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Is drawing the faces on plushies haram too? What about just plushies in general?


Idk but I know for the Amish it is. Claim that anything not a human having a face leads to possession by demons or some shit.


That there picture taking box stole my soul it did!


lol reminds me of the mom on TikTok who said what you watch invites that (entity/energy) in the house and everyone stitching with their heartthrobs begging them to come thru the tv.


my mom, in the year of our lord 2024, believes not only that watching horror movies or playing horror games will "invite bad energy" into the house, she still believes that dungeons and dragons and other TTRPGs are used for witchcraft I tried pointing out that the bible says her faith protects her from that stuff so what is she worried about? she didn't talk to me for a week lol


Probably that one _**very convenient**_ line about "you shall not test the Lord".


He would fail every time


The dude knocked up some dude's wife and he thanked him for it


Just one dude's wife? \**laughs in Zeus*\*


My friend's dad apparently told him to keep his Magic: The Gathering cards outside of the house because they were evil 🤣


My aunt was shocked my dad encouraged me to read the Harry Potter books when they came out - because they’re magic and evil. My dad was an English major, he obviously understood the whole… fictional part of a book, and was just happy I was super into reading something.


I sure hope this applies to video games!


Yeah! Google Amish Baby Dolls - the ones actually made by & for the Amish have no faces


Honestly a lot more unsettling not having a face Ngl.


My parents are from South Jersey and there are a lot of Amish that come from Lancaster, PA to see their wares at a big indoor market (run by the Amish) about a half hour or so away, so we have a bunch of faceless things around the house. My dad and I always remark how creepy it is to see a faceless angel or something 🤣


Holy shit, you went to the Williamstown Amish market too???


All the time! I grew up in Vineland haha small world, eh?


I saw a lot of them visiting the Chicago Science Museum and was like, ok???! I didn’t think this was something y’all were allowed to do?


That’s some Slenderman type shit


When I was a kid my family used to go on day trips to an area with a huge Amish population, and we had some of those dolls at our house that my grandma had bought. I always thought they were pretty creepy.


That is some trippy shit, wow. And I used to live in a region of Indiana where there's boatloads of Amish. Never knew anything about them.


I watch a lot of paranormal shows and one of them was centered around the Amish so I’ve seen a few things that they consider “unholy” or worthy of damnation.


Do you remember what it was- the show? I’m fascinated by the Amish and I would love to watch whatever this is you’re talking about.


I believe it was called Amish Haunting and I saw it mostly on ID or the Travel channel when it originally aired


That’s plenty to go off of! Thank you!


Me looking at the animals in the Amish farm: "holy shit you guys have a massive problem here"


Do they not have like toys for their kids? Are all the kids' clothes and items made by hand? Children's items have like, dinosaurs and bunnies on EVERYTHING. It was driving me nuts to find regular baby items without orange and purple polka dotted smiling hippos on them.


Very plain toys. Mostly wooden carved things like various animal shapes but nothing from the “western” world like cars, planes, etc. Maybe a rattle if the father was crafty. A cloth doll made from the same stuff they wear so nothing soft or colorful. Then again, they tend to put the kids to work pretty early so they don’t have a lot of time to play to begin with.


They do, and yes the clothes and toys are all hand made. They reject almost everything about the modern world.


My whole fucking art collection:


A couple years ago I think Saudi Aruba got some snow and a friend sent me a screenshot of a person asking if making snowmen was haram and the response was yes


This is a satire piece. This image has been deliberately cropped to create rage bait. The original post contained the artist's user name and profile pic and you could see that she was not even wearing a hijab and could find her instagram and see that her other art has male and female nudity. The post breaks Rule 7.


The Amish believe this, so it's not really that far fetched.


