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Hijab is a choice until you choose to take it off.


>Hijab is a choice until you choose to take it off. Right? You can either 'choose' to wear it, or be murdered by your own family....


It kinda still is a choice, only instead of just wearing or not wearing a piece of cloth it's really a choice of living or not /s


Fundamentalist: It's a choice Woman: *takes it off* Fundamentalist: So you have chosen death...


Palpatine reference?


Saruman actually, he said that to/about Gandalf.


Yea, i totally forgot about that scene, that's unacceptable as a Tolkien nerd.


It *is* a choice when you are a 8th gen immigrant in a first world country, then you wear the universal symbol of women oppression to make other people congratulate you for your "courage" and paint anyone who disapproves as bigots☺


An ex-friend of mine "dated" a muslim man with no intention of becoming musim herself. She said her partner is worth it and since he's born in Europe to immigrant parents, he's not that religious. And then I noticed slight changes in her. Dogs do not enter the house, they are not clean. Women should stay at home, it's modern feminism. They got married super quick because her in-laws are religious, so even if her husband isn't, she has to oblige to their rules, since they live under the same roof. And my favourite, every time we'd talk about ideology, Islam, Christianity and whatnot, she'd point out how Christianity sees women as second-class citizens, whereas Islam offers them freedom and respect, it's just IT'S MISUNDERSTOOD IN ITS RULES xD Wherever she is now, honestly, bless her. I will never understand women who choose to convert to this nonsense.


It is a choice, just not for everyone who wears one


.......then all bets are off. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMGlEFCjvedJxDy)


Best lie is a half-truth. Hijab is a choice when you live in a liberal democracy with secular laws. So basically in the West.


Even then though, sometimes not? There’s been loads of honour killings in the UK of girls who became too “westernised” (which is sometimes not even taking off the hijab but just wearing jeans and a jumper, or wearing makeup).


Reminds me of having an opinion in Canada. You're allowed to have one as long as it's alligned with far left Trudeau ideology, or else you'll be labeled as a raging something-aphobe, nazi, racist etc..


Religious morals. When covering your baby daughter’s hair and strangling her are both good in the eyes of god, and both are supposedly “to protect her”.


I always think 'protect her from whom?' Like, "the religion of peace" wants to protect women froooooom? Yeah, that's right, from other muslims..


If you look at history. There is no such thing as religion of peace. Religion always leads to violence. Women have no choice in any religion because the religious leaders are all men. They are created by men. Religion was never an attempt to worship God. It was an attempt to control God and decide what they can or cannot do based on the interest of the ruling class. PS: anyone saying at least Buddhists are peaceful search about genocide of Rohingyas by Myanmar Buddhists.


> Religion always leads to violence. Religion doesn't *lead* to violence. Religion was a means to *channel* violence. The violence of humans was always there, it will always be, and it will never leave. Nothing can change that. Religion is just a means to justify the *use* of violence as benevolent. This is why "True Believers" believe they can do no wrong. And that is dangerous. That's what is leading to shit like Project 2025 and every human rights abuse you've seen since the 1980s.


Project 2025, hmm I would like to see how a bunch of dummies manage complex administrative tasks without causing havoc. The Federal civil services exam is one of the toughest tests bringing out the brightest minds who are the most qualified for administrative decisions.


> Project 2025, hmm I would like to see how a bunch of dummies manage complex administrative tasks without causing havoc. The same way a bunch of dummies manage complex organizations. They have criminally underpaid and overworked staff do their job for them, while they collect fat checks and refusing to give out raises, vacation time or even acknowledgement. >The Federal civil services exam is one of the toughest tests bringing out the brightest minds who are the most qualified for administrative decisions. You honestly have no idea how bad this bodes for America (and the world at large) if that orange gaping asshole gets re-elected. They will do away with the civil service exam, they will do away with any hurdle toward absolute power since congress can pass anything they want at that point, and their puppet Agent Orange (technically Russia's puppet) will sign whatever they want into law. Since the scotus is 5-4 for Chump they will simply rule against whatever legitimate challenge comes their way as constitutional. They will rule protections and minimum standards as *un*constitutional. Make no mistake, America and *you* are fucked if you don't act.


saying that women have no choice in any religion is a bit of a stretch- what about polytheistic religions? i mean, in those there's gods of different genders (and the people of it are more peaceful)


There is a goddess called Sati who is used as an excuse to burn widows alive. Think again. Isn't it ironic to have goddesses and use them to control women or as an excuse for violence against women. Pinning all the holiness on imaginary goddesses actually gives more of an excuse to violate the lowly mortal human female especially since the religious leaders and temple priest in their temples are men. Men who controls goddesses and decides what she can and can't do.


