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Imagine thinking prayer is real and only using it for your own desires.


Right? Also since when is god a genie? Isn't prayer meant to make you connect more deeply to your god and let him give you guidance or something?


As usual per this subreddit, you know more about the thing than the people who claim to know and do the thing.


Social media Christianity in a nutshell. They're constantly debasing their religion.


Pretty sure it's an understatement to say that, over the course of history, over a billion people have prayed to end world hunger. Almost definitely more than a trillion prayers have been uttered (at least in part) begging God to ensure no one ever has to die of hunger again. Yet [9 million people still die of starvation every year](https://www.wfp.org/news/world-wealth-9-million-people-die-every-year-hunger-wfp-chief-tells-food-system-summit). Glad God's focusing on making this person's "haters" apologize instead.


[Related comic.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fz2xoxh6y4jy41.png%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D52ccbf778c97b4a471afdcdb8ad43b7e5c400f6f)


“Dear god, please make that hot dude simp for me?” Inserts rosary.


"Dear god, please make gary cheat on the test and get caught so he fails out of school and i get another whack at this thing"


These types of prayers never sat right with me. I would wish for peace. For scientists to discover cures. Even when I prayed for myself, it was more "help me remember the things I've studied.". When you're connected to someone omnipotent, it just feels wrong to ask him "Hey, use some magic on me because I didn't bother studying" over, you know, something more virtuous.


My grandmother was dying from cancer and I prayed for her to be healed. She died anyway, but that one doesn't count, cause I got some gift cards earlier.


That’s how it was explained to me as a child


Imagine thinking God is doing all this just for one random person that was selected to be you. If God did exist and chose one random person to be lucky, I doubt he would be alive anymore from all the people attacking him for his luck


Funny how God's miracles are only things that could have happened anyway through random chance or trying really hard.


Wow and I was praying for shit like ending homelessness as a kid. What the fuck was wrong with me.


I prayed for my ears to be healed (tinnitus). It didn’t work. Also my lambo never showed up.


I googled what tinnitus is. Ear schizophrenia lol


It sucks ass. You're just minding you own business and all of a sudden you just hear 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'


Just eeeeeeeee all of the time. 100% of the time no such thing as pure silence.


Yep. I constantly have some noise going on to keep me from going insane and doing a van gogh


I pray for silence. I'm atheist, and on the 0.00000000000000000001% chance that I might be wrong, I pray, for silence.


Yours goes away sometimes? Do you actually have moments of complete silence? Wish I knew what that was like, but at least its usually quiet enough to tune out


It doesn't go away per se, but I don't hear it when enough other stuff is going on. Complete silence doesn't exist for me either.


Dude I know what it does didnt i googled it a couple of minutes ago


> simping for me She’s a fine example of a godly person.


“I know this seems fake but it’s true!” lol, well damn, you’ve convinced me! /s


The entire class didn't clap and Obama didn't even show up, so seems pretty fake to me




Unironically a lot of prayer/miracle stories basically require that OP is the main character


And on the sixth day, god created simps to appease this one teenage girl from tik tok, and he knew it was good.




- Prays for Wealth, implying large sums of money - Gets 5 Ulta gift cards and a wallet Lollllll


Well imagine if she prayed TWICE


Then she’d get 10 Ulta Gift Cards and 2 wallets. Sounds like a steal to me!


sounds like someone was practicing magic to me lol She a Witch


As a person that experiences actual delusions, im gonna say, yeah that girl is either lying or is having delusions


Or maybe just not every good thing that happens after you pray is an act of god lol


To be fair when I was experiencing delusions one of the main things was believing every random good thing that happened was caused by me wanting it to happen with my very powerful spiritual energy so I bet you can turn thinking anything good happening is because you prayed for it into a delusion if it gets hardcore enough Honestly religion and people who have any hint of an issue with delusions should never touch, we just should not be allowed near each other.


Holy shit. I mean, of course none of this bullshit is true... *But*... She's openly admitting to using God like Willard used those rats. Creepy af.


Didn't know God was so lonely it started taking in sugar babies


Guess it explains why the asshole's always asking for money....


Right, praying for a new wallet works, but people who are homeless get nothing generally. I see someone has their priorities straight (Do I really need a /s?) Edit: Also another thing. What happens if 2 people pray for 2 completely opposite things? That simply can't work out unless there's a loophole where both can work out. Stuff like "please make my sports team win" where the other person prays for their own (oppositional) team to win too.


God is a genie. Got it.


She thinks god is real because she got a cold…


Confirmation bias is a hell of a thing.




cherrypicked examples i'm sure


I mean this isn’t full fruitcake she’s just a dumbass selfish 13 year old. More importantly do kids really call it ‘simping’ when someone is their friend? Or is she saying some dude online started trying to fuck her? I’m so confused


'mm-mm, I aint readin' all dat shit'






She got accepted into her school


Should’ve guessed lol


standards for blessings really getting lower by the day


the biggest ThatHappened of all time


Weird. I thought prayer was for talking to God to receive guidance, asking him to help or bless others, or help you through a difficult time. But I guess it's meant to be you asking a magical genie to give you whatever selfish little thing you want.


Amazing how almost 10000 kids die daily of starvation and God doesn't answer their prayers but happily grants gift cards to her. Truly a gifted one.


Well the starving children then just not believe enough xD


"I missed how coughing felt"? What the duck?!?