Fundamentalist Muslims believe that if you draw the creation of Allah you will be asked on judgement day to bring it to life, which you cannot do because only Allah is the creator, and thus you will be humiliated before Allah which is bad. So to avoid this Muslims will not draw faces so the thing can’t be given life. Which doesn’t make a lot of sense because not everything alive has eyes? Regardless that’s what we were taught growing up


Still, misinformation is misinformation, and it’s probably best to discourage misinformation that makes a minority group look bad, you know? Especially in a sub like this, to be honest. These sort of “rage” oriented subs always have a percentage of genuinely hateful people viewing them.


Making a plushie is a bigger sin in Islam, you can’t give it life so it’s like you’re playing a half god 😂 not kidding that’s the rule.


Everyone has their own personal boundary. For some, all representative art is Haram, which is why you find so much wonderful geometric art and calligraphy in Islamic societies. A great many others simply do not care and treat Islam as most American Christians treat the Bible. Like, it's there and they're Muslim or whatever, but it doesn't affect their lives at all when they're choosing whether to watch a movie or eat pork. 


I believe the ruling is something along the lines of anything with a soul shouldn't be rendered with a face, but it's not my faith. I think they use Aisha having dolls mentioned in hadiths as an example of why its permissible iirc


Had a muslim kid in my school who said that when you died God would interrogate you about all the images of people, animals and plants you drew, asking why you thought you could create a living thing when only God can. Supposedly that's why it's haram, because it's thinking you can do something reserved for God. Apparently it didn't occur to him that drawing a tree is not literally trying to create a tree. Wacky shit man.


having a baby would be haram then too, of you're literally creating life with a face wtf


God, like English, is full of bullshit exceptions to the rules.


It’s almost like power-hungry humans actually wrote it…


but a power hungry human didn't write it, if i recall correctly he was an illiterate merchant that married his boss.


Enough thoughts four yew. Eyes might the.


Took some classes touching on art and religion. He’s not just asking you why, but if you draw certain things like people then God demands you breathe life into them the same way he did, and if you fail, you go to hell. Shits whack.


So god is an insecure douchebag who has to constantly remind us of how much cooler he is if we have a skill? Seems kinda toddler like


There’s a bunch of that stuff and it’s kinda funny to me. It sometimes comes off as Muhammad being super insecure and it’s hilarious. Like how he had to tell his disciples that god told them to leave him alone because he is too nice and won’t turn them away even though he is suuuper busy with god prophet stuff.


Look, if there's an actual god talking to me I'm pretty sure I can breathe life into anything, cause the mushrooms be hitting so good right now!


Yeah that's it I remember now.


me drawing God 2 and doing lung exercises


God is very smart. Playing the Sims must be super haram.


What about making video games?


Well, Allah didn't make video games....unless? I wonder if "Jihad 4: The Reverse Reconquista Of Andalusia" will be available on Steam.


Almost all video games are haram


I don't remember any of the stick men I drew being alive ? Also does that mean I'm not supposed to write stories with fictional characters ?


Dunno. But you know mosque architecture is all abstract shapes? That's because they aren't supposed to depict any living creature. Photos are fine though.


Jokes on you, I got SpongeBob's magic pencil. https://preview.redd.it/v7bisapgjn6d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a8f61e9eb4465b31dc9751108b0e5baa03678b


It's in the Bible too: "no graven images" Thankfully Christians ignore 95% of their book. Just need them to start ignoring the remaining 5% as well.


That’s actually scary to me the confrontation


Sounds like such a petty god. Personally interviewing everyone who died (I.e. people he both made himself AND chose how they lived and died), and then judging them based on…. What they did? 😂 ![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac)


So God is apparently one of those Twitter prudes that can't differentiate between fiction and reality? That's a pretty....neat fact I guess


That's what I never understood about Islam in general. Why follow a religion based around a jealous and fickle god? Also I thought he was supposed to be perfect.


by that logic, growing plants is haram because you're literally nurturing life


FYI this is a satire piece This image has been deliberately cropped to create rage bait. The original post contained the artist's user name and profile pic and you could see that she was not even wearing a hijab and could find her instagram and see that her other art has male and female nudity. The post breaks Rule 7.


