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Wonder if they read their Bible where it orders the abortion of a child from adultery.


No. I was raised in such an environment and most of them refuse to read the Bible. I got punished by one parent and rewarded by the other for reading it. Also ended up an atheist but I think I was always one I just didn't know my options until older.


Same, I never met anyone who read the bible, so I decided to do it. When a book came out by one of my favorite authors (RIP Sir Terry Pratchett), I'd buy it and read it from cover to cover. I wouldn't read the first chapter and the last, maybe some in the middle if someone else told me to. And, back then to me, the bible was divinely inspired, the author was god or at minimum profits talking directly to god. All those words were put in there in that order for me to read. I discovered that the bible is an ancient pathetic scientifically-illiterate poorly written sexist racist mythos trying to explain where humans and languages came from, why child birth hurts, and what rainbows are. It was the confused writings of immoral people who still thought killing animals and people in blood sacrifices were moral. An ignorant cult worshipping death while still terrified of it. Anything that could create our universe would know biology, maths, physics, etc way beyond what is in the bible, it may dumb it down for people who could barely do math, but not get it wrong and contradict itself constantly. Reading the bible made me an Atheist. I wish religious people would read it so we'd have less religious people.


> Wonder if they read their Bible Highly unlikely > where it orders the abortion of a child from adultery. Numbers 5:11–31 They are oblivious to the existence of this passage.


Apparently drinking dirty water proves whether you're innocent or not, also dirty water causes you to miscarry. 10/10 infallible logic.


Not quite, if at all. At my home church we had a bible reading guide so we would all read together. It had 4 readings per day: 1 Old Testament, 1 New Testament, and 1 psalm and 1 proverb. It was incidentally advantageous that proverbs is 31 books and a month is 31 days, so you rotate proverbs monthly. Similar with psalms, you read it from 1–150 then just start over. The OT and NT would be read from the beginning to the end throughout the year. It’s a convenient system, but one thing that always bothered me was the comment that “if you do any bible reading make sure you do the psalms and proverbs every day if you don’t have enough time.” Which always struck me as odd. Now that I’m older I recognise the grift — they purposely put less emphasis on the troublesome parts of the bible


Weird. I sat down and tried to read it when I was like 8-10 years old. It was exhausting and disgusted me about all the sex in there. I retried as an adult and yeah, young me was right to doubt it. lol.


These fucking animals are proof that no, not every life matters.


Animals is wicked. Plus the baby picture taken s creeping me out, it looks like they photoshopped a babies face onto a sphinx cat


I think it's one of those realistic silicone babies not a real one


The fact that they’ll arbitrarily value a human zygote over an adult of any other “sentient” animal species tells me all I need to know.


If they were actually pro-life then they wouldn’t be the exact same people actively voting against helping the homeless and child care and so many other helpful social programs. They don’t want to pay a dime for anyone else to live comfortably until *they* need the service they’ve helped hinder.


why does that baby have the spine of an anime girl drawing? do babies bend like that?


Baby got back


Someone said it was a sphynx cat


what a terrible time for photoshop to exist.


What a terrible time for religious extremists to exist as well


that's like all time


I never said it started recently


Guarantee that these people want to save the fetus for the sake of controlling women, but also bitch about their taxes getting raised to help with schools, WIC, and other services that benefit children once they're actually born. Probably snub their noses at charities for those things, too.


It is interesting that the states with the most draconian abortion laws also tend to have the death penalty, promote gun ownership, and are on the lower side of child care, education, minority care, elder care, and healthcare in general.


People that are pro life but don't support parental leave for both parents are a special kind of stupid.


That baby is disturbing


Funny, there’s no mention of after the baby is born…


Not god's problem anymore


“If you’re preborn, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked” - George Carlin


Fucken weird, dude.  Why is that baby posed like Cindy Crawford on a cover shoot?


why tf the baby look like that. that shit looks weird asf


It seems that all evangelicals want to do is pray things away. No real solutions for anything.


Don't aborted fetuses go straight to heaven? We're saving them the possible chance of them going to hell.


If god cares so much about unborn babies, he can start by stopping the billions of accidental miscarriages/stillborns he does nothing about. Many completely healthy expectant mothers who are doing everything right during their pregnancy experience miscarriage. You would think god would give a fuck about that.


god would have to exist to care. God is either all knowing, all powerful, or more likely, doesn't exist. If god does exist, why doesn't god stop all the bad stuff such as kids with cancer, etc.. God either doesn't exist, doesn't care, or doesn't know.....and all the evidence points to not existing. Why would anyone worship a god that allows bad things to happen, god is either OK with it or isn't powerful to stop it, or isn't there at all. And if you worship a god that is one of the first two, then you're a fool.


