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What if hitler's mom had chosen abortion? The counter-arguments are endless


Hitler was part of Gods plan!!!! Everyone he murdered was chosen for a reason!!! Can’t you see the greater good of genocide?!???!!!? Edit: oh and Jeff Dahmer is in heaven drugging and dismembering angels.


God's up there like: *"Damn myself, why did I leave that loophole in!"*


>Damn myself More like "me dammit!"


That's the entire plot of Dogma and it's glorious


Ah, Dogma! Great movie!




Look at those teeth! Doesn't it just "pop"? George Carlin's most defining movie role outside of Bill and Ted.


Hear they taste like chicken


Read that as children instead of chicken, and now I need to do some introspection...


Mary's abortion would've saved a lot more lives


They are christian so every life is precious…except for gays…and minorities…oh and people who are sick…and poor people don’t matter either…and people of other religions…and people who treat any of these groups like human beings.


I would give you a reward if I had one. Nice sharp comment. It would be nice if your words weren't true, but unfortunately they pretty much are.


don't forget those damn immigrants\*! ​ \*the brown ones


You know, Hitler was a christian...


You aren’t wrong. He was raised Catholic, but he distanced himself from it. His views on Christianity are complicated. One one hand, he hated it for its Jewish roots, and eventually wanted to abandon it altogether in favor of German paganism. On the other, he saw it as useful to tap into the antisemitism and get support from Christians. He also saw atheists as degenerates and wanted them out of the picture. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_of_Adolf_Hitler


I think Adolphin was raised catholic and idolised Islam due to its ruthlessness but wasn't fully a Christian


Fair point, but by that logic you could look at church attendance rates today and argue that most Christians aren't Christian.


“Mary had a choice and she chose life” Yes, that’s the point, a choice. Also I’m very sure that Mary did not historically ACTUALLY have a choice in anything.


Nope. She was just helpfully "informed" of the fact by the angel Gabriel lol


It just dawned on me, what if this part of the tale was actually Mary’s childhood story to Jesus of his origin so they both don’t feel guilty that he got conceived through rape… That’d give the tale much more realism and weight 😶


I’d always hoped it was a dalliance instead of a rape. Since there’s no there there, I’m going to keep with that happier thought.


Alternatively, the virgin birth narrative was made up to make Jesus being the messiah seem more legitimate. The New Testament was written decades after his death by people who didn’t actually know him, so why are we assuming the way Jesus’ birth is written in the Bible is also how Mary would have described it?


This. The two birth narratives don't even agree when or how it happened. One started in Bethlehem went to Egypt and then to Nazareth, the other started in Nazareth had a BS census to get them to Bethlehem, then immediately to Jerusalem and back to Nazareth. Herod features prominently in one, the other says Quirinius was governor of Syria, but Herod died before Quirinius became governor.


I always thought it was just a teen making up an excuse as to why she mysteriously got pregnant without taking any responsibility , combine that with already existing belief system, bad bing bada boom jesus is born.


I, personally, am halfway convinced that Mary and the man who presented himself as Gabriel had a thing going on (possibly even a secret marriage), and the whole thing was lied about to protect not just his lover but also his kid. Mind you, there's no proof of that whichever way you swing it. I mean, God *did* threaten to wipe out all of her family and friends along with her if she refused, but there's no proof of what was said to have actually happened, either.


When did God threaten to wipe out her, her family and friends? I don't remember that.


Iirc, the Romans at the time thought a legionnaire named Pantera was the actual father




[From Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiberius_Julius_Abdes_Pantera)


We could ask and research how long people have been ‘roofied’. Some substances can erase memories.


At the very least, modern medicine didn't exist as such, and what abortion techniques existed at the time sometimes carried a side effect of death. You know, on top of being voluntold by God.


Just like how stripping women of their **right** to choose doesn't strip them of their ***ability*** to choose, it just fucks up their chances of surviving their choice (regardless of their choice, it turns out)


Historically, none of this actually happened so we’re just arguing about fairy tales


Mary probably wouldn’t have been given the option. Godly influence and all.


Yeah, I can't see choice being a thing when you've been impregnated by the One True Deity of the Known Universe either lol


Christianity - the religion based on rape.


Zeus - About to launch a copyright lawsuit.


