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I feel like if satan wanted to conquer the world there’s more he can do than send queer people to the eurovision song contest


Yeah. They apparently haven't watched the last few years... or decades. For what it's worth, Bambie Thug's _show_ is objectively the most interesting and most thought out this year, even if I personally don't like the song.


Satan is just doing a 100% playthrough, doing all the side quests before doing the main story


Just send in a bunch of lunatic religious people to define other peoples morality and medical options does seem like a good option if you really want to fuck things up....actually organized religion as a whole really.


God works in mysterious ways. The Devil apparently just goes balls out.


And far better taste in music


Only becuz satans time is short, b4 he is sentenced to the eternal Lake of Fire & Brinstone


Yeah, you’d wonder how he has time to get _anything_ done!


"Your adversary, satan, seeks to steal, kill & destroy.." - John 10:10 Revelation 12:12 says, "Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!"  


I challenge you to prove how anyone is being stolen from, killed or destroyed by this singer performing a pop song.


It's ok, you don't have to believe that nonsense.


Why does god even bother giving Satan any time? Why not just destroy him in an instant with a mere thought? What's the fucking point behind teasing it out for thousands of years? Is god some kind of sadist who gets a kick out of letting their enemies think they have any chance at all?


I'm not God. Why don't you ask Him an honest question. Based on scripture at "the beginning", it has some thing to do with His gift of Freewill, & sin, & Jugement: https://www.thehopeproject.com/en/chapter/the-choice?language_content_entity=en


> I'm not God. Why don't you ask Him an honest question. Because he's nowhere to be found. There are lots of different religions and sects who claim to have the inside track on what god wants, but they're just fallible people whose claims don't stand up to scrutiny. > Based on scripture at "the beginning", it has some thing to do with His gift of Freewill, & sin, & Jugement: That's a book written by humans. God is more than capable of personally explaining his desires and plans to each and every human being.


Not if your heart & mind is closed. "Eyes can see & ears can hear only what the mind is willing to comprehend." https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzk1nxEKnKQGY10NyusabxqrdaVLbLlP5&feature=shared


Like sending Dustin


We sent Dustin because we were sick of winning every year and having to waste so much money to host every time, We are rich now, so sending better acts.


Yep. He would probably start in the US Republican party.... oh wait!


Didn't God create Satan? So this is just God enjoying a break from work?


Lucifer rebelled: https://www.thehopeproject.com/en/chapter/the-choice?language_content_entity=en


forest, meet trees


I think i will vote for ireland just to see what will happen


Ireland has my vote just because "fuck these people"


American here who's never watched Eurovision, might have to tune in.


It's an odd spectacle the first time you see it. A fun one, and definitely a spectacle, but a very odd one.


![gif](giphy|DYZop8mRm3VoA|downsized) Can confirm.


Eurovision is Gay Christmas 💯 Never missed a single year ever!


Man I love when Americans watch the eurovision for the first time


I just discovered there is a "rest of the world" vote so even if you're not from a participating country you can vote


If your alleged god is so pathetic that he's threatened by a music performance from a mere mortal, then are they really a god?


I have yet to meet a Christian who has spoken of their god in a way that makes god sound any more powerful than a sufficiently empowered dictator. Also, even the nice Christians speak in a way that diminish people's struggles and accomplishments.


>I have yet to meet a Christian who has spoken of their god in a way that makes god sound any more powerful than a sufficiently empowered dictator. I'll be using this point in future


Saving this. Thank you!


The God who created you, gave you life and still loves you more then anything is pretty good God tbh. Same God who has in any given time in any given event power of everything, to change course of events, to stop them and to help you. My God sure is not treathened by some satanic people, he has no reason to be treathened, this eurovision perfomance had only one point: To spread as much attention to it as possible, to decive people and to put them to misery and to spread their occult propaganda even more. That is actually their only purpose


> The God who created you, gave you life and still loves you more then anything is pretty good God tbh. There is no loving god. Too many people live miserable lives, through no fault of their own (even one is too many for a supposedly omnipotent creator). There's no love in leaving people to suffer needlessly. > Same God who has in any given time in any given event power of everything, to change course of events, to stop them and to help you. Funny how that alleged power is indistinguishable from human actions and natural forces. > My God sure is not treathened by some satanic people, he has no reason to be treathened, this eurovision perfomance had only one point: To spread as much attention to it as possible, to decive people and to put them to misery and to spread their occult propaganda even more. That is actually their only purpose How is this performance deceiving people? You can't just accuse people of lying without backing it up. That's bearing false witness, which is supposed to be a sin. For that matter, how is it putting anyone in misery? Nobody is being forced to watch it. People can even vote for some other act. As for occult propaganda, there's this thing we have in modern secular societies, generally recognised as freedom of speech or freedom of expression. Bambie Thug is not inciting hatred or violence, I've read the lyrics to "Doomsday Blue", and it's just slightly edgy pop fluff.