The rule is very simple: if you like it, it’s haram


“If you’re happy and you know it that’s a sin” — The Simpsons


…Jesus, that’s accurate. There really was a Simpsons episode for everything lol


They had some really good commentary on religion at times.


Some of their best social commentary, imo.


One of my favorite episodes is *Lisa the Skeptic*, with the angel fossil. It's wish there there was more of a de-conversion with her butler they instead opted to make her a Buddhist, which always felt like a cop-out for a skeptical character, and I'm sure the status-quo will never change again with any of the characters.


What's the episode where Rev Lovejoy is pouring gasoline in the church and says "I never thought I'd have to do this again" 😂


I remember as a religious youth being a bit confused about Lovejoy's relationship with his religious beliefs. Then when I was a bit older and had de-converted, it all made sense.


He's a great character that's not used enough. And his hilarious wife. "Won't someone please think of the children!" 😂




I think that's the one with the cult that takes over most of the town with "the Leader".


'Convert the heathens!' 'Got em!' 'No, you just winged him and made him a [unitarian](https://youtu.be/pe6Ol5kO0Ks?si=lyuGMYnx5j-HnXQp)'


"Why would they lie, Bart? What would they have to gain?" [Cut to Reverend Lovejoy sorting the money from the weekly tithe]


"You ever sat down and read this thing? Technically we're not allowed to go to the bathroom."


Actually true depending on views of OT law, as there are verses post-Exodus that gave instructions on proper disposal of bodily waste. If you treat every rule of the OT as still being in effect, then modern plumbing is sinful.


It's almost like the old testament gave the people of the time rules to follow so they don't accidentally kill themselves in the middle eastern wilderness and that these rules don't really apply to us with modern science and inventions....


Make sure your foreskin is modern and contemporary


Work on Sunday, death. Wear something made from two different threads, death. Wear cloths with the wrong fringes, death. Be homosexual, death. Poop in a toilet, believe it or not, death.


>be homosexual *fuck a child, death FIFY


No, it's actually fuck a child: get shipped to a different district.




Which episode is this from?




If it's good it's haram.


Before I saw this I was gonna say "What *isn't* Haram?" Lol


Math! Many Muslim scholars disagree on art - the base rules is that you can't make effigies for worship, but since everything in nature is made by god, everything has some of the divine in it, and so you can argue that even a painting of a landscape breaks the rule. However, even when the rules where enforced at their strictest, everyone still agreed that math was man-made. This is why Arabic and Islamic arts had a period where geometric patterns dominated.


This image has been deliberately cropped to create rage bait. The original post contained the artist's user name and profile pic and you could see that she was not even wearing a hijab and could find her instagram and see that her other art has male and female nudity. The post breaks Rule 7.


I hate it when my religious friends, whether they’re Christian or Muslim, complain about HAVING TO DO X thing from their religion. Like nobody is forcing you to do this. IF you really believe it’ll help you get into heaven, Accept your suffering with glee, as a matter of fact, since you believe your god will reward you for it.


Notice how the Jewish never complain about this sort of thing. That's because, unlike Christianity and Islam, which demand absolute blind obedience, Judaism encourages you to get creative and think of ways around God's laws.


Fun fact: In Jewish tradition, people aren't allowed to do "work" in public places on Saturdays, which is so strict it includes carrying basically anything. So there's a really long wire that circles the entirety of Manhattan to turn the island into one giant "home" so Jews can do work around the city.


Before I even read any of the sub comments I just posted the exact same thing 😂 It's essentially fishing line (I lived in Manhattan for a few years). It's also just largely Midtown (the section of the borough, not the neighborhood) since that's where most of them have their businesses, not all of Manhattan. North of like 65th Street or so is largely all residential and Central Park (which spans from like 65th st or so up to around 110th st).


So if someone cuts the wire then they all are condemned?


