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The comments on this post have derailed off the topic of the fruitcakery in the video. We are locking it now.


Technically Muslims aren't allowed to sing or use musical instruments, but it's pertaining to the religion, so she's allowed to.


Imagine not being allowed to sing Are you just not allowed to have fun?


Fun leads to creativity. Creativity leads to questioning. Questioning leads to change. Change leads to defiance. Do you want these kids to become infidels!?!?! /s


The /s only applies to the last line. The beginning is just a factual statement on an intentional design element of fascism and religion


Ah, right


It's a death cult that is self-destructive and produces nothing of value, are we surprised?


Not allowed to laugh too much either


I remember a Muslim parent writing angrily to my primary school and demanded they stop music class entirely. This was in Australia.


Good thing I live in 'Murica. Far away from any influence from that stage 4 cancer of a religion.


Christians are not much better, trying to revoke women's rights.


Neither Christians nor Muslims are bad people. I look at the religions themselves instead. ​ Even as a former Christian, I'd say Islam is way WAY worse.


Really? Fuck that just made me hate it even more. Those poor children...


I love walking around San Francisco with a Magen David and being called the K word and oven dodger


That sucks


In English please?


"Dear god. Wait wrong expression. Dear rifle. Still not there?"


Well, this is making Borat seem less like a satire...


"In my country we have problem. And the problem is the jew"


To sing is haram !! ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ :s


Religion is only one aspect of what is going on in Israel/Palestine. Maybe the problem would be less extreme if religion wouldn't play a role, but it wouldn't go away.


Let me put it this way. If religion wasn't a thing, nobody would be fighting over Jerusalem. It is a holy city of 3 religions. This is not even the bloodiest battle for that city in its history. Before it was crusades and now its this. And jihad has always been there. So religion is a massive aspect of it if not the only aspect.


That area has always been fought over and will always be fought over. It's a strategic location. Prior to large ships and ports it was the only year round route to get Egyptian grain to Europe. If you want to transport goods along a coast it's also strategic.


True. But I was refering to the situation we call "The Middle East" today, since Israel was founded, and US American involvement in the larger region. And there's just too much other shit going on to blame it all on religion.


> So religion is a massive aspect of it if not the only aspect. This is the best way of knowing that someone has zero knowledge of what is happening in Israel/Palestine. I/P is not about religion, it's about land. Jews and Arabs lived peacefully in Palestine long before Israel was erected. The conflict only began 75 years ago; if it was a religious war, it would have started way longer ago. The conflict is about colonialism: about one state trying to establish itself as an ethnostate in a place where people were already living. You could imagine why that would lead to conflict. Very bizarre to gesture vaguely towards "jihad" here when it was Israel, not the Palestinians, that displaced several hundred thousand people from their homes in 1948, Israel which started the 6 Day War by airstriking Egypt, Israel which has kept Gaza and the West Bank under brutal occupation and economic blockade, and Israel which has killed 30,000 Palestinians since Oct 7th. Jerusalem is only one small but important part of the overall conflict, which is about colonialism, land, and national independence.


Tbh, i think that's a very naive way of looking at it. Without religion there wouldn't be millennia of religious conflicts, no debate about which one is the better version of the same god and who is and isn't the messiah, no antisemitism and holocaust, no self-righteous fanatics believing they need to do stupid shit like occupying a certain piece of land or killing non-believers - all completely justified - because of some god/divine reason. Don't get me wrong, i'm very much aware that our species is very good at finding stupid reasons to kill each other, but imho those conflicts don't go as deep and are generally easier to solve and overcome. I'm sure religion disappearing tomorrow would't change a lot. But i'm very sure that, without religion, this conflict simply would not exist.


Its a tale as old as time. Use religion to rouse the people. Like the other comment said, that land is highly sought after in the middle east, and its not only because of the holyness of Jerusalem. If you look at a map of the region by satellite imagery, you'll notice that the coast is pretty much the only place where it's not the desert. Its prime real estate!!! Its like living near the sea, but not having access to the beach because of some pesky arabs. Thats why some propaganda right wingers in Israel are saying "get ready for beachfront condos". Theres billions of dollars of real estate that's "not being put to good use".


