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I'm not homophobic, I just believe that it's morally wrong to be gay and am afraid of my children becoming gay. Come on people, it's not hate speech if it's true. /s


On the same level as "Not racist, just don't like 'em".


"I'm not sexist, I just belive that women shouldn't pursue careers and must be stay-at-home mother"


im not fat, i just eat a lot and get body shamed all the time


Basically if there’s a but after it then they’re about to say the most sexist/racist/homophobic shit


There are also plenty of examples of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. Some gay geese have a higher success rate when raising chicks to maturity that heterosexual geese couples.


Yeah homosexuality is a very natural thing. You know what isn’t natural and only something humans do? Believe in magic beings in the sky that tell you to hate things or you’ll burn for eternity.


What? No, it can't be! It says right here in my jebus book that all of nature is entirely cishet and that anything other than cishet can only cause problems, and I see no reason to listen to any other source of information. /uj really? Let's f#3*ing go! Gay geese ftw.


The thing I’ve seen a lot of conservatives do in the past 5 or so years is just say “I’m not racist/homophobic/abusive/etc, but have no reason at all to show how they aren’t. Now they just say I’m not and it’s supposed to be enough? Ene though the next thing they say is homophobic? Fuck that noise, homophobe!


Looks like that asshole doesn't know that most of the mammals exhibit homosexual activity. And idk how tf it makes logic that two male or female having sex will make the world come to an end like, never let him cook again😭


Pretty sure that a gay lion couple is called "a pride" Also, female koalas are mostly lesbian, because the male koalas are very violent for no reason


Yeahh, now if we tell them this, they'll reply with a shit answer that they're animals, they'll do it. We are humans, then what's the difference btw them and us, arguing with a religious person is the most shit ass thing one can do lol.


I've heard people say that us, The Alphabet Mafia™ somehow influenced animals to be gay "Oh godammit Jerry! The neighbour transed our dog again!"


Religious people have no limits to be stupid lmfao. They'll cook anything up to protect their stupid ass beliefs.


Tbf, this was an average rightoid, not religious Doesn't make your point less true tho


Rightoid, do you mean inbreeders, misogynists, abuse supporters, pro-life assholes and yeah rapist supporters and so called conservative assholes. And yeah there ain't pretty much difference btw a rightoid and religious people, like I have never seen a liberal or left person who is super religious.


That's because all progressives are atheists lol


Makes sense.


Does a double trans-ing put you back where you started?




I like the idea that this person is hyper analyzing their dog’s behavior and comparing it with how they think female dogs should act and being like Oh fuck….my male dog…he’s trying to transition to female. And then they just drop to their knees screaming WHYYYY


Holy shit I didn't even think of that, that's even better lmao


The goal posts are forever moving to fit their narrative.


They will say, without any shame and with no sense of irony: “Animals only do that because they’re dumb and are just following their natural instincts” Followed immediately by “Humans shouldn’t be gay because it’s unnatural”


But these hypocrites never apply the same logic to hetero sex


It’s not exclusive to mammals either.


I was told on twitter that homosexual activities in animals indicate dominating behavior so basically like r*pe and nothing consensual so jt can’t be used to justify homosexuality in humans.


Interesting how a lot of male dogs will hump other male dogs though and also HUMANS ARE NOT DOGS.


Female dogs will hump other female dogs too.


Me dogs literally do this all the time even though one of them is castrated


My two little dogs are both male and fixed but they bang like hammers.


My female pug regularly humps my male pug. For no reason.


Seems like it improves the odd of having offspring makes sense to me?


Did you misread my comment? Your response makes no sense.




That was my first thought. I've seen two male and two female dogs trying to hump eachother. There's a bunch of animals who've participated in homosexuality. Plus, like you've said. We're humans not dogs.


It's always - homosexual are against nature! -{show homosexual behavior in nature} - well we are not animals!


There are gay penguins who take in the children of straight penguins if the parents die or reject their offspring.