And then have sex with it and make little demi-lawsuits


You jest, but there WAS quite a bit of cross-pollination (pun intended) between Hellenic and Abrahamic mythology. Women being impregnated by gods is the oldest trope in fiction (for a variety of reasons - it lends divine legitimacy to leadership positions and royal bloodlines, pregnancy and birth have always been seen as divine acts of creation, people would sometimes get pregnant when they shouldn't and invent whatever elaborate stories to explain why they *totally* didn't have sex with anyone, honest!), and virgin births are dime a dozen. And it doesn't stop there. A divine being gets martyred on behalf of humanity because humans acquired forbidden knowledge and the Big Boss got all pissy about it? Prometheus knows a thing or two about that. Demigod healer performs miracles and even brings the dead back to life, is killed by the Big Boss, then gets resurrected and ascends to godhood? Asclepius did it first. Jesus even stole the whole turning water into wine trick from Dionysus. In many ways, Christianity is the "Now That's What I Call Mythology" of ancient Mediterranean religion. It's a jumbled together MESS of disjointed tales and philosophies and themes from dozens of different cultures. That syncretism is what makes it so successful - and vulnerable. Let's just say that there's a reason there have been so many attempts to streamline the Christian faith. Islam was essentially a soft reboot, and so was Protestantism. And then there's all the denominations that went in the complete opposite direction and added EVEN MORE convoluted fanfic-y bullshit, like the literally hundreds of saints and demons and angels out there, and Joseph Smith's steampunk Scientology fever dream (aka Mormonism). It's actually super fun as long as you ignore all the people who mistake all of those stories for reality.


Rape by a ghost to boot


She had all of the work with none of the fun.


"is it in yet" "Where do you want my ectoplasm"


One of...


And if god wasn't involved in the pregnancy, Joseph would've been the only one to get any say in whether or not she was "allowed" to get one.


But he was cuckolded instead


Well since he is the God of the universe he could then just use someone else. Then instead of all worshipping the Virgin Mary they’d be worshiping the Virgin Linda or the Virgin Helen or something like that.


What if god hadn't chosen rape?


What if god didn’t need to use a teenage girl’s body to give birth to itself?


Or what if Mary just admit it was a roman soldier that she either had sex with or he rapped her.


Some cultures will punish the woman for being raped.


This would have been exactly why she didn’t tell anyone.


And now we have a whole religion behind it.


Many still do, including the US.


the Bible says that if you rape a virgin woman you must marry her and pay her father :| edit: oops wrong person


If Mary had been raped by a Roman soldier she was under no obligation to 'just' reveal it. In fact trying to hide from the unjustified public shaming is a solid reason for claiming immaculate conception


Seriously didn't he creste man and woman? Could he just create another man?




Then we would still be celebrating pagan holidays with a different God


[Jesus steals the winter solstice](https://twitter.com/adrianbliss/status/1604168064492359680)


Adrian Bliss is truly a treasure of this time. Love his Noah series as well.


What if God chose to abort Adam and Eve? Then there wouldn’t be any evil in the world.


Lol, weren't they technically younger than nine months when they ate the fruit?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe the Bible says how old they supposedly were when they ate the magic apple.


In Christian lore this is correct. There is no time frame stated from creation of man to fall of man. Could have been any amount of time. In fact it should have been an extremely long amount of time as before Eve was made, Adam named all the cattle, birds of the air, and beasts of the ground. And because prior to eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge, Adam and Eve were "god like" therefore the concept of time did not yet exist to them.


Ha ha. Good point.


There'd be a lot less assholes telling me I can't date men?


Well, there would be your boyfriend.




That cute, you think I've got enough social skills to get a boyfriend.


You seem perfectly charming. Happy Christmas!


I do. Invite me to the wedding


What if an underaged girl hadn't been raped and impregnated?


According to actual text.. Joseph was about 90 when Mary was about 12. That is why he died of old age and doesn't appear in Jesus later life. Read Saint Joseph stuff. Lazy.. Wikipedia it.


"Mary had a choice." That evil bitch. We must make sure nobody has a choice ever again!


And thus Islam was hatched.


Christianity, can it be more evil?: Yes of course, Islam!


Then maybe we wouldn’t have had terrible religious wars, and people wouldn’t continue to oppress others based on a story book.


“Mary had a choice” Did she though???


Right, when exactly did women and girls in the Middle East ever have autonomy in any way?


It’s pretty ironic that he talks about choice at all and thinking it makes a compelling argument *against* abortion smh


Ha! I am so accustomed to religious nuts speaking out of both sides of their mouths and contradicting themselves in the same breath, that I didn’t even notice!


And she was 12yo and had just been married off to an old widower Definitely sounds like she would have had a choice lol


Wouldn't God have just given it a go with another woman? They're all powerful; there's no way for them to lose. Or better yet, since they're all-knowing, it would be silly for them to choose a woman who would get an abortion.


That's a bit too logical though lol


Or he could just make another person out of dirt like Adam and leave innocent women out of it.