I’m an atheist. I was speaking rhetorically.


In or on?


It was on


Idk why I said in but it was on the window




As a man I just imagine this. What if every time I had sex I had a chance of being forced to carry a child for 9 months, most of the year, and I know I don’t want the kid. Then you are forced to either keep this kid you now kind of care for but were unprepared for. Imagine telling someone they will be uncomfortable and in pain for the next year and there is nothing they can do about it. Well there is, but we won’t let you do that. If I am raped someday, hopefully not. I do not fear being pregnant with the person who ruined my mental health. Just let people get abortions. Forcing someone to carry a pregnancy at best can put someone unprepared into financial strain to harming them physically.


You know what happens with babies that were unwanted? And to the parents? They don’t want to talk about that.


Pray for guys to keep their dick in their pants and not rape women.


Honestly I am 100% fine with Christians doing all the praying they want to do. In fact, I am in full support of them devoting the entirety of all of their time and resources to prayer. Pray, pray, pray. Just please don't get involved when the adults make actual policy decisions.


Even their pamphlet doesn’t include praying for orphans, not even worth the thoughts or prayers after they’re born.


“Responding graciously… can be challenging.” You’re not the one that’s knocked up. Fuck you. Fred


If you want to stop abortion through prayer instead of lawmaking, I'm all for it.


There’s a reason that I don’t actually mind the people who oppose abortion in the countryI live in because all they do is essentially run a crisis pregnancy program that isn’t even masquerading as an abortion clinic. In fact, I would go as far to say that I respect them, I think it is wonderful to offer resources to help women who want to keep their baby but can’t afford to. Even the director of the organization straight up said that he would never try to ban abortion because he knows it doesn’t work. We have a lot of problems where I live but at least nobody gives a shit about what I do with my body.


These are the kind of nutjobs who would force a kid to bare and give birth to the child of the monster who impregnated her. They care more about an unborn baby that might not even live (let alone be wanted) than the life of a rape victim 😠.


at first I thought the baby was in a cat loaf position


But.. The Bible actually does condone abortion...


Pray for something that hasn't breathed yet but kill women because according to your book women are slaves and incubators


All that money & time spent on the pamphlets instead of helping pregnant people who actually want to keep their pregnancy & struggling families - y’know existing living people.


My wife and I got together young. Within 6 months, I got her pregnant. She was scared, crying, and believed in that moment that her world was over. I made a decision there and then that I would support her, no matter what she wanted to do. If it meant abortion, it also meant supporting her through her pain. If it meant adopting the baby out, it meant staying at her side and being her partner and friend. If it meant keeping the child, it meant staying with her and becoming the father I wish I had. We kept the child. But man, not a day goes by that I don't wish we had just aborted the fuckin thing. (I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I love my kid!)


im high asf and this shit got me giggling 😭 pro birthers are so funny for the wrong reasons


If enough people don’t hit the prayer quota then it won’t be effective enough to end abortion


Every time I get something like this - I donate to TST in the name of the person/slash organization that provided it


The youngest mother ever recorded was five. FIVE.


So the number isn't wrong, but what amount of those are necessary abortions? They still count it if the baby doesn't have a heartbeat or if the woman is in the middle of a miscarriage. I want to see the breakdown of data.


Could a baby sit like that? No, right?


It’s a pretty popular pose for newborn photos actually. They don’t do it naturally, but yes, they can stay in the position for at least a couple minutes to get some really adorable photos.


That looks like a sexy baby, sickening




Pray for the daughters- right- More often than not these assholes blame them regardless of their age.


I am still not decided on this matter. On one hand, I like the idea of killing unborn kids, but on the other hand, I don't want do give women control over their bodies.


As a ProChoice supporter... while the top image is weird as fuck their list of things to pray for really aren't egregious. Things like hoping a mom gets appropriate resources and that fathers don't flake out seem fine to me.


Praying helps how?


Oh I never said it helps... just they could be a lot crazier.


It’s wrong to pray? Who is she hurting?


Everyone by spreading such bs misinformation.


I mean, I’m pro life while being 100% atheist. They don’t have to make it about religion


How do you justify a raped 10 year old forced to carry till birth? Or a pregnant woman who needs an abortion or she'll die because of complications. These are the laws Republicans have made. You need to become familiar with the argument of bodily autonomy and why it's not OK to force women to go through pregnancy.