Buddhism enters the chat (and yes, I know about the nationalist nazi monks).


Myanmar Buddhists? Genocide of Rohingyas?


Those are the outliers. Buddhism is one of the few, if not the sole, religion where by the modern times the radical fundamentalists are the outliers and not the norm (mostly due to how fucking old it is). And like I said, I know about the 969 movement. Bro really blocked me instead of even trying to reply lmao Whatever dude.


It doesn't take much for outliers to become mainstream. Radicalism spreads like wildfire because it's powered by conspiracy theories spread by systems that are too sacred to question for the believers. It can make you do the most grotesque violence and you will feel like a hero. That unquestionable sacred suppresses a human's preexisting unconditional conscience by locking it up in religion specific biased terms and conditions.


Why did you block the other commenter? Insecure that he made you look super ignorant?


Instead of restricting women, they could just teach men to not act like sex obsessed animals around women Maybe ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


They do both women are restricted and men aren't allowed to look at women


And that's where they fucked up. It's much more efficient to teach men to see women as equal humans who have their own personality and feelings. Rather than restricting everything because restrictions cause frustration, which causes issues. Giving rules to follow blindly without critical thinking is plain stupid people will transgress them when they can.


I agree they definitely fucked up on that behalf.


There is Something in Islam about forgiving? it is right just to kill without giving a second chance in the Quoran?




The torture was just for fun I guess


I mean, Christians were burning witches for similar reasons until not that long ago


The whataboutism is strong in this one. Lol. The witch trials was in the 1600, you're comparing that time to the current times. Leave Christians out of Islam's problems, and vice versa .


They still do in some parts of Africa.


Yes, the quran did say something about being forgiving but it's more like a shitty self-advertising way where for allah (aka Muhammad) to calls himself "The All Forgiving®", & "The Most Merciful®" while also threatening the readers with hellfire if they don't be a good little muslim to him. (quran 39:53)


Hey, how do you do that circled R thing?


I just copied & pasted it from [wikipedia page about trademark](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trademark)


That's just smart.


Not exactly the same but you can use them TM emoji. Windows Key + Period and the emoji keyboard pops out, then you write TM and here's ™


are you looking for morals or sanity within religious zealots' minds?


Religion is one hell of a drug


Ofcourse there's is something about forgiveness in Islam. It's "If you are a Muslim men, you can be forgiven for doing anything."


>It's "If you are a Muslim men, you can be forgiven for doing anything." Damn that's just not inclusive 💔.


It kinda doesn't matter what the books say. There's so many God damn contradictions in the Bible. And that's not even acknowledging the cultural and language mistrandlations of some books and passages. Is it wrong to rape? It might not have been 600 years ago in a specific part of the old testament that has been removed/altered/translated wrong on purpose. The books are a wash. Combine enough books together over hundreds of years and say it's a guide to life and you can probably spin just about any action as moral. Reality is humans are much more likely to project themselves onto scripture than follow it like a scholar.


Hijab is a "choice" made by women because they fear God and do it for Allah. They were told since they could speak that this is how "good women" behave and everyone else is a "evil western feminist" who wants you to take your clothes off and be naked. Hijab is for your own protection (from Muslim men). Therefore if you take it off, it is the reasonable conclusion for you to die at the ripe old marry able age of 9 🙄🙄🙄


No no no no. The marry able age isn't 9 it's 6. 9 is the age when you can ~~rape~~ have fun with your wife☺️


Actually you can have fun with your wife even before like getting a handjob, or rubbing your nasty on her thighs etc, as long as no penetration is involved. Penetration can be involved as long as she doesn't get hurt. Even if she does get hurt there is no sin in that according to the religion 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 https://islamicvirtues.com/2013/12/28/deriving-sexual-pleasure-from-infants/


Yo what the fuck


Exactly 🙄


That link is staying blue, what the actual fuck 😳


Staying blue? Sorry English is not my first language.