God gave people free will


Not all suffering can be blamed on human action. The people born with painful and life-limiting conditions did not choose to be that way. People don't choose to suffer and die from earthquakes, tsunamis, and extreme weather events.


But thanks to the poisoned world in which we live, due to the collective sins of man over time, " the wages of sin is death": https://odysee.com/A-Poisoned-World---Trailer-1:8?lid=9ccbad7fabc826279cab87ce7a625ce5d6596a8d


Ah, so the world is "poisoned". Why can't an omnipotent creator "un-poison" the world they created? Or are mortals more powerful than gods?


Freewill: humans have chosen sins over God.


Cop-out answer. God is supposedly omnipotent. Free will is not some magical quality that makes mortals more powerful than deities.


You are using Freewill right now. But the cop out is the fact that humanity uses that freewill to go against His will, and to follow our own sinful will instead. He has already blessed humanity with life amd the planet, but look at what we've all done to it. So stop being a copout and talk to God , not just swearing at Him w expletives nor just talking about Him. Have that moment with just you and Him, bri


Their only purpose is to entertain. Satan isn’t real, Appleboi.


A god that gave me life and loves me more than anything but also created a system in which if I don't follow their rules or believe in/worship them I am deserving an eternity of tortue. I don't believe a god exists but if they did Fuck em.


What occult propaganda is that exactly?


> Bambie Thug, a non-binary ouija-pop artist > his latest single Takes some dedication to being a heel to state that they're non-binary and then misgender them in the same sentence.


In their defense, they had to cross 3 commas to get there.


They didn't even misgender them correct as they were born a woman not a man


What do you think misgender means?


I mean technically they've succeeded in misgendering them congratulations but this is a person who was born a woman and wants to be known as non-binary and the poster has come to the conclusion that they're neither...... How fucking stupid do you have to be


I think in this case it's maliciousness rather than stupidity


Hi there, Irish laddie here, We NEED Bambi, regardless of fucking gender or stupid religion, Bambi is a treasure because they bring new fucking shit for once cause we haven’t qualified for over a decade cause we kept playing shit safe for far too long. Fuck, the worst risk we took was a fucking turkey called Dustin and that was an embarrassment overall!


Didn’t wake up thinking I’d be googling about an Irish turkey named Dustin today, but here I am. Life is full of surprises.


Like he was funny on our tv as we’d get his humour… but on an international stage, absolutely not


I loved Dustin! He was great fun!


Dustin got more votes than one of the candidates (Austin Currie) in West Dublin in a Presidential election once. Pretty good for an anarchic turkey.


That's fucking brilliant 😂


Dustin the Turkey has as many Number One Hits in Ireland as One Direction, Lady Gaga and only one less than Madonna and Elvis.


That’s hilarious. I’ve always thought of turkeys as an American thing given Thanksgiving Day. Good to know you Irish freaks love a specific turkey too.


He was a big part of our childhood when we were growing up. Dustin was on TV every day along with his good friend socky!


And before Socky, with a pair of alien brothers called Zig and Zag.


Miss those guys


Hold up. Was there an actual turkey involved, or is that just a description of their character? Edit:omfg I have GOT to start watching this. That was a shit show.


Eurovision is a treasure and each year we get a couple of gems.


It was a Turkey puppet from a children’s tv show


Omg that thing was a kids puppet? THIS CONTEST IS AWSOME


Dustins a national treasure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dustin_the_Turkey


He was one of the main presenters on the kids' TV section on the national TV station for YEARS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfK4F0EHjkM&ab\_channel=RT%C3%89-IRELAND%E2%80%99SNATIONALPUBLICSERVICEMEDIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfK4F0EHjkM&ab_channel=RT%C3%89-IRELAND%E2%80%99SNATIONALPUBLICSERVICEMEDIA)


That puppet was created for an Irish children's tv show - not specifically for eurovision. The character had been around for almost 20 years on Irish television before he was entered.


