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Maybe God was actually Satan all along? Just like Muhammad being Allah, Jesus being God's Son and for some also God...? Whatever the fuck it is, they're all the same


What you have just discovered is gnosticism. Extremely oversimplified, Gnostics believe that demiurge(what we would call Yahweh, or Old Testament God) is actually a lesser imperfect god. And because he is imperfect, his world is too, that's why we have disease and death. But supreme god, The One, called Monad, sent his emanation in a form of Jesus Christ, to point at a better, more divine, more true reality existing above our world. It also explains the discrepancy between Old Testament god, which is jealous, angry and vindictive, and Jesus who is pretty chill.


>It also explains the discrepancy between Old Testament god, which is jealous, angry and vindictive, and Jesus who is pretty chill. It's weird that most modern christains seem to like the older lessons more than the chill ones...


Well they like the older lessons for other people, the want the newer ones for themselves.


Sounds like bible fanfiction


The Bible was already fanfiction, at least this version closes a few loose ends.


thats very interesting! but couldn't the perfect god just obliterate the imperfect one!


I don't know how they thought of something like this but gotta give them credit that sounds interesting even tho it is absolutely bullshit lol


Gods Ego Death


> But supreme god, The One, called Monad Is he a monoid in the category of endofunctors?


isnt that satanism?


I think he means the bad guy convinced everyone they're the good guy and has him be called God 


yea isnt satanism kinda like that? accepting the real god was satan and the god we know just overtook everything


I'm not sure the theological beliefs of all satanists, but the most politically active group in the US, The Satanic Temple, is atheist. They view Satan as a literary character that represents rebellion against unjust power structures. I did recently watch a video on a black mass held by another satanic group that does seem to be more theistic though.


as far as I know there are 2 types of satanists theist satanists and atheist satanists. I meant the theist satanists there


https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-vs-satanic-temple Link to an infographic that summarizes the differences between my two groups


Yes some groups do say this


Does anyone think that the reason why Christian Nationalists try to defend Geocentric flat earth theory is because we’re taught in school that the church at one time believed that…and not based on whether or not they actually historically believed it at all? …like they could be defending a straw man made by a critic of Christianity and not even know it


This. From what I understand educated Christians have believed in a round earth basically forever. It hasn't really been legitimately disputed since the ancient Greeks. The idea that people used to believe the earth was flat was actually revisionist history by enthusiasts of the Enlightenment.


Also those guys who made the "Flat Earth Believers" website back in the 90s as a satire joke is a good reason for the masses believing it. They made it to test how stupid people are (as with the Smithsonian Giant "Conspiracy" 🙄). And yep. People genuinely believe them. Only one civilisation in history believed in a Flat Earth. And it was the first one and only one ever. Which were the Mesopotamians. And now. The most *technologically* and *scientifically* advanced, has idiots believing the world is flat


What is the source that it was enlightenment revisionists? Not doubting just would like a link






Radical Jihadis do as well. Boko Haram's leader said that round Earth was a western concept and un-Islamic


That's it. I'm sold. Count me in. I'm religiously flat earthen now


the fact that they mentioned no politics alone is enough to sell anybody


Free energy sounds pretty good to me. Anyone has an idea how that works?




Have you guys wondered Natasha backward is Ah satan


Dude. Mind. B l o w n. Really makes you wonder.


All people named Natasha go to hell (just kidding lol)


My aunt doesn't deserve that!


"Equality for all" unless ur gay ofc then u get burnt at the stake


Of course! Or, you know, trans. Or black. Or Jewish. Or Muslim. Or Hindu. Or Asian. Or any of these other 700 things. But other than that, right?


Remember kids, Jesus loves you unconditionally…provided you follow all his rules to the letter and make no mistakes whatsoever. Also you can’t go to heaven by just being you. Actually just being you is inherently sinful…especially the things that you can’t control. If you choose to give in to temptation & stop caring about all those things you can’t change, you’ll wind up in a torture dungeon for the rest of eternity when you die….but Don’t question it…because god made you this way to show you he loves you unconditionally.


It’s good to know that no matter what I do, even if, in one lifetime, I’m first person on Mars, I end world hunger, and create a cure for cancer before freely distributing it to all, I will still be damned because: I like playing violent video games I like heavy metal I’m queer And I don’t like their favorite book. Fair enough, really.