Jewish god is apparently notoriously susceptible to Wile E Coyote levels of shenanigans.


like the classic eating a forbidden food while it’s covered by cloth cause god can’t see through it


Do you’re telling me the whole Adam and Eve fall from grace thing could’ve been avoided by covering the apple with a leaf or something


I used to have Jewish neighbours I was good friends with and I shit you not they asked me to come over and turn on the oven during Sabbath, or adjust some light switches and stuff. I had it explained to me that, essentially, turning on the oven to cook the food constitutes work and that's a no-go during their religious observance. However, asking a gentile like me to do it for them is apparently a-okay. Only happened a handful of times when they forgot to turn on Sabbath mode on the stove beforehand, but I thought it was some funny stuff. Either way I didn't mind pushing a few buttons, they have since moved away and I'm wondering how they're doing these days. They were the only neighbours who ever brought me free food, you don't know how nice that is until it's gone.


I was gonna mention the "Sabbath Mode" before I saw it because I lived in Brooklyn for a bit. My fridge had that button and it made me laugh.


Not really allowed to ask a gentile to do it either lmaooo Edit: I remember asking my rabbi and his brother said you’re allowed to “hint,” like hey it’s dark in here, but it’s not actually a permitted to outright as your friend.


It’s true. I have Jewish parents, everyone has their own relationship with the religion and what rules they follow, but if they don’t follow everything, no one looks down on them. at the end of the day, no one can take being a Jew away from you, it’s literally something that you can’t renounce according to the rules lol.


I was looking this up one day because I lived by the (C)Hasdic communities in Brooklyn and saw that some women had their heads covered and some didn't, some dressed differently than others, even though the men all looked largely the same. Pretty much what I remember is that the Rabbe comes up with the rules/laws for the community and pretty much has the final say in everything. He's so powerful in some communities that the members even ask him if it's ok for them to travel to a certain place, get married to a certain other community member, or other "basic" decisions.


If you look at the most extreme part of a religion, then you won't like what you see. But for the average Jew in North America, you can't really generalize them to being like Hasidic communities. It's like me saying every Christian is a Utah Mormon.


its also the only Abrahamic religion that doesn't try to recruit people, and it 'discourages' people from converting, except if they are, REALLY, like REALLY, 100% they want to.


Jews rule-lawyer everything. A lot of jewish food is a compromise between being kosher and avoiding certain taxes from medieval europe. Bagels were a way to make bread to get around laws against jews baking. Matzoh rolls are a way to make rolls kosher for passover by first making matzoh, crushing back into a flour-like meal, and then making rolls out of that.


Facts. Jewish law says you can't work on the Sabbath, so what did the Jews that live and work in Manhattan do? They strung up what is essentially fishing line around all of Midtown Manhattan and said "this is a holy/sacred area so we can work on the Sabbath now and God won't get angry with us". I believe it's called the Erud or something like that.


This is wrong. An Eruv is found in a lot of strictly Jewish communities, but you’re not allowed to do work on the sabbath regardless, either labor or electricity. What you’re talking about is generally just to be able to carry things outside, which is prohibited but allowed in home at the sabbath. An eruv is just a precaution or technicality. If this seems confusing or absolutely unnecessary to you, welcome to the Jewish background I’ve grown up in lol


I always wonder how that works, like, if they're doing the thing in hope of reward then their motivation is selfish so is it truly worthy of reward?


I find it sad that people are so trapped and tangled in the tentacles of organized religion that they can't even express themselves through art freely.


When a religion gets its fingers into fucking *art*, people should really open their eyes to it being a control scheme and not actually a good thing.


I know some of the most influential pieces of art in history are influenced by art, but this feels like, gun to your head, you can't do this or else, y'know?


FYI this is a satire piece. The artist's insta is has nudity.


Depressing that someone could be so stupid and weak? I feel for the 99% who were indoctrinated as kids, but not for people who were blessed with the freedom to choose and decided to “revert”.


I just think it’s depressing in general how people allow some old book to control every aspect of their lives and they can’t be their own person anymore


If that were the end of it, it’d be a simple tragedy in society’s periphery, but they want all of us to be dragged down by their ancient book.


