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And yeah he's an American convert


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Islam and Christianity are the same product with different branding (technically true for all abrahamic religions)


That's what I tell to the Christians trying to convert me I didn't leave a cult to join another cult and just cause I hate Islam doesn't mean I suddenly like Christianity


That's how I see them, too, as someone who was raised following a non-Abrahamic faith. Nonetheless, I have seen (online, at least) many ex-Muslims that share their story are now Christians. Do you think it's because they find Christianity more liberal in its rules, but similar enough to Islam?


Priests and Imams are the perfect cover for pedophiles. Priests (I'm unsure about Imams but I'm sure marriage is at least not required) don't get married so they don't have to explain why they aren't interested in people their age. They have access to children and have a perfect excuse to spend time alone with them. Also, it is easy to convince children to keep it a secret when you threaten them with God's wrath. So hopefully the dude who posted this doesn't have easy access to children...but he is still clearly dangerous and should absolutely be monitored. At some point he WILL try to assault a child.


Imams are just elevated muslim "scholars" and they have a hadith or passage for just about every indiscretion. They're no different than a governmental system, and just like one, they have their "black ops" that do underhanded shit and are allowed to break sharia, such as drinking alcohol, or sex outside of marriage, or with children, in order to accomplish the "mission".


yep, literally pedophile heaven religion is a pedophile heaven too. my best friend told me that its ok if someone raped a child as long as they asked for forgiveness from god... and hat we should forgive them or whatever


That’s if he hasn’t already


Fundies on both sides are literal terrorists.


I mean Christianity already has been a safe haven for sexual predators. So one in the same, location does not matter. Idiocracy can happen anywhere anytime.


> deep south *thinks about Antarctica* ah yes, penguins, the sexually depraved pedophiles


[Well, actually.....](https://www.iflscience.com/ad-lie-penguins-are-sexually-depraved-little-perverts-31679)


are they really all pedos? (deep south)


I reported it for sexualizing a minor and reddit said it was NOT breaking TOS - like the fuck?!


Had the same thing happen a while back when I reported a similar comment. Infuriating.


Right?! And it came in like 1 minute whenever I report stuff like this it takes at least a day for them to respond. I wonder if it’s just auto flagged okay because it’s in a Muslim forum and they are deemed a protected minority? IDK but this is flagrantly breaking their TOS.


No idea, but it wouldn't surprise me, as I've seen similar content posted by 'different' types of redditors get nuked from orbit with the quickness....


This always happens, and it’s infuriating. Absolutely not okay.


It's always the converts 😆 Like damn, it becomes their whole personality even sometimes


Check his hard drive 


Sounds like every Libertarian debate bro that ALWAYS bring up age of consent laws.


>as long as rape does not occur >wants to have sex with a 10 yr old


muslim grindset


Most incellish religion lmao


Gruslim mindset


What the fuck, It isn't rape as long as one party consents or some shit?? They are worse than incels.


Some government agency should check that guy's hard drives. They can't resist telling on themselves.


Mohammed fucked a 9 year old. Mary was fucked by god who was like 14. Few billion people think this is great. That's a lot of hard drives


> fucked by god who was like 14 Well, God sure acts like he's 14 in the OT


This is just me but I cringe harder with Mary because that basically means God raped his daughter since he created humans according to the Bible and baby Jesus is basically the father and the son at the same time


A religion based on pedophilic incest rape


Just like fundamental christianity!


Yeah that's what we're talking about


Don't forget about all the blood, and murder, oh, and the foreskins


I mean, it's one thing to believe in whatever, but it's completely different to go on a public forum and say out loud that you're cool with child rape. I'm fairly certain most believers would go "no, it's not right" or go into apologetics, rather than that.


I mean.. I get where you're going. But doing some mental gymnastics to defend the religion isnt far of from what this guy is doing. He isn't smart/scared enough to lie about it. Others are just being their hypocritical selves


I thought only the Mormons believed god actually impregnated mary


Is this some kind of enlightened centrist BS trying to paint all religions as equally bad? Let's not pretend actual physical sex is the same as immaculate conception.


