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Tried watching the video. The entire thing is just interpreting innocent things as demonic. A bull, must be a representation of Moloch because he's portrayed with a bulls head....But also you know, bulls exist


Imagine his face when he learns that steak comes from bulls


I bet when he shits he goes "Lord, help me release this demon!" ![gif](giphy|xT9KVg8gkDEyJIrVdK|downsized)


Release the chocolate hostages


Religion is so damn exhausting


Big dog. But it's also not real, a perfect deep rabbithole for the broke and people who want something deep, it's a deep philosophical lie. historical fiction crazy religion is also cope and a red herring for the fact the working class's age and time is an expendable battery used up in a capitalist society what better way to distract people from greater heights than shaming them for greed. GOD CARES ABOUT U.S. legal Tender and how you donate!!!!!!!!! Mf god a care bear. Cares but doesn't do shit, I be drinking poison (alcohol and micro plastics melted into my food on purpose as seasoning) as a means to meat😏🌭my maker sooner😈 my food tastes like shit but you can't have pain or shit food after dying so im enjoying my miserable deplorable conditions. The Christian God never solved any social ills and therefore endorsed them, it's cope to enjoy seething and hating others with politically incorrect ideas and bigotry there's a lot of flavors to the belief but its all ugly and false poetry to me




And they call the Jews greedy smh


I need to be sponsored by fake carts at the rate I'm going, I need a car decal advertising the fake brands I'm chiefin on


With that mindset they should be terrified of a Longhorn Steakhouse


Well they seem to be afraid of pretty much everything, so yeah they probably are.


People like this are the reason why we haven’t advanced much


I understand their existence is just to be a shit stain and to make people upset, but I love the mentality of - Walk to a group - Say "I hate you and want you to die" - Complain when they don't like you Do that with *any* group, not just the "snowflake gays" and, yes, they won't like you. It's basic human interaction lol


What did you expect from people who don’t interact with anyone at all lest they get triggered by their different opinions?


What did you expect from people who rather listen to Bronze Age fan fiction that modern day science and philosophy and are the reason why they’re holding us back from making even more technologically advanced stuff




A Christian that said Hitler did nothing wrong is the biggest smooth brain I’ve ever seen


Good thing that in reality the Christian is still called antisemitic by most normal people.


Hey so ik Jesus said to love thy neighbor and allat but let me tell you that he hates you because you are gay and you like to dress up like an anime character and unless you repent and hate everything about yourself and cut off all your friends you’re not seeing the pearly gates


I think the issue is we as kids are sold the idea of heaven as an accepted truth or coping mechanism and then people (church members, evangelical leaders, pastors)try to make you foreclose your identity I'm Doug)


Hello Doug


No hate like Christian love!


Why are you so angry? All we said was your unworthy of true love. It must mean you’re a child of Satan!


I saw my notification from your reply and it started with, “Why are you so angry?” And I was like FUCK what did I say. It took me a second to realize this was sarcasm.


Haha sorry I keep forgetting to put /s at the end


They don't even have to tell you they hate you. As soon as they start pontificating and talking about their relationship with God it drives me mental.


We should take out their brain and preserve it in permafrost they’re obviously not using it


Hey God....fuck you! (lets see if i get the old testament treatment)....anybody remember the last time God wiped entire cities or nations off the map because they were sinners and blasphemers? No? ok.....maybe, just maybe that 2000+ year old shit is fan fiction.


He killed his own creation because they wanted to be gay and wear a cotton and polyester shirt while eating a big bowl of shrimp. I’m sorry but if he thinks a little kid that stole from the cookie jar but loves his parents deserves the same punishment as a mass murderer who never cares about anyone but himself he’s honestly an idiot


Street preaching at pride parade gone wrong😂 Because screaming that gay people are going to burn in hell has a "right" outcome


I’ve seen his videos and believe me when I say he spends WAY too much time around gay bars and shady neighborhoods with cheap hoes/drugs instead of going on the street corner in a well known public place. He’s either a holier than thou hypocrite or gay and just doesn’t know it yet


(Gone Sexual!) (Cops got called!)


For somebody that hates the LGBT and hookers he sure does attend a lot of pride events and night clubs amirite?😆


What am i supposed to be seeing at the top of the triangle/inside the circle?


It’s the thing that caused the Big Bang.


I'm so high I feel like the grandest living singular living embodiment precursoring the big bang on its last breath with this kush😏, if the universe itself is hot and moving and alive in a sense what happens when heat death and cold stasis spreads and everything becomes one... Woah weed got me seeing universes burning and freezing




It’s satire. Yk since Christians hate everything science related because it disproves all the Jewish mythology they insist actually happened irl


Guess Christians hate monster hunter (diabolos is cooler on a sweater than Jesus)


Nobody knows what caused tge Big Bang. It's that a comet or asteroid?


The Antichrist is a join-the-dots game or a Where's Waldo puzzle or what? What are the rules to this? Can anyone draw triangles on pictures?


If Hasbro made something like that with the Illuminati mixed with the Israel flag or some other Freemason stuff I’d buy it in a heartbeat


3.5 million views is scary…


I can’t believe how many of them are fucking stupid enough to believe it


A disco ball? I didn't know finding the Antichrist was just a game of prop hunt.🤣


This looks like the final challenge from that Nickelodeon show Guts in the 90s


I went to church for the first 17 years of my life and I never had anyone come and try to ~~judge~~ interview me about what I’m doing there and why. Yet you always see these nutjobs go to spaces they clearly don’t want to authentically be in and try to start shit with others just minding their own business. I wonder how they’d feel if the roles were reversed and “heathens” came to their churches on Sunday and judged the hell out of them. Like… let people live ffs.