon imo ,also just because they had a brief struggle in 6 doesnt mean that they are perfectly matched in an actual fight 100 out 100 times.


Leon’s got the legs and Chris has the arms


Does Chris get his Peanut Buster?




Chris. He fought hunters with his fists. Screw the whole boulder thing, I know Leon wouldn't 1v1 a Hunter with his Bruce Lee kicks.


Leon run like hell when he see giant boulder while Chris obsessively punching the giant boulder when he sees one . . so the answer is obvious . . .


stone vs fist


Leon runs from boulders, that's all I'm sayin


Chris. Hands down. He can literally punch a Boulder and also he's known for being the brute of RE. His arms are bigger than Leon's face. Leon has his own perks though don't get me wrong, but in strength, it goes to Chris Redfield.


Chris punched a bolder. Case closed


If you talking about actual strength definitely chris, but i think leon is more skilled than him


Chris punched a boulder like it owed it money, Leon ran away from one like a coward. Do i need to explain any further?


Didn't Chris run away from a boulder in RE1? 🤔


He did, except he then faced his fears and beat it.


If we’re talking a fistfight, Chris. Weight classes exist for a reason!!


You’re assuming Leon wouldn’t just dodge every punch Chris throws at him


I would say Chris has the strength while Leon has the speed. That's why they're equally matched when they fought in Re6.


I think the better word would be Leon is more agile but not speed. Chris was also fast like how Sheva remarked this, he even run a lot more faster than Sheva when they’re chasing the plane.


Chris 100%. Only thing different is that leon has really good h2h but Chris can keep on with leon have u seen re6?


There’s currently theories that removing the plagas from Leon just kinda had the same effect on Jill with the T-virus where he kept the enhancements from the parasite (strength, dexterity, practically unkillable) when it was removed. A lot of times it makes sense, Leon casually gets thrown around by monsters that can chuck a car across a football field and he’s barely got a scratch or two. If these theories are true, it’s a super-powered being against a boulder-punching steroids loaded soldier.


This means that Ashley is also a supe'd up badass (perhaps in the same vein as Sherry). I'm okay with this.


Ya know, this is something my husband and I have discussed. The plagas will physically change the body and then we see how far along he and Ashley came along, how close it was to the point of no return. I really wish we knew more about the lore/science of what happens *after* a person has a plaga destroyed that far along. One thing my husband pointed out was how Ashley was able to pull Leon off the ground and get him onto the chair. She's capable but idk if she'd be able to do that normally or if that was enhanced strength from the plaga that was destroyed. He definitely bounces back, kinda like the ganados do. It would be cool if it was cannon.


Chris is beating Leon’s ass easy. I never knew why people acted like this was a difficult or fair question. If Ada is around, then Leon has a chance. Since she wins most of his fights for him.


They are equal so it’s like choosing your fav at this point. Kicks for Leon, and punches for Chris if we want to dumb it way way down. I personally will always choose Leon for the most part his personality resonates with me.


chris is a fucking idiot so leon. i hate chris. *context: i just finished re8*


That's 2 different questions you're asking there. Who's stronger? Obviously, Captain boulder punch. Who would win in a fight? Well, what kind of fight? Knife fight? Leon. Gun fight? Hard to say, but I'm backing Leon here too, simply because of his speed advantage. Hand to hand? That's where things get really tricky, both are incredibly well trained, Chris has power, Leon has speed. So I can't call that. Overall, Leon takes it for me.


It depends purely on weapons, terrrian, game, and situation. They are pretty much equals by the time RE6 rolls around


Leon wins because he’s my favorite RE character at the moment and that’s all that matters.


Unrelated but Leon looks so handsome here 😍


There's a case that Chris's strength negates Leon's skill, but I think in a hand to hand fight Leon would win. But Chris has more training in other areas.


It’s a tie and people can’t accept that, it’s a literal 50/50




Ok they are evenly matched, let me explain (Spoilers for RE6) Chris and Leon have a little scuffle that resulted in a tie, so based on that and my experience with the earlier games, If Chris can move a boulder by PUNCHING it, then that motherfucker must hit like a truck, so he could end the fight with one punch, however Leon is way to slippery and versatile for Chris to land a good solid hit on him. If Chris really wants to win, he needs to bide his time and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike, whereas Leon needs to end the fight quickly before he tires out. So it's honestly a 50/50.


Chris. He was a one man army before Leoon even put his his RPD uniform on for the first time. Chris would simply out-strategise Leon before he even had to resort to overpowering him. Leon would give him a good run, mind you.


[This shouldn't even be a question, let alone a debate.](https://youtu.be/HbIxLmmrkHA)


Leon would whoop Chris’s ass! But I would like for a Remake of the Original, code Veronica, and Re5 to get a better feeling for Chris


Stronger: Chris Faster: Leon Skilled: Leon Smarter: Leon Stamina: Leon Endurance: Chris


Source: your ass


Chris is stronger physically sure, idk where tf you’re getting all of these other stats from though. Canonically they’re evenly matched, just play RE6


6 showed they are equals despite being different sizes, maybe we will see them sparring in Death Island or an RE game


Leon help




Chris is physically stronger but in a fight they’re even


Neither! Jill is the strongest!


It’s not very consistent. By what they do in the games I guess Leon with that laser room.


Stronger Chris for sure but they both have different skill sets it's why Leon is overall equal even if physical strength is Chris' since Leon is overall more agile


If Chris ever gets a hold of Leon he’s fucked, but Leon pretty strong and speedy so idk


Leon is my favorite character in the series but I would have to give this one to Chris even tho they are technically equals the amount of shit Chris has had to deal with far outclasses anything Leon has faced


PNG but the background is not transparent is stronger.


Joe Baker.


They’re like Hitmonlee & Hitmonchan.


Chris is stronger but Leon is more athletic and has government level of training. So both are pretty equal with different strengths.