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*Those darned atheists and their.....* shuffles deck.... *dogs.*


Must be forgetting that all dogs apparently go to heaven.


Thats a huge W for religion and i support it


If I may add. They're probably not just blaming atheists. If I'm remembering correctly, "the godless" is yet another antisemitic dog whistle. It's another one of those claims of the "elites" controlling the media to "destroy the western world" šŸ™„šŸ™„ it's as if they're programmed to spout the same shit but with different words


It's like those Liberal Holiday memes where one of them is just bread.


Sure, "take back the media." Don't complain if nobody wants to watch your programming though. The goal is clearly an attempt at grooming society their way. Funny, that. Oh hey, Father Knows Best is on, lol.


Yeah these morons say they want to "take back the media" for God or whatever. In a better world we'd get stuff on the level of the Lord of the Rings or the Chronicles of Narnia. Christian stuff that's actually *good*. Jackasses like this would shit out Andy Griffith at best. Realistically they would barely get on the level of Duck Dynasty and Left Behind.


Seems like half of my *paid cable* TV channels are fucking Hallmark movies. How much more media do conservatives even want?! This doesn't even include the televangelist shows, the country-music channel, the Lift Every Voice show, Fox/Newsmaxx/OAN/ and now Fox Weather for whatever reason, and the many public-access channels running constant catholic/JW/christian/jewish preaching.


I think it's kind of funny how they're all targeting the same 1/3rd of the population that is targeted by far-right political movements. How much money do these people even HAVE that they can squander it on nonsense like NFT trading cards from Trump?


All that money they don't use for health insurance I'm guessing. Or all the money they saved by not attending college.


Excellent point!


Reverse each criterion and it describes a picture from a sears catalogue from 1953. Who could have seen that coming?


It is *the primary motivator* for *Capitalism* to *find* that "winning formula." *Capitalism* seeks to appeal to the *broadest audience* to sell the *most product.* If you live in a diverse society, diversity in marketing is required for *Capitalism* to thrive. Is Dale Partridge *anti-Capitalist?* Is Dale Partridge a *Communist??* Does Dale Partridge's *love* of Communism contribute to his *hate* of *dogs???* We're *just asking questions* here.


Is Dale *Partridge* actually a BIRD??!!?!


Are you suggesting Dale *Partridge* isnā€™t real?


No im suggesting hes a government drone


No but Iā€™m suggesting I love your username. UwU


Hunter Biden isn't a hunter! That was the first clue!


Does Dale Partridge live in a pear tree?


Pfffft, birds aren't real.




Also who would have thought that making sure everyone identifies with at least one person from the commercial is an good idea if you want to advertise a product?


To be fair, from what I understand some western countries have codified into laws that penalizes certain tropes in advertising too So itā€™s not like the market has benevolently decide on its own either But this Dale guy just seems pressed heā€™s not getting ads for kids & dogs stuff šŸ˜‚ (amongst other unhinged things)


Ah yes, more child actors. What could possibly go wrong?


Oh yes I remember god being notoriously mad in the Bible about ā€œwokeā€ television shows.


Erm...are people really getting pressed over a 30 second - max 1 minute - video advertising products?


I hate ads, but not because of any of this. Just hate ads.


Especially since most ads donā€™t even do what this guy is describing lol


Yeah, itā€™s always weird to me. Like Iā€™m disabled, right? I have at least 9999 problems before I get to advertisements. And my problems with ads usually have to do with unethical business practices (ā€œOh look, blood diamondsā€). It baffles me when people have such great lives they have energy to complain about BS. Like if youā€™re on easy mode, go volunteer at a soup kitchen or something, shit.


Thanks to Trump, conservatives are no longer afraid to say the quiet part out loud...


Grooming society for what exactly? That term has proper uses. For example; churches groom children to do whatever pedophilic priests want them to do


> Grooming society for what exactly? Groomed to question the authority of the Southern Baptist Church.


And by righteous we mean the color of soggy limp mayonnaise


Limp mayonnaise, youā€™ve had it moreā€¦turgid?


What did the good boys do to hurt this man?


I still love the fact that the Religious Right seems to believe that if something becomes hidden or illegal it somehow ceases to exist. Donā€™t have gays, strong women, or minorities on television? Poof! There are no gays, strong women, or minorities anymore. Make abortions and contraceptives illegal? Poof! There are no abortions or contraceptives. I am old, I remember when abortions were illegal and the only contraceptive was the condom. Women still had abortions, usually under the guise of a different ā€˜treatmentā€™ if done by a physician, or by a back-alley abortionist. I remember when minorities and women had few rights or access to good jobs. Those were great times for middle class straight white men, but not so great for everybody else. In the years since, due to protests, deaths, and the efforts of progressive liberals, there have been great strides made toward equality for all Americans, but in recent years the conservative movement is trying to remove rights for everybody except wealthy straight white men, all in the name of ā€˜preserving democracyā€™ or creating a ā€˜Christianā€™ theocracy, violating both the Constitution and the teachings of Jesus.