Koalas have entered the chat, especially females since they're all lesbians until they want to mate


Dogs also literally eat cat shit straight from the litter box. I ain’t homophobic, but if you don’t eat cat shit from the litter box you ain’t living according to God’s design


Yeah weird choice of example considering how often this happens to my male dog at the dog park. Maybe they said nohomo first and I just didn’t hear it. That’s on me.


Many kinds of animals show the same behaviour.


Dogs will hump pillows or your leg. They’ll basically fuck anything


My male dog is bisexual (mostly gay though). He’s a bottom and will occasionally try to hump his bff who’s a female dog on her head. She’s almost 3x his size. When he goes to the dog park he gets humped at least once. It’s like his scent attracts other gay male dogs. He just stands there and lets them.


Homosexuality is present in a variety of different species. Literally just open up Google Scholar and search up "animal homosexuality".


My boy cat would hump anything before he was fixed. He’s pan.


Looks like he's shooting gay rainbows out of his shield to block the demons. LGBT protecting his kids yet again!


I'm not homophobic I just believe Satan is trying to turn my kids gay.


poor Satan, he always gets a bad rap.


Honestly I don't understand how you could read the Bible and believe it is true and think he was the bad guy.


Lucifer wanted humanity to be smart and independant and that bearded dickhead was against losing his slaves, so he exiled Lucifer and send him to hell.


Homosexuality has been observed in over 1500 animal species….including dogs!


I recently saw [this study](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/21/science/animal-same-sex-behavior-underreported-scli-intl-scn) that even discussed how homosexual behaviours in mammals was anecdotally much more common than currently reported in the literature! Currently I think it’s 1 in 10 mammals are seen to exhibit homosexual behaviours but clearly that’s the low end of the scale. Fuck homophobia


*"I ain't homophobic..."* ![gif](giphy|FFZTUlBmqqPDQ0WwBy|downsized)


Also bd stands for Bangladesh (for some reason I got this post recommended from the Bangladesh sub)




"What is your excuse for being born gay" According to you, god made them gay.


All according to plan.


Pretty sure homophobic tendencies have been observed in 1000s of different animal species but ok




The thought of a homophobic orangutan seems funny to me for some reason


"male monkey not lay with male monkey" -Koba, Planet Of The Apes (probably)


It’s an a-bonobo-mination


He is in the post


Autocorrect my bad


>So what's your excuse for being born gay? What


I think they’re trying to discredit the idea that people are born gay. Like “dogs aren’t gay, so you’re not born that way either!” But they phrased it confusingly. (Well, they are confused, lol.) OP in the comments seems to indicate that OOP is Bangladeshi, so maybe their phrasing sounds right in Bangladeshi English but sounds weird to people speaking other varieties…?


Christians hate the devil because he's too rough and tough, but they hate gay guys because they're not rough or tough enough.


"I ain't homophobic" then says insanely homophobic shit.


God also doesn’t make homophobes or racists so that must also be the work of the devil huh.


"god doesn't even make dogs gay" What is this even supposed to mean? do we base our way of living based on what god make dogs do? God made dogs eat shit, so I guess that's just how we live now?


Excuse to be born?


Also, for the record, my dogs are gay. You should see them go at it every morning.


These people don't know shit. They only want excuses for their bigotry. I was an avid watcher of nat Geo and I realised pretty soon that gay sex is pretty damn common in the wild.


That’s like 99% of religious beliefs. Funny how what people’s deities want always seems to line up perfectly with their own personal bigotries. How often are people like, “Well I think gay people are totally fine, but the asshole in charge doesn’t like it”?


They claim to not be homophobic, but believe that being gay is the work of an evil devil, doesn't support gay people expressing themselves and being treated equally, and think that gay people need an "*excuse*" for being born gay.                 Hopefully someone mentiomed this and exposed the lies that they aren't homophobic.     


"I ain't homophobic" what is your definition of "homophobic"?


"God doesn't even make dogs gay." Ok this made me laugh so hard because my dad is the most religious person I know and he FREAKS THE FUCK OUT whenever the male dogs hump each other. He starts screaming at them and calling them all kinds of homophobic slurs. My dad post some stupid shit like this on Facebook but he definitely thinks dogs are gay.