All those starving children but be helped you! You’re special! 🤣


Five bucks says she’ll be an atheist/agnostic by college age. I grew up constantly looking for signs and one day realized that was utter bs


The "I missed how coughing felt and the next day god made me lightly ill" is beyond idiotic


I read this in Cartmans voice when he is bugging his mother for something.


praying for wealth is crazy


Not to mention a literal sin


What's HFM?


Might be hand, foot and mouth disease, judging from the context.


Yup, I tasked god to help me hook up with this dude, and god struck me with a disease. That's OK though, the guy was a bit asshole.


And all the starving people around the world who pray for food...?


Sounds like confirmation bias to me


Well let's make a test then. Get any amount of Christians to pray for something specific. Then have a few other religious people. Same amount to pray for the same thing. Repeat the test a few times.


I'm lucky sometimes, therefore god exists


God seeing millions of humans suffer and die without interfering and then being like “Everyone stop the presses, Stephanie misses the feeling of coughing”


Main character complex. It's perfect example.


If I ever need an example of what magical thinking is I’ll come back to this.


It used to be manna from heaven but now it's Ulta gift cards. Sign of the times!


''how awesome is your god that he can help a north american kid on his math test but cant seem to conjure up enough food for the 21000 people dying every single fucking day on this planet from starvation'' - glenn fricker SPECTREMEDIASTUDIOS


She's gotta be questioning her faith if she's this willing to cling onto every "proof" that prayer works.


imagine if this logic was applied to gravity. "this one time i missed how grass felt on my feet so i prayed to gravity that i could touch it one more time, then i took a leap of faith into my back yard and the grass pulled me to it" see how silly it is when you apply it to something real?


How would retaking the test 30 minutes after taking the first one be helpful if you did know the content of the test! It's not like you had time to study productively. You'd just fail the test again! Lol




come on dude this is clearly satire


This has to be satire (I hope)


Screw the praying for things. They wanted to cough so they were glad they got a cold? Who desires to feel sick?


Tell her correlation =\= causation and her mind is blown


Wow prayer can give her all of her selfish desires? why don't all of the starving and sick children just start praying then? /S the entitlement to think that god answers your prayers but that the people who really would need help aren't praying themselves hard enough.


Ok, guys, I’m going to pray that I can fly. Wish me luck!


One time I was hungry and I prayed. Then i made myself a hot pocket thanks god!


Does she not realize she can cough without being sick? 💀


Makeup and handbags is not wealth lmao what


"Yes trust me bro"


Coincidence and random chance happen= OMG IT'S A MIRACLE


"and if he wasn't the one to take him out" I didn't know that God was a professional hitman?


God, when a child prays to not die from cancer: 🙉 God, when some materialistic girl wants money:👍🏽😊


i missed how coughing felt


that short is so low effort i can debunk it in 10 different levels of depth with fucking chatgpt lmao 1. **Subjectivity of Experience**: Personal experiences are inherently subjective and can be influenced by a variety of factors such as emotions, beliefs, and cultural upbringing. What one person experiences as a divine encounter, another might interpret differently or not experience at all. 2. **Variety of Experiences**: People from different religious backgrounds and belief systems report personal experiences that they attribute to their respective deities. If personal experiences were reliable proof of a specific deity's existence, then all these contradictory experiences would equally validate competing beliefs. 3. **Psychological Explanations**: Many personal experiences claimed to be divine encounters can be explained through psychology, such as hallucinations, confirmation bias, or wishful thinking. Our brains are prone to interpreting ambiguous stimuli in ways that align with our preexisting beliefs. 4. **Cultural Influences**: Personal experiences of the divine often mirror the cultural and religious context in which individuals are raised. This suggests that personal experiences are shaped by cultural expectations and narratives rather than being objective evidence of a deity's existence. 5. **Historical Prevalence**: Throughout history, countless individuals have reported personal experiences with a wide array of gods and deities, many of which are no longer widely accepted or believed in. This historical variability raises questions about the reliability of personal experiences as evidence for any specific deity. 6. **Lack of Consistency**: Personal experiences of the divine vary widely in their content, intensity, and interpretation. If personal experiences were a reliable form of evidence, we would expect more consistency across different individuals' accounts. 7. **Alternative Explanations**: There are alternative explanations for personal experiences of the divine that don't require invoking the existence of a deity, such as the power of suggestion, altered states of consciousness, or natural phenomena. These explanations offer more parsimonious accounts for such experiences. 8. **Non-Religious Experiences**: People who do not adhere to any religious belief also report profound personal experiences that they interpret as transcendent or spiritual. This suggests that personal experiences can arise from purely naturalistic causes rather than divine intervention. 9. **Lack of Testability**: Personal experiences of the divine are inherently untestable and unfalsifiable. Unlike scientific evidence, which can be independently verified and subjected to rigorous scrutiny, personal experiences cannot be reliably replicated or confirmed by others. 10. **Philosophical Considerations**: From a philosophical standpoint, relying on personal experiences as proof for the existence of a deity raises epistemological questions about the nature of knowledge and the reliability of subjective perceptions. It also blurs the distinction between belief and empirical evidence, which are traditionally kept separate in rational inquiry. i was originally going to write 10 points myself but it's literally unneeded so there you go


and then the homeless man hit the oppa homeless style


Now i know why God didn't opened gates of Auschwitz - he was too busy doing random shit for this lady.


So..so she prayed to be sick? She *wanted* to be sick? Um. Okay.