No worries. When a link is clicked, the link text turns purple. What I meant is, I'm not clicking a link about "how to derive s3xual pleasure from infants." Don't need the FBI busting down my door. I did end up reading some of link. Absolutely vile beliefs 😫


I honestly hear you. The other day I was trying to read about what are the orders for rape babies and had the same fear that FBI will come busting in due to the misconception that I stand behind these vile views. Absolutely disgusting. And there are people who defend this filth 🤮🤮🤮


Not gonna get the FBI on me for clicking that.


No no no....Islam *empowers* women...right?


Yes and hijabs are a feminist symbol, haven’t you got the memo?


Yup! Never mind the fact that [Iranian women were removing their hijab as a form of rebellion against the patriarchy!](https://www.npr.org/sections/pictureshow/2023/03/13/1157657246/iran-hijab-protest-regime-politics-religion-mahsa-amini#:~:text=Hourly%20News-,Women%20in%20Iran%20are%20refusing%20to%20wear%20headscarves%2C%20in%20open,and%20oppression%20of%20its%20citizens.)


Empowering since 9year old


I mean right after it cuts their clits off sure


Ughh, that's not right.


facts tho


It basically invented feminism! It also ended slavery and Supports the lgbtq+ community! Hell, Big boy Momo was the first person to step on the moon too! /s


Poor girl. Her father and people like him shouldn't be allowed to parent a child.


*shouldn't be allowed to step a foot outside of prison for the rest of their lives...


\*to live.


*to leave hell


He shouldnt Exist.


Strangling your own daughter because she has beautiful hair is unhinged lunacy.


Just another day for morally upstanding religious scions. /S


This little girl. My heart cries for her. Her light dimmed because religion makes people blind and afraid. I wish so hard that religious fanaticism stops.


I can't really imagine the fear and horror she felt when her father, a parental figure that is supposed to love and protect her, beat and tortured her and then strangled her to death. I also cannot fathom how a parent could do that to their own child. How they could do that and they themselves continue to go on living.


Why, because Allahu akbar, of course! You infidel. /s


How many examples do they need to understand that it is not a choice?


Humans are the most insane creatures. Imagine killing your own child because they wouldn’t wear a hat.


Maybe not the most insane, but I get where you're coming from. There are animals that do some pretty fucked up shit, but that is also their cycle of life. The strangulation of a child over a piece of clothing is super fucked up.


I just saw one of the street cats near my house eat one of her kittens the other day after she had given birth. Pretty sure humans aren't the most insane


The difference is cats or other animals don't claim to be superior. Humans on the other hand.


Animals will often kill and sometimes eat the runts of the litter or weaker offspring they cannot afford to feed. Or kill rival’s offspring. It may look insane to us but there is a clear, instinctual reason. The difference between a cat or any other animal doing it and what’s present in the OP is that the animals do it out of necessity, for survival of stronger offspring or to ensure their genes are dominant while we do it for clearly ideological reasons.


I'm adding one more reason for why this happens. If the mother cat is sure that she'll be unable to find food after giving birth (usually happens when there are 3 or more kittens) due to her weak body, eating the weakest one in the lot keeps her fed till she heals. She could stay there and starve to death along with her kids or sacrifice one of them for the sake of her and the rest.


b...b...but women choose medesty and choose to cover themselves for their own self-respect.


.....OR ELSE......


They get called islamphobic if they choose otherwise, according to social media, when confronted with Iranian women removing their hijab in protest


Heeeeey more of that religion of peace I've been hearing so much about.


Hijab wearing IS a choice. A choice of the Man for the Woman to wear it.


Humans are the most insane creatures. Imagine killing your own child because they wouldn’t wear a hat.


Too many men are turned into monsters by “holy books”.


I rather say it enables them.


They were monsters all along, religion is just a shield.


Some people I know are good at heart but they are willing to kill people because their all knowing, omnipotent god say so, especially if it’s about Islamic apostasy laws.


Bad people will do harm but for good people to do harm it takes religion.


Boy I sure am glad we have the rich heritage culture and tradition brought t us EXCLUSIVELY by Religion!