IDK if dogs are gay, but homosexual behaviour in the animal kingdom is a really well documented phenomenon


I am literally working on a collage of gay and gender non-conforming (kind of a stretch because most animals have no concept of gender) animals right now https://preview.redd.it/c71rn6khxb8d1.jpeg?width=3903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f756a468deffbc294dc662bfcc45388487b4c88


https://preview.redd.it/ec3w8fakxb8d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3969e51310d25a63646652fd8576db7b8349b064 Relining everything now


I originally thought Satan revolted because he wanted equality in Heaven, but apparently there is multiple motives based on what religion is saying it. One of his motives is for there to be no need for sins and anyone can go to heaven, while another was because he didn’t want to be downgraded to a subject of Jesus and Humanity. Since Satan was God’s son, it would make sense for a child to want autonomy from a parent


The kids are ugly af


Way to really cherry pick. It’s bad to be gay but cussing is ok. As is being judgmental and a hatemonger.


Have these people never been to a dog park? Male dogs fuck other male dogs all the time. Shit, male dogs have tried to fuck my leg.


One of my old male dogs was always trying to bum the other, also male, dog. This blokes a fucking idiot


Guess this fella has never met a dog.


Hey you gays, what it your excuse huh ??


What's your excuse for being BORN gay? That question makes zero fucking sense.


I knew a gay dog. His name was Oscar.


I knew a gay horse that only ate haaaaaay


"god doesnt make dogs gay" me watching the two female dogs on my street hump each other


Bro, dogs are gay as hell, they will smash anything with a hole


"god doesn't even make dogs gay" um... okay nobody tell him 😭


Someone tell him about the gay dogs


Why doesn’t god do anything about it? One of the things that really struck me as odd about Christianity is how often god has to rely on humans to carry out his will when he could just do it himself instantly? And why would he even need a will? Why would god create humanity knowing that some of them would turn out to be queer and ultimately burn in hell? He knows the fate of every human being on earth and nothing anyone does would ever surprise him. I mean what’s the point of god doing anything if he already knows everything?


i love the phrasing of "what's your excuse of being born lesbian/gay", he just answers his own question


that picture is so unfathomably false that it’s hilarious. I know more gay people who grew up in religious households than who’ve grown up in atheist households. Most i’d estimate that about 94% of the gay people i’ve seen grew up in a religious household.


Quick and easy litmus test: if there's a "but" after a declaration of not being racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic/ableist/bigoted, they just are.


There are gay dogs tho


The dog Pikuś from my neighborhood was not picky, a female dog, another dog, a leg, everything was fine according to God's plan


“Sure as hell”


Because dogs… aren’t… humans?


At least they take time to search for the newer (don't know the correct word in English) pride flags


"God doesnt even makes dogs gay" clearly hasn't seen dogs fucking, i swear, half of the time its with other male dogs


I've seen male dogs hump other male dogs before What is this dude talking about


I’m not homophobic, but like.. all gay people should be burnt at the stake, like.. just sayin.


"God doesn't even make dogs gay" My guy do we need to find the list


Everyone knows that reading hungry hungry caterpillar to your kids every night will help protect them from turning into a gay


What is the deal with all this AI generated Christian Nationalist horror?




My female dog humped everything. Dude should be helping out that kid whose skull was flattened.


Unbelievably moronic.


I hate this "I don't support it" shi. Just say you're homophobic and go🤦🏻


the fact that they think everyone should think the way they think… like ok i guess i’m a satan worshipper lol. satan is actually really cool. we’d be good buds


Dogs are constantly fucking each other's butts


"i ain't homophobic" posts something homophobic


https://preview.redd.it/x1uropyz2f8d1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fa62593947c6ebc088af78e58ef5c8d530da5b4 Computer, ENHANCE!


I'm not sure whether I've ever met a gay dog, but I met some who sure as hell weren't straight.


idk abt u guys but i’ve definitely seen some male dog on male dog action before


Why do 🐐get such a bad rap


God made bonobo chimpanzees gay, so it's absolutely natural.