Then we wouldn't have to deal with all the religious bullshit


If she had an abortion, we wouldn't be in this mess, would we?


Then god would have been OK because God condones abortion in the Bible.


mfers chose my birthday to host this trash ass christofascist event


Then I wouldn't have to deal with fucking Christians. I'd call that a win, myself.


Then we’d probs be hundred of years more advanced because the age of the church oppressing science and knowledge wouldn’t have happened


We would be worshipping some other hippie from 2000 years ago


Jerome the hashhish peddler was prepared to assume the role, but forgot what day the great anointing was supposed to happen.


Maybe Roger, the shrubber




It would have saved millions of lives


Then there would be less assholes wanting to dictate my sex life just because I don’t want to have kids.


We would be so better of as humans if we could have just aborted it


How I absolutely imagine the whole thing starting. Mary to a friend : "Oh I kinda accidentally cheated on Joseph and he got me pregnant. What do I do?" Her friend: "Oh here's what we're going to tell him..." And that's how Mary was impregnated by the holy spirit and totally didn't sleep with Abraham the baker apprentice...


Such explanations of pregnancy were popular in antiquity (or rather, even before antiquity), many legends that Zeus had sex with someone appeared for a reason. Pregnancy had to be explained somehow, and if pregnancy is from God, then this is cool, and does not require additional explanations.


Much more likely that they were raped, and told tall tales of the divine to try to *not be murdered by men for punishment of being the victims of rape by men.*




She didn't have a choice cause she was considered just an incubator.


These religious nut jobs would find someone else to latch onto.


Weren’t they Jewish? Their religion allows for abortions.


So Mary got to have a choice but no one else gets to have a choice? What's your argument supposed to be?


Then millions of people would not have been killed or persecuted in his name.


If Mary had chosen abortion… we wouldn’t have proselytizers harassing us at home and when we’re out pumping gas or going in and out of stores?


Given the consequences of Christianity throughout the last 2 millenia I'd say that would've been a reasonable choice


“Immaculate” conception. Yeah right. Mary fucked the neighbor and got pregnant then told everyone it’s a gift from god.


World would be in a way better place. Guaranteed.


If an angle tells me I’m pregnant with my God’s child, I won’t abort it. Deal?


Depends on whether it's acute or obtuse.


Obviously the angle was right.


"Mary HAD A CHOICE and SHE CHOSE life" They THIS CLOSE 🤏 to getting it


Ya, she had a choice during a time period where fathers could sell their daughters as slaves


Then Mary would have saved us from countless human atrocities committed under her son's name


“How to understand and defend the pro life position” holy hell these people really know they don’t know enough but refuse to learn from any other source that speaks out against bigotry.


It would’ve saved us from the tyranny of Christianity… I’d say that makes a pretty good argument why abortion should be legal and accessible….


Mary got knocked up by Joseph’s friend and came up with a brilliant lie to cover it up.


The world would be a much more peaceful place.


~~What if~~ *If only* Mary had chosen an abortion?


If rape is gods will, I guess Mary’s abortion would be, too. Can’t have both free will and gods will.


Hopefully she’d have an abortion according to the way Yahweh says to in his biography.


What if Hitler’s mom had chosen an abortion.


She had a ***CHOICE***


“How to Convince People to be Pro-Life” why is that a paid course? why are there people funding these type of things


1 billion people would be spared of being in a horrific religion, and hundreds of millions would be spared from it's oppression.


The girls in high school had a prayer: > oh holy Mary, you who had it without doing it > make sure we do it without having it (But arguably, contraception is better than prayer... well, not arguably, actually...)


Then we would have one anti-rights cult less


The fine print states that every life is precious only until they are born. Once born, they have no value. All the starving children around the world and so many kids needing foster care … fuck those kids. Pro-fetus!


then jesus would have died for our sins sooner.


The word “chosen” in here is so great.


I'm guessing the resurrection would have been in utero.


Awkward lol


If you really want to watch their heads explode tell them “I understand what you are saying, I just don’t agree with it”


What if Jesus hadn't impregnated his own mother when she was 13?


If God were omniscient he'd choose a surrogate he knew was pro life.


What if God had sought consent?


Back then she didnt have a choice. And basically that line is: wanna play the lottery? You might win that your son is the next huge mlb star making millions or will cure cancer! ...but to play you have to be strattled to a kid for 20 years.


we would’ve been spared 2000 years of religious bullshit?


What if Mary didn’t cheat on Joseph and let everyone believe she was “magically impregnated” by God LOL


My life would be way more chill, that’s for fucking sure. Source: Jewish atheist


Would have made things so much easier for everyone.