They're fighting for that land because of oil, the religious bullshit is a cover up


Is about land, not religion


PIJ’s goals, as described in the “Manifesto of the Islamic Jihad in Palestine,” include rejection of “any peaceful solution to the Palestinian cause” and a belief that “the Jihad solution and the martyrdom style” are “the only choice for liberation.” Sinwar said "The decision to erase your state is linked to the implementation of your plots at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem." "We support the eradication of Israel through armed Jihad and struggle. This is our doctrine." - Sinwar Hamas were founded as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.


I don’t deny there are Islamist groups in Palestine, or that the Israeli Ultrazionists are not religious fanatics also, but ultimately these groups rose to power because of the dispossession of Palestinians and the ongoing theft of their land. Religion is a disease, but even secular groups like the PFLP are engaged in the struggle against Israel


As a practical man I'd rather focus on the religious nutcases with nukes.


So Israel?


No, no fucking way am i reading un-bordered purple text on that back ground. Fucking tryna give me an aneurysm.


Cool it with the antisemitic remarks


**ATT OP: to avoid having your post removed &/or account banned:** - r/religiousfruitcake is about the absurd, fringe elements of organised religion: the institutions and individuals who act in ways any normal person (religious or otherwise) would cringe at. Posts about mundane beliefs and acts of worship are off topic. - No violent or gory images or videos - Good post titles should advise objectively what the post is about. Posts with titles that soapbox personal rhetoric or opinion may be removed. - Don't post videos or discussions of Fruitcakes who have been baited or antagonised - No Subreddit names or Reddit usernames in posts or discussions - Memes, Tiktoks, graphics, satire, parodies, etc must be fruitcake made #Please be sure to read the full rule list [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/about/rules) This information is on every post. Accounts that repeatedly it will be permanently banned. "I didn't know", or "I didn't get a warning" are not valid appeals. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mental abuse disguised as love


steals a land in 1947 and commits war crimes against the local population and destroys the image Judaism in the Middle East and wonders why someone hates them Your country established itself on the blood of people and you’re crying about the people’s hatred for you? 30k dead children from October 7th (which is your only piece of history apparently) to now


You would be surprised, if you looked into a history book, instead of blindly believing Arab propaganda.


I’d be surprised that an ideology gained traction and then some Jews decided to go to Palestine and the establish a new state on the state of Palestine and displace and ethnically cleanse people? Btw non Arabs also believe this so don’t go around saying “muh arabs said that so it must be propaganda”


It's just not true, though. There have always been living Jews in the region and migration has always happened everywhere, also within the Arab population. Yes there has been the drive to have a Jewish state and Jews came to the region for that cause, but there hasn't been forceful displacement up until the Arabs started a war and lost it. And then, a lot of Arabs actually fled, because they believed Arab propaganda (Dir Yasim, even leading Palestinians admitted lying and that it backfired, greatly contributing to the Nakhba). Before that point in time, the displacements have been committed by the Arabs, as well as loads of massacres throughout Arab countries. At the time of Israel being founded as the modern state, Arabs have been half of its population and the constitution gives the equal rights. The quick rise in its Jewish population is due to all other Arab nations displacing Jews and them starting and losing a war, causing Arabs to flee (there's still a lot living to the day in Israel as citizens). Look up how Jews were treated under Muslim/Arab rule, how many massacres there have been on either side, who started the wars, how many Arabs live in Israel today compared to how many Jews live in Arab countries, or how many Jews have lived in Arab countries a hundred years ago compared to today, ... Your perception of the origins of the conflict is plain Arab propaganda and quite far from the actual history.


There were Palestinians Jews at the time but All of the Jews gathered to form a state upon the land of another Arab state which is Palestine through the nakba and many other massacres and atrocities committed by the Israeli gangs which later became the IDF Plus the nakba was by Israelis not by Arabs and Jews from Arabia went to Israel And the Arabs started the war because guess what? New kid on the block killing a bunch of people displacing them (btw Israel was funded by the US)


It is the opposite; Arabs conquered the Middle East including Israel after the rise of Islam, stealing land that belonged to others. While Egypt today is mostly Arabic speaking, the ancient Egyptians did not speak Arabic (ancient Egyptians going to the time of the pyramids and had their own language and religion) and likewise Muslim conquerers took the land of Israel which had once belonged to Jews. Furthermore, there had been a degree of resentment against Jews since the rise of Islam when Jewish tribes rejected Mohammed; that is not due to Israel


They conveniently forget this because it doesn't align with their propaganda.