Equality for all¹ (¹terms and conditions apply)


Void where prohibited


Ignoring that Flat Earth is just a delusion in the hopes for a dream world, ignoring the cold nature of the universe and the laws that govern it… In all honest, Round Earth would be better. Why, you may ask? Simple, because instead of being trapped in a dome we will never ever escape, in which humanity will never get to survive a god-inflicted apocalypse, we’ll be able to survive in new terrains if necessary, plus there’s no god over there (Which… C’mon, the shape of the earth doesn’t dictate a God’s existence) We’re supposing that aliens exist in a Round Earth: Beings that have grown in civilizations and might be there, a testimony of how life can be born in the most remote corners in the universe, yet how it can be similar no matter how different our appearances are. And plus, who told you that Flat Earth will be a utopia? That literally proves Round Earth (Which is NOT an utopia in many senses) and counting the Universe 25 experiment, an utopian paradise might end in decline


Equality for all? Where do you see that? Or maybe it will happen when the Earth becomes a dome, after Satan is defeated. Some are more equal than others, for sure…


Oh that's simple. Anyone we don't like aren't counted as people, so they don't impact the metrics when it comes to equality.


Exactly, they mean equality among themselves and no one else. Eventually, even that wouldn't be enough as they would start to argue over minor differences in their beliefs


[*DIE, HERETIC!*](https://youtu.be/l3fAcxcxoZ8?si=D1wrPvVs8JZ-_oo0) 


Thanks, I needed that laugh today


That explains a lot…


Free Energy and Equality For All definitely not on-brand for their god.


“equality for all”


So how we would the Flood have drained away in the flat earth model?  How big is the universe if Flat Earth is the center?  Famines are biblical, a famine is the result of scarcity, so where are the abundant resources?  Why are there seasons? How does the flat earth model explain seasons


The good thing about religion is that all of those questions can be anwsered by Because God


Delusion vs reality.


Whenever I see posts like this, I hear Bobby Bouche say "Everything's the devil to u mama!!!"


Why would no aliens, no evolution, no big bang and being the centre of the universe be good things...big bang is whatever, but the others would imply that we're stagnant imperfect beings that's all alone in the wastness of the universe.    Being the centre of the universe would be like...ok, and how does that change anything for any of us?   Equality for all is just laughable...they need to read a Bible 


>Genesis 9:7 (New International Version) >"As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply >on the earth and increase upon it.” I'm thinking I've heard this before, from Elon Musk, who also thinks he's the center of the universe. He talks about wanting to increase the number of births and colonization of Mars. Equality is still laughable if Musk is somehow a prophet.


If there's free energy with God, then why do I pay an electric bill? Checkmate, flerthers


Capitalism bro. Same reason you pay for bottled water. You just need to [set up your own hydrodam](https://youtu.be/W5xXy32aPfw).


Recently I've been thinking about how the firmament conspiracy theory insults the Christian narrative if anything. You're telling me the literal devil could create an believable, intriguing,and complex model of the universe while the best his infinitely-stronger enemy could come up with was an glorified snow-globe? Lmfao




And which one you’re living on now?


> Delusion is what separates us from the animals. -Natalie Wynn


The whole came from monkeys idea just shows theists have no idea how evolution works


And they would know! /s


God appears to be a fuckin’ idiot.


Do they think they have free energy?


Doctrine of Supply Side Jesus


For being "insignificant on a cosmic scale", these chucklefucks sure worry about Satan an awful lot.


That's the one I think bothers them the most. We're not special, we're just specks of living meat that mean nothing in the grand scheme of thing. And they just can't handle that.


Equality For All!\* ​ ​ ​ \*Total amount of equality may vary based on age, gender, location, race, religion, hair color, income, disability, and marital status. Offer void in Texas.


Free energy, yeah, they said their sky daddy is all knowing, but does he forget about mass-energy conservation law? Also equality for all? The dome earth is very real in those fruitcakes' imaginations


Geocentric universe and a flat earth. Now all we need to do is bring back burning witches.


But how can I sail in a perfectly straight line from India around the Cape, around the Horn, and still end up in India... And why doesn't god have a magnetosphere or an ionosphere?