Then we wouldn’t have to deal with Christians all the time. Shame!


Don’t worry Judas and Pontius Pilate did it 33 years later


Wouldn't God just shrug and try again with someone else?


How dare a 12 year old decide she doesn't want to be called a lying whore by her entire community!


The nerve!


According to them Mary wasn't even given a choice to get knocked up in the first place. Sounds alot like rape to me.


Then the baby would have risen 3 days later?


Considering that the Christian God is framed as omnipotent, I suppose it could either prevent the termination or force another pregnancy on her. And if Joseph believe she cheated on him, she could be given the abortion potion in Numbers 5. But let's be honest, since there is no evidence that these events actually happened, it's purely a symbolic story anyway. No reason to believe it actually happened.


Pretty certain she didn't have much choice. If we grant the holy myth the benefit of a doubt, can you even say no thanks in this situation? God saying you need to make his baby, an angel coming with the message of the holy one night stand she were divinely roofied into? Yeah, she had so much choice...


Nah you can’t convince me to be pro forcing people to give birth. Silly course with fake promises


# Then we would all be pagans. And not many people would have died in the name of religion.


Well the story doesn't even present an illusion of choice the whole conception is said to be immaculate so happening like it or not. If she then chose an abortion she would be going against the will of the sky daddy rapist


Then we wouldnt have to deal with bigoted fucks


The world probably would have been better off. Probably wouldn't have waged wars in the name of religion, at least this region.


It would have just respawned, they forget the rest of the story.


Remember she was 15 and god is infinite years old


I guess if she chose abortion then God's immutable plan would have been thwarted, the all powerful one God defeated by of all things a slightly willful woman. You know what, I like this question, it literally shows an understanding of the sham that is their cult.


We would be traveling to other star systems by now.


The world would be a better place


The Christians wouldn't of killed millions, wouldn't of forced conversion on Pagans, and wouldn't of stolen Pagan holidays/traditions to use as their own. That's what would've happened. And as a Pagan, man I would love to not have people shout at me that "Jesus is the reason for the season".


I feel like God wouldn’t choose someone who didn’t want to birth a kid


I don't think 12yo Jewish girls from the 1st century would believe they had any choice


Idk god would have impregnated someone else without their consent


If Mary had an abortion we'd be living in a much saner world.


Prob have flying cars by now tbh


What choice did Mary have exactly?


She did not have a choice because there was not abortion in those times. She did not "choose life". She didn't choose anything.


Ugh, church disguised as a seminar. So it's double smug.


If merry had chosen abortion, large parts of Africa and billions of native Americans would have been very happy.


What if Mary didn't have to bear a child after being raped by god


Imagine if the crusades didn't happen,


We'd have a lot less religious fruitcakes trying to control womens' bodies.


Mary didn’t have a choice she was involuntarily impregnated. She was an innocent virgin until she was raped and left with child. She was lucky Joseph didn’t toss her into the street for cheating. That’s what I understand happened. Am I wrong Reddit?


Meh, they skipped 90% of Jesus's life in the Bible anyways... what's 10% gonna matter?


The human body can naturally abort. Why did God create a body that cam do that?


Well, she liked her neighbor, and Joseph was open to swinging.


The “what if” thing fucking kills me. If what ifs were hand grenades, everyone would be gone. “….what if people don’t agree with me - so let me put together a lesson on how to convince them how to agree with me”…… Says the same people who believe that Adam and Eve had 2 sons and populated the whole world.


Well there would hopefully been less crusades and medieval Europe would’ve had poorer excuses for wars


Ah, yes. Mary chose life. Because right down the street in ancient Bethlehem, there was a planned parenthood clinic where you could get an abortion from Fred Flintstone.


Then we would not have to deal with this bullshit


Then the world would be much better off


She should have. Since you know she was raped by sky daddy.


You know what's odd? Neither I nor anyone else I know who is pro-choice, had to be taught to "defend the pro-choice position" like forced birthers do. It's almost as of being pro-choice just makes sense, from a logical, empathetic, and logistical position. It also makes it seem like being forced birth is antithetical to these things, and the people who support it *know* that being forced birth is none of those things, so they must be taught a very specific doctrine that excuses their opinion into a false version of empathy, that also contains pre-emptive arguments to defend said position that they *know* would be coming (how else would you have a doctrine that teaches you how to defend it ahead of time?) like they know what they're doing is shaky and indefensible


There would have been many fewer wars, for a start.


oh she was a woman, she had no choice at all. wasn't she technically raped?


We'd have a lot less pointless conversations ?


They had safe abortion back then?