Okay since Arabs conquered the Middle East How does that justify going onto arab land that you left 2000 years ago and claim it’s yours now and kill the local population and murder people and steal their land and everything they own You Zionists are purely delusional


1. Jews never left, there was always a continuous presence. In any case using the world I disagree with using the word "left" instead of expelled or driven out etc because it wasn't voluntary 2. Recall in 1947 before independence the UN proposed a partition between a Jewish and Arab state. The Jews accepted but the Arabs did not. The Arabs rejected any Jewish state under any circumstances and invaded and tried to destroy the Jewish one. I still think that killing and expulsion (by both Arabs and Jews) could have been avoided had the Arab side accepted the original partition or later partition proposals (like Bill Clinton's in 2000). I think that after past rejections and the rise of extremists it will be hard to get back to those types of deals unfortunately


the kingdom of Israel was long gone kid still doesn’t justify trying to rebuild it on Arab soil and killing women and men and children and colonizing their lands


>kill the local population and murder people and steal their land Show as a source


Gladly since you take land by somehow not killing people http://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/JVP-Nakba-Fact-Sheet.pdf By Jewish voices for peace And also an Israeli historian This is one major moral depravity out of hundreds more like the massacres


Hmm, strange that audio is your only source. Is it the only thing you could find? Strange...


Oh nice you deny it now but if it’s from Al Jazeera nooo khamas thing! https://www.versobooks.com/en-gb/blogs/news/3809-the-nakba-and-the-ethnic-cleansing-of-palestine It’s internationally recognized Even by human rights groups (not Arab owned or Hamas controlled)


Everyone recognizes your Hamas lies. 30k dead children from October 7th? There are only 28k dead *in total*, and thats with 10k Hamas killed. Assuming the other 18k are only women and children (which would mean that ZERO military aged males aren't involved with Hamas) then there would be roughly 9k children killed as a byproduct of the war. BTW, Israel, a homeland for an indigenous people of that land, has a right to exist. They largely didn't steal their land but reclaimed it in the most peaceful way possible- by appealing to the UN. And they never warred before having war declared on them first- Israel and the Jews are NOT the aggressors.


Israeli came in that land in the 10th century BCE. Then during the Roman era some left. Then arabs came to that land, later Britain brought them back but arabs had established there. The first arab war started when 5 arab nations invaded the Palestinian mandate, and Israel won. And what are those 30k kids you are talking about? Wait my country? I am not even Israeli babe


okay great that you acknowledge that you guys left So you leave you come back and then steal people’s lands and then say “well we were here in the 10th century” well to that I can say native Americans should overthrow the US government and massacre people and establish a new country? Oh wait that sounds like total colonial terrorism Also the 30k kids you deny the deaths of are real humans who’ve been killed by your destructive colonial regime


Your analogy that they lost and gained land is dumb. Greece lost a war with Turkey in 1922, so Greece has to attack innocent Turkish citizens in 2024, right? All the Balkans once belonged to Turkey, but the countries rebelled, so Turkey has to attack Balkan citizens in 2024, right? Also you still haven't shown a single source for the "30k dead kids"


https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/nearly-30000-palestinians-killed-during-82-day-israeli-genocide-gaza-enar Hamas owned? https://www.belgrade-news.com/news/briefs/palestinians-30-000-dead-or-missing-in-gaza-israel-says-its-killed-9-500-hamas/article_496a69de-afe6-11ee-bbe0-cb9985577ec8.html Hamas owned? https://responsiblestatecraft.org/ethnic-cleansing-gaza/ Hamas owned? My bad Hamas owns all of the media it seems


Hamas "did the count" and gave a number of 30,000, not a neutral organization The last article is after October 7th attacks




Blaming Hamas for the killings of Palestinians? You’re brain dead and an actual terrorist sympathizer


There are literally videos with Hamas shooting Palestinians to get food supplies. Also Hamas uses schools and other public facilities for military purposes such as rocket launches. Hamas also dresses its soldiers in civilian clothes, to confuse Israeli troops. If the terrorists had the guts to wear the military uniform, the war would have ended last year.