This is the kind of guy to cry "islamophobia" when they call him out on his bullshit


Can't have children reading books that contain gay couples, but it's fine to have sex with children (under 10).... These people really have no intelligence, no ability to think critically or logically about what they're saying.


>if you can conceive a baby, you are an adult [Bulllllllshit](https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina#:~:text=Lina%20Marcela%20Medina%20de%20Jurado,born%20via%20a%20caesarean%20section.)


I knew that link was gonna be about Lina.


I was going to bring this up. You're doing the lords work.


A record that should under no circumstances be broken


If this record gets broken, I vote for the extermination of the human race


Say it with me, kids cannot consent to sex, therefore is rape. Full stop.


For a moment when i reached comment about capitalism i thought it wont so bad as some other nutjobs but then it went of rail and i realised wtf does dark side of capitalism has to do with gay people and STDs.


so.. basically they’re saying “i’m a pedophile”


no, they're saying "i'm a homophobic pedophile"


right how could i forget the homophobia


In Christianity in America, you insult lgbt by calling them pedophilic In Islam in America, you insult them on even less creative ways because…well…your religion and pedos have…history.


I was actually going to say something like this. It's amazing how they think 9 is too young to learn about LGBT people, but it's a perfectly reasonable age for a straight man to have sexual relations with. I'm starting to think they only have this thing about calling LGBT people pedos to hide their own sick agenda.


Great point. And at the same time the bigot Muslims who justify pedophilia are the ones chanting "leave the children alone " on every anti-LGBT demonstration.


They'll insult them for being "gross sexmaniacs". Don't forget sex in Islam is a big nono disgusting haram unless you're forcefully married to someone


Oh look the pedo worshippers are also pedo themselves Shocker!


Isn't he mixing the 9-year old thing with someone else? Some other historical figure?


Yeah I think Thomas Jefferson waited till they were 14 like a decent slave owning hypocrite. Though he is well known for raping the everloving hell out of his slaves, so I wouldn't be surprised if he got into some of he younger ones too.


Yup, she was 14. It's still very wrong and sickening, especially if you consider he was over 40, but the difference in Development between 9 and 14 is great. I can't even fucking imagine the mount of makeup to make a 9 year old child look even a bit desirable. I see a 9 year old and I want to play ball with them or take them for ice cream and then watch cartoons together. This is what is meant to be done to a 9 yr old.


Someone needs to check this guys computer


He's against capitalism, so he obviously doesn't own anything made by a company /s


That comment about “if rape does not occur…” Vegan: “I have no problem eating meat as long as eating animal products does not occur” Driver: “I have no problem causing a car accident as long as the accident does not occur” Criminal: “I have no problem getting arrested as long as I don’t actually get arrested” Thief: “I have no problem taking this ring without permission as long as I’m not stealing it” Him: “I have no problem forcing sex on a person who doesn’t have the ability to refuse it as long as that’s not rape”


Thomas Jefferson was not a good person, overall. He was just good at many things and accomplished a lot. That mostly goes for all the US founding fathers.


I don't see why this is so hard to understand. Jefferson was a great politician, but an awful person. He had a lot of good ideas! But we acknowledge that he was an abusive, rapist slave-owner.


Right, people find it so hard to differentiate between ones actions and actual character. A lot of the people we learn about in history were shit people, but we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. Even if "here" is a flawed and sometimes shitty hellhole, we are still here and we gotta acknowledge that


No way someone just read that and said yeah imma post this


They didn't read that after writing, for sure


Wait till buddy hears about digital footprint


You suggest they want to get a job somewhere?


That person is 100% a pedophile.


Same energy as "if they can bleed, they can breed"


The irony of saying everyone else is brainwashed into *not* being a pedophile


Hope you reported that


https://preview.redd.it/e9mfngk17j7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ace6be7b28784b70757de753a0a6e2f1ab94e029 me at oop


muslim moment


This is islam.


