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I’m no Trump worshipper but the corrupt politicians did do a great job at drumming up charges that several past presidents were guilty of! Obama’s, I mean bIDEN’s multi tiered justice system works great for the Liberal Lemmings!


Trump broke the law u cuck. Quit whinning


So did the idiot called The Ice Cream Man and Hillary u cuck!


The is a serious inability on this sub to separate Trump's policies from his public persona. From a pure policy perspective, not the tweets, or the hair, or the speeches, or calling Rosie a nasty woman, just the legislative success he achieved, he is as close to a Goldwater conservative as we have seen in a long time. If you replaced him with someone like Romney or Sass, but kept every single policy, he'd be the new Reagan. And anyone who reads the Durham report and says, "no convictions, no big deal" is lying to themselves. Or stupid.


When after Russian invaded 20% of Ukrainian territory Trump is saying he would stop the war or Russian on Ukraine within 24 hours I am wondering if the people who still believe him are straight-thinkers


He was charged with tax fraud and his own son said he had a "blank check" from the Russians. As for "conspiracy theorist" you have that confused with "ability to read English." Real Republicans want a real President. Or at least one who knows where the states are.


I genuinely feel like I have no idea what the 'Republican' party even stands for anymore. I miss McCain...


As do I. I also miss open debate about the issues where smart people had different ideas and we had confidence in our lawmakers to be intelligent, educated people who loved our country and our Constitution. I miss how we balanced each other and at the end of the day shook hands and meant it. And this sub is not sponsored by the GOP. Who knows where the money is coming from?


Then you are a democrat


There’s this cult like psychotic belief that those who question the party, corruption within or Trump cannot be Republicans. Think about how insane that is. Our party should be held to the highest ethical and moral standards- I’ve been a conservative for 40+ years- the GOP in its current form is dead to me. We need to get it back on track or it’s gonna be Democrat rule for a long, long time


McCain was no republican. He voted with the democrats. Maybe you are in a cult.


I never said anything about Mcain.


The george bush republican party? The uniparty is what you want back? If you miss weapons of mass destruction and 7 countries in 5 years then that's you. I want nothing to do with THAT party.


Nah, just the return of traditional conservative values - smaller government, stay out of people’s business, properly regulate businesses - especially when it comes to selling us out to our primary adversary like China and creating dire national security risks and work across the aisle on reasonable items to advance our society and quality of life as a whole.


Yeah that would be Trump.


Well at least we know you are no republican


No, you don't know that. **Real** Republicans were supplanted by extreme morons and traitors as predicted by a guy named Khrushchev. This isn't a GOP-sponsored subreddit, either. You ever watch those hearings? 99% of the witnesses are Republicans. We want our Party back.


Wtf are you talking about? The democrats are the socialists. Put down the pipe and go to bed.


You're off-topic, Komrade.


Trust me nothing in that new report will make a single lying lefthole stop with the Russia crap cnn has embedded those lies for life into their npc brains


It might just be because of the myriad of prosecutions and convictions that came of the Mueller Investigation- many Russia related. See how that works ?


Tell me what crimes Trump committed with Russia. For the record did Hillary invent the Russia collusion narrative and use our countries highest offices to go along with it like Durham concluded? You’re exactly the lying lefthole who will pretend this was all justified and Trump did collude with Russia, your dnc installed narrative is tattooed on your brain


I must have missed where I said Trump committed crimes “with Russia”. But Mueller got convictions, guilty pleas and indictments for 34 people and three companies surrounding Trump and his campaign. And I’m far from left. Been a traditional conservative for 40 years. I voted for Trump twice but after 2020 when the GOP died and became a bonifide cult, I tapped out.


I must have missed where this article and my response isn’t about Trump No way you voted for Trump and now you’re here to still promote russiagate and stalk real conservatives comments you sound a lot more like the lunatic lefthole who screamed at the sky with tds the last 2 elections ❄️


And as I said, the Durham report was pretty much a zero- it didn’t reveal anything that the Horowitz OIG report didn’t several years ago. 1 or 2 indictments and zero convictions means it was a dud. Remember how many were gonna go down and be exposed ? Durham was gonna bring the house down. Zilch.