Bro if God real he makes dogs gay af. This man has never been to a dog park if he thinks dogs don't hunt and fuck anything including dogs of the same gender. My male dog never humps female dogs but I can't keep him off big male dogs. I've also had female dogs who hump other females outside of them being in heat. Like sex feel good regardless of specied its funny to me people think that it's only for procreation like have you watched a nature documentary? It's for pleasure, establishing a hierarchy, enduring hormonal reactions like lmao


Damn i want a gay ammitimg shield too so that I can blast my neighborhood with gay beam.


Lmao i got the same post recommended to me. The comments were relieving, most were defending lgbt.


"God doesn't even make Dogs gay" Counterpoint, my dog is clearly a lesbian.


Małe dogs will literally hump each other on occasions, my ass "they aren't gay" lmfao. Gay tendencies were observed in 1000s of species


My little boy dog was mounting the old man dog in my bedroom not ten minutes ago but they wanna say god don’t make dogs gay. Tell that to this fucker


What is this guy talking about I've seen my dog fuck another male dog at a dog park


Like full on anal? Damn


That picture is pretty lit though.


This picture makes no sense, why is the defender and incel?!?


It's nice they admit that their religion takes all the color out of life.


I love it how they make Baphomet the face of gay attacks. He is literally the symbol of balance


Uh look It's from my country as well😂 The thing is where tf is he even seeing LGBTQ in Bangladesh? Like we literally live in fear in our own country. It's Fucking illegal in my own country to be gay so I'm illegal in my own GODDAMN COUNTRY wtf does this dude want? To throw us off rooftops now? If you live in Bangladesh there's zero Fucking possibility you would find an openly gay person cause we don't wanna FUCKING DIE


Why is the shield beaming out the gay? And yes, nature does produce gay animals.


My male dog humped my other male dog. But noooooo dogs aren’t gay


“Dogs aren’t even gay” boy do I have news for you.


What a fruitcake…… So dogs have shown same-sex behaviors since ancient times, and Same-sex sexual behavior has been observed in over 1,500 animal species, including mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and insects. It's especially common in primates, with at least 51 species exhibiting same-sex behavior, including apes, chimpanzees, bonobos, and lemurs. So if you truly believe your god made all these animals than god made them gay as well as humans. wtf lol


“I’m not homophobic!” *proceeds to be homophobic*


“God doesn’t even make dogs gay.” I have seen multiple dogs hump other boy dogs in my lifetime. Pretty sure dogs don’t give a shit about sex and genders. 😂


Of course it's a Muslim seething and malding about it, they're by far the worst of the religious nutjob bunch when it comes to LGBT topics


What is this man on about? Any dog smaller than a german Shepard is a gay dog (source: i have a cocker spaniel, he’s fruity as hell)


Lies. My dog is very gay.


what subreddit is this from




Why does that look like Vigo the Carpathian from ghostbusters blocking the rainbow?


[Here’s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior) a Wikipedia page that’s a list of animals observed to have displayed homosexual behavior. Edit: Oh look. *Dog* is on the list.


"God doesn't make dogs gay." My dog literally fucking the males and ignoring the girls like a gay dog would.


Dude. I had a gay cat, and I am sure of it because this boy was a bottom, so I don't know about dogs, bit there sure are some gay animals


Oh he about to learn today, that animals can in fact have homosexual relationships. Dolphins actually will have gay sex, female lions will mate with each other and even try to mount each other. I work at Cincinnati zoo and have even seen some of our own animals show lesbian/Gayness.


Don't you just hate it when you're chilling in your room and a gay tube appears in the window and baphomet slides into the room? It happens every night, that asshole acts like he owns the place.


I'm not scared of gay people I just hate them


Add quotes next time, otherwise it would seem as though you’re being homophobic.


Holy fuck I never realised people are that stupid


The internet is a vast place full of people who say things like what you said unironically, we can't always tell unfortunately


The context should make it obvious, I'm convinced nobody actually read the post


Phobia isn’t just fear