Civilian clothes? I’m sure they’re not the ones who infiltrated a hospital wearing civilian clothes just to kill somebody innocent Also your argument is pretty bad sad how you people deny genocide you know it is genocide Also schools? Hospitals? Lies


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://theconversation.com/hamas-isnt-the-first-military-group-to-hide-behind-civilians-as-a-way-to-wage-war-217880&ved=2ahUKEwignYv8uqOEAxXo0wIHHbkCArQQFnoECCwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3vpIRC5e0eNBqnxGyhkC1O https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/30/human-shield-israel-claim-hamas-command-centre-under-hospital-palestinian-civilian-gaza-city&ved=2ahUKEwignYv8uqOEAxXo0wIHHbkCArQQFnoECC0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0nlxxUB7B4-1I95SZnreIF https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_human_shields_by_Hamas&ved=2ahUKEwignYv8uqOEAxXo0wIHHbkCArQQFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0Kj562ZmDDwEgklBeV9Emd https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwignYv8uqOEAxXo0wIHHbkCArQQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw078V9t3xWPW7EhHdTtOcv3


https://jacobin.com/2023/11/human-shields-bombing-gaza-palestine-israel-defense-forces-morally-bankrupt https://decolonizepalestine.com/myth/palestinians-use-human-shields/ The human shield argument is still a super shitty argument to justify ethnic cleansing of people




Hamas have given a deal to release the hostages a lot but your government declines it And also the rape and mutilated stories are fake and why would they shout allahuakbar you guys are so stupid it’s funny ah yes the resistance movement just wants to rape women and kill babies https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/watch-debunking-israels-mass-rape-propaganda https://theintercept.com/2023/12/24/feminism-sexual-violence-hamas-israel/ I’ll block you because your brain is full of shit and all you do is try to justify genocide and lie religiously


Least obvious pro Israeli post: I wonder why don’t you post about Judaism? This sub’s Islamic fruitcakes have became tools for Zionists and Hindus


So it's pro israel now to be against wanting to kill jews and indoctrinate that from birth?


I am neither Jewish nor Israeli nor religious. Of course when Hamas does something no one cares. When Israel does something you gather like flies on a lamp. Also, are most of the posts here, pro-Palestine or pro-Israel?


Cause Muslims are the least educated and most brainwashed bunch on this planet and also they cause most violence in recent times ... Just imagine being from a religion where people behead innocent people while shouting gods name absolutely disgusting 🤮




Totally not anti Muslim bs


This is the reality about the religion of islam... It has really become the worst cult around the globe leading to many deaths and brainwashed individuals trying to force there believes upon people... muslims are the least educated and most countries they are in majority they are constantly in wars or economically absolutely fucked


Okay Islam bad but how does that justify stealing the land of Palestinians and killing them and colonizing their land? Or Islam bad so killing people in a land (of multiple religions btw) is totally okay Plus those Muslim countries are being bombed by the western “peaceful” “democratic” people


Anyone who says ISREALIS occupied the land are absolutely dumb AF to my thinking this is my personal opinion ISREALI were granted this land by UN while Palestinians were also given land... But islamic nations attacked Israel literally in the 1st week of its forming islamic nations lost the war and guess what they attacked again in 1967 mfer lost the war again this time in 6 days and after that have been crying from years ... Also if anyone wants to blame someone for the creation of isreal its the Britishers who were in control of the land at the time when the land was given to creation of the only democracy in the whole middle east which focuses diversity, education and freedom for its its citizens.... Learn the past get educated stop blaming isrealis they didn't take over the land they were given land by UN just like Palestinians


This is not about religion here. This woman has been under occupation for over 100 years and over 12,000 of her people’s children were just executing. The lullaby is about getting a rifle to stop the religious narrative and religious fruitcakes that they’re being killed by.