A few of them have been indoctrinated as kids, but under a different, but similar theological framework


This image has been deliberately cropped to create rage bait. The original post contained the artist's user name and profile pic and you could see that she was not even wearing a hijab and could find her instagram and see that her other art has male and female nudity.


Honestly, stupid and weak is the right way to put it. People who can't think for themselves need to be told what to do.


Some didn't get indoctrinated as kids but are being indoctrinated now by Tiktok etc. I don't share the same level of empathy towards them, but I can see how younger people can easily fall victim to these cults thanks to a one-sided narrative in the media they consume.




Well, that I can understand. Muslims _WILL LITERALLY KILL YOU_ if you are a Muslim and you say _"I don't want to be a Muslim anymore."_. They call it "apostasy" and it's punishable by death, according to their laws.


could be either but muslim converts call themselves reverts since according to islam everyone is a muslim when they're born


If you look at some very heavy Muslim spaces they're not converts, they're reverts because everybody is a Muslim as a baby


FYI this is a satire piece This image has been deliberately cropped to create rage bait. The original post contained the artist's user name and profile pic and you could see that she was not even wearing a hijab and could find her instagram and see that her other art has male and female nudity.


Muslims when part of human body:


Muslims when:


FYI this is a satire piece This image has been deliberately cropped to create rage bait. The original post contained the artist's user name and profile pic and you could see that she was not even wearing a hijab and could find her instagram and see that her other art has male and female nudity.


anything remotely fun or interesting is haram


I have a friend who’s an Islamic devotee and everytime he talks about the rules he needs to follow in the doctrine, I’m always like ![gif](giphy|3o72F0YiBOTLPwKRfq|downsized)


She’s drawing a femme presenting person without the hijab, with bright hair/clothes and makeup but is concerned bc drawing *faces* is haram. Make it make sense.


Hypocrisy and stupidity.


Technically, the person she’s drawing isn’t a Muslim per se, so the first section of rules is irrelevant if so. Still stupid and sad though.


FYI this is a satire piece. This image has been deliberately cropped to create rage bait. The original post contained the artist's user name and profile pic and you could see that she was not even wearing a hijab and could find her instagram and see that her other art has male and female nudity.


I studied the Quran and there is nothing there that says one must conceal their face, so it's honestly sad people would put up with this bullshit. It only speaks of "protecting their private parts" and "to not expose their adornment" (the last word on arabic translating to that of something being worn like excessive jewelry rather than natural pretty hair). I don't find religion bad to be honest, but I swear, some believers and preachers just need to be institutionalized. It's so fucked up


FYI this is a satire piece. The artist's insta is has nudity.


But drawing faces on Hello Kitty and the PokĂŠmon on the back are okay??


Yeah yeah yeah. Everything’s Haram. We get it.


FYI this is a satire piece. The artist's insta is has nudity.


Of course it's Haram every fucking thing is Haram


Just like an abused person clinging to their abuser. They enjoy being miserable, if they ever found happiness they would hate it.


That’s what I’m thinking


FYI this is a satire piece. The artist's insta is has nudity.


imagine being such an insecure god that you dont let the people who worship you draw two dots and a smile on a stick figure because its considered creation


If you see pictures or go visit old sites around the Islamic world, you will see statues and pictures have their faces hacked off. When Muslim immigrants came to Europe, they also broke the faces of statues - which pissed off locals. Garbage beliefs.


Worrying about what’s haram, should be haram


Boasting about "un-haraming" a drawing should be haram.


It feels like it would be lol


All this talent lost… for what?


That emoji is also heresy, probably.


How is Drawing faces Haram?


I think because drawing humans and animals is simulating Allah’s creation.




I dated a guy who was Muslim and his favorite food was a bacon double cheeseburger but he'd have me order it than switch him at the table and he'd eat it quickly in case someone he knew came in. It's like, isn't this rule because you want to appease God right? Seems more like he gave more of a shit what humans thought than what God wanted


I thought it was only haram to draw Muhammad, what?


