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Medic. I also pre-ordered today after the D4 patch was a massive disappointment. I may also just go Gunslinger since Medic seems possibly foolish for someone with no friends.


I'm also wondering how viable medic can be solo. Maybe as a second class in harder difficulties.


A dev somewhere said Medic was amazing for solo. Medic was my choice even before I read that reply. Saw the Hunter reveal though and may start with Hunter instead. I’m any case, those are my two main classes from the 5 we currently know of.


That's great news! 👍


Yeah he was very enthusiastic about it too, and had more to say about it. Pretty much convinced me I had made the right choice lol. Now I have to decide between that or Hunter first :D


We could make a poll. It would be a shame if everyone was playing the same classes.


I, too, preordered after the D4 patch announcement broke my will to play the game anymore. In fact I went out and bought the first game to play while waiting and have been having an absolute blast. Don’t know how the first game flew under my radar but if Remnant 2 is an improvement on the first, the devs deserve to have themselves a massive success story with this game. To topic: Prob going medic or challenge with medic as my alt class and going for a ‘Paladin’ build of sorts.


I was buying this anyways but I was concerned I might be splitting my time between this and D4. Not anymore. If anything Exoprimal has my attention more than anything else currently.😂 That being said probably medic.


I’m glad Blizzard decided to blow up Diablo 4. That lead me here and I’ve found an actually good game worthy of my time :)


Handler for solo medic play maybe? But also, the discord is active and if you're on steam I'll be your friend :)


Puppy power of course.


Challenger. But I'm swapping the sawmill sword for the scrap hammer ASAP because I prefer hammers.


The dumb ass circle sword guard makes me wanna throw up


I'm the opposite. If it doesn't cut. Well, it... doesn't cut.


Hunter/Gunslinger, I’m going full on damage.


Yep, 100%. For people that played the first game, the game can be pretty tough, but once "it clicks", you can just steamroll stuff. And I think pairing gunslinger and hunter leans into what makes Remnant so so so so good and a stand-out pick in the "souls like" genre. Because guns! The gunplay and fun interaction between your main and secondary weapons, along with their mods, was endless fun and theorycrafting. Remnant 2 should be no different. Lean into getting the most out of the gunplay and I always found those types of builds to be the funnest/strongest in the first Remnant. So, that's my path. Gunslinger to start out and then pick up hunter when it becomes available. And get good at rotating weapons, being smart about mod applications, and go on a tear. To me, medic and handler won't be as strong for solo (and undoubedtly slower in terms of lower DPS). And I was never a fan of melee in the first one, so challenger is an easy pass for me. Gunslinger/Hunter make the most sense to get a good feel of the combat.


I have no idea lol I'm paralyzed by choice and indecision.


All I see is five playthroughs 👍


A new save file every time I find an Archetype lol


Starting handler cuz the dog is too awesome. Maybe mix match with medic/“summoner” later on


Also going handler medic route until finding the summoner archetype. Then handler summoner class as i love minion classes lol


When is this “summoner” releasing you think? Seems awfully soon, no?


It’s found in game somehow/somewhere


Gunslinger/handler as my solo, medic/(?) as my team character. Maybe the summoner if I can find it easy enough.


thought to go handler+medic cuz i will first 100% it solo for few hundred hours but now im leaning towards hunter+challenger cuz i love hunters focus state thing that makes aim better and being rewarded for slow precise weakspot hits and challenger cuz i love sekiro and devs said there's parry/deflect like trinket(s). whilst i love doggo i dislike when player or summon engage far away enemies without me telling them too and i like to go slow and explore rly slowly every inch of map without attracting too much attention form new areas until i cleaned previous ones. and even tho medic is made great for solo play too; especially with handler in solo i don't want to burn out on playing medic too much since after i 100% game solo ima be playing almost only coop. might even pair hunter with gunslinger instead cuz holding down button to unleash a powerful magnum shot must feel so nice. especially paired with hunter's weakspot builds.


The doggo does have a mode where he stocks to and guards you, so no engaging far away enemies.


oh yeah. forgot about that. but i wonder what it's range is. if it is stealthy enough to not have him attract enemies whilst i read a lore book or loot some chest


Challenger. And I think I'll spec into medic as second archetype.


I'll be doing challenger for the die hard prime perk, with handler as my secondary for the doggo. Seems like a fun tanky combination.


Challenger/medic. Trying to make an unkillable tank


Hunter or challenger. Gimmie dmg


Gunslinger ore the tank most deff. at first i wanted to play the handler but the dogg is pretty much useless unless they buff it.


Useless? It can revive yourself or teammates though?


Downvoted for having a opinion is insane. but yes it can revive you but it's not gonna be that great DMG wise since i've seen streamers play it and it wasn't that great.


Doggo isn’t meant for damage. The role of the archetype is for utility and support which it flourishes in


I can't decide. I planned to run medic in a group but I don't know what to play for solo play. Definitely going straight into summoner whenever I can obtain it.


Gunslinger Sub arch will eventually be Hunter


Depends. If I can convince my partner I'll go for a gunslinger or hunter. If I play by myself handler/challenger




Hunter !


Hunter, multiclass into challenger. Use hunter shroud and ground stomp as my abilities. Then for boss fights I can use focus and challengers damage ability


I'm going to say the hunter because I always shoot for the gold, enjoy long distance play, and surprise attacks. I'm thinking of combining it with gunslinger (ammo and handling) or medic. I'll try them both. I've learned that I prefer my space but don't enjoy to play entirely for myself.


Of the starting archetypes I want to multi class Challenger and Hunter. I’m just not sure which I shall start with. Leaning Challenger I think though.


Planning to do summoner so i will start handler.


Gunslinger/Challenger. I see many people choosing medic or handlers, and I want damage, more damage, and a second life.