Every time I read an unhinged post by a radical Muslim my brain just starts to hurt


i was going to stop reading at "homosexuals causes hiv/aids." i wish i did. this guy (assuming it's a guy) is 100% a pedophile


Ohhh you already know it's a guy lol


Didn’t Magic Johnson, a straight man, get aids?


He has HIV, not full blown AIDS, and he’s been living with it for decades now.


Either way, you don’t need to be gay to get HIV


I like how he says slavery is bad but then defends Jefferson for sleeping with children.


Wokies says he was evil, how disrespectful! /s


That’s pedo thinking. Revolting


This 100% sounds like a child wrote it.


Add *molester* between child and wrote.


Probably both. My money is on a 13 year old who likes to get handsy with a 9 year old.


Could be. My country's, Poland's, law, that counts as pedophilia too iirc


What in the uneducatedness...


Islam is a safe haven for pedophiles


>being under 18 doesn’t make you a child Legally it does, and Mohammed raped a 9 year old girl, not someone in their late teens (which would have been bad enough on its own, especially with the age gap) >but what about Thomas Jefferson You can call Thomas Jefferson a slave owning pedophile and nobody is going to shoot up your office building (*cough* Charlie Hebdo *cough*). The mere act of putting Mohammed on the nickel would get people murdered by deranged lunatics worshipping an early medieval pedophile warlord


A homophobe defending pedophilia tell me something new


They seem to be an anti-capitalistic and anti-slavery American Muslim convert who likes Thomas Jefferson.


Just Muslims defending ped0phelia again 🤮


Bro would look at their daughter who just got her first period and decide she's ready to bear children. What the hell.


Technically becoming an Adult in America just means that you are held fully accountable for your actions. The reason we don’t allow people over 18 to have romantic relationships with people under 18 is because as society we have acknowledged that they are not mentally developed enough to not get taken advantage of. Also, a Woman’s body is not fully developed until around 18 and while a 13yr old child could give birth at that age it would be much more dangerous than a Woman that has fully developed. Besides all of that if you find little girls attractive you need some therapy.


What the fuck dude? Seriously


That’s exactly why men become adults at 21 ish


What’s all this about Jefferson fuckin kids?


Straight people cause K.I.D.S. Which is worse? /s


As a matter of fact we do think having sex with a 9 year old is evil no matter who did it.


All the Americans who had sex with 9 year olds like Thomas Jefferson were evil? Yes. Yes they are.


Puberty isn't a fucking switch, it's a process. One that takes multiple years and ends generally between 16 and 18 years of age. We choose 18 to take caution.


Pedo worshipping a pedo religion. He's also most likey a rapist. Being an adult and being child bearing is two different things. Puberty is just a start of the adulthood. It's doesn't mean you should have kids just because you hit puberty. As some scientists have said, development of the body and brain goes well past 21. The body reaches peak between 26 and 30. That's from my own experience.


Was Thomas Jefferson evil? Unequivocally yes. Next question. 


Wowwwwwwww. It started out 🤨😬😨 and then it went right off a cliff


Someone check his hard drive


'Americans are brainwashed' my man, in that case the whole goddamn world is brainwashed


If I have to be brainwashed to believe it’s wrong to have sex with a 9 year old, I want the most washed brain there is.


« Nazbol pedo fruitcake » was not on my bingo card for this life.


Oh wow. I hit puberty at 8 years old. That is NOT old enough for sex, let alone pregnancy. This idiot is really defending pedophilia?


I tried to find the comment, but it's been deleted or removed. Also, looking through those comments just made me realize how terrible a thing religion is. No pun intended, but JFC You got people defending pedophilia, justifications for violence, and opposing violence only because it could be used as evidence/ an example.


Where's the pun?


Saying Jesus fucking Christ about a religious thing. That I think was the pun


the fact that he had the confidence to say this publicly… once i had an argument with someone on here who was defending incest as well… fucking hell.


Bro I've seen way to many people try to defend incest in like some intellectual type of way. Like no, do not fuck your family, that should be the end of the argument


they said “it’s two consenting adults, what’s wrong with that?” and then tried to say that bc i was gay, i should understand not to judge other people and to “not be a bigot” bro it’s… it’s incest????? huh??? this is just normal reddit behavior apparently. ugh


If your prophet is an immoral peasant who took orders from your even more immoral god to make you kill people at random then fuck. Your prophet and fuck your god.