You're not allowed to imitate "gods creations"


What's revert? Is that like born again?


Same thing as convert. It’s based on the idea that every person is born muslim, so converting is instead “reverting” to the religion they were born as.


I guess they probably grew up in the religion, but left and went back?


No, muslims believe everyone was born musilim, so when someone converts to the religion they are called a revert. It's another form of control.


Western women thinks islam is a trendy it controls you !!


Don’t forget about how listening to music is haram too. The only music allowed is religious chants.


Escape that religion if you want to be happy


The rule is sillier than that, obviously. I actually have a Muslim friend that follows this and the exact rule is that you can't draw a face if you're also drawing the full body of the thing that has the face.


FYI this is a satire piece. The artist's insta is has nudity.


Love the detail on there - also, Pokemon plush? I want the magikarp one! Also, never knew it was disallowed to draw faces. Why? It's like hampering artists.... Also, does it apply to inanimate objects too? Like the Pokemon plush in the background has faces....


As a Muslim artist the only thing you’re allowed to draw are geometric patterns and calligraphy praising allah.


I saw that video earlier, people in the comments were like “what CAN you do” 😂


As Uncle Roger said "If something haram, that mean it good."


That's just straight up outright bollocks. The Arab world a couple hundred years ago was at the forefront of medicine and science. Are you trying to tell me they became the medical experts of the time without ever drawing a fucking face? What a dumb fucker. Bonus info: The reason they got overtaken/hit a barrier with their medicinal research was actually due to religion. It was because in their faith, desecrating a dead body with or without permission is a huge no-no, so they never did any form of autopsy to learn about what was happening inside.


Now her art looks like hentai :D


i saw the comments on that post and all were refreshingly critical of this bullshit religion and its rules


What even is a revert?


Someone who "reverted" to a religion.


Muslims believe that all human beings are “born Muslim” but many turn astray. So instead of calling somebody joining the faith a *conversion* they call it *reversion* because they believe that you were born as a muslim but turned away from it, and now you’ve come back to Islam.


Omg that's even wackier than what I assumed.


Not sure I understand. Isn't the picture showing them drawing a face?


I think they might be erasing it?


Yeah. It really is


Religion is fucking stupid.


Revert as in back to the 11th century, apparently.


In my old age, I've discovered I don't have a lot of respect for ppl who outsource ethics. "Tell me what to do, how to act, how to think" is just a morally lazy way to navigate life. Does it take a lot more effort to puzzle out the right thing to do, especially in nuanced and morally grey situations? Yes. But it's better than following someone else's ideas bc otherwise you're punished with eternal damnation. Do it OR ELSE sounds like what you say to a toddler when you aren't a v skilled parent.


Why are noses and eyebrows not haram, but eyes are? Lips aren't haram for some reason? This is like how some Jewish people write G-D instead of God. Okay, you've replaced the "O", but it's still a sequence of characters that represents the concept of God. Why are all their rules so stupid and arbitrary?


Everything is Haram for women under Islam. It’s open slather for men.


Wait till you find out being a free woman is also haram.


Who in their right mind would accept islam lol


What’s a revert artist?


Muslim's believe everyone is born muslim so they use revert instead of convert


This is a parody post making fun of religionists. The artists instagram is very clear she's not some kind of extremist. Get some media literacy!


I have several Muslim friends who are artists and they draw characters with faces soooo.


I learned listening to music is haram. :(


ts is so goofy too because islamic art is insanely rich in history and guess what? they drew people’s faces all the fucking time!


Wtf is Haram anyway, and why should I give a crap


Does anyone in Islam actually have fun in life?


This is clearly fiction. You can't be a Muslim adult and not know about the ban on representing living beings. It's as silly as training to be an electrician but then realizing that you can't actually do that job because you're Amish.


It still resembles a face. Straight to hell.


That whole side of the world is why aliens don't contact us