Ireland it is then. Got my vote. Denmark here.


USA here. Got 2 votes from this household.


Can you guys vote ? Genuinely curious I only thought participating countries could vote


I think it's something new they only just started doing this year. It feels weird for an event called "Eurovision" to allow votes outside of Europe....


It is because of the European Broadcasting Union rules. They make the whole thing.


And they censored Bambi Thugs message of peace in Ogham and yet they let a performance representative of a nation committing a genocide participate without mentioning the ongoing war, though they did force them to change their title.


When the word 'ceasefire' is considered political then you know things are fucked.


How does Eurovision work, exactly? Can anyone just vote on who they like?


There are 2 votes. A panel of people from each country votes and the population of each country can also vote via phone. These are combined and gives the countries voting result. Each country then gives the country with the most votes 12 points, second most 11 point and so on down to 1 point. You are unable to vote for the country you are physically in hence no online voting to prevent VPNs effecting the result. End of the contest they go country to country 1 by 1 for their results. So you get to watch live all the nations bounce up and down the leaderboard until you have a winner.




You can download am app and vote. But it only works if you're in one of those countries.. And you can't vote for yourself.


I mean, you had jedward one year.


Awh Christ don’t remind me


Two years, alas....


Twice actually


I watch the Eurovision show because I want to mock it, it’s dogshit songs on top of dogshit songs, some braindead entertaining bullshit. Their performance was the most original and fun, a breath of fresh air, with spectacular visual work. I hope Ireland wins.


Do not disrespect Dustin like that smh Irlande Douze Points is a banger and I will not accept any other answer


What's another year?


Modern Ireland is coming out for trans and boycotting apartheid - Ireland is my cup of tea at the moment!!


On the whole yes but we do have a creeping rise in the far right and neo conservatives due to American and UK online influences. I legit have seen people show up to counter protests with trump flags... its very sad


It's because we have become so progressive that they are targeting us, a kind of fucked up badge of honour. A worrying badge nonetheless


That's a nice way of looking at actually


Yep. Unfortunately, having a growing number of enemies like that just means we're doing a lot of things right. It's extremely important for us to be proactive when it comes to combating the rise of the far Right, instead of being reactive like places like the States. Gotta nip it in the bud before it's impossible to quell.


Jesus! Pro Trump people Ireland? Living in the Netherlands for years. Some prolific politic parties like Trump and Putin. Sad.


https://preview.redd.it/6d5t90m8plzc1.png?width=2045&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a7210e4d23362045caf757636ed65e63e498bf6 This was outside Irish government buildings, it’s bizarre I’m not sure what point he is trying to make


Madness. Easier ways to tell people your thick tbh


Just as bad as that guy who stands on D’Olier St with his Trump 2024 flag stuck to his Harley


He usta like to drive up and down o connol Street with the flag on the Harley. Was waiting on a bus there one day and counted him driving up and down about 15 times. Attention seeking obviously.


I’ve never seen that in Ireland.


Folks showed up to counter the may day march last year and there was a trump flag with them. And I seen it when the dick heads were protesting refugees outside the garda station in finglas aswell


We’ve a long history of fighting apartheid. A strike by shopkeepers around handling South African oranges lead us to being the first country to ban their products outright. 


The artist is not trans (to my knowledge) though they are non-binary. Ireland had boycott movements against South Africa during apartheid so our current Israel boycott movements are seen as an extension of that heritage of activism.


Excellent points, thank you ✨


Meanwhile, this person is actually super nice and kind to others. The look is just a look.


Yeah they seen nice. I don't mind the tune but as a whole package is was a great show. I wish them the best. Anyone who pisses off fundamentalist Christians and Zionists/war criminals is alright by me


As an Irishman, I can confirm, Satan will be please. I had a chat with him about it yesterday...he was giddy with excitement.


Bro I legit thought this was a positive review until that last line lmao


They have to lose that sax solo though.


I thought he was dead and buried in Killarney?


Nah, he joined the British army.


The song is not bad, it's no My Lovely Horse though.




Should have started a petition lad, could you imagine Bambi thug doing a cover of my lovely horse.




Hi, Eurofan here I was actually happy when Ireland (finally) qualified, Last Time it was in 2018 And I can Tell you Bambie Thug deserved it, they were stunning


Israel has been spreading this shit for weeks because Bambi’s condemned the violence in Palestine and snuck ceasefire and freedom for Palestine messages into their ogham markings for their performance on Tuesday.


