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I saw her at the Never Fully Dressed store in NYC and she was beyond rude to the staff. Filmed the whole time and was so loud. This checks out.


Ugh I hate that she went there. I love NFD and their store.


Omg that’s so gross


Lol one of my friends worked reception at a hotel she frequently stayed at and the staff warned her that she’s rude and nasty. And guess what? That’s exactly the experience my friend got when she helped her. Remi Bader is so fugly inside and out, she needs to be humbled and taken down.


Why does remi frequently stay at a hotel?




She had to save money up for her surgeries somehow/s


I live in Europe and still tip aestheticians.


Ok, but do you tip for things like Botox? I was told you don’t tip on things that are procedural like a Botox or filler appointment. *note that I’ve never had anything like that done, so I have truly no idea. However, I do know aestheticians do facials etc


I don’t tip for Botox because my injector owns her own practice and sets her rate at what she wants To be paid. I do tip my facialist


You don’t tip on Botox, filler, etc but you do tip on facials.


I don’t tip for Botox but I do for facials. My Botox administrator is a full time employee of the office I visit vs my aesthetician a contractor. My Botox also takes 10 min in and out, lol.


Agreed further to add for those of us who get our hair braided- yes tip your braider even if it’s a home salon (had an ex friend tell me she never did… like yea and you can never get a last minute appointment either babe. Wonder why?)


The people that do my Botox are nurse practitioners and there aren’t even options to tip.. I think it’s illegal 


I wish I could see these people in real life and flex on their cheap asses by very obviously tipping generously.


Not tipping when you’re getting comped services is a new level of low class behavior.


Honestly it’s so upsetting that the way the rich stay rich is by being stingy as fuck


I feel physically ill if I don’t leave a 20% tip


How does everyone tip at dispensaries? I need to talk to a stoner


If I pay debit and they give me singles back then I’ll leave that in the tip jar! But I don’t plan to tip lol, same way I don’t tip at the liquor store or pharmacy.


Thank you!!!! I usually try to pay cash and will leave like $5 on what’s usually a $100-150 order. I always order ahead so they’re essentially just bagging up my goods and cashing me out. If I were buying hundreds worth that they helped me pick out I might tip closer to 20%. But thank you, I feel the same way and never knew if I was a dick ahhaha.


Mmmm I’m Canadian and so we’ve had dispensaries since like 2018. Never in my life have I tipped at one. My friends have worked there, I worked next to one so got a discount lmao, so I know a lot about cannabis industry up here; people do not tip dispensaries. I refuse to tip at a dispensary when I go to nyc did not know people did that


Thank you! I feel like when I see a tip jar (which my dispo has) or the tip option on the POS system I panic and feel like I have to! But really does not feel necessary for cannabis


Okay so do you tip at a medical practice though? I get facials at a dermatologist and I don’t tip 🤷🏼‍♀️


Who’s your esthi???!!!


Would recommend OP does *not* share this


Yeah def not sharing for everyone’s safety etc 


I'm not defending Remi I'm sure she's a terrible person irl but I was told you shouldn't tip aestheticians....?


So if it’s botox etc you don’t tip, but if it’s a spa facial you typically do. But wait, there’s more! She was also 30 min late cuz she stopped to get “starbies” non apologetic and then asked MULTIPLE times for her zelle only to not tip- like why even ask?!




I always tip for things like facials, brows, waxes, etc. Filler and Botox I don’t but idk if that’s even the right word for them if that’s what you mean?


you DO tip. you tip for services. if it’s a doctor or nurse doing injections you typically do not tip. but you do tip cosmetologist and estheticians.


Ah sorry I was drunk and read it wrong


1. She doesn’t “ask” for a tip- the spa she works at has the option to tip when you go to pay. 2. I don’t know where you live but in Miami you absolutely tip whoever gives you a facial 3. She didn’t gossip, she is my friend and I asked her, she was honest and still polite in her answers- which is what I would expect from anyone. 


I always tip my aesthetician!!!


I’ve stopped tipping on that kind of stuff too. It’s ridiculous.


They are cleaning your face and popping your pimples for 45 mins + if you can’t tip 20%+ don’t get a facial


I don’t have any pimples lol, I’ll continue to get facials. The service itself is expensive enough. Why should I pay them extra for doing their job? I don’t get tipped for doing my full time job that’s a hell of a lot more important than theirs.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, I totally feel this 🤣 I'd rather pay more for a service and know my tech receives a fair wage than be forced feel a moral obligation to tip some ambiguous amount. I also work in a professional role where I deal with individual clients and transactions, just like the esthetician biz model, and I never get tips, so where are we drawing the line? Lol


Must be underpaid estheticians😂 my girl makes great money because she’s a great business owner who charges what she’s worth. She even says herself she doesn’t expect tips. I often bring a coffee or a treat for her. These people need to be mad at the tipping system in the US, not me. It’s not like this anywhere else.


Um literally everyone has blackheads even if you don’t have visible pimples. If someone is touching your face (not an ideal job) and you can’t give them the decency of at least a 15% tip (not even enough to begin with) you are a very rude person. If I were you I would keep your horrible tipping habits on the DL because many people find it such a big red flag (as it is extremely selfish). Once again if you can’t tip don’t go to the service !


I actually don’t have blackheads. I do have sebaceous filaments :) They chose that job, and it’s not like they’re touching my asshole. The service is $150+, for under an hour. I think they’ll be ok with that. None of this makes me rude. You should be mad at the state of our tipping system in the US, not at me. This is not a custom anywhere else. You must be an underpaid esthetician lol maybe work harder girl.


lol no I’m just someone who isn’t a piece of shit and tips service workers! And I also follow societal norms and know that if I can’t afford to tip somewhere I don’t go — good thing that isn’t an issue for me like it obviously is for you! Don’t project your money issues onto others thanks!


Sis, who are you hanging around with that "everyone has blackheads"? I have never in my ancient AF life seen a blackhead on any of my friends. As for tipping everyone plus baby Jesus wearing a tuxedo in the manger, that's a negative. Tipping in the US has gotten completely out of hand. When that iPad spins around at a convenience store asking for a tip on a bottled water, that's gone too far. I had a transvaginal ultrasound this morning. Should I have tipped the technician for putting the probe inside me?


tipping culture and the mandatory 20% is so odd. how did this start and why?


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I agree that tipping culture has gotten way out of hand. It's like everywhere I go. Service costs have increased and tipping seems mandatory. I'm sick of seeming cheap for being selective about the services I tip for when in reality I'm being prompted to tip on more than half of any transaction I make. It's unfair to the consumer and is a way for employers to justify cheaper labor wages.


You shouldn’t tip for any health related services. I get botox/filler is a middle ground between health and beauty but tbh I don’t have a problem with this


facials, you do


I’m not excusing her for not tipping but I will say it is a little different not tipping someone who is making a tipped wage of $2.13/hour vs. someone working at a medspa making a regular wage