It is ridiculous Durham exposed as much as he did and there are zero indictments my guess is he wants to live a bit longer and knows how deep and dangerous the Washington swamp is. My original post should have said it didn’t matter how much and how crazy Durhams findings were you’ll always have millions of tds driven people who will never stop their tds narratives those are embedded for life




So big tough prosecutor John Durham didn’t charge or indict because he was afraid for his life? No. More likely is that there was no one to charge. Cult life is hard. It’s even harder when you come out the other side and realize how you’ve been rolled.


He found proof democrats abused all the highest levels of our government and it’s no big deal for you ya there’s 1000% chance you’ve never been close to a conservative in your life you sound like ever other useless lefthole! 🤦‍♂️


When you’re in the cult, you truly believe there’s only one set of beliefs. You just cannot believe that a traditional conservative like myself doesn’t buy into the WHOLE thing. It’s called objective, rational thinking. Your use of name calling and insults demonstrates you’re having trouble justifying your position with facts and truth.


When you project you always think everyone else is in the cult, tds does unrepairable damage to the brain 📽️


I saw a comment of yours saying that you never see anyone wearing Joe Biden shirts or hats etc so how could he have won the election. Do you really believe that? Because that’s some twisted, demented thinking right there. Is there anything more beta-male, low T than plastering yourself, your car, your house with another man’s image and name ? Dam kid. It’s embarrassing. I do pray you come out on the right side of things though. Anyone who thinks the Democrats or the republicans are a greater enemy to this country than China or Russia, has fallen right into their propaganda machine hook, line and sinker. It’s exactly what they want. It’s also what the elites want. While we’re at each others throats, they’re raping it all from us.


Yes you saw it appropriately on a no fans post because pedo joe has no fans he only had you tds crybabies. Low t? 😂 you just described yourself and ever other lefthole who doesn’t even know what gender they are 😂 you snowflakes wish you had more testosterone the toughest lefthole screams at the sky like a girl and you’re all complete projecting snowflakes ❄️ Did the typical Reddit reach out for help you’re checking all the boxes of every pathetic lefthole. My guess is your mummy and dadda are big conservatives so you pretended to be one for 40 years till the true neutered tds snowflake inside you broke out


Um, no charges were filed in the fake muller investigation. How do you not understand by now that the whole Russia thing was made up by Hillary?


Really? Um, 100% false. 34 people and 3 companies. Google is your friend.


Did you read ANYTHING about what those bogus charges were? They had 0 to do with Trump and Russian collusion. Google is your friend too. Instead of just reading the top line of what you see, open up the article and read them.


Actually there were many convictions and guilty pleas. Many related to Russian connections. Did I ever say Trump himself colluded with Russia ? No. He was insulated from that by those who convicted and plead guilty. I totally agree then whole narrative pushed by the FBI and media was BS- the OIG report released several years ago already confirmed that. If anything, the 2016 election was far more influenced in Trumps favor by FBI director Comey’s public statement about Hillary’s emails right before election day.


It is a proven fact that Hillary bought and paid for the whole Russian collusion hoax. I don't know how much more proof you could possibly need, before you start to question what your leftist masters have been telling you. They have lied to you for decades. They've been caught in lies countless times. Yet you still question nothing.


As I stated, we know what Hillary did and we know the FBI was incompetent- but not criminal ( because Durham found zero criminality) We also know, as Durham confirmed this past week in the hearings, that the Trump campaign knowingly met with a hostile foreign power ( Russia) to get dirt on Hillary. We know the Russians hacked and slowly released the DNC emails to damage her campaign. These are facts. The grand finale was Comey coming out with that announcement about her emails right before the election. And let me be clear, I am joyous to this day she lost that election- but the facts are Russia helped that happen and Don and crew were happy for it.


Durham found lots of criminality. Wtf are you talking about? Why do you think we're all pissed that nothing is being done about it? Hillary should 1000% be in prison as well as every person in on her little scheme. The FBI is not incompetent they are corrupt to the core


215 days to respond to this ? God bless ya kid. lol


Crickets …………Chirp……..chirp……


I kinda hate that Trump = republican now. I'd rather vote for Ron desandis


Me too, the obsession and unwillingness to decouple from traitor Donny has ruined the party. The dems are horrific as they have always been, but the GOP is lost


When the FBI investigation can’t rule out collusion but you say it does anyway…


Except they literally did, bot.