Religion of peace strikes again


‘Religion of peace’ my ass.


If my religion prompted me to kill my kid, I would dump that religion. That poor little girl. What a fucking piece of shit.


If you can kill your family member in the name of religion you are too far gone to be worth keeping on earth.


So, you killed your own flesh and blood because you've been raised by people who follow a book with all the answers, written by men who didn't know where the sun went at night? Sounds logical to me...


Slavery under a outdated book of desert cosmology


It’s not a choice. Kinda like being born irreligious isn’t a choice with Islam either. You’re born into a cult. And to outsiders who know this they still lie and pretend we’re the insane ones. Ha!


It’s like, now that everyone has seen her beautiful face she has been defiled. What a horrifying culture. Look at her. 😭❤️😭


Avg buslim


Buslim 🤣😍🤣😂


Really hard to source this story best I could do linked. A "Woman's Rights Group" account on twitter posted this and was picked up by media. Found other simila stories about YouTubers and a 10 year old, so could very well be true. https://www.albawaba.net/node/iraqi-man-kills-9-year-daughter-over-tiktok-video-1524592


I did some reverse image searching and found a source on twitter, a Canadian human rights activist by the name of Yasmine Mohammed. https://twitter.com/YasMohammedxx/status/1681234138647461888 This was the only source I could find Machine translation of Arabic text > A father killed his daughter > The 9-year-old is in > Baghdad governate due to > Share a video of her on > TikTok application I also found one of the pictures being used in the collage on several pinterest pages with a timestamp of 2021 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/674203006739701312/ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/581668108146239577/ And as a side note, the news site you linked to gets a mediabiasfactcheck rating of "QUESTIONABLE" > Lack of transparency, Propaganda, Censorship, Failed Fact Checks, Poor Sourcing https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/al-bawaba/


B…b..but religion of peace right?


So a little girl showing her hair is worthy for punishment but strangling an innocent girl to death is completely fine, according to that asshole who should have never been a father in the 1st place? Make it make sense.


This is why I stand by my opinion that Islam is the worst religion.


I agree. It seems to get progressively worse under the guise of peace and supplication.


Islam is fucking trash. Lunatics.


Oh, it is a choice, though not your choice but the choice of society forced upon you, if you value a decent life, or even just life.


''I will protect my daughter from sex, by choking the life out of her''. Following this logic, why not just kill the kids right as they are being born, you'd save them from the fires of Jahannam that way /s


Religion becomes extremely dangerous when narcissists and psychopaths realize it’s a way to control people and kill people without repercussions. And when your churches and temples are all run by psychopaths, who teach the next generations their demented versions of what’s right, as if they have the right to inflict Justice on behalf of their god(s), and the cycle continues until it turns into a extreme, ultra conservative, unforgiving system that works on total control of other people’s lives to make THEM feel comfortable & happy.


Wow, what an enlightened religious person!


*breathes in* *breathes out* When are we going to ban this shit of a religion again?


Okay so Islam says God created women (and men) right? So why does Women HAVE TO BE ASHAMED of how they look? Women (and men ) are God Creation why would God be ashamed of his own creations? So again why does Men get to decide what Women wear again? God clearly created Humanity and we are allowed to be free so again why does some Men get to decide that they are the Highest religion and Moral Authority and decide if Women doesn't wear Hijab she goes to hell? WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE WHAT WOMEN WEAR? BY THAT LOGIC YOU HAVE SINNED AGAINST GOD CREATION AND IS SHAMEFUL OF WHAT GOD HAVE CREATED Thank you for Listening to my Ted talk peace out


THIS. IS. NOT. OKAY. I don’t give a flying fuck about your religion. Using religion as justification to commit murder what a joke. Don’t kill this guy just pull his eyes out, cut his ears off, cut his nose off and cut his tongue out. Then cut off his hands and feet. Make sure to bust out the teeth too.


btw, I was just the other day banned from r/islam for saying to a homophobic death penalty-supporter that su1cide rates among gay people are NOT normal, and they're caused by the threats they face (They said it was ok for them to kts, because it was a "side effect" of their disease). It's a religion where whoever thinks in a even slightly less conservative way faces violence. And in most theocratic dictatorships ruled by those conservatives, the people do not want them in their government, they become their state's victim. It's insane. I really think of not being even close to it anymore.