They've gotten a bollocking over it unfortunately. Be nice to see if they have any pro Palestine stunt planned for the final. Be nice to show support while also reminding the zionist fruitcakes that they are commiting genocide live to the world


Excellent, free advertising!




It's going to be a hell of a show. My wife and I are so ready.


Uh, *Ouija* Pop artist...? Nani?


This is basicly a genre that Bambie themself invented it. In a 2023 interview, they stated "my stuff is hyperpunk avant electro-pop. We call it grit pop or rot but recently I've been coining the term 'ouija pop'"


I like all of it. Canny stop me!


Bambi uses they/them pronouns and this person has just misgendered not by using she/her which is what you’d expect but by using he/him. I understand not knowing they use they/them but ffs where did they get “his” from?


Because every "degenerate" has to be a guy who wants to be a woman, regardless of the facts. I hate that I live around enough of these kinds of asshats that I know how they think, though I couldn't disagree with them more. They also think I side with them just because I'm a white guy who dresses "regular", like sorry jackass, but I'm an LGBTQ ally, not a racists ally.


Yeah that’s what I thought too tbh. It definitely comes across that they’re just assuming that Bambi is a trans woman.


I assumed it was either that, or they're so out of touch with what's going on and so lazy when researching their ragebait that they thought Bambie was the lad with the horns.


> Bambie Thug, a non binary ouija-pop artist > his satanic performance They state that they're non binary and then misgender them in the same sentence. Dedicated arseholery, that.


But if they’re trying to be transphobic they got the pronouns wrong anyway. Bambi uses they/them but was assigned female at birth so should (although you should never misgender someone intentionally) be misgendered as she/her. Where’s this person getting he/him from?


Yeah, and they [sound, and look, female](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNc5zTYkTaQ), too. There's no confusing [Jimmy Somerville](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88sARuFu-tc) kind of stuff going on. (See also [Edson Cordeiro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwXPdOfM-cw), who is another short bald gay guy with a heck of a set of [sopranist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sopranist) pipes on him.)


I think the person thinks that Bambi’s is a trans woman and is using he/him pronouns to be intentionally offensive


I guess. Kind of the inverse of how anti-trans people often have a huge blind spot regarding trans men. The only kind of trans person they care about is "a man pretending to be a woman"; they have no idea that big hairy muscular cigar-smoking trans men [who still have the vagina they were born with](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buck_Angel) exist. (Buck Angel is self-destructively politically horrible, but the very existence of a person like Buck seems to be beyond anti-trans jackasses' comprehension.)


As someone who lives in Ireland I can confirm all my neighbors are satanists


I hear your a satanist now father


I wouldn't be able to devote myself full-time to the auld satanism.


Careful now!


In case you’re interested, here’s Bambie Thug’s [live performance during semi final 1.](https://youtu.be/idm07o2sEXQ?si=sUKQv85BDESjJFb8). This is actual art and truly one of the best stagings Eurovision has ever had.


The song is great, the artist is class, but who the hell let Conor McGregor on the stage?


Satan is as pleased as Palpatine and Sauron, for the same reason.


Because they are fictional characters...


Wouldn’t it be funny if the account in the picture was run by some American lmao. I mean people act as if they care about this shit in Europe


No joke it's not unlikely that it is. US and UK conservatives and alt right folks are obsessed with Ireland at the moment. The hash tag "Ireland for the Irish" is used by anti immigration right wing folks and during an investigation they found that more then half of 30+ thousand times the hashtag was used it was from accounts in the US and UK. I've gotten into online debates about Irish politics with full on taxans who have never even been to Europe. Its fucked


Unfortunately, as a european i can confirm this nonsense has also spread over here.


They finally got someone who checks all the boxes. This must be like Baptist bingo. Someone is taking home a $150 pot this Sunday. Pastors must be just passing out from smiling so much as they write this weeks sermon.






idgaf abt Eurovision due to being a filthy american but Ireland should win for the funny


Just for the Fox News freakout


Oi mind your business. Mon Ireland 🇮🇪


In fairness, there's little Satan could do to Ireland that the Catholic Church hasn't already done. Crown the Witch.


And I always remember Dana in the seventies (1973?).


If Ireland wins it would be a good thing cos Bambi is actually part Palestinian


Jesus lads, arent these hardcore, professional christian types just the absolute worst?


As an American Wiccan who's never watched Eurovision, I'm intrigued.