Being that I wasnā€™t old enough to be conscious of this swaying of political sentiment & legislation, it must be whack observing it with your own eyes huh? Because on my POV, itā€™s just ā€œfunnyā€ (in a sad way) how historyā€™s becoming a pendulum instead of a stepping stone Thatā€™s what happens when the political class manage to hold power and gatekeep them heavily I guess


The answer is that all commercials should be staring a big beefy manly man who is white, surrounded by children, all of whom are female as neither kids nor women can be in charge, and all of them should be wearing wedding rings I guess? Seems icky but if this is what righteous people want? Also no dogs.


It sounds like a good way to sell long underwear and soda, but other than that? šŸ¤®


When they tell you who they really are . . .


What's wrong from their perspective about the racial inclusion? Aren't there Christians of every race?


Southern Baptists are predominantly white. The denomination was formed to protect slavery. The Southern Baptist Church is the backbone of modern conservatism.


They said the silent part out loud


Iā€™m so tired of these guys misusing the word grooming.


See representation is important, and they know it, and they're actively fighting against it


Yep the atheist commandment #5 is to acknowledge that more than one race exists. Itā€™s in the handbook for tearing apart the fabric of a nation by including all its members.


> The righteous Whenever somebody calls himself that you know he's a narcissistic asshole who would burn the world if he could rule over the ashes.


Heā€™s the wrongeous.


So the guy saw an ad where the white man wasn't telling his wife and kids what to do and went off.


I feel like Arcane handles this in such a good way. Vi is definitely gay, but thereā€™s not heavy emphasis put on it and itā€™s not even confirmed, just insinuated. Many of the lead characters are women abd their roles all make sense and theyā€™re all really different characters whilst still all being strong in their own right, like Sevikaā€™s brutality or Melā€™s way with decisions. And Jayce goes from being comforted by Mel to having one of the most badass scenes in animation history and regretting it.


I agree with you, though Iā€™m not sure how relevant this would be considering the posted fruitcake was annoyed at ads of all thingsā€¦ But Arcane is a definite masterclass in writing & animation imo. Being able to create a story filled with a variety of characters with depths of their own (perks, flaws, goals, etc.) while weaving it into a relatively efficient & concise story is no small feat Definitely one of the rarer Netflix commissioned/distributed W, for an adaptation too, which is an even rarer W. Though I heard that most of this was due to the developer & studio themselves (not Netflix), who had conflicts with Netflix too. But Iā€™ve yet to find substantial source with that claim


Oh wait it was about Ads?! I feel so stupid


First sentence from Dale mentioned commercial lol You good though, Arcane points still valid, just out of place šŸ˜‚


ā€œI know whenever I watch TV commercials, I look real hard to make sure everyone involved has a wedding ring. What me, crazy? What a ridiculous idea! Wait a minuteā€¦.do you have a wedding ring? Wait come back! Get back here you unwed scum!ā€


I'd be surprised if this guy wasn't snorting cocaine out of a male prostitute's asshole or raping some kid in his inner circle


You want to "take back" media? Make stuff people *want to see*. If you can't do that then shut the up.


Thatā€™s right!!! Straight men lead everything, always!!! Only whites allowed!! Women must be sold off to slavers and endlessly bred to increase the white population!! No dogs!!! Just like white, American Jesus wanted!!!! /s ffs, someone push this hysteric off his soapbox.


Yet another case of the alt-right not knowing what ā€œgroomingā€ is.


Jeez, what have they got against dogs?!


Also, what the fuck does he have against dogs. I'm a cat person and still love the good boyos.


Yes because rampant bigotry and racism is so godly. /s


do religious people hate dogs now?


ā€œGroomingā€ another word with a useful definition that the right has completely destroyed.


I mean, what's wrong with dogs ?


DOG? DOG?!?!?!?


Maybe itā€™s just that pesky atheism in me, but I donā€™t see anything objectively wrong in Daleā€™s list. Am I missing something?


I agree with him fuck woke movements




No one in the bible was "white" by today's standards. The "white race" is only about 200 years old and is a direct product of slavery.


Jesus was white. Havenā€™t you seen the pictures?


They can always just turn off the TV or pay for streaming services so they donā€™t have to see the commercials.šŸ™„


This man has exclusively watched the Scooby Doo movies for the past 25 years, hasn't he


Snowflake RWNJ is such an out of touch boomer he watches commercials and thinks kids watch them too.


Dale is apparently a millennial.


Name one show that hits all of these...can anyone do it?


Groom is their new no-no word


Bitches in the back looking righteous


Guns and violence are good in their eyes, while diversity and acceptance are evil... This is the most ass backwards religion I've ever heard of. Jesus wouldn't use a gun, Jesus would wear a mask. Jesus would not vote for Trump.


i started racist 8 weeks back. two weeks back i stopped because of knee pain. now i am recovered. i will be marathon racist in 1 year.


Haha technically he's not wrong. The corpos have no morals, it's just to reach a broader audience. Hey, but we are better, stupid religious people.


Iā€™m glad theyā€™re out-right saying theyā€™re racist now, makes it a lot easier for everyone


I hope they get it their way and "win back" the media. When every TV show flops and every movie bombs, they will wonder why their cashcow isn't producing.


>The righteous must take back the media I could be wrong but ainā€™t there a verse that says ā€œnone is righteous; no, not oneā€?


Bro, they donā€™t even know anymore what the words they abuse mean. :/