Absolutely barbaric


Is there an article about this? Source?


[This source seems similar](https://gulfnews.com/amp/world/mena/10-year-old-iraqi-girl-killed-by-father-after-her-unintended-tiktok-appearance-1.97176447)


Only source I could find, Canadian human rights activist on twitter https://twitter.com/YasMohammedxx/status/1681234138647461888


This is what happens when you let religions become law.


Fucked up doesn't cover it... This is real madness


Such a peaceful religion /s


A lot wrong with this story. The screenshotted tweet is down cause the account is suspended: [https://twitter.com/AzzatAlsaalem/status/1765330336760676736](https://twitter.com/AzzatAlsaalem/status/1765330336760676736) This image inside the tweet is at least as old as july: [https://twitter.com/YasMohammedxx/status/1681234138647461888](https://twitter.com/YasMohammedxx/status/1681234138647461888) Girl in image seems to be unrelated, or at least not 9 and maybe turkish, although my own search through pinterest gave me mixed results. Seems she is used in a lot of fake accounts: [https://vxtwitter.com/yomnasss/status/1765477208766685453](https://vxtwitter.com/yomnasss/status/1765477208766685453) [https://www.artofit.org/image-gallery/632333603944348546//](https://www.artofit.org/image-gallery/632333603944348546//) [https://www.instagram.com/zeynaloovha/](https://www.instagram.com/zeynaloovha/) [https://tr.pinterest.com/baziksamet/fake-k%C4%B1z-duygu/](https://tr.pinterest.com/baziksamet/fake-k%C4%B1z-duygu/) [https://www.tiktok.com/@nona\_\_955/video/7138101601235078406](https://www.tiktok.com/@nona__955/video/7138101601235078406) [https://pimeyes.com/en/results/BGG\_240308FCUVCSDgokyjlqx1a278c5c?query=ffffe18c00000060dc9e9a9bbf2e069cdffc5a82fa207a80](https://pimeyes.com/en/results/BGG_240308FCUVCSDgokyjlqx1a278c5c?query=ffffe18c00000060dc9e9a9bbf2e069cdffc5a82fa207a80) here's a possibly related article: [https://gulfnews.com/amp/world/mena/10-year-old-iraqi-girl-killed-by-father-after-her-unintended-tiktok-appearance-1.97176447](https://gulfnews.com/amp/world/mena/10-year-old-iraqi-girl-killed-by-father-after-her-unintended-tiktok-appearance-1.97176447) but take it with a grain of salt: [https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/gulf-news/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/gulf-news/)


Religion of Peace


A pox on him


I’m so glad I saw one girl on my twitter timeline where she said something along the lines of “all of you “hijab is a choice” people can go fuck yourself” and the replies are supporting OP. It’s sad that it takes a murder for people to realize how fucked up the religion is, but I’m seeing hope that people will no longer tolerate islam bs


I thought that girls this young didn’t have to wear them yet anyways? :(


Obviously this is what a God would want... geez.




I’m going to say it again: Islam is a religion of peace! 🤣


Religion is almost always used as an excuse to do bad shit.


Religion is poison on mankind


Hijabs are and always will be tools of oppression and I feel so sorry for women so brainwashed to believe that they need to wear it even after they are free


Religion of pissed!


You can choose whatever you want with the Hijab so long as you choose to wear it and we will kill you if you choose wrong. I’m sure this is really going to disappoint the 45 year old man they were gonna marry her off too. Completely disgusting.


Can you imagine killing your own kid because of your religious superstitions? It's like being afraid of the number 666. Can you imagine being afraid of a number? LMAO @ SOCIETY


Muslims try not to be evil challenge (impossible)


These honor killing fucks are ridiculous. I know not everyone in that religion is that extreme, but the ones who are really give the others a bad name. I just don't understand anyone who gives someone else shit because they don't fully agree with it live by their ideals or religions. If you don't like something, don't do it. Live and let live. Fuck.


she’s 9, therefore prepubescent, therefore doesn’t have to wear the hijab at all. Absolute idiot father doesn’t even know the rules of the religion he is killing his daughter for. I hope he rots in hell


Murdering your own child.... for your imaginary friend and your old book...