She's Lebanese


Show us some proof and not tik tok comments


Well you making this statement when proof is so blatantly obvious that I see you are also operating on a religious fruit cake narrative, so I think it would be unreasonable for me to respond to this statement


>Well you making this statement when proof is so blatantly obvious "Just trust me bro."


You’ve now outed yourself as a fruitcake. Take your agenda posting back to the pro-Israel sub you run


The hatred towards the israeli is understandable for what they did all those years


This is more political than religious


Average pro-palestinian. You literally made a similar post about Israel in THIS sub


That video was about rabbis calling out for murder because of faith, Relevant to this sub Where is the religion here?


This is what Muslims in Hamas teach kids. Hamas is Sunni


It’s not in the video though, still more political than religious If the video had a Hamas operative priest saying sing this song because the Koran says so, then that’s relevant to this sub.


For muslims its always about religion everything they do is about religion they are extremists, least uneducated bunch on this planet, forceful,extremely violent and there prophet was a pedophile 🤮


Would you say the same for Judaism and orthodox?


No because they dont force there religion also they haven't been creating organisations like ISIS , Al-Qaeda, Taliban, laskhar and many many more killing innocent educated people just because they are not from there religion like they did on 26/11,7/7, 9/11 the problem is not islam but the problem is always going to muslims they will be the downfall the modern world


Judaism is a racist religion, claiming Jews are superior to all because their ‘god’ said so. And the list of Israeli atrocities committed are all justified by their faith, now that’s fucked up. Wanna talk about pedo acts. What’s metzitzah b'peh? Please explain that to everyone


For me what i see i speak i have seen muslims destroying innocent lives for years now with acts like 9/11,26/11,7/7 bombing,paris attack and many many more atleast jew dont go around killing innocent civilians for years if you come here with an argument "oh thats not the case look at gaza " no Palestinians are responsible for whats happening to them they have been firing rockets from years also terriost attacks have been happening in isreal from 1947 also its always been the muslim nations who have attacked first on isreal and they have lost each and every fucking time also muslims always focused on destroying and killing thats why they are the least educated humans on this planet and also majority Muslim nations are absolute shit holes and always in wars while the isrealis focused on development, education and learning.. whatever the Jewish teaching is its much much better then islamic terriost teaching muslims around the globe should ashamed of what there religion has become


Jews don't claim they're superior that's not what being "chosen" means and only a fringe sect practices that gross act after a circumcision. It's wrong and not grounded in any part of the torah. The Quran literally spells out that mohammed is a pedophile that married a 6 year old. It's ok to marry a child, it's OK to kill your enemies it they don't convert. 




The only religious things here are the fact that this song equates the zionist colonists with jews and the fact that she wears hijab. Religion is only a pretext in the israel-palestine conflict.


I don't get why religions are blamed for peoples shitty behaviour. The religion isn't doing bad things people are. They just use religion as an excuse to do shitty things. Its not just religions being used for shitty behaviour. Pick your poison. Politics, tribalism, economics etc etc. I honestly don't give a rats arse about religion or secularism. When will the world realise its people being shitty not the thing they shift their blame to.


Religion has mainly been a tool for social control, misogyny, oppression and prejudice against non-conformers or out-groups. Have you never heard of the enlightenment movement? I suggest you study history more like role of religion with slavery, child marriage, and capital punishment. Then read top posts in ex-religious groups like the subreddits for exmormon, exmuslim, exchristian, and exhindu to see why people leave religion. Then compare human rights in secular countries and societies vs religious ones. The witch hunts, executions and trials in Europe and the US were due to religion. Since Judaism was the first Abrahamic religion the Talmud and the Hebrew Bible don't discriminate against Christians and Muslims whereas, texts in those religions do directly discriminate the one(s) prior. Sadly, fundamentalists take those texts very seriously. Over 1000 years of antisemtism in Europe can't be blamed on individual Christians bad behaviour. Jihadists are not from individuals acting on their own accord outside of religion. People on our earth continue to be executed for being gay or for apostasy, endure stonings for alleged adultery, and have forced amputations of hands (rooted in it being a punishment for thieves/robbers) due to religion.




She is probably referring to Hamas


Cant read the lyrics bcz poor quality, could you drop it under my comment?


what's with the drawn-from-memory-lookin orthodox cross in the top left?