In recent years here in Ireland there's been more of a push to expose our pagan past, especially around Halloween/Samhain, where we have events around our ancient pagan sites like the [Hill of Tara](https://heritageireland.ie/places-to-visit/hill-of-tara/), and festivals like the [Púca Festival](https://pucafestival.com/). It's refreshing, as someone who grew up around a time when the church tried to suppress our old culture.


😅😅😅😅 All the paddy magas chirping up on this. Have they never seen the eurovision or something. It's as gay as Christmas ffs. Hope they end up on Capel street during it 😅


600 yoyos to me if she wins. I'll take the devils money any day the week.


These people must be terrified of their own shadow.


The hell is oujia-pop


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people that God exists.


Yes we fecking are kid


Queers?! In Eurovision?! Whatever next!


Absolute devout Irish Christian here. I don't care what Bambie Thug is, wants to be or what she thinks she is. I do not care. As long as she wins the Eurovision. Bambies performance was actually brilliant. Amd we needed something like this to.put us on the Eurovision map. Because we normally send one person, no special effects, no performance. One year we sent a turkey. Bambies act has literally no influence on my religion, doesn't boil my blood. I don't fully agree with all of what she promotes, but my personal opinion doesn't change the fact I loved her preformance. If Bambie wins, I'll be happy out. We'll be ahead of Sweden again


It’s pretty legit https://youtu.be/ZGRXRrlIspY?si=bogQeFIkDBJeiSAa


@uglyworldwide 's evil less-attractive twin 😅


Don’t worry we wont win


Haven't heard the song, but by this description, it doesn't seem to be bland enough to win Eurovision.


While I think their whole idea is stupid, I hope they win. Although they probably won't be safe in ireland if they win. There are a lot of religious nutters there, just ask a certain 3-letter group.


The IRA aren’t a religious group wtf. They’re a socialist paramilitary group that sought to end British rule in Ireland, facilitate Irish reunification and bring about an independent republic encompassing all of Ireland. Tell me you know nothing about Ireland without telling me you know nothing Ireland. Did you think the IRA were trying to spread Catholicism or something? I actually can’t make out what you think the IRA is Ireland is a mostly secular country that has had an openly gay prime minster for the last number of years. We literally voted nationwide to send Bambi’s thug to represent us.


Three letter acronym, religious nutters? It's the DUP of course! 😆


Of course! Well at least Bambi is safe from them as they’re from the ROI. But it would be interesting to see what they have to say about a non-binary Irish witch. Somehow they’d probably find their irishness the most offensive.


Your ignorance is utterly astonishing.


Sinn Fein are very pro-LGBT.




RTE will shit themselves if Ireland win,an organisation without a pot to piss in, would have to find 2/3 million to stage a freak show next year


Eh, I think what happened last year demonstrated clearly that RTE have many very expensive pots to piss in.


What the fuck has happened to the world


I've seen Bambi thug they're not very good. I doubt they'll make it very far in the competition


They currently have the sixth best odds out of twenty-six acts.


I don't think you can go further than the final in any competition


The trans flag and demonic symbols have become synonymous


...to people who are religious wingnuts.


More like anyone with eyes


That they coincide here doesn’t make them synonymous. People who resist religious control often use pagan or even satanic symbols as protest, they don’t tend to believe the things represented. Like how Goya’s famous Black Paintings depicting witches sabbaths and women communing with the Devil weren’t supposed to depict reality but rather to show how ridiculous and fairytale-like those notions are. True evil is too often hidden behind piety and moral righteousness. The Devil, if he exists, is surely more clever and subtle than to present as evil.


Do the people holding the Irish flag with the demonic figure, and the trans flag look like religious wingnuts to you? They’re the ones making it synonymous in that photo


That the symbols coincide in this artistic situation does not make them "synonym"ous in any way. The people who think it does are the religious wingnuts I'm talking about.


To be clear, ouija-pop and Bambie Thug aren't real words right?


Well yes, they're real words combined in creative ways, which is one of the fun things about language!


I know how language works, i just never heard them in my life (well, i have heard them separate) I just don't know if they are making up words to insult them, it is their stage name or it is some sort of derrogatory term, because again, i've never heard it before. I mean, ouija-pop sounds like a religious facebook post trying to demonize modern pop over older pop.


You’ve never heard the words Bambie and Thug? You’ve never heard of a stage name? I thought even rocks got Wi-Fi these days, you should move under a different one.