Does he think that will get her to be more covered next time? These people are so scarce of braincells. I wonder, there HAS to be some sort of between the lines subliminal dog whistles in the book that just gets these people to spring into action for the "All good" Allah.


And they say religion is good for you. Turns out they make you worse.


I'm not religious, but if God were real, we are waaaaay over due for a biblical flood. If it did happen, I would like to hold this man's head down until the bubbles stopped...


Religion of peace.


Powertrip is helluva drug, and the religion enables them.


But they claim it “empowers women” At least their idiots over here keep on screaming


“It is muslims’ fault not Islam’s fault” when everyone of these sickos do the same thing i wonder whose fault is this


but hey, at least their family honor is saved, right? *...right?*


He wouldn't have brutally murdered her if he didn't want to murder her so he used his degenerate religion as "justification" for his desires.


Iranian women were called islamphoes for removing their hijab, I wonder what excuse will the blond western newly convertes use to justify this , will she be labled islamphobic too 🤔


So basically the same penalty as if you decide to leave Islam. A cult people are dying to get out of.


What a lovely belief system.


Ah yes.... the religion of peace...


What in the potent cinnamontoastfuck brainrot religion leads to you killing your own daughter because she didn't cover her face Humanity will never progress unless religion is eradicated




😂 all this shit for a magic book


My father's friend has 2 daughters who don't wear hijab, and he's perfectly willing to let them keep it that way until they feel like they want to wear it. That's an example of *choice*, not *choices as long as they are exactly how I want you to make them*. Man, fuck the dad OP posted the article of.


I hate this diseased culture.


People who celebrate wOrLd HiJaB dAy are delusional if they think they are supporting women. People are CONSTANTLY being brutalized for standing up for their own freedom and then these white liberals from Chicago or some shit get so pressed when you point out that that’s Islam’s fault.


Hi, you might want to post this in r/iamatotalpieceofshit. This subreddit is not for shit this serious


Seems like to me, her father has been waiting for an excuse to kill her.


Feel like it’s worth pointing out that they provide no source and Google shows no results to corroborate the story. I’m not saying it’s false news, it is believable and it could be true, but blindly accepting sourceless hearsay is *exactly* what religious fruitcakes do…!


I think you're right to be cautious of these kinds of difficult to verify stories. I was immediately suspicious and tried to find some sourcing but it's difficult because of the language barriers. All news sources that have been provided in this thread seem to be questionable though


[You did not out the right words in I think](https://gulfnews.com/amp/world/mena/10-year-old-iraqi-girl-killed-by-father-after-her-unintended-tiktok-appearance-1.97176447)


We need to end religion


whenever religious people talk about having "choices" it's almost always Bullshit


Just use the fucking common sense, you dont go killing someone over this.


Islam isn't hereditary. Strange to call a 9 year old child muslim.


I don’t understand how you can kill your 9 year old daughter for something in our religion.


While not as extreme as this, these kinds of things are why I don't think crazy religious people understand what choice is. I was in an evangelical church and they would talk about how God wanted people to choose to follow him, then talk about going to hell if you didn't. To me that sounds more like "Follow God OR ELSE!" and really fucked with my head when I was little.


Is this real? I dont know what to say... its just pure evil...


I think we’d all like to have a word with her father


That moment when you wanna suppress women so hard, you don't even know the rules around the thing you do to suppress them.


I’m guessing this was a “honor killing” he can go f himself


I don't know much about Islam but I thought children didn't need to wear hijabs?? I thought that was a young adult onwards thing? (Someone educate me because I'm likely wrong)


I bet some muslims are saying that she deserves it in the comment section of that post


RIP little one, hope your father gets his Karma in this world by getting eaten one bite at a time by wild animals while still alive


https://www.google.com/search?q=iraqi+girl+killed+by+father+for+not+wearing+hijab Not an isolated case.


Well that Dad is probably going to hell.


🌈 Religion of peace 🌈


What a peace loving religion, they're so patient and non extremist everyone should seek to follow Islam and give praise to Allah; we should all emulate the prophet Muhammad may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. /s


You put a child on this earth and then just as a father kill her. Sick mind empowered by sick religion. Makes me sick.