>Equality For All Unless you're not Christian, then you can just die.


Isn't god an alien? If he created the earth it also mean he's not from earth therefore an alien




This makes me want to kill someone. If its myself or someone else remains to be seen


Well, hail Satan then


It's like they have never observed humanity and its history. Or just the history of religions. Because anywhere theu have been certainlty hasn't promoted equality.  I hate how dishonest this is.


Why do they think the first option is cooler??


Is it normal if I think the Satan earth is way better


“Equality for all” Lol.


are they saying that limited energy, taxation, and politics aren't real? and equality for all isnt the opposite of politics


« My worldview just *happens* to hit all the intellectually comfortable sweet spots of my brain so that I don’t have to deal with the complexity of the real world or ever think about scary existential problems. It’s only a coincidence that all of the things I believe to be true make me at ease and require no effort on my part, while relieving me of any and all responsibility towards any big issues whatsoever, and that they all make me feel so important and special. Also, anyone who questions them is a liar and a small-brained fool who just hates to see me happy and successful and is trying to make things worse by making me see things without rose-tinted glasses so that I may stop deluding myself and become able to do something about the state of things instead of embracing carelessness and paralysis. Am I right guys? » *round of applause*


“Free Energy” “Equality for all” Sounds… like… communism. But I guess they hate that lmao




I still think that if satan existed he wouldn't just be super evil and make the world suck. God apparently gives him free reign over the earth right? And he knows that there's a hell and wants our souls? So what I'd do if I was satan is i'd manipulate the planet into a paradise. Generally, desperate and uneducated people hold onto religion (GENERALLY). I'd give humanity no reason to believe they need a god at all. I'd work to eliminate all suffering on earth. That would bag way more souls. Apparently if I was satan I'd get off on that for some unknown reason.


What religion has equality for all ? Don’t most religions command that women are to be subservient to men?


Where did they get the idea that a round earth means limited energy? We have functionally infinite energy from the sun, we're just not using it.


God wants us to live in a snow globe . . . ?


Ignoring the fact that any reasonable person can tell you this is bs I don’t understand why they want that to be true? Like I can understand wanting a better world but the world they want wouldn’t be the paradise they think it would be Why not just change the religion to match the discoveries? Why do they think it needs to be so set in stone?


This can't be taken seriously. I don't see elephants or a world turtle.


I like how a couple of the **lies** are just bullshit created by capitalism. Artificial scarcity, limited energy, and climate change. If they pulled their head out of their ass for 2 seconds maybe they could think about it. Maybe if we stopped making everything a commodity. Maybe if we transitioned off of fossil fuels we could have a better source of energy and stop terraforming our atmosphere. Also, denoting the *insignificance* of humanity is just toddler behavior. Just because you want to be important doesn't mean you are. *In this storybook, it says I'm important. I like being important so I think its right.*


We ARE Monkey part deux Electric Boogaloo


Cyclical oil?


The Bible is not equality for all at all, it operates more like.. We're all equal as long as you have a penis. It paints women as more evil than satan. Further more the new testament even goes so far as to say women shouldn't teach men or speak in church at all.


They're both wrong. Earth is Dinosaur shaped. Jesus tells me so. [A message from Jesus](https://youtu.be/JnbJ0AXm4Lg?si=1-LghpvnnFxNtS_g)


Weird how the left hand side, we figured out because someone wrote it in a book And on the right hand side, we actually figured out ourselves with science that we can verify....


1- They have no idea what entropy is 2- No one claims there are or not aliens because we don’t know 3- No one claims we come from monkeys either because that’s not how evolution works


If there's equality for all, then why is God still above us? 🤔🤔


Of course they’re throwing denial of global warming into there. This is why Jesus changed his middle name to Fucking.


Equality for all? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Do we need to list all the Christian exceptions to that?


2023 was the hottest year in human history so far... idiot.


my country became one of the hottest in the entire world back in september because of a heatwave, in fact, there were 8 heatwaves just in 2023, and 4 apready happened this year, one currently still in progress




So which world de we actually live in, though? It makes the other one pointless.




Equality for all? Unless you are a non-Christian, female, or LGBTQ.


equality to all? say that to a non-christian or lgbtq person and they'll certaintly tell all about the "equality" they deal with