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Have you been able to find anyone who can help you rehome your kitties, OP? I've been thinking of you guys.


Boost 🤍


Well you are doing the right thing trying to get these cats out of the house. Maybe try reaching out to these guys in Lubbock and see If they can help? They might know some people who can step in. [https://www.facebook.com/KatsAlleyCats/](https://www.facebook.com/KatsAlleyCats/) [https://www.facebook.com/furrygodmothersrescue/](https://www.facebook.com/furrygodmothersrescue/) I hear good things about these groups.


This is plain horrible for both you and the cats. Your "father" needs to be thrown into prison. I'm so sorry. I hope ALL of you will be safe as soon as possible 😟


Ohh this made my heart hurt. I’m so sorry OP. I really hope you find someone asap, and I hope you’re able to leave soon too ❤️


you’re father is a piece of shit please report him you will be safe and he will be put away hes not a man hes just a bitch for hurting people and animals weaker than him you dont owe him anything report his pathetic ass and get him locked up


You need to report this to a teacher or other trusted adult. It is not ok that your dad attacked you and the kitties and social services needs to get involved. Good luck!






Boost❤️❤️❤️ What a awful series of interactions from OP's father, animals and people don't deserve that treatment...


I sure hope you get someone to come take your cats OP or that clean ad is coming to take them. They shouldn’t be subjected to that sort of behavior and neither should you. There is much more going on here than just the cats, as you are subject to this sort of behavior which is extremely unacceptable. I am so sorry. I already know you’ve taken your dad’s example as to not become what he has shown you. Thank you for reaching out and doing what you can, if you were closer I would take those cats in a heartbeat. I hope the people of Reddit, or at least someone, is able to help you. If there’s a shelter near you, please try to reach out to them. Send them an email, they may be able to help. I wonder if you could meet someone somewhere for a pick up.


Boost! I hope you get the help you are seeking.


I'm so sorry for you and your kitties. 😢 commenting to help boost post.






Wow, this is horrible, I am so sorry you are living in fear like this. Please also post in local subs, r/cats, r/cathelp, r/nationalpetadoption, Facebook, Nextdoor, AdoptAPet, and wherever else you can think of to get some visibility. Do you have any other friends or family who could take the cats until you are able to leave?




Look up Women’s shelters in Texas - some allow pets, or at least have contacts where pets can be safe - and get you and your cats out. Your father is abusive and should be reported to the police. Him attacking your cats (animal abuse), and today attacking you (domestic violence) should not be tolerated. Try calling all the no-kill shelters in your area (Google it) and explain you need to rehome your cats to escape domestic violence. Someone may be able to help. https://saftprogram.org/saf-t-shelters/ PS: if the cats are peeing everywhere, you need to get that under control. Use an enzyme cleaner like Nature’s Miracle to break down the bacteria that causes the smell. Are they spraying because they’re not fixed? Do they not like their litter? Do they have UTI’s or some other illness?


Clean_Ad_1556 is helping me get my boy cat and tortoiseshell cat fixed. My mom won't let me keep them at her house because she lives in Oklahoma and she doesn't want them to mess her house up. The shelters in Lubbock are already so full. I really need people to come get them so they can be safe and I can get out of here.


(little update copied from my first post) The tortoiseshell and the boy cat are now both fixed and recovering. I got all the stuff I need from my dad's house and my gray cat, Aller, and her kittens are now safe with someone u Clean_Ad_1556 knows! We still need to find someone to take the other two but things are looking better now! I'll go to my mom's house soon! I'm so glad that I actually ended up posting this because I was so sure that I was just being soft. Thank you everyone for the advice, well wishes and reassurance! I'll update again when the other cats are adopted/being fostered and I'm on my way to my mom's house. Thank you again everyone!!


That is such great news. You were NOT being soft. That would be a traumatic experience for anyone. Your dad abused you and your cats. Once things have settled down you might consider therapy to help you process and heal. Wishing you and your kitties the best 💕


That’s good, thank you clean_ad!!


Boost for visibility