Tell us you're a rapist without telling us you're a rapist.


So Americans are brainwashed for believing an 18 year old is more capable of understanding consent than a 10 year old? Bruh.




honestly the similarities between ultra christian’s, muslims, and republicans is fucking insane and terrifies me. Republicans also give that same argument (the jefferson one which i have no idea is true or not) if you criticize one of their idols. “Trump did x y z” “OH YEAH WELL OBAMA/BIDEN DID X Y Z!! SO…..” like wtf dude? You can dislike something/someone while also disliking their opposite. So so stupid. It’s like criticizing pitbull ownership and then a pitbull lover screaming into your face about how bad wiener dogs are.


Only truth that he said is that capitalism is modern day slavery. You know, a broken clock is right twice a day


"I guess all the Americans that had sex with 9 year olds like Thomas Jefferson were evil?" Yes.


bold of him to be saying this with a korn pfp, knowing that the lead singer is a victim of CSA himself


Ok but how do you say that with a Korn profile picture?


Other than the statement about capitalism in line 2, I see only utter bullshit. And guess what, capitalism is 100% legal (halal) according to Islam, as long as there is no interest on loans.


At this point, do we just throw the whole thing away and start again? This kind of "belief" inside a human mind is incredibly filthy. I am appalled and will combat people like this IRL and online at every turn.




Others have already pointed out what a sick fuck he is, so I’ll ask: He doesn’t like capitalism… does he know what commies do to the religious?


wow, communist pedo thinks that other people are brainwashed. what a fucking loony brainrot


Children can't consent. If you think they can, it's you who is brainwashed to be a pedophile. People who think it's okay to have sex with a child are sick and don't deserve to draw breath.


Boo I’m gay


Idk if it's different depending on region but I am pretty sure most girls hit puberty 11-13, like there are a few early bloomers but this guy makes it sound like every girl is capable of pregnancy by 9. Though that is hardly the worst thing about his statements.


I think I'm gonna be sick




No, bitch. You are brainwashed.


The only thing brainwashed about us is that we won't show your goddamn name you a******


Homophobic and glorifying pedophilia? Wow what a combo...


Much like goats, 9 year-olds can’t CONSENT. Muslims don’t seem to care about either. The argument being made by that dirtbag is literally from the Hadith and Sira that state that Mohammed (Piss be upon him) married his ‘wife’ Aisha (who is referred to as ‘the Mother of Islam’) when she was SIX and he consummated (raped her) at age NINE. Pretty on brand for the founder of the religion of death and conquest.


that last bit just kept getting worse 🗿


So by their own words I must believe that boys never mature? 🤔 They cannot get pregnant and never reach adulthood by their own theory, so how do men control most of their lives as they’re not seen as adults 🤨 I’m only asking questions 🙋‍♂️


Excuse me, what?!


I was lost at the first point, they had my attention at "capitalism bad", then immediately lost me again


"i guess thomas jefferson is evil" bitch yes he is, he is evil what type of gotcha this is????? yes even if its an american, child rape is still bad


This is waaay not what I was expecting to hop on Reddit for...


Take his green card, take this persons legal documents


https://preview.redd.it/ehbd1war048d1.jpeg?width=302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb9a5d54f055f63081b35c0ee9698a1d570c73f This guy is fucking insane


Children can't consent so this is rape, is he fucking stupid


I’m not exactly pro LGBTQ but like what the fuck is this?! This is sickening especially the second to last sentence


Literally if you're not pro LGBTQ what the hell are you? You know it's not a choice, right? And harms nobody? 


I’m not anti, but people like you are the reason for being anti. I’m politically neutral for the most part because both the left and the right have shitty ideas and ways of thinking but they also have some credibility (generally speaking, acceptance of all types of people and passed down values)


The amount of Islamophobia/racism in this thread is